14 Strategies for Effective Listening

Dr.Priti Hingorani

epgp books




1.      Module 14: Strategies for Effective Listening

2.      Learning Outcomes

3.      Introduction

4.      Strategies for Effective Listening

5.      Advantages of Listening Effectively

6.      Summary


1.  Module 14: Strategies of Effective Listening


2.  Learning Outcomes:


By the end of this module, students will be able to:

  • Understand the strategies of effective listening. Learn the advantages of listening effectively.



3.  Introduction


“The art of Effective Listening is essential to clear communication,

and clear communication is necessary to management success”


–      James Cash Penney


People are not able to work efficiently because they do not listen effectively. They are often busy multitasking, which hampers the listening process. Listening is not necessarily an inborn quality, but it is a skill which is practised.


The human brain is built for conversation, but better results are achieved by listening effectively. In organizations people do not value the importance of effective listening, this leads the organization towards decline. Effective listening is also a challenging task, because people are more focused on what they are saying instead of what they are listening.


An effective listening helps organization to grow, as good listeners are always successful workers.

Therefore, effective listening is crucial in any business environment.


4. Strategies for effective listening


“Know how to listen, and you will profit even from those who talk badly”


–      Plutarch

Historian and Essayist


According to a study done by Harward Business Review, it reveals that “people think that the voice mail they send is more important than the voicemail they receive” (Lewis, T. & Graham, G., 2003). This is how usually senders think that their message is more helpful and urgent in comparison to the receivers.


Effective listening is also known to be a difficult task because people don’t work as hard as it requires. Listening seems to occur so naturally, that putting a lot of effort does not seem important. But actually hard work and effort is necessary for effective listening.


“The top management cannot force their managers to listen to employees and customers. Nor can it build the culture of listening in the company on its own. Listening skills can only be improved with the will and contribution of every member of the organization” (Mukerjee, H., 2013).The effort has to start from the senior people who should themselves be good listeners.


The significant strategies for effective listening, according to different phases are discussed below:


4.1 Phase I – Prepare to listen


4.1.1 Choose to listen:


Effective listening doesn’t occur automatically just because someone else begins to talk. There are too many distractions which may act as hindrance in communication progress between sender and receiver. But an effective listener would consciously choose to listen with the same interest as the speaker is interested in speaking.


There are many distractions for the listener. Many other things may seem more persuasive, but we may keep those matters aside and choose to listen by focusing on the speaker.


Keefe, W.F. (1971) said, that “on average a business executive spends close to 50 percent of his or her day listening”. That is the best use of time, as we all should spend time wisely to listen to each other in a perfect way.


4.1.2 Focus on the speaker


Focus on the content and not on the looks or style of the speaker. Try to ensure that the environment around you does not cause a problem, when some important discussions is going on avoid sitting around people whom you know or choose a quiet place where there is no disturbance. This way the chances of getting disturbed will be reduced.


You are expected not to distract the speaker and to show verbal and non verbal cues that you are listening.


Concentrate on the speaker, asking questions, and finding out the deeper meaning of what is being said. Avoid other things, and be open and positive towards what is being said.


4.1.3Stop Multitasking


The listener has to do one thing at a time. So the listener has to stop multi tasking. One cannot be talking and listening attentively at the same time. The sender cannot speak and grasp the message at once, if the listener continues to talk. Therefore, effective listening requires a careful attention, which may come by doing one task at a time; sitting down quietly, turning to the speaker, and observing. So stop talking start listening is the mantra behind effective listening.

Source: Jarrow, C. (2013), “8 Ways to Stop Multitasking and get work done”, available online at http://timemanagementninja.com/2013/09/8-ways-to-stop-multitasking-and-get-work-done/


4.1.4Understand what kind of listening is required


Each listening situation requires a different level of listening intensity and also a different level of analysis and interpretation. Understand whether as a listener you are going, through content listening, empathetic listening or critical listening. Effective listeners need to identify what the other person is trying to say. You may choose to listen very carefully to what is being said, or to listen critically, or may step into the shoes of the speaker for the empathetic listening.


4.2 Phase II – Listen Carefully


4.2.1Listen with ears, eyes as well as heart


Speakers not only communicate with speech but through others cues as well. So listeners should listen with ears, eyes as well as heart. Research done by Albert Mehrabian, named as ‘Silent Messages’ reveals that whatever the speaker is feeling is exposed through facial expression, voice and body language. A speaker may be unwilling to say what is in his mind or heart but the effective listeners are attentive to all those clues. This calls for positive attitude on the part of the listener. The listeners should make it clear that they are keen to receive the message which speaker wants to convey. It requires right posture and right body movement.


Stephen Covey also describes effective listening as full body listening, he asks to pay attention by:


Maintaining proper eye contact: it’s not about staring but a mutual gaze.


Giving undivided consideration, as it feels too bad when you are talking to somebody and the person is not paying attention to you.


Mirror body language: It seems odd at the time of conversation if one person is sitting and other standing, looks odd looking up – down again and again, so it is better to sit or stand according to other person.


Use body movements: i.e. nodding your head, hand movements, but avoid those gestures which looks unnatural.


Paralinguistic is also important in effective listening, encourage communication through the sound, pitch, and tone.


Focus on what person is saying, not on the response you need to give.


4.2.2 Note Taking


Making notes is important as it would help summarize all what the speaker has said. The listener might also record the proceedings using audio visual means, so as to reinforce what has been understood. If the conversation is between two people sit where no object can hinder speaker & listener. This will help ineffective listening.


4.2.3Be aware of your emotional ups and downs


The listeners should listen objectively with out being affected by emotional extremes. Sometimes it happens that some conversation causes emotional upsets due to some harsh words spoken by the sender. The sender may be the boss or a colleague or any other associate. It may distract people from listening objectively. At this time it is important to be aware of your feelings as your emotional responses may be distracting your interpretation. One should wait for the speaker to complete the talk and not to make any distracting gestures.


The effective listeners introspect, calm down and solve the problems. They do not respond during the confusing and disturbing state. This is an important aspect of effective listening. A listener need not only be attentive but also patient as being impatience on the part of the listener may disturb the speaker.


4.2.4Refrain from argument and criticism


Listener should refrain from getting into an argument with the speaker. If during conversation between speaker and listener,there are arguments them this will hamper the flow of communication. Since in a conversation both are listenersso both should avoid arguments. At this time listeners should not make any comment on speaker, because it will deprive them of the benefits of the speaker’s message. Effective listeners can listen calmly to another person even when that person is offering unjust criticism.


4.2.5 Play the role of a gatekeeper


Here Playing the role of gatekeeper implies giving access to others also to speak and talk. Strategies for effective listening require one to listen carefully and patiently by allowing other person to talk. Do not make a point until they finish, as skilful listening is more valuable than talking. Do not always be the one to speak more in discussions but help others too; make an effort to share the floor. Listening carefully for a while gives the talker and the listener both a chance to develop good understanding and bonding.


4.2.6 Empathize with the speaker


An important strategy for effective listening is that the listener should show empathy or proper understanding. The speaker may not be perfect and may have shortcomings, as a listener we should feel our self on speaker’s side and listen with empathy. On a deeper level the listener should empathise with the life situation the speaker is in. Sometimes it even happens that the person knows that his or her problem may not be solved by a listener, all they really want is for the listener to listen patiently and understand.


For Example, if the speaker is talking about the troubles at home and why he has not been able to meet the deadline of the project. The listener, probably the boss or a colleague should empathise and understand the situation offering support and be ready to be patient, for the speaker to get over the situation to again start giving his hundred per cent.

Source: Cheryl, L. (2014), “Stop, Listen & Empathize”, available online at http://theconfidencepost.com/2014/05/06/stop-listen-and-empathize/


Covey, S. (1989) wrote, that “if you want to be really effective in the habit of interpersonal communication, you cannot do it with technique alone. You have to build the skills of empathetic listening on a base of character that inspires openness and trust.”


4.3 Phase III- Respond Gently


4.3.1 Listen to your own self


Our attitude towards others can affect how well we listen.Effective response in communication can occur when we actually understand our deeds towards other people. Most of the listeners have no idea about how they come across with others. Therefore, it’s important to be self aware. It is a true saying that, ‘one who knows the universe and doesn’t know oneself knows nothing’. The art of self awareness and the control on words leads to the art of responding gently.


4.3.2Ask right question in right manner


“If I had an hour to solve a problem and my life depended on it, I would use the first 55 minutes

determining the proper questions to ask”


–      Albert Einstein


Positive questions are desirable and negative questions should be avoided. The listener should ask appropriate questions at the right opportunity. Instead if asking –


Why should we not adopt plan A?




Should we adopt plan A?




How plan A is better than plan B


If the speaker is on a topic that has emotional touch, empathize before you ask question or give an advice. In fact, any speaker would welcome the right manner of asking the right type of question relevant to the topic, as this will provide an opportunity to clarify the message; this will not help only a single listener but other listeners as well.

Source: Sandy, S.K.(2014) “Are you asking the right questions?”, available online at http://www.thesellingagency.com/asking-right-questions-3-strategies-earn-more-sales/

4.3.3 Furnish suitable feedback


Skilful listeners know how and when to give feedback, as the feedback shows the speaker that you are listening and properly understanding. If some point is not clear while conversation it is important to clarify. Many times people do not clarify if they miss something due to embarrassment or shyness; this is the biggest listening mistake they make. As effective feedback depends on effective listening, so the clarity in conversation is required.


One of the best ways to integrate a human side is to become an effective listener. One should seek to listen more than to talk. Boyd, S. recalls the old Scottish verse which says,


“His thoughts were slow; his words were few, and never formed to glisten. But he was a joy for all the clan, for you should have heard him listen”.


Effective Listening is a skill which needs determination, concentration, discipline and most of all practice and more practice.


Listening effectively doesn’t go waste; there are advantages of practicing the skill of effective listening.



5. Advantages of Effective Listening


“Great Ideas, it has been said, come into the world as gently as doves. Perhaps, then, if we listen attentively we shall hear amid the uproar of empires and nations a faint flutter of wings, the gentle stirring of life and hope”


–      Albert Camus



5.1 Better and faster assessment:


When the managers listen to the employees in the organization, they are able to get creative ideas for works, or if any problem arises corrective actions can be taken immediately.


5.2 Advanced policy making:


Policies in the organization are helpful for employees, and these are made for employees benefit.


Before formulating the policies it is important to listen to the employees.


5.3 Simplify the flow of message:


Flow of communication in organizations is generally top to bottom, but effective listening by top management also allows the flow of information from bottom to top. It keeps employees happy and makes the strong bond between them.


5.4 Gaining Knowledge


By listening effectivelynew knowledge can be gained by new ideas shared by new people. Effective listening and reflecting on speaker’s words helps in gaining meaning beyond the words and its context.


Source: Free Management Books, “Active Listening Skills- Reflective Technique”, available online at http://www.free-management-ebooks.com/faqcm/active-03.htm


5.5 Improves efficiency:


Better listening means better efficiency at work. Proper execution of the work can be done by better understanding the task. People, who know and respect one another, work together more effectively.


5.6 Preventing trouble:


If we learn to listen before speaking, it will avoid many unfortunate experiences.


5.7I ncrease productivity and cultivate creativity:


It makes the employees more accountable and productive. As employees are listened and are encouraged to provide ideas and suggestions by thinking out of box. And these innovative ideas by workers help in increasing productivity.


The success of management concept is based on the manager’s ability to listen. Production, Marketing, Retail, Human Resource is the department areas which cannot function without listening. If the processes have to be improved, it is essential to listen to the workers.


5.8 Recognizing customer expectations:


Employees who listen to their customers will be able to understand them better and provide solutions that are appropriate. Effective listening advantages in resolving conflicts and problems with customers and value their requirements.


5.9Identify the work better:


Employees are able to do their works more efficiently when they properly listen to the instructions of managers. The employees can clarify doubts at the same time to start working in a perfect way. They can learn new information about their work and how to simplify work.


Source: Free Management Books, “Active Listening Skills- Reflective Technique”, available online at http://www.free-management-ebooks.com/faqcm/active-03.htm




5.10 Eases team bonding:


Listening to team members helps in developing better relationships. It not only cultivates positive working relationship but also built trust with supervisor, clients and peers. It facilitates better team work, and helps in winning respect.


5.11 Receiving better cooperation:


Showing a sincere interest by effectively listening other person’s problems, idea, thoughts and opinions can bring more respect and cooperation. It also enriches friendships or other relations.


Thus, listening forms an essential part of the work dynamics. The effective listening helps to become a better leader, better manager, and a better employee. It also leads to the better work environment.


“The United States department of Labour released a report in 1991 called the Secretary’s Commission on ‘Achieving Necessary Skills’. This report suggested three foundation skills that all individuals entering the work place should possess. One of those skills was the ability to listen well” (Moulic, M., 2012).


For becoming a great leader one should be great listener. Richard Brandson said, “If you want to stand out as a leader, a good place to begin is by listening,”.


The work of great listener always has great impact. Listening is not necessarily only an external activity but it has a deep connection inside. Listening to the conscience is again essential. Great leaders not only listen to the external things but even to intrinsic calls.


(Kim and Mouborgn 1992) state that “To hear the unheard is a necessary discipline to be a good ruler. For only when a ruler has learned to listen closely to the people’s heart-hearing their feelings un-communicated, pains unexpressed and complaints unspoken-can he hope to inspire confidence in his people, understand when something is wrong, and can feel the true needs of his citizens.”


Listening well is an essential component of good leadership. Until and unless a person will not listen to others the understanding will hardly develop. You can become a more effective listener and leader by learning the skills of effective listening.


Therefore, if people can learn to listen before speaking, they will likely avoid many unfortunate experiences. Effective listening is significant to each field, whether it is management, engineering, production or any other. It is helpful in sharpening the professional skills, it has potential to bring rise in work culture, and has a great contribution in enriching individual’s personal life.


6. Summary


Effective Listening is extremely important in every situation at home or at workplace. It gives a very motivating insight about workplace and provide with valuable insights and feedback for the areas of improvement. It will not only help you grow as an individual, but will be one of the most vital cause that will make you stand out in multitude.


The strategies for effective listening are needed to be followed for better understanding. Rega, M.

Sums up these strategies in simple five step approach, he named it as CLEAR, and it depicts:


C – Commit to listen: effective listening needs commitment. During conversation it is important for people to leave the preoccupied concerns and pay attention to the current discussions.


L–Listen: listening to the speaker carefully is important, but this listening not only includes words but also the paralinguistic i.e., the manner of speaking the tone, voice etc.


E – Evaluate what is said: Evaluation of the words is important as it gives you the deep meaning of what the speaker is trying to communicate.


A – Acknowledge and paraphrase: After listening, the listeners should convert the speakers words in their own, and summarize in front of the speaker to clarify that they understood the message rightly.



R – Respond and Test: Responding is vital for any kind of listening, it makes speaker motivated, as he/ she may feel that the receiver is carefully listening to the message. This will lead to a good communication as the speaker will also pay the careful attention on the response from listener.


Thus, effective listening is required in each phase of life. It is not a skill to be taught, but talent to be brought out by self practising. Many times in organizations managers do not listen to employees or customers, their needs and ideas are unheard, which increases the attrition rate and decreases the customer’s faith. Effective listening have many advantages, it plays a significant role in improving the bond, not only between employer and employee, but also between customer and organization.


you can view video on Strategies for Effective Listening


  • Bhatnagar, N. & Bhatnagar, M. (2012), Effective Communication & Soft Skills, Pearson publication
  • Boyd, S. (2004), “The Human Side of Business: Effective Listening”, Agency Sales, Vol. 34, No.2, P. 35
  • Cheryl, L. (2014), “Stop, Listen & Empathize”, available online at http://theconfidencepost.com/2014/05/06/stop-listen-and-empathize/
  • Covey, S. (1989), The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Simon & Schuster publication
  • Free Management Books, “Active Listening Skills- Reflective Technique”, available online at http://www.free-management-ebooks.com/faqcm/active-03.htm
  • Harris, R.M (1997), “Turn listening into a powerful presence”, Training & Development, Vol. 51, No. 7, P. 9
  • Jarrow, C. (2013), “8 Ways to Stop Multitasking and get work done”, available online at http://timemanagementninja.com/2013/09/8-ways-to-stop-multitasking-and-get-work-done/
  • Keefe, W. F. (1971) Listen, Management! , McGraw Hill Publication, New York Kim and Mouborgn (1992) “Parables of Leadership”, Harvard Business Review, p. 123.
  • Lewis, T. & Graham, G. (2003), “Seven tips for effective listening”, The Internal Auditor, Vol. 60, No.4, P. 23.
  • Madhukar, R.K. (2005), Business Communication, Vikas Publishing House, Delhi
  • Moulic, M., (2012), “Developing Effective Listening Skills to Enhance Professional Efficiency”, International Journal of Business & Management, Vol. 3, p.64
  • Mukerjee, H. (2013), Business Communication: Connecting at Work, Oxford University Press, New Delhi
  • Raman, M. & Singh, P. (2006), Business Communication, Oxford University Press.
  • Rega, M. (2000), “Developing Listening Skills”, The American Salesman, Vol.45, no.5, p. 3
  • Sandy, S.K.(2014) “Are you asking the right questions?”, available online at http://www.thesellingagency.com/asking-right-questions-3-strategies-earn-more-sales/
  • Wheless, B. (1998), “Is Anybody Listening”, Business and Economic Review, Vol.44, No. 2, P.9