20 Introduction to Lasers

Devendra Mohan

epgp books

Learning Outcomes

From this module students may get to know about the following:

• History of development of lasers
• laser light
• Transition Probabilities and Population Inversion
• stimulated absorption
• spontaneous emission

Time line for the development of the Laser

It would be interesting to know the Time line for the development of the Laser. It would not have been possible without an understanding that light is a form of electromagnetic radiation.

Event year Name of Scientists
1900 Max Planck established the relationship between energy and the frequency of radiation saying that energy could be emitted or absorbed only in discrete packets ‘quanta’. Planck received the Nobel Prize in physics in 1918 for his discovery of elementary energy quanta
1905 Albert Einstein released his findings on photoelectric effect that proposed that light also delivers its energy in packets, and these discrete quantum particles are referred to photons.
1917 Einstein proposed the possibility of laser giving the concept of ‘stimulated emission’. He gave the idea that besides absorbing and emitting light spontaneously, electrons could be stimulated to emit light of a particular wavelength
1951 Charles Hard Townes of Columbia University in New York conceives his MASER (microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation) idea while sitting on a park bench in Washington
1954 Working with Herbert J. Zeiger and graduate student James P. Gordon, Townes demonstrates the first MASER at Columbia University. The ammonia maser, the first device based on Einstein’s predictions, obtains the first amplification and generation of electromagnetic waves by stimulated emission.
1955 Nikolai G. Basov and Alexander M. Prokhorov a At P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute in Moscow, attempted to build oscillators thereby proposing a method for the production of a negative absorption and this was called the pumping method
1956 Nicolaas Bloembergen of Harvard University developed the microwave solid-state
1957 Gould from Columbia University gave idea for building a laser but he left the university to join private research company Technical Research Group (TRG). And applied for patent in 1959
1958 Townes, a consultant for Bell Labs, and his brother-in-law, Bell Labs researcher Arthur L. Schawlow, in a joint paper published in Physical Review Letters, show that masers could be made to operate in the optical and infrared regions. At the same time Basov and Prokhorov were exploring the possibilities of applying MASER principles in the optical region
1960 Townes and Schawlow, under Bell Labs, are granted US patent number 2,929,922 for the optical maser, now called a laser.
1960 Theodore H. Maiman, a physicist at Hughes Research Laboratories in Malibu, California constructs the first laser using a cylinder of synthetic ruby measuring 1 cm in diameter and 2 cm long, with the ends silver-coated to make them reflective inorderto make a Fabry-Perot resonator. Maiman uses photographic flashlamps.
Peter P. Sorokin and Mirek J. Stevenson of the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center demonstrate the uranium laser, a four-stage solid-state device.
Ali Javan, William Bennett Jr. and Donald Herriott of Bell Labs develop the helium-neon (He-Ne) laser, the first to generate a continuous beam of light at 1.15 μm.
1961 Lasers begin appearing on the commercial market through companies such as Trion Instruments Inc., Perkin-Elmer and Spectra-Physics.
At the second International Quantum Electronics meeting, Robert W. Hellwarth of Hughes Research Labs presents theoretical work suggesting that a dramatic improvement in the ruby laser could be made by making its pulse more predictable and controllable. He predicts that a single spike of great power could be created.
American Optical Co.’s Elias Snitzer reports the first operation of a Neodymium glass (Nd:glass) laser
The first medical treatment using a laser on a human patient is performed by Dr. Charles J. Campbell of the Institute of Ophthalmology at Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center and Charles J. Koester of the American Optical Co. at Columbia- Presbyterian Hospital in Manhattan. An American Optical ruby laser is used to destroy a retinal tumor
1962 With Fred J. McClung, Hellwarth proves his laser theory, generating peak powers 100 times that of ordinary ruby lasers by using electrically switched Kerr cell shutters. The giant pulse formation technique named Q-switching was done. This could lead to Important first applications include the welding of springs for watches
Groups at GE, IBM and MIT’s Lincoln Laboratory simultaneously develop a gallium-arsenide laser, a semiconductor device that converts electrical energy directly into infrared light but which must be cryogenically cooled, even for pulsed operation.
Nick Holonyak Jr., a consulting scientist at a General Electric Co. lab in Syracuse, N.Y., publishes his work on the “visible red” GaAsP (gallium arsenide phosphide) laser diode, a compact, efficient source of visible coherent light that is the basis for today’s red LEDs used in consumer products such as CDs, DVD players and cell phones.
In this year Bell Labs reports the first yttrium aluminum garnet (YAG) laser
1963 Logan E. Hargrove, Richard L. Fork and M.A. Pollack report the first demonstration of a mode-locked laser; i.e., a helium-neon laser with an acousto-optic modulator. Mode locking is fundamental for laser communication and is the basis for femtosecond lasers.
Herbert Kroemer of the University of California, Santa Barbara, and the team of Rudolf Kazarinov and Zhores Alferov of A.F. Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute in St. Petersburg, Russia, independently propose ideas to build semiconductor lasers from heterostructure devices. The work leads to Kroemer and Alferov winning the 2000 Nobel Prize in physics
1964 After two years working on HeNe and xenon lasers, William B. Bridges of Hughes Research Labs discovers the pulsed argon-ion laser, could produce output at several visible and UV wavelengths
Townes, Basov and Prokhorov are awarded the Nobel Prize in physics for their “fundamental  work  in  the  field  of  quantum  electronics,  which  has  led  to  the construction of oscillators and amplifiers.”
The  carbon  dioxide  laser  is  invented  by  Kumar  Patel  at  Bell  Labs.  The  most powerful continuously operating laser of its time, it is now used worldwide as a cutting tool in surgery and industry
The Nd:YAG (neodymium-doped YAG) laser is invented by Joseph E. Geusic and Richard  G.  Smith  at  Bell  Labs.  The  laser  later  proves  ideal  for  cosmetic applications, such as laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) vision correction and skin resurfacing.
1965 Two lasers are phase-locked for the first time at Bell Labs, an important step toward optical communications

Jerome V.V. Kasper and George C. Pimentel demonstrate the first chemical laser, a 3.7-μm hydrogen chloride instrument, at the University of California, Berkeley.


Charles K. Kao, working with George Hockham at Standard Telecommunication Laboratories in Harlow, UK, makes a discovery that leads to a breakthrough in fiber optics. He estimated how to transmit light over long distances via optical glass fibers, deciding that, with a fiber of purest glass, it would be possible to transmit light signals over a distance of 100 km, compared with only 20 m for the fibers available in the 1960s. Kao receives a 2009 Nobel Prize in physics for his work.

French physicist Alfred Kastler wins the Nobel Prize in physics for his method of stimulating atoms to higher energy states, which he developed between 1949 and 1951. The technique, known as optical pumping, was an important step toward the creation of the maser and the laser


Gould buys back his patent rights from TRG

Basov, V.A. Danilychev and Yu. M. Popov develops the Excimer laser at P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute.

Alferov’s group at Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute and Mort Panish and Izuo Hayashi at Bell Labs produce the first continuous-wave room-temperature semiconductor lasers, paving the way toward commercialization offiber optic communications.

At Corning Glass Works (now Corning Inc.), Drs. Robert D. Maurer, Peter C. Schultz and Donald B. Keck report the first optical fiber with loss below 20 dB/km, demonstrating the feasibility of fiber optics for telecommunications
Arthur Ashkin of Bell Labs invents optical trapping, the process by which atoms are trapped by laser light. His work pioneers the field of optical tweezing and trapping and leads to significant advances in physics and biology
1971 Izuo Hayashi and Morton B. Panish of Bell Labs design the first semiconductor laser that operates continuously at room temperature
1972 Charles H. Henry invents the quantum well laser that requires much less current to reach lasing threshold than conventional diode lasers and which is exceedingly more efficient. Holonyak and students at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign first demonstrate the quantum well laser in 1977.

A laser beam is used at Bell Labs to form electronic circuit patterns on ceramic

1974 A pack of Wrigley’s chewing gum is the first product read by a bar-code scanner in a grocery store
1975 Engineers at Laser Diode Labs Inc. in Metuchen, N.J., develop the first commercial continuous-wave semiconductor laser operating at room temperature. Continuous- wave operation enables transmission of telephone conversations.

First quantum-well laser operation made by Jan P. Van der Ziel, R. Dingle, Robert C.  Miller,  William  Wiegmann  and  W.A.  Nordland  Jr.  The  lasers  actually  are developed in 1994.


First demonstration, at Bell Labs, of a semiconductor laser operating continuously at room temperature at a wavelength beyond 1 μm, the forerunner of sources for long-
wavelength lightwave

John M.J. Madey and his group at Stanford University in California demonstrate the first free-electron laser (FEL). Instead of a gain medium, FELs use a beam of electrons that are accelerated to near light speed, then passed through a periodic transverse magnetic field to produce coherent radiation. Because the lasing medium consists only of electrons in a vacuum, FELs do not have the material damage or thermal lensing problems that plague ordinary lasers and can achieve very high peak powers.

1977 The   first   commercial   installation   of   a   Bell   Labs   fiber   optic   lightwave communications system is completed under the streets of Chicago

Gould is issued a patent for optical pumping that is used in about 80 percent of lasers.


The Laser Disc hits the home video market, with little impact. The earliest players use He-Ne laser tubes to read the media, while later players use infrared laser diodes.

Following the failure of its videodisc technology, Philips announces the compact disc (CD) project

Gould receives a patent covering a broad range of laser applications.

1981 Schawlow  and   Bloembergen   receive   the   Nobel  Prize   in   physics  for  their contributions to the development of laser spectroscopy

Peter F. Moulton of MIT’s Lincoln Laboratory develops the titanium-sapphire laser, used to generate short pulses in the picosecond and femtosecond ranges. The Ti:sapphire laser replaces the dye laser for tunable and ultrafast laser applications

The audio CD, a spinoff of Laser Disc video technology, debuts. Billy Joel fans rejoice, as his 1978 album “52nd Street” is the first to be released on CD

1985 Bell Labs’ Steven Chu (now US Secretary of Energy) and his colleagues use laser light  to slow  and  manipulate  atoms.  Their  laser  cooling  technique,  also  called “optical molasses,” is used to investigate the behavior of atoms, providing an insight into quantum mechanics. Chu, Claude N. Cohen-Tannoudji and William D. Phillips win a Nobel Prize for this work in 1997

David Payne at the University of Southampton in the UK and his team introduce erbium-doped fiber amplifiers. These new optical amplifiers boost light signals  without first having to convert them into electrical signals and then back into light, reducing the cost of long distance fiber optic systems


The first semiconductor laser that can simultaneously emit light at multiple widely separated wavelengths – the quantum cascade (QC) laser – is invented at Bell Labs by Jérôme Faist, Federico Capasso, Deborah L. Sivco, Carlo Sirtori, Albert L. Hutchinson and Alfred Y. Cho. The laser is unique in that its entire structure is manufactured a layer of atoms at a time by the crystal growth technique called molecular beam epitaxy. Simply changing the thickness of the semiconductor layers can change the laser’s wavelength. With its room-temperature operation and power and tuning ranges, the QC laser is ideal for remote sensing of gases in the atmosphere.


The first demonstration of a quantum dot laser with high threshold density is reported by Nikolai N. Ledentsov of A.F. Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute

1996 The first pulsed atom laser, which uses matter instead of light, is demonstrated at MIT by Wolfgang Ketterle
1997 Shuji Nakamura, Steven P. DenBaars and James S. Speck at the University of California, Santa Barbara, announce the development of a gallium-nitride (GaN) laser that emits bright blue-violet light in pulsed operation.

An engineer at the Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) Wind Tunnel Facility uses lasers to measure the velocity and gradient distortion across an 8-in. curved pipe with joints and turning valves during a cold-flow propulsion research test, simulating the conditions found in the X-33’s hydrogen feedline. Lasers are used because they are nonintrusive and do not disturb the flow like a probe would. The feedline supplies propellants to the turbo pump. The purpose of this project was to design the feedline to provide uniform flow into the turbo pump. (NASA Archives)

2003 A team of researchers from NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala., from NASA’s Dryden Flight Research Center at Edwards Air Force Base in California and from the University of Alabama in Huntsville successfully flies the first laser-powered aircraft. The plane, its frame made of balsa wood, has a 1.5-m wingspan and weighs only 311 g. Its power is delivered by an invisible ground- based laser that tracks the aircraft in flight, directing its energy beam at specially designed photovoltaic cells carried onboard to power the plane’s propeller.
2004 Electronic switching in a Raman laser is demonstrated for the first time by Ozdal Boyraz and Bahram Jalali of the University of California, Los Angeles. The first silicon Raman laser operates at room temperature with 2.5-W peak output power. In contrast to traditional Raman lasers, the pure-silicon Raman laser can be directly modulated to transmit data.
John Bowers and colleagues at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and Mario Paniccia, director of Intel Corp.’s Photonics Technology Lab in Santa Clara, Calif., announce that they have built the first electrically powered hybrid silicon laser using standard silicon manufacturing processes

Bowers and his doctoral student Brian Koch announce that they have built the first mode-locked silicon evanescent laser, providing a new way to integrate optical and electronic functions on a single chip and enabling new types of integrated circuits


At the University of Rochester in New York, researcher Chunlei Guo announces a new  process  that  uses  femtosecond  laser  pulses  to  make  regular  incandescent lightbulbs superefficient. The laser pulse, trained on the bulb’s filament, forces the surface of the metal to form nanostructures that make the tungsten become far more
effective at radiating light. The process could make a 100-W bulb consume less electricity than a 60-W bulb, Guo says

The largest and highest-energy laser in the world, the National Ignition Facility (NIF) at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in Livermore, Calif., is dedicated. In a few weeks, the system begins firing all 192 of its laser beams onto targets.

NASA launches the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO). The Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter on the LRO will use a laser to gather data about the high and low points on the moon. NASA will use that information to create 3-D maps that could help determine lunar ice locations and safe landing sites for future spacecraft

Lasers get ready to enter household PCs with Intel’s announcement of its Light Peak optical fiber technology at the Intel Developer Forum. Light Peak contains vertical- cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs) and can send and receive 10 billion bits of data per second, meaning it could transfer the entire Library of Congress in 17 minutes. The product is expected to ship to manufacturers in 2010


The National Nuclear Security Administration announces that NIF has successfully delivered a historic level of laser energy – more than 1 MJ – to a target in a few billionths of a second and demonstrated the target drive conditions required to achieve fusion ignition, a project scheduled for the summer of 2010. The peak power of the laser light is about 500 times that used by the US at any given time.

Rainer Blatt and Piet O. Schmidt and their team at the University of Innsbruck in Austria demonstrate a single-atom laser with and without threshold behavior by tuning the strength of atom/light field coupling

The famous concluding remark as quoted is:
A high-finesse optical cavity consisting of two mirrors traps and accumulates the photons emitted by the ion into a mode. The ion is excited cyclically by an external laser and at each cycle a photon is added to the cavity mode, which amplifies the light. (University of Innsbruck © Piet Schmidt)

A good number of Sources are available to know the time line of Development of Lasers and its applications.



Laser is an abbreviation used for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation, There are three basic components of a laser system.

1. An active medium of the atoms or molecules
2. A mechanism for creating population inversion wherein we require a greater population of electrons in an excited state that existed in a lower state.
3. A resonator or cavity which has resonant frequency equal to the photon frequency.

Transition Probabilities and Population Inversion

Assuming that there are n atoms in equilibrium with a radiation field and considering electron transition between two quantum states- the upper state being labeled 2 and the lower state labeled 1. Now there are n2 atoms instantaneously in the upper state and n1 in the lower state. The population n1 and n2 may change in three ways as shown in figure below:

• Stimulated absorption,
• Spontaneous emission, and
• Stimulated emission.

The emitted photons have random directions and phases, and the radiation is said to be incoherent. In the stimulated emission process the two photons have the same phase and direction, and a beam of such photons is said to be coherent radiation.
All the three processes mentioned above occur in a laser. Now, the transitions cause the populations of the two levels to change with time and the rate of change of n1, and the corresponding rate of change of energy in the field need to be described.

There is certain probability per second of an electron in level 1 absorbing a photon of energy hv= E2- E1 making a transition to level 2. This transition probability is proportional to n1 and the density of photons having frequency v.

It is noteworthy that the transition probability is expressed in terms of the photon density per unit frequency J/m3. s-1

The constant of proportionality is referred to the Einstein B coefficient (B12 ) (m3. s-2/J):

dn1/dt= -n1 B12 p(v) (number of stimulated upward transitions per second) ————(1)

where the negative sign means that stimulated absorption causes n1 to decrease with time.


(Initial and final electron energies corresponding to stimulated absorption, spontaneous emission, and stimulated emission)

The rate of change of n1 is proportional to n2. (If n2 = 0, i.e. no electrons in level 2, that means spontaneous emission does not occur.) The constant of proportionality is the Einstein A coefficient,

dn1/dt = + n2 A21 (number of spontaneous downward transitions per second)———(2)

The rate of change of n1 due to stimulated emission is proportional to the product n2 x p(v). (If there are no electrons in level 2 to be stimulated or no photons to stimulate them, then stimulated emission does not occur.) The constant of proportionality is the Einstein B coefficient,
labeled B21 (same units as B12). Thus, we have

dn1/dt= + n2B21 p(v) (number of stimulated downward transitions per second)——–(3)

Therefore the total rate of change of n1 is given by

dn1/dt = n2A21 + (n2B21-n1B12) p(v) (number of transitions per second to and from level 1)——(4)

Under thermal equilibrium conditions, n1 and n2 are related and the Einstein coefficients. If the atomic system is in thermal equilibrium with the radiation at a given temperature T, the relative population of any two energy levels, such as 1 and 2 are given by Boltzmann’s equation:

where k is Boltzmann’s constant. And n2<n1
Also under equilibrium conditions, the net number of downward transitions must be equal to the net number of upward transitions, namely,

n2A21 + n2B21 p(v) = n1B12p(v) (thermal equilibrium)

There applies the principle of detailed balance, that states that for thermal equilibrium every process must be balanced by its exact opposite.

Now by solving for p(v), one obtains


It is worth noting that in 1917, Einstein derived these equations but he did not know how to calculate the A and B coefficients. The calculation of these coefficients is a quantum mechanical, time-depending perturbation theory calculation, and quantum mechanics was not developed until 1926.The 1932 Nobel prize in Physics was awarded to Werener Heisenberg, Germany.

For this creation of quantum mechanics, the application of which has, interred alia, led to the discovery of the allotropic forms of hydrogen.

The 1933 Nobel prize in Physics was awarded jointly to Erwin Schrödinger, Germany and paul A.M. Dirac, Great Britain

For the discovery of new productive forms of atomic theory

Heisen berg develop ed “ m atrix m ech an ics,” Schrödi n ger developed “wav e m ech an ics,” and Dirac developed relativistic quantum mechanics.


The development of quantum mechanics lead to the calculations of Einstein coefficients and B21, in the electric dipole approximation, is written as

Consider radiation passing through an optical medium that has atoms in levels E1 and E2. the rate of stimulated downward transitions exceeds that of upward transitions if n2>n1, and, hence, the coherent radiation is amplified that means an increase in the number of coherent photons.

This clearly mentions that the condition required for “lasing,” i.e. n2>n1, is contrary to the thermal equilibrium distribution given by equation 5 above. This condition is called population inversion.

The equation 12 contains the matrix element of the electric dipole moment operator between 1 and 2. In case, a matrix element is zero, the transitions between the levels are called forbidden transitions. Forbidden transitions may occur by means of mechanisms other than electric dipole radiation. Such transitions occur at a much slower rate than the permitted (electric dipole) transitions.

The above description is for an ideal system of two atomic level, but actually more levels are involved in the laser emission. There exists the concept of metastable state. A metastable state is a state from which all transitions to lower energy states are forbidden. A metastable state has a long lifetime, ~ 10-3s, and atoms making upward transitions due to collisions or radiation absorption tend to accumulate in metastable states. An ordinary state has permitted transitions to lower-energy states; hence, it has a short lifetime, ~ 10-8s.

you can view video on Introduction to Lasers

References :

  • www.www.photonics.com
  • www.hrl.com
  • www.bell-labs.com/history/
  • www.alcatellucent.com
  • www.nobelprize.org
  • www.nasa.govwww.union.edu
  • www.corning.com
  • www.nationalbarcode.com
  • www.mit.edu
  • www.philips.com
  • www.laserfest.org
  • www.llnl.gov
  • www.ucsb.edu
  • www.intel.com
  • www.ecs.soton.ac.uk
  • http://www.photonics.com/Article.aspx?AID=42279www.lasertimeline.com.
  • Physics for engineers By N. K Verma (PHI learning Pvt. Ltd. Delhi)