19 Email Writing Etiquettes
Dr. Mani Shreshtha
Module 19: Email Writing Etiquettes
- Learning Outcomes
- Introduction
- Why Email Writing Etiquettes
- Structure of an Email
- Common Errors While Writing Email
- Golden Rules for Writing Effective Email
- Summary
1. Module 19: Email Writing Etiquettes
2. Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this module, students will be able to
· write quality emails for professional and personal communication
· differentiate between effective and ineffective email messages
3. Introduction:
Advancement in technology has made its impact on the lives of people. Especially it touched the field of communication. Long hand written letters are being replaced by emails. Now there is no need to write or type matter on papers, then put them into envelopes, stamp them and post them and finally wait for atleast a week to get a reply. All these troubles can be saved just by typing your message and clicking the send button. Email enables you to send information instantly to individuals as well as groups located anywhere in the world. This characteristic of email resulted into usage of this tool of communication by majority of organizations worldwide. Apart from professional communication, email also enjoys a vast popularity among users for personal communication. It is also considered as an effective way to get connected with your relatives and friends. There are few reasons that make email popular:
a. instant transmission of message
b. vast information can be sent at a time
c. information can be sent to many receivers at a time
d. provision for delivery confirmation
e. instant delivery creates an opportunity for faster feedback
f. saves time and money
4. Why Email Writing Etiquettes?:
As email becomes increasingly popular tool for communication in all walks of life, there is a necessity to keep a check on what we are writing, when we are writing, and how we are writing. Gravity of this check increases remarkably while writing a professional message. In order to master the art of writing effective emails, it is important to learn Email writing etiquettes. Email writing etiquette is a set of rules and guidelines that people use to communicate more effectively while using emails. During a face to face conversation it is expected from everyone to observe certain rules of behaviour. Same applies to online communication. This is also commonly called as “Netiquette” or Network Etiquette. It is basically the effective usage of technology to communicate with others both personally and professionally with knowledge, understanding and courtesy. Learning email writing etiquettes enables an individual to communicate effectively in both professional and personal settings. It eliminates confusion, miscommunication, uncertainty and increases professionalism during workplace communication. A clear understanding of email etiquettes by the employees of a company offers few benefits, such as:
a. Helps in creating persuasive messages
b. Improves the image of the company in the eyes of receiver
c. Clarity in the message avoids any kind of legal risk for the company
So, whether you are writing for business or personal use, basic knowledge of email etiquettes can make you effective communicator. Overall the basic purpose learning email etiquettes is to streamline communication. Provide clear and concise information alongwith a space for adequate information so that your recipient understands the true meaning of your message.
5. Structure of an Email:
An email is perceived as a modified form of business letter. Actually, an email carries all the components of a business letter but its format is bit different from the usual business letter. Following are the important components of an email contributing to its structure:
5.1.FROM: It shows the email address of the sender.
5.2.DATE: This signifies the date and time of sending the message.
5.3.TO: Here email address of the receiver (s) appears
5.4.CC: Carbon Copy. In case the information has to be conveyed to many recipients simultaneously. All those email addresses will appear here.
5.5.BCC: Blind Carbon Copy. In case the information has to be conveyed to many recipients simultaneously but you do not want to disclose their email addresses and names. Such email addresses will appear here.
5.6.SUBJECT: A word or a phrase has to be written here to signify main content of the message.
5.7.SALUTATION: It means greeting the receiver of the mail. It indicates the courtesy extended by the sender to the receiver of the message. It also specifies the receiver.
5.8.MAIN BODY: In this part, detailed message is written. Paragraphs are used wherever necessary.
5.9. CLOSING: A polite phrase indicating the end of the message
5.10. SIGNATURE: It provides information about the sender of the message. Signature generally includes name, designation, affiliation, location, phone numbers, email address, and web address.
5.11. ATTACHMENT: It is used, if sender wants to send some additional information apart from what is mention in the main body of the email. This additional information can be in the form of word or pdf documents, spreadsheets, power point presentations, pictures etc.
5.12. ACTION BUTTONS: Every mail has some action buttons like reply, reply all, forward, move, send, delete, save the draft etc. Every button has a specific action to perform.
5.13. FORMATTING BUTTONS: While drafting an email, various buttons are available to format the written message. This buttons provide an option for changing text colour, font style, indentation, bold, underline, italics, bullets and numbers etc.
Example: Just go through the example given below and identify the Subject, Salutation, Closing, and Signature in the email.
From: kes.irc@gmail.com
To: raj_k20@gmail.com
Subject: Registration confirmation mail by IRC
Date: 12-12-06 10:35
Dear Raj
We thank you for your registration at IRC’ s Online Ticket Reservation website.
Your user id is „xdxdxd‟.
You will use this user id and the password given by you for all your transaction on www.irc.com The user id cannot be changed and hence we recommend that you store this email for your future reference. If you ever forget your password in future, you can use the ‘Forgot Password’ link available on the Home page of the site.
We understand that you have read and agreed to the Terms and Conditions as applicable for transactions on our site. You can now make up to 10 rail reservations (up to a maximum of 6 passengers per ticket) in one calendar month.
In case you require any further assistance, please mail us at care@irc.com or call us at 24*7 Hrs.
Customer Support at 01-393400, MON – SAT (10 AM – 6 PM) 01-233447.
Our customer care associates will be happy to assist you. We wish you happy travelling.
Warm Regards,
Customer Care- Internet Ticketing
6. Common Errors While Writing Email:
If you are an email account holder, everyday you receive mails and send mails. Whenever we are in a process of writing and sending mails there is a chance of committing some mistakes.
Many a time these mistakes are really silly. This section discusses some of the mistakes that might happen while communicating via email.
· Forwarding unrelated and unwanted mails to others
· Using your signatures repeatedly during ongoing exchange of mails in a single thread
· Using a gender biased language
· Sending mails without rechecking the content
· Forgetting the attachment
· Failing to read the complete message before responding to it
· Using overused words like „Important‟ and „Urgent‟ in subject
· Forgetting salutation at the beginning of the mail.
· Using wrong subject lines
· Sending wrong attachment
· Sending attachments in non-compatible format
· Using „Reply All‟ button without knowing its purpose
· Creating doubts by overusing „Bcc‟ for messages
· Ignoring greetings
· Not mentioning the purpose of the mail
· Writing messages without clarity
· Using jargons in the message
· Writing too lengthy messages
· Inappropriate use of colours, font styles, and emoticons
Examples: Following are the example of poorly written email:
From: riskyrancho@gmail.com
To: kk.kala@gmail.com
Subject: Urgent and Important message for YOU!!!!!!
Date: 01-11-06 14:35
Hey there!!! Dear Kala
I am writing this mail to tell you that from now on I will handle your portfolio. The other person left the job and im incharge now J . anyways he was of no use to the company (LOL).
BTW: Im in this field for last 20 years and an expert. Just to tell you that if you are confused about your portfolio contact me.
Account manager
Abc financials
Mr. AT,
Why did you give me an F? I attended most of the classes and at least tried to understand the
materials. I think I deserved at least a passing grade. I studied hard for the exam in hopes that I
would at least pass the class. Now I am behind another 2 semesters because I have to retake this
class and then take Managerial Acct. Can you please reconsider? Hope to hear from you soon.
Source: http://www.teachingcollegeenglish.com/2009/07/26/examples-of-poor-email/
Can you identify the errors in the examples given above?
Hints: email address, subject, salutation, greetings, punctuation and grammar, jargons, sentence structuring, emoticons, closing, signature
7. Golden Rules For Writing Effective Email:
Understanding email etiquettes can be of great help for communicating effectively. It increases the persuasive power of the message and helps in avoiding any ambiguity. Skill to write a message with clarity is an asset for any individual. Few suggestions are given below to guide you in using email as an effective communication tool:
7.1. Create proper email address: Email address also speaks about the personality and attitude of an individual. So one should be very careful while choosing an email address. Generally, once created, we use the same email address for many years and for various purposes. A wrongly chosen email address can damage your image. Let‟s understand with the help of an example.
Poorly chosen email addresses:
rowdyraka@gmail.com, loverboy7@rediffmail.com, dashingraja@yahoo.com
Better options for email addresses:
rakesh.sharma@gmail.com, ravi_v@gati.co.in, sehgal.sumit@gmail.com
It is suggested to use email addresses bearing your name, last name, company name. It helps the receiver in identifying the sender.
7.2. Reply Promptly: The purpose of communication via email is to carry out fast communication. So, we should reply to the mails received with promptness. Preferably the receiver should reply a mail within same working day or atleast within 24 hours. If you wish to take more time to reply, then send a reply mentioning the receipt of mail and approximate time take to provide the detailed reply.
7.3. Be extra careful while using ‘Reply All’ button: It is the biggest and most frequent mistake done by the email users. While replying to the mail, we should check carefully about whom else is receiving the mail. This can be visible in „Cc: field‟. If you think that your reply should reach all the email addresses mention in the original mail, then use „Reply All‟ button. If you wish to reply only to the sender of the mail, click „Reply‟.
7.4. Use a courteous and friendly tone: Always use a courteous and friendly tone while drafting a message. Profession communication does not have any scope for emotional outbursts. Never reply a mail in anger. Even if you have drafted a mail in bad mood, do not send. Just cool off! Read the message again, redraft and send. With this practice you can avoid many troubles for yourself at workplace.
7.5. Give proper salutation: Always address the receiver with proper salutation. Its importance increases in case of formal communication. A proper salutation straightaway connects you with the receiver. Few suggestions are:
Use „Dear Mr Karan Sharma‟ or „Dear Mr Karan‟ Avoid „Dear Karan‟ or „Hi Karan‟ or „Hi Mr Karan‟
7.6. Do not leave the thread: If you have to reply to an email, do not compose a new mail or change the subject. It will make you and the receiver connected with the issue. You can refer to the mail and its subsequent replies at a later date, as those are available in single thread. In case you wish to discuss another unrelated issue, it is always advisable to compose a new mail.
7.7. Doubly check before clicking the ‘Send’ button: Before clicking the „Send‟ button you should ensure that you have checked the recipient address, read the message carefully, attached the required files etc. Always take your time before sending the mail.
7.8. Do not share confidential and personal information: Never share such information which is confidential or very personal. Email is not a leakage proof mechanism of communication. Also, never use your personal email address to send professional information and vice-versa.
7.9. Make use of ‘Bcc’ field: If you do not want to disclose the names and addresses of the recipients, make use of Bcc field. It helps you in hiding information of on recipient from others. So, it is very much possible to communication with many individuals without disclosing their identity to each other.
7.10. Avoid forwarding chain mails and other junk: Never forward or send chain letters to others. It has proved that all are hoaxes and many a times carry viruses. It is suggested to delete such messages immediately from your message box.
7.11. Be concise: Just like the quality of any other business writing, email messages should be crisp and concise. Generally, you should limit your message to 140 words. Reading lengthy messages is annoying and the reader loses interest in reading the complete message.
7.12. Follow a proper format to write messages: It is important to organise the information in proper format. Paragraphs can be used to highlight different issues. One has to maintain the flow of communication throughout the message.
7.13. Avoid ALL CAPITAL messages: Messages drafted in ALL CAPITAL are difficult read. It is also difficult to check the spelling and other grammatical mistakes in such messages. It is suggested to avoid such formatting.
7.14. Do not ask the recipient to recall a message: While drafting a mail, do not expect the receiver to recall your previous communication. So, it is suggested to provide a reference to previous communications and brief about the issues in your latest mail.
7.15. Use gender neutral language: It is very important to use gender neutral language while writing an email. Writing general messages and addressing employee as „He‟ can offend others. Try to use gender neutral words like Chairperson in place of Chairman.
7.16. Answer all questions while replying: It is always expected by the sender. Reply all the questions that have been asked in a mail. Provide all the required information. Incomplete information adds confusion and distrust.
7.17. Do not attach unnecessary files: Make sure that there is a need to attach a file. Then you are attaching the required files only. Providing unnecessary or unsought information annoys the receiver. Redundancy should be avoided.
7.18. Always check the compatibility of attached file: A non compatible attachment is of no use for the receiver. Always resolve the compatibility issues before attaching and sending any information.
7.19. Take special care of subject line: Subject line has to be handled carefully. Receiver generally takes a decision to open a mail or not just on the basis of subject line. Subject line should clearly indicate the purpose of the mail. Usage of overused words like IMPORTANT and URGENT should be avoided. An ambiguous subject line repels the receiver. Make sure your subject is specific, appropriate, and meaningful.
7.20. Always provide a snapshot in case of lengthy mails: Even if you have to write a lengthy mail, always provide a snapshot of the contents of the mail. This will provide a better orientation to the receiver about the matters discussed in the mail.
7.21. Avoid usage of Jargons, Acronyms, and Emoticons: Do not use Jargons, Acronyms, and Emoticons in professional communication. These are not considered in good taste. Usage of acronyms like LOL (Laughing Out Loud) or BTW (By The Way) or ASAP (As Soon As Possible) might annoy the reader. Also, usage of emoticons like J or L should be avoided.
Example: An example of a well written professional email
From: tarak.saha@gmail.com
To: shiv.gera@gmail.com
Subject: Request for Reference
Date: 10-10-09 12:38
Dear Professor Gera
Greetings for the Day!
Since you have been my mentor and have taught me Business Communication during my Maters in Business Administration Program in the session 2007-09, I would like to list you as a reference in my final placement search.
Would you please give your consent to list you as one of my reference on my resume and cover letters? I would also be requiring a recommendation letter about me.
Please let me know about your view by next Saturday (October 15). I would be happy to discuss about this in person or via email or phone in case you have any query. I can also provide you the list of companies and their details where I am applying for my final placements.
It is an honour to work under your guidance and supervision.
Warm Regards
Tarak Saha
Id. No. 696969
AC Institute of Management, Korba
Mobile: 123456789
- Summary:
Email is considered as widely accepted tool for personal and professional communication. It is an instant tool of communication which saves money and time. Corporate sector is enormously dependent on this tool of communication. Due to this dependency, it is very important for all the users of email to write correct and effective emails.
Email writing etiquettes provide rules and guidelines for drafting effective messages. These guidelines provide help in a situation when messages is being drafted and sent. Sticking to the email etiquettes creates a good impression on the receiver of information. It also saves you from embarrassment.
Structure of an email has various components like Subject, Date, To, From, Salutation, Body, Signature, Greetings etc. While drafting an email, subject line should be precise and meaningful, proper salutation has to be given to the receiver, organise the message logically, put a proper closing to the message, complete signature should be provided. A lot of practice and avoidance of common errors improves the email writing skills.
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Learn More:
- http://www.miscindiana.com/technology/email-etiquette/
- http://www.che.ncsu.edu/bullard/Professional_Development/Electronic%20etiquette.htm
- http://www.gcflearnfree.org/email101/4/print
- http://www.netmanners.com/368/5-essential-elements-of-every-email/
- http://money.usnews.com/money/blogs/outside-voices-careers/2011/01/18/18-common-work-e-mail-mistakes