10 Systems Approach to Problem Solving

Dr. Ashish Saihjpal

epgp books




1. Learning Outcome:


After completing this module the students will be able to:

  • Understand the concept of a system.
  • Systems Approach to Problem Solving
  • Understand how Systems Approach can be applied to Information Systems.
  • Understand the concept of Systems Approach with practical examples.


2.  Introduction


Today’s problems cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that once created them.‑Albert Einstein


This statement by Einstein has put forward a strong argument for the need of such an approach that makes us to address a problem as a whole rather than breaking it into parts. Prima Facie, we need to know what exactly we mean by problem in any business organization. Defining a problem depends on its objectives. This can be explained with the help of an example. If a person has a headache, he will need a medicine. However, if he has no medicine at home then it becomes a problem. In the opposite case, if a person is not having any headache then the non-availability of the medicine doesn’t create any problem. Therefore, a problem is closely attached with its purpose and whenever, we have a problem we need a solution to fix it. The systems approach to problem solving involves a systems route to explain the meaning of problems and opportunities and also to develop the correct feasible solutions for the same. The term ‘system’ signifies the different features, elements, merits and demerits of a particular subject that may be biological or commercial. Each and every system has certain targets to be attained. To attain these, a system has certain elements like input, output and processing devices. A system functions as per different rules, regulations, principles and policies. Therefore, systems approach is a well- organized, focused structure that consists of interrelated and interdependent elements (components, entities, factors, members, parts etc.). These elements influence one another continuously either in a direct manner or in an indirect manner to maintain their activity and the existence of the system so as to attain the targets of the system.

In simple words, a system is composed of parts or elements that are connected to each other directly or indirectly otherwise there shall be two or more distinct systems. A system has a definite limit and has a limitation of space and time. A system can be a subset of a bigger system or function in accordance with another system.


A system can be broken into smaller subsystems depending upon the nature and need of the system. The behavior of a system in an environment depends upon its interactions. This can be explained with the help of an example. In an organization, its sales function can be one system (Exhibit 1). If the problem is of poor sales performance which is the output of the business, it might be caused by lack of effort on the part of the sales team (input) or due to the obsolete methods of sales (processing) or incorrect information on sales (feedback) or improper sales management (control). Through the systems approach, such a problem can be addressed specifically and solution can be provided.



Another example can be the implementation of enterprise resource planning software. It acts as a system in which we put together the different functional departments of the firm to manage day to day business operations (Exhibit 2). The integration of these functions is optimized as per business needs concerning people, processes and technology.


  1. Defining Systems Approach to Problem Solving


  1. The Scientific Method vs. Systems Approach


The Scientific Method – the scientific approach is based on the established problem-solving methodology i.e. a logical explanation of the observed events. A step by step approach is followed which includes a generally recognized and ordered series of steps. These are given below:

  • Recognizing and defining a problem
  • Formulating a hypothesis
  • Conducting experiments to test the formulated hypothesis
  • Interpreting the results of the experiments
  • Drawing conclusion about the hypothesis.

The Systems Approach – In a systems approach, the problem is viewed holistically with inherent elements and their interrelationships. Such a detailed analysis facilitates in identifying the actual problem and its symptoms for developing the actual solutions.


  1. Problem Recognition Using System Thinking


Under the systems approach, recognition of the problem and opportunities is the first task. Problems are occurrences that create hurdles in the attainment and fulfillment of the desired objectives whereas opportunities throw up the potential for attaining the desired objectives.

  1. Evaluation of Alternatives.

The next task of the expert is to identify the different systems, sub-systems and the different elements of the systems. Therefore, the systems approach takes into consideration the inputs that are used by the organization, the processing of these inputs and the resultant outputs. This also includes the reviews and the control components. These are the different systems and the sub-systems. The interactions between these are also covered. To solve particular problem, the expert needs to ascertain if all these systems are working effectively.

Once, the different solutions have been framed by the expert, the next step is to compare the different solutions. The expert has to keep in mind the past experience of the organization, the options that have been tried earlier, the cost of the different solutions etc.

  1. Formulating the Solution

The expert then starts the process of selecting the best solution. He/she can make criteria on the basis of which evaluation is done.

  1. Solution Designing

When the expert finalizes the solution for the problem then he/she starts the work of designing that solution. This may require the help from the technical support staff and other departments. The objective here is to design and describe each and every specification of the solution. Another objective is to design the complete stages of implementation. This involves specifying the work that has to be done by the different participants of the system, sub-systems etc. This then calls for assigning the work as per the capabilities, changes in the work allocation, specifying the different technical and physical resources needed and specifying the time limit of the attainment of the objectives.

  1. Implementation and Evaluation


The last stage includes implementation. The detailed and specified plan is implemented with utmost care. This may again require the collaboration of the different departments. All the different resources or inputs needed are also garnered. Certain cautions are required to be followed. One that there might be overlapping between the different stages and two, sometimes, the expert might have to start the process all over again. By going back, one learns what one has missed out.


These activities undertaken in a systems approach may be interdependent and interrelated. This happens when resources are integrated. Some activities may occur one time while some could be repeated. Also, an overlap of some activities is likely to occur.

  1. Applying the Systems Approach to Information Systems.

Systems approach is applied to the development of information systems solution in addressing business problems. This is called as information systems development or application development. In any business enterprise when the systems approach is applied to resolve the problems related with information systems then the model is called as Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC).


  1. Investigation Stage


The first step is called as investigation stage. In this stage, the problem is identified in any business. In this stage, several issues are addressed like what are the different repercussions of a problem. The experts also explore the information systems solutions in this stage.

  1. Feasibility Studies

In the second stage, the experts find out the cost and benefits of the proposed project. This also includes the detailed preparation of the different resource requirement in terms of men, equipment, infrastructure and limiting areas are identified and agreed upon.



Feasibility studies cover the following elements:


  • Organizational Level – It implies that the aims and objectives of the company are well aligned with the proposed solution of the information system to be implemented.
  • Client Level – The demands and preferences of the client are to be kept at the locus of the whole planning process. The transformation system to be implemented should be so as to meet business requirements and apply to business use cases.
  • Economic Level –The economic feasibility of the project is also a significant consideration. Also, parameters such as multiplication of revenues, lesser investments, reduced response time and cost cuttings are essential parameters to be met.
  • Operational Level – The implementation of the systems approach through the information systems is effective when not only the top management is involved but all the management levels directly associated with it are involved. Also, the customers and suppliers are also involved.
  • Technical Level – The system to be implemented is developed through the use of interoperable, scalable and robust hardware. It can be either developed or acquired by the business organization. This may also need financial investments and technical expertise.


3. Systems Analysis


Systems analysis requires the detailed study of the wants and requirements that are critical for implementing the information system in an organization. The detailed analysis regarding information needs, resources, activities and products is carried out. The shortfall in these and the additional requirements are then estimated.

  1. System Design


In this stage, all the specifications studied in the systems analysis stage are put into the designing of systems approach. These specifications helps in the designing of the software, hardware and other activities involved with the implementation.


The stage of system design is made up of three individual stages. The first being the User Interface design stage followed by the data design and process design stage. The user interface design lays emphasis on making the implementation more user-friendly and easily understandable. It deals with images, text, reports, forms and dialogues. In the data design stage, files and database structure is worked upon. In the last stage (process design) procedures and layout of programs and codes is done.




There are two steps involved:


Logical Systems Design – In this step, designing of the specifications required for the Information System tool to satiate the end user requirements.


Physical System Design – This step involves the development of the software, hardware and human resources. All these integrations should be well in agreement to the specifications of the logical systems design.

  1. Systems Implementation


After the systems design stage, the next stage is the systems implementation stage. Therefore, in this stage the acquirement of software and hardware, procedure testing, appointment of new personnel, system and service documentation and training to enable the system to become operative is done.

  1. Computer-Aided Systems Engineering

The SDLC Cycle is a traditional, complex and time consuming systems. These days, a new tool has emerged which is more flexible, quick and more efficient. This is called as Computer-aided systems engineering (or computer-aided software engineering) or CASE. CASE assists effectively with project management, interface design, database design, and software development. CASE as the name suggests, uses software packages or CASE tools, to perform many of the activities of the systems development life cycle. CASE packages facilitate tools both for the planning, analysis, and design of the systems development life cycle as well as for implementation and maintenance. CASE packages also include a system repository component that expands the role of the data catalogue of data definitions.

A central repository provides all the details and descriptions related with the initial stages of planning and systems analysis activities and also of design, implementation, and maintenance of the system. Thus, the repository has become a bigger database for all the details of a system generated with other systems development tools.

  1. Prototyping


It refers to the understanding of system proposals prior to the actual implementation. Prototyping is like a mini working model of the system. It is reviewed by the different decision makers and stakeholders. The feedback given by these can be incorporated before the actual implementation.



5.  Exemplifying the Systems Approach


A systems approach refers to viewing the big picture. It does not study the system merely in fragments but in the holistic sense. It also highlights context and situations where necessary action is to be taken. Given below are the different examples that highlight the significance of the systems approach:


 In a city the pollution levels are high so the problem is to estimate the pollutants. In such a system, the input is the fuel consumption and the output is the pollution generated. In the systems approach, this problem is observed as a whole without finding as to who was responsible for creating the pollution and to what extent. Such a process uses the Black Box model as it is not known what happens inside or the interactions that take place within the black box. On the other hand if the system is transparent and the interactions can be seen then it refers to the ‘white box’.


Many a times, the examination of the human body by the doctors also follows the black box approach. A doctor may not always require an internal test, an x-ray or an ultrasound to intricately observe what happens inside the body. Through the physical examination of the body, a doctor is able to treat the disease. In this system, the medicine prescribed is the input; the impact of this drug is the output. However, the chemical reaction that occurs inside the human body that causes this reaction is not analysed.


If, ABC is the coach of the Indian cricket team and the Australian cricket team is touring India. The objective of the coach is to make the Indian team win over the visiting team. The coach then may use a systems approach to achieve the objective. He collects information about the Indian team. This is a system. The sub-systems are the bowlers, batsmen, fielders. The external environment includes the regulators, umpires, the coach, the audience, media and the opponent’s team. There is another sub-system which includes the supporting staff i.e. the doctor, coach and physiotherapist of the team. All these sub-systems have an independent and distant role to play yet together these have a direct impact on the outcome of the game. In this case, the following steps are involved in the application of the systems approach:


Problem definition – In this situation, the problem is that the Indian the team win over Australian team. The coach studies the past performances of the teams and these set a benchmark.


Data Collection – The coach does and extensive research. He studies the performance of both the Indian team and the Australian team. For this purpose, he reviews the videos of the previous matches of both the teams. He identifies the strengths and weaknesses of the both the teams. He also takes note of the other factors affecting the team’s performance, directly or indirectly, for example, the weather conditions. He then frames his team’s strategy which may also include certain corrective measures. If the team plays in its home country, it not only is a reason to motivate the team but the expectations rise higher.


Identifying alternatives – Based on the collected data, the coach outlines more than one strategy for the players. He might suggest weakening the rivals’ players by sledging or other tactics. Making his bowlers to attack on the rival batsmen’s weak areas. The coach also frames strategies for its own opening batsmen. They have to be aggressive yet give stability to the wicket. Sledging needs to be avoided and keep the best attacking bowlers during the power play.


Evaluating alternatives- The coach, now, compares the different strategies. He has to select one. He compares the different alternatives. The first alternative may focus more on the competitive ability of the openers. However, it is important to team up players in a way that both interpersonal differences and sledging is avoided. The second alternative may give more stability to the mid wicket if the run rate is not as per expectations. However, this should not be affecting the opening and the aggressive play of the openers by neutralizing their efforts. The second strategy provides a safer option in the sense that it will neutralize the aggressive game of the openers but there is limited chance of getting breakthroughs. The third option of employing aggressive close-in fielders to play upon the internal personal differences of the openers and at the same. Time employing the best bowlers may lead to breakthroughs and may also restrict the aggressive openers.


Selecting the best alternative- The coach has to select the best solution to make sure a competitive lineup is formed and the aggressive players are kept in the middle to push up the performance.

Implementing and monitoring- Communicate between the coach, the team and the various stakeholders is much needed. Therefore, the coach must effectively convey the chosen strategy to them. This should be kept in mind and practiced during the trials and practice sessions.

  1. Applying Systems Approach for Problem Solving

  1.Partitioning the system into Black Boxes – This stage requires the division of the system into different black boxes. Essentially, ‘black box’ entails that nothing is known about the structure of the system. The construction of the black box requires the knowledge of the input that goes into the process; the output that comes out. For the construction of the black box, the internal knowledge of the processing and functionality is not required. Hence, it can be said that a Black Box Model is a computer program where the information is entered by the users and the pre programmed system gives the output to the end user. These black boxes have the advantage as these need limited knowledge for construction.


  1. Organizing the Black Boxes into Hierarchies – This is the second stage, where the so constructed black boxes are organized into hierarchies so that the relationships among them are easily established. This establishes the hierarchy between them. Once, a hierarchy of the black boxes is established, the system becomes easier to understand as it makes the internal working of the system clearer.
  1. Summary


Systems, processes and structures are the basic foundations of developing an Information Systems. This approach lays emphasis on the relationships between different things. When a system is considered as a whole, rather than laying focus on its component parts separately, the composite system is said to have properties which cannot be found from the properties of the component parts. The systems approach emphasizes that to solve a problem one needs to understand the interdependency between the different functional departments. This requires that the firms and organizations are organized in a more integrated way. It may be incorrect to say that a system approach implies a single ‘right’ or ‘ideal’ solution. Different approaches are measured weighed against each other so as to find one path or solution which can best suited to serve the objective of the business organization.

  • Laudon Kenneth C, Laudon Jane P, Management Information Systems, Managing the Digital Firm, Pearson Education South Asia, 2013
  • O’Brien A James, Marakas M George, Behl Ramesh, “Management Information Systems.” 9th Edition, Tata Mc Graw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd.
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Web Resources

  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Systems_development_life_cycle
  • https://scholar.harvard.edu/files/waldo/files/ps-2006-6.pdf