2 Vector differentiation
1. Differentiation with respect to a scalar
2. Curves in space
3. Kinematics
4. The gradient
4.1 Geometrical interpretation
4.4 The directional derivative
5. The divergence, curl and Laplacian operators
5.1 The divergence
5.2 The curl
5.3 The product rules
5.4 The Laplacian
- Simple differentiation of a vector with respect to a scalar, like time, is discussed.
- Next the description of a curve in space is given and the concept of curvature and radius of curvature is discussed.
- The kinematics of the motion of a particle in vector form is described.
- Derivative of a vector with respect to space coordinates, the gradient, is introduced. Geometrical interpretation of the gradient is also discussed.
- Properties of the gradient, both as a differential operator and as a vector are given.
- Related differential operators of divergence and curl of a vector and the Laplacian operator are described.
- The product rules when gradient, divergence and curl of more than one scalar or vector functions is involved are written down.
V e c t o r D i f f e r e n t i a t i o n
1. Differentiation with respect to a scalar
Differentiation of a vector with respect to a scalar is akin to ordinary differentiation of a function of one variable.

In terms of the Cartesian components of the vectors, we can write

A prime (‘) is often used to denote differentiation with respect to a scalar when the variable is clear from the context. In case of time a dot (.) is often used. Higher order derivatives and derivatives with respect to more than one scalar variable can be described in exactly in the same way as for ordinary functions and need no elaboration.
Since this definition of differentiation is formally the same as for derivative of a scalar function, usual rules of differential calculus apply in this case as well.

- Notice that the order of the two vectors in equation (4) must be preserved; otherwise there is a sign reversal.
Sometimes it is more advantageous to write the result in terms of differentials rather than derivatives.

2. Curves in space


Then K is the curvature to the curve at that specific point and 1/K the radius of curvature.
3. Kinematics

Similarly the acceleration is the rate of change of velocity, so

4. The gradient
We now come to vector differential operators, which appear when we consider fields. By fields we imply physical objects that depend on the position of the system or on the point under consideration. They may, in addition, also depend on the time variable. Relevant examples of fields are temperature in a room, electrostatic potential due to system of charges, gravitational potential due to a system of masses, charge density in a region of space and so on and so forth. All these are examples of scalar fields, where the physical object itself is a scalar quantity. Examples of vector fields are electric, magnetic or gravitational fields, momentum density in electromagnetic field and many more.
Let us first look at a typical scalar field V(x, y, z). We have used coordinates with respect to some Cartesian coordinate system to express the position of the point at which the scalar is being considered. If we consider the neighbouring point with coordinates (x+dx, y+dy, z+dz), the change in V is given by a theorem in partial differentiation:
Knowing the three partial derivatives along the three coordinates is enough to find variation of V along any direction.This relation can be written as the scalar product of two vectors:

4.1 Geometrical interpretation

Find the gradient of r, the magnitude of the radius vector.

- An alternative method of finding the gradient of a function is to make use of the equation (32):

Another example


4.2 Importance of operator
The great importance of this operator in mathematical physics may be seen from a few illustrations.

4.3 The operator as a vector
The gradient of a scalar formally looks like a vector multiplying a scalar:

The term in the brackets is called del

This quantity has the appearance of a vector but is not a vector. In fact, by itself it has no meaning unless it “operates” on a function of coordinates. The operation is not one of multiplication but of differentiation. Hence may be regarded as a vector operator, which on acting on a scalar field produces a vector quantity, the gradient. However, for all practical purposes this quantity may be regarded as a vector, it acts like a vector (and also a differential operator simultaneously) in all vector relations.
For example

4.4 The directional derivative

This is a scalar differential operator; when it operates on V(x, y, z), we get

5. The divergence, curl and Laplacian operators

5.1 The divergence
In the Cartesian coordinate system, the divergence of a vector takes the form
Like the dot product, divergence of a vector is a scalar quantity.

Consider the amount of fluid that passes through the faces of the cube parallel to the x-axis. The flux through the left hand face is

Hence the net flux through faces parallel to the x-axis is

The total outward flux from the cube is therefore
where dV is the volume of the infinitesimal cube.

In case the fluid is incompressible, as much matter must leave the cube as enters it. The total change of contents must therefore be zero. For this reason the characteristic differential equation which any incompressible fluid must satisfy is

Find divergence of the position vector.

5.2 The curl
In Cartesian coordinates the curl of a vector can be written as


5.3 The product rules

Though some of these identities can be proved by direct vector methods, the simplest and the straight forward method is to appeal to tensor notation and the summation convention that will be introduced in a later module on tensors.
5.4 The Laplacian
Del is a first order differential operator, and consequently gradient, divergence and curl are first order derivatives. By applying this operator once again we can obtain second order derivatives. Various possibilities are:

Not all these give anything new. The first, gradient of divergence is just that-gradient of divergence. It does not occur very often in physics or engineering and has not been given any special name. The second, divergence of gradient, on expanding gives:

Finally, it is easy to verify, especially by the tensor method that the fifth expression reduces to

This is just a combination of the first two terms, gradient of divergence and the Laplacian of a vector. Thus essentially we have only two second derivatives, of which one is seldom used. The only one of importance, therefore, is the Laplacian.
- We begin with a discussion of simple differentiation of a vector with respect to a scalar, like time.
- Next we give a description of a curve in space and discuss the concept of curvature and radius of curvature.
- Then we describe kinematics of the motion of a particle in vector form.
- The most central concept of the derivative of a vector with respect to space coordinates, the gradient, is introduced. Geometrical interpretation of the gradient is also discussed.
- Next we describe properties of the gradient, both as a differential operator and as a vector.
- We then study the related differential operators of divergence and curl of a vector and the Laplacian operator.
- Finally we write down the product rules when gradient, divergence and curl of more than one scalar or vector function is involved.