20 Distribution Functions I

Mr. Samopriya Basu

epgp books









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  1. TM Apostol: Mathematical Analysis.
  2. AK Basu: Measure Theory and Probability.
  3. P Billingsley: Probability and Measure.
  4. KL Chung: A Course in Probability Theory.
  5. W Feller: An Introduction to Probability Theory and its Applications, Vol-I.
  6. AM Gun, MK Gupta, B Dasgupta: An Outline of Statistical Theory, Vol -I.
  7. E Luckacs, RG Laha: Applications of Characteristic Functions.
  8. E Parzen: Modern Probability Theory and its Applications.
  9. RJ Ser ing: Approximation Theorems of Mathematical Statistics.
  10. W Rudin: Principles of Mathematical Analysis