39 Quality of Work Life
Pooja Malhotra
1. Learning Outcome:
After completing this module the students will be able to:
• Understand the concept and meaning of Quality of Work Life (QWL)
• Understand the dimensions of QWL.
• Understand the benefits of QWL
• Describe the principles of QWL
2. Introduction
Quality of work life (QWL) is an important aspect of human resource management. QWL refers to the relationship between an employee and an employer to cater to needs and expectations of each other. For an organization, human resource is an important resource among all other resources. A successful organization utilizes optimally the skills and abilities of its employees. For this, it also has to provide a congenial and a productive environment to its employees. The concept of QWL got its prominence after a number of attitudinal surveys were conducted at University of Michigan to check the quality of an individual on the job. The surveys were conducted during the period of 1969 to 1973. In India the concept of QWL gained attention in mid 1970s. If companies want to grow they will have to treat their employees as an important resource and hence, provide all those facilities which are required to improve their productivity, both at personal as well as at professional level.
3. Meaning of QWL
QWL reflects the relationship between employees and the working environment provided to them. QWL requires the organisations to make provisions of such a conducive environment for the employees so that they can be satisfied and that can enhance their productivity. QWL can also be defined as a concern about the impact of work on people as well as on organisational effectiveness, and the idea of participation in organisational problem-solving and decision making.
Walton defines QWL as a process where an organisation caters to employees’ needs and allowing them to participate in decision making process. He has provided various dimensions of QWL programmes such as adequate and fair compensation, safe and healthy environment, development of human capacities, social integration, growth and security, social relevance, constitutionalism and total life space.
To sum up, QWL aims at providing job satisfaction to the employees which can enhance their efficiency and productivity. In present scenario, employees not only needs fair remuneration, good working conditions, stability of job and social security but also an environment which can give them satisfaction that they are contributing towards the success of the enterprise by participating in decision making process which effects their quality of work.
4. Dimensions of QWL
QWL is a multi-dimensional concept. It shows its concern towards the employees of the organisation. The aim of QWL is developing a work environment that ensures dignity to the employee, stimulates his creative abilities and facilitates self-growth.
Exhibit 1 presents the various components of a QWL programme as identified by G.R. Mahapatra.
Exhibit 1: Components of a QWL Programme
Following are the main aspects of QWL:
1. Satisfactory and fair compensation:
The employees should be given adequate and fair compensation as per their efforts involved in the job. The compensation should be competitive and should be able to help them to maintain their desirable standard of living. The compensation should be market driven and should also consider various internal and external factors like cost of living, financial position of the company, job evaluation, etc.
2. Safe and healthy working conditions:
The organisation should provide hazards free work environment to the employees. The work environment should be favourable to safety and health of the employees. There should be reasonable working hours, cleanliness, safety measures, and proper ventilation etc. for providing a safe and healthy working environment.
3. Opportunities for Career Growth:
The employees should be provided career opportunities so that they can expand their existing skills and develop new abilities and skills. The opportunities should be provided on a continuous basis.
4. Effective utilisation of human capacities:
In present scenario of automation and technological advancements, the job should provide challenging tasks to the employees. The organisation should effectively utilize the skills and abilities of workers.
5. Social integration in work force:
The workers should be socially integrated. There should be trust, equal treatment, development of team spirit, fulfilment of their social needs.
6. Constitutional protection:
QWL provides constitutional protection to the employees so that management actions or decisions can be challenged. Employees must be given their constitutional rights on such matters as free speech, equity etc.
7. Work life balance:
There should be proper balance between personal life and work life of employees. Late hour duties, frequent and long travels, quick and far away transfers are both psychologically and socially very costly and work against quality of work life.
8. Socially relevant jobs:
Job should also provide social welfare. Organisations should be socially responsible. They should give due concerns to social causes like consumer protection, employment, pollution etc. These efforts can enhance quality of work life.
5. Benefits of Quality of Work Life
In general, the benefits of QWL are twofold. First, it provides benefits to employees and helps in providing satisfied and productive employees and second, it provide benefits to the organisation and provides a more efficient and profitable organisation. Following are some of the general benefits of QWL:
a) It helps in providing greater self-esteem. Self esteem refers to positive feelings towards one’s self.
b) It helps in providing job satisfaction. Employees feel involved and give greater contribution towards the organisational goals.
c) It helps in creating more positive feelings towards the organisation. Employees feel more committed.
d) It ensures growth and development of the individual as a person as well as a productive element of the organisation.
e) It helps in decelerating accidents, absenteeism and labour turnover.
f) It results into higher quality and quantity of output of goods and services.
6. Principles of QWL
To improve QWL, following are the four basic principles:
1. The principle of equity
Equal treatment should be given to all employees. The differences between workers doing same job and with same level of performance must be removed. ‘Equal rank, equal pay’ norm should be followed.
2. The Principle of Safety
Safe and secure working conditions should be provided which can eliminate fear of loss of job, accidents and hazards etc. Job security and safety at work should be provided.
3. The principle of individualism
Every employee should be given an opportunity to grow and develop his abilities and personality. Employees should take active participation in decisions that affect their job design and working conditions.
4. The principle of Democracy
Authority should also be given along with responsibility to employees. Desirable participation in the decision making process improves the quality of work life.
7. Summary
QWL is an important aspect of human resource management. It represents the relationship between employees and the work environment. What kind of quality of working environment is given to the employees will affect their productivity and ultimately the success or failure of the organisation. Hence, organisations will have to devise certain QWL programmes that can lead to more satisfied and productive employees. The QWL programmes should respond to the employees needs. They should provide suitable and fair compensation, safe and healthy environment, career growth opportunities, social recognition, social security, personal and professional development opportunities.
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• Srivastava, S. and Kanpur, R. (2014), “A Study On Quality Of Work Life: Key Elements & It’s Implications,” Journal of Business and Management, 16(3), pp.54-59.
• Guggilam, V. (2013), “A study on Factors contributing to Quality of work life in the Retail Sector,” available at SSRN: http;//ssrn.com