1 Concept, definition and scope of library management

Prof H. R. Chopra


I. Objectives


The objectives of the unit/module include, to:


  • Make acquainted with the concept of management,
  • Describe the need for managing library organizations,
  • List the concept of management in various ways,
  • Discuss about the three levels of library management,
  • Explain the scope of library management, and
  • Describe the managerial role in library organizations.


II. Learning Outcomes


After going through this unit/module, you would understand the meaning of management through definitions given by various management experts. You would also learn as to how important management is for every organisation and would gain knowledge of the characteristics, differences between administration and management, qualities of a good manager, etc. You would be able to explain the three levels of management and describe the managerial role in library organizations.



III. Structure


1.  Introduction


2. Concept of Management


2.1 Management: Science or Art


2.2 Management and Administration


2.3 Definition of Management


3. Characteristics of Management


4. Scope of Management


5. Functions of Management / Manager


6. Levels of Management in Libraries


6.1 Qualities of an Effective Manager


6.2 Managerial Role


7. Summary


8. References


1. Introduction


Management refers to series of functions for the organisation and administration of various activities and people in the organisation. If we study the working of the existing organisations all over the world, some are highly successful; some are striving hard for success while some are unsuccessful. There are certain factors influencing their success. Mangers apply the principles of management which are universal in character. They plan, organize, integrate and inter–relate organizational activities and resources for the purpose of accomplishing the objectives.


Management is essential for all types of organisations and libraries are no exception. Management techniques in libraries have their origin in mid 1950’s. Prior to this, libraries had very limited financial resources and limited services. Now libraries exist in great variety. These vary in size, goals, structural pattern, financial resources, staff and many other characteristics. From management point of view, these very in management style, morale of the staff, environment for innovation etc. Now a variety of information and communication technologies are available as means to improve library services and operations.


Good management leads to efficiency, quality, economy and satisfaction. Library managers have attempted to adopt proven principles of management from the non-library world which were considered to contribute to the successful operation of their libraries. The libraries are non-profit organisations and their objective is to provide consistent, effective and efficient products and services to the clients. The importance of management to libraries has grown over the years as libraries have become larger in terms of size, collections, budgets and staff. There is an obvious need for management skills at the level of Chief Librarian in the large academic or public libraries. Complexity of library services and variety of forms of documents in the special libraries also has paved way for application of principles of scientific management in these libraries.


 But it is not only the librarians of large libraries who need to possess the managerial skills but every library, big or small, needs professionals with management skills. The demands of every librarian’s managerial ability have become large and more complex in recent years. Most librarians in the modern libraries are managers and they also need to know how to manage. Today librarians are facing greater challenges than ever before, resulting from increased competition and ever changing technologies. As such the management techniques are required to be applied in all types and sizes of libraries in all parts of the world at large.


2.  Concept of Management


The term ‘Management’ is used in a variety of ways. Being a new discipline, it has drawn concepts and principles form a number of disciplines such as economics, sociology, statistics, etc. The result is that each group of contributors has treated management differently. The economists have treated it as a factor of production, while the sociologists have treated it as a group of persons. They have viewed the nature and scope of management differently. According to L.M. Prasad, the term ‘Management’ is used in three alternative ways as under:


Management as a Discipline


A discipline refers to well defined concepts and principles. Management as a discipline includes relevant concepts and principles, the knowledge of which helps in managing. From this point of view, management can be treated as either as a science or an art. As management prescribes various principles and these can be applied in managing an organisation, it has the orientation of both science and art.


Management as a Group of People


The group of people includes all those persons who perform managerial functions in the organisation. When we talk of relationship between management and other staff in the organisation, we refer to two different groups of people, i.e., managerial and non-managerial personnel. This approach of management is quite popular.


Management as a Process


A process can be defined as systematic method of handling activities. But management process can be treated as a complex one which can be referred to as an identifiable flow of information through inter-related stages of analysis directed towards the achievement of an objective or set of objectives. Thus management as a process includes various activities and sub-activities. In a simple way, we can define management as what managers do. As management involves two groups, namely, operational and managerial, management can be defined as the process of getting things done by others.


Keeping in view the above mentioned factors various concepts of management can be listed asunder –


a) Management by Communication

The primary function of a manager is to formulate policies and implement them effectively which require oral or written communication with the staff. Managers usually spend majority of their time in communicating for getting the work done from others. Communication is a continuous, coordinated process of informing, listening and understanding. Success of management depends upon effective communication.


b) Management by System

 It is the concept of identifying the problems, solving them through various possible alternatives and making the generalization for the future. Management by system refers to indentifying the problem and analyzing it; collecting relevant data and analyzing the same; finding out various viable alternatives; testing the mand finally selecting the best one. Subsequently, review is done from time to time and corrective action is taken, if necessary.


c) Management by Results

 According to this concept, the progress of the organisation is evaluated periodically in order to ascertain the results achieved. The end-results are significant and determine the success and strength of the management. The management should therefore being result oriented.


d) Management by Participation

 It is also known as ‘Participative Management’. The workers in the organisation are given opportunity in the decision making process also. It involves the doctrine of trusteeship. Management by participation creates a sense of involvement among the workers. The workers can very well appreciate the problems and bottle-necks in the system. They can also realize the practical problems involved in the system and thus take realistic decision in the organisation.


e) Management by Motivation

 Inspiring the workers in the organisation for accomplishment of the objectives is called motivation. If the target is achieved, the workers are given due credit, rewards and benefits. It acts as an encouragement for the future too. Management is nothing but to motivate people towards the accomplishment of the work as per objectives of the organisation concerned.


f)  Management by Exception

Normally the routine work is performed by the workers in the organisation without any problem. But at certain times, exceptional difficult situation arises in the organisation when the management has to take drastic steps to achieve the goals. A good management can manage very well during the exceptional and difficult circumstances also. This is also one dimension of management.


g) Management by Objectives (MBO)

 This concept was propounded by Peter F. Drucker. It is important to plan the objectives of the organisation before placing them before the decision making bodies for approval. The manager has to get the work done as per objectives of the organisation. It is a dynamic system which is demanding and rewarding style of management. Most of the industrial and commercial organisations follow MBO. Libraries are, these days, adopting and following this concept in order to provide library and information services to the clients, and thus accomplish the objectives.


2.1 Management: science or art?


According to Koontz, “Science” is organized knowledge. The essential features of any science are the application of the scientific method to the development of knowledge. Thus science comprises of clear concepts, theory and other accumulated knowledge developed from hypotheses, experimentation and analysis.


Management has clear concept and has principles of scientific management. It makes use of scientific methods in involving principles. According to L.M. Prasad, Science may contribute to the solution of managerial problems by two ways:


  • Existing research and theory relevant to the problem may be brought to bear on its solution, and
  • Where sufficient time is available, research may be conducted to provide information not previously available and to apply solution accordingly. To be a successful manager, a person requires the knowledge of management principles and also the skills of how the knowledge can be utilized. Absence of either will result in inefficiency. As such, management can be termed as science.


Management can be regarded as an ‘Art’ also. L.M. Prasad is of the opinion that the meaning of art is related with the bringing of a desired result through the application of skills. Whereas under ‘science’, one learns the ‘why’ of a phenomenon; under ‘Art’, one learns the “how” of it. Art is thus concerned with the understanding of how particular work can be accomplished. So management is an art because it can be applied effectively for solving various organizational problems from situation to situation.


Thus it is evident that management has the characteristic of ‘Science’ as well as ‘Art’. Management has proven principles based on advances of knowledge. At the same time, the process of management does involve the use of know-how and skills like any other art. It has creativity like any other art. Every manager has individual approach and technique in solving the problems, which is the characteristic of art. Hence management is ‘Science’ or ‘Art’ both.


2.2 Management and administration


Some authors have stated that management and administration are two different terms, while others have suggested that there is no difference between the two. Various views expressed in this regard have led to the emergence of the following three approaches:


a)  Administration is above Management

 Some classical thinkers like Oliver Sheldon, are of the view that administration relates to the policy formation and management relates to the policy execution and as such these two activities are not the same. But Henry Fayol, who studied the entire management functions never distinguished between management and administration. These are like two sides of the same coin.


 b)   Administration is a Part of Management

 There is another school of thought, including E.F.L. Brech, who treats management as a more comprehensive function which includes administration also. If this view is acceptable, administration becomes a subordinate function to overall management functions. From this point of view, administration is concerned with day to day functions and is a part of management. But this version reverses the stand of the classical thinkers. It does not hold the validity in the present day scenario.


c) Management and Administration are the Same

 According to the third approach, which is the most popular and practical one, management and administration are the same. Both involve the same functions, principles and objectives. Henry Fayol, one of the leading thinkers of management, was of the view that all undertakings require planning, organisation, command, coordination and control. Thus, there is no difference between management and administration and both are the same. The difference between the two terms lies mostly in their usage in different countries or different fields of human organisations. It becomes unimportant whether policy formulation function is known as administration or management. Basically both terms are same.


2.3 Definitions of management


According to Frederick W. Taylor, “Management is the art of knowing what you want to do in the best and cheapest way”. He has emphasized the work and not the workers of the organisation. He opines that men and machines are similar for achieving the goal of getting the things done in the best possible way and at a least cost. This is applicable in the case of all types of libraries, especially where we intend to provide best possible library services at the least cost.


John Mee has defined ‘Management’ in terms of securing maximum results. According to him, “Management is the art of securing maximum results with minimum efforts so as to secure maximum prosperity and happiness for both employer and employee and give the public the best possible service.” This definition is aptly applicable for libraries also, where the objective is to provide best possible service to the clientele to their fullest satisfaction.


According to G. Edward Evans, “Management means to control and direct the operation of an organisation or a sub-division of a larger unit”. Supervision will only be used to indicate the control and direction of a small unit on a day to day first hand basis. But no matter which word is used, the definition of management includes two concepts: firstly, accomplishing certain defined activities and secondly, the people who accomplish the work. The balancing of activities and people becomes the task of the manager.


The definition given by Glueck is more relevant to the library management. According to him, “Management is effective utilization of human and material resources to achieve the enterprise’s objectives.” Libraries and information centres have professional staff as well as variety of documents and resources to provide information to the end users of these organizations. The target is to achieve the objectives of the libraries at large.


As quoted by Robert D. Stueart and Barbara B. Moran, early in the twentieth century, Mary Follett had defined management as “The art of getting things done through people”. This definition is still relevant because of the things we know about management is that it is impossible for anyone to manage alone. Managers have to use the skills and labor footers to succeed and thus, for them, interpersonal skills are extremely important. Regardless of the type of organisation or the level of management, the functions of planning, organizing, human resource, leading and controlling are essential to all managers.


It is obvious that in the libraries and information centres also, the librarian gets the work done from the professional and non-professional staff, which involves managerial skills.


Stueart and Moran have stated that the basic essence of management is using organizational resources, staffing, leading and controlling. Managers are those individuals within an organisation who are in a position to make the decisions that allow an organisation to reach its objectives. They work to ensure that these objectives are reached both effectively and efficiently. This definition is applicable to all types of libraries and information centres without any exception. The librarians also use the organizational resources in order to achieve the objectives through careful planning, organizing, staffing, leading and controlling.


As per ALA Glossary of Library and Information Science, “Management may be defined as the process of coordinating the total resources of an organisation towards the accomplishment of the desired goals of that organization through the execution of a group of inter-related functions such as organizing, staffing, directing and controlling”. This definition explains that the management is a process of coordination among various resources through different functions in order to achieve the objectives of an organisation.


Harold Koontz has defined management in the following words “Management is the process of designing and maintaining an environment in which individuals work with such performance for optimizing efficiency in reaching goals”. According to him, environment is a basic factor beyond all resources to work efficiently in the organization. In a library also, we have three essential components, i.e., documents, staff and the users which require a congenial environment for efficient performance of the staff in order to achieve goals to serve the library users to their maximum satisfaction.


In spite of the various definitions as above, it has become very difficult to formulate a single, comprehensive and universally acceptable definition of library management. But all the above mentioned definitions are relevant, meaningful and appropriate in different contexts. These are the reflections of different experts and their perspectives.


3. Characteristics of Management


Some of the most common and significant characteristics of management are given below –


  • Management is a distinct process in which work is got done through planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling by the manager.
  • Management is an organized activity.
  • Management aims at the accomplishment of pre-determined objectives.
  • Management is a group activity, and it cannot be done in isolation.
  • Management principles are universal in nature, which are applicable to all types of organizations.
  • Management integrates human and other resources including financial resources.
  • Management is a skill of getting things done though people.
  • Management has a distinctive significance which differs from ownership.
  • Management is essential at different levels of organization.
  • Management principles are dynamic in nature.
  • Management is a system of authority.
  • Management utilizes a multi-disciplinary approach (which includes economics, statistics, industrial and human psychology, computer science, engineering, accountancy, sociology, etc.)


4.  Scope of Management


Management is multi-disciplinary in nature and its scope is very wide as it includes human resources, financial resources, infrastructural resources and technological resources. It involves scientific management based on sound principles. Management is applicable in all types of organizations which include the industries, hospitals, offices, commercial organizations, educational institutions, scientific and technical laboratories, museums, archives, airlines, roadways, railways, libraries, information centres, and so on. But it is concerned with getting the work done from the people efficiently and economically.


5. Functions of Management / Managers


Various management thinkers have given different functions of management to be performed by the managers of different types of organizations.


Some of the important views are given below –


a.  Henry Fayol, Father of Classical School of Management, has given the following managerial functions


i.      Planning


ii.     Organizing


iii.   Command


iv.   Coordination and control


b.    Newman and Summer have suggested the following functions of management


i.      Planning


ii.     Organizing


iii.   Leading


iv.   Measuring and controlling


c.     Stueart and Moran have formulated the following five functions of management


i.      Planning


ii.     Organizing


iii.   Human Resource


iv.   Leading


v.     Controlling


d. Luther Gulick and Lyndall Urwick have given the following seven functions of management and coined an acronym as “POSDCORB”. Brief explanations of these functions are given below:


i. Planning


 It requires wide knowledge and experience to make blue print of the work to be performed. Planning is the most basic function to be performed by the manager. In libraries also, very careful planning is required for successful fulfillment of the requirements of the users (clients). This is considered as the most important managerial function.


 ii. Organizing


It involves choosing the design, suggesting the structure, space planning and allocation of the jobs. It also includes determining the specific activities, grouping the activities into a logical framework, assigning these activities to specific positions and coordinating the efforts of individuals and groups. Flow-chart is prepared, if necessary. This function is also applicable for managing all types of libraries and information centres.


 iii. Staffing


This function is also known as ‘Human Resource Management’ or ‘Personnel Management’. Role of staff or workers is very significant in all types of organisations. In case of libraries, perhaps it is the most important. A library may have excellent building, rich collections and nice infrastructure, but it cannot achieve the goal of satisfying the clients (users) if its staff is not well qualified, trained, devoted and adequate.


iv. Directing


Giving directions or instructions or advice to the staff to perform the work accurately, efficiently and appropriately is known as the managerial function, ‘Directing’. This is a continuous process and applicable to individual workers as well as group of people in the organisation. This is more applicable in the libraries where highly technical work is performed in various sections of the libraries.


 v. Coordinating


 It means inter-relating or co-relating various parts of the organisation in order to achieve harmonious operation and avoiding over-lapping or duplication of work or efforts. It ensures maximum contribution by all the units of the organisation in a systematic way. In the libraries, coordination is required in the working of all sections so that there is no confusion, overlapping or missing links at any stage and work is got done promptly and efficiently.




Keeping all the staff members, sections, supervisors and the parent bodies informed of the work completed, work in progress and work to be done in the near future, is called ‘Reporting’. It helps to avoid any confusion, misunderstanding, gaps or over doing from any front. In the libraries too, it is through the reporting that a Chief Librarian informs the higher authorities about the performance and need of the library from to time to time.


vii. Budgeting


Rough estimate of income and expenditure of an organisation for a given period is called budget. It is a forecast of the organisation. Financial resources are the most important part of any institution. It is equally applicable to all types of libraries as well. Careful planning of budget, accounting and control thereof is essential for efficient functioning of a library.

In addition to the above mentioned managerial functions, the following two additional functions are also being practiced in the organisations and this:


  • Leading: It refers to providing positive and dynamic leadership, which is an elusive quality. At times, the term “Manager” and “Leader” are treated as synonyms, but they are not the same. Leadership is just one aspect of what a manager does.
  • Controlling: As discussed by many thinkers of management, controlling includes control of everything and everyone in the organization. It leads to direction. The libraries, various higher bodies, parent bodies, library committees, etc. exercise the function of controlling.


6.  Levels of Management in Libraries


Managers can be categorized in a number of ways. Most commonly, we think of them in vertical hierarchy. They usually work at three levels, viz. Top, Middle and Lower level of the organization. The Managers at top or nearer to the top have broader responsibilities and authority than those at lower levels. According to Stueart and Moran, various organisations including libraries have three levels of management as under:


i. Top Management:

 It includes directors, associate directors and assistant directors in the large libraries. They are responsible to set policies for the entire organisation and are responsible for its overall management. They act as leaders and have wide powers as wells responsibilities.


ii.Middle Management:

 They are in–charge of specific sub-units of the organization. In the libraries, they are heads of the department or Branch Librarians. Their responsibilities are confirmed to the successful functioning of the department concerned. They also serve as liaisons between top management and supervisors.


iii. Lower Management or First Line Supervisors:

 They act as supervisors of the junior staff and lead the activities of individual workers in carrying out the day to day work of the organisation/library. These managers implement the procedures and processes that allow their units to work effectively and efficiently.


 But the above mentioned hierarchy in the management is being distributed more widely throughout the organizations these days. This change can be seen in all types of organisations including libraries and information centres.


The emphasis is being given to team work now-a-days.


6.1 Qualities of an Effective Manager


An effective manager is one who is positive in his personality. L.M. Prasad has quoted the following characteristics of an effective manager.

Most Descriptive Least Descriptive
Decisive Amiable
Aggressive Conforming
Self -Starting Neat
Productivity Reserved
Well-informed Agreeable
Determined Conservative
Energetic Kindly
Creative Mannerly
Intelligent Cheerful
Responsible Formal
Enterprising Courteous
Clear-thinking Modest


The above mentioned most descriptive qualities are essential for an effective manager. But least descriptive qualities are also necessary because these many contribute indirectly to the effectiveness of the manager.


6.2 Managerial Role


A role can be defined as an expected set of behaviors and activities. Henry Mintzberg observed that a manager performs a variety of roles which are grouped in the following three broad categories:


i.Interpersonal Role:

Top managers serve as symbols of the organisation itself. They also play the role as leaders. As part of this role they motivate, communicate with and inspire the individuals with whom they work. They act as figurehead and keep liaisons both inside and outside the organisation.


ii.  Information Role:

In the present day society, information is the most important for any type of organisation. The managers play the role of a monitor and always seek information, which they disseminate to those who need it. They act as spokespersons of the organisation and transmit the official information of the organisation to the outside world by means of memos, speeches newsletters and other methods of communication.


iii. Decision Making Role:


Managers spend a lot of time in decision making, resource allocation, conflict resolution and crisis handling. They act as disturbance handlers and negotiators. Managers also play the role of entrepreneur when they work to introduce innovation into the organisation. They also make necessary changes, if necessary, in the fast changing environment.


In the libraries and information centres also the top level managers invariably play all the above mentioned roles. Middle level managers also perform many of these roles as part of their managerial activities. Thus the roles of the managers are often challenging.


7.   Summary


Good management is critical to the success of all organizations and libraries are no exception to it. The librarians of the future will be working in environments that will continue to be turbulent and fast changing. According to Peter Vaill, “Managers need to be prepared to confront a period of chaotic change”. He calls it permanent ‘white water’. According to him, management of organisations used to be like a pleasant boat riding down a calm, quiet river, but the future will be different. It will be full of rapids, whirlpools, eddies and endless white water. The libraries need to have experienced and trained managers in order to ensure the success of the libraries and information centres of the future.


The effective library managers and their effective managing will inevitably lead to achievement of the goals of the libraries and satisfaction of the end-users of the libraries. New technologies have been developed and are available as a means to improve library services and operations. In the present context, application of management techniques has acquired added significance. We need good managers who can manage libraries, respond well to fulfill the objectives. Libraries are very costly ventures. Costs must be justified by providing effective and efficient services through efficient and effective management.



  1. Dawson, Tony. Introduction to Management. New Delhi: Overseas Press India, 2007
  2. Druckar, Peter F. Management Tasks, responsibilities and practices. New York : Harper & Row, 1974.
  3. Evans,G. Edward. Management Techniques for Librarians. 2n d ed. New York: Academic Press, 1983.
  4. Glueck, William F. Management. Hinsdale: The Dryden Press, 1977.
  5. Koontz, Harold. “The management theory jungle”. Journal of Academy of Management. Dec. 1961. p.174.
  6. Koontz, Harold and Weihrich, Heinz. Essentials of Management. 5th ed. New Delhi:Tata McGraw Hill. 1990.
  7. Mee, John F.“Management philosophy forprofessional executives”. Business Horizons, Dec. 1965. p.5.
  8. Mintzberg , Henry. The nature of managerial work. New York: Harper and Row, 1980.
  9. Newman, William H. and Summer, Charles E. The process of management: concepts, behaviour and practice. 1961. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 1961.
  10. Prasad, L. M. Principles and practice of management. 6th ed. New Delhi: Sultan Chand & Sons, 2001.
  11. Stueart, Robert D. and Moran, Barabara B. Library and information centres management. 7th ed. Westport: Libraries Unlimited Inc., 2007.
  12. Taylor, Frederick W.Principle of scientific management. New York: Harper and Row, 1941.
  13. Vaill, Peter. Managing as a performance art: New ideas for a world of chaotic change. San Francisco: Jossey – Bass, 1989.


Learn More:



Altruistic Behaviour that is not beneficial to or may be harmful to itself but that benefits others.
Chaotic Change The changes in an organisation when the external and internal complexity and uncertainty is high
Communication The transfer  of information,  ideas, understanding or between people
Compatibility The Characteristic or ability of systems to co-exist and function in the same environment without mutual interference.
Congenial environment Favourable environment; suited to one’s nature, tastes or outlook.
Effectiveness The degree to which the process produces the intended outputs
Figurehead A nominal leader, president etc who has little or no authority or influence
Leadership The process by which a manager guides and influences the work of his subordinates
Motivation the enterprise, i.e. an act of stimulating or inspiring the workers
Multidisciplinary A study or topic involving several subject disciplines
Operation An act of a practical or technical nature.
Optimizing To make as perfect, effective, or functional as possible
Systems A group of interacting, interrelated or interdependent elements forming a complex whole
Turbulent Having a violent or disturbing effect.




1.       Dawson, Tony. Introduction to Management. New Delhi: Overseas Press India, 2007

2.      Druckar, Peter F. Management Tasks, responsibilities and practices. New York : Harper & Row, 1974.

3.      Evans, G. Edward. Management Techniques for Librarians. 2nd ed. New York: Academic Press, 1983.

4.      Glueck, William F. Management. Hinsdale: The Dryden Press, 1977.

5.      Koontz, Harold. “The management theory jungle”. Journal of Academy of Management. Dec. 1961. p.174.

6.      Koontz, Harold and Weihrich, Heinz. Essentials of Management. 5th ed. New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill. 1990.

7.      Mee, John F. “Management philosophy for professional executives”. Business Horizons, Dec. 1965. p.5.

8.       Mintzberg , Henry. The nature of managerial work. New York: Harper and Row, 1980.

9.       Newman, William H. and Summer, Charles E. The process of management: concepts,

behaviour and practice. 1961. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 1961.

10.  Prasad, L. M. Principles and practice of management. 6th ed. New Delhi: Sultan Chand & Sons, 2001.

11.  Stueart, Robert D. and Moran, Barabara B. Library and information centres management. 7th ed. Westport: Libraries Unlimited Inc., 2007.

12.  Taylor, Frederick W. Principle of scientific management. New York: Harper and Row, 1941.

13.   Vaill, Peter. Managing as a performance art: New ideas for a world of chaotic change.

San Francisco: Jossey – Bass, 1989.

   Additional Reading

  1. Bryson, Jo. Effective library and information centre management. Aldershot, Hants: Grower, 1990.
  2. Encyclopedia of Management. New Delhi: Crest Pub. House, 1999.
  3. Narayana, G.J. Library and information management. New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India, 1991.
  4. Rizzo, John R. Management for librarians: Fundamentals and issues. Westport: Greenwood Press, 1980.
  5. Samuel, C Certo. Modern management. 5th ed. Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 1992.
  6. Tripathi, P.C. and Reddy, P.N. Principles of management. 2nd ed. New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill, 1991.
  7. Wolf, Thomas and Carter, Barbara. Managing a non- profit organization in the 21st century. New York: Fireside, 1999.
  8. Wilson, Lisa “Bringing vision to practice: Planning and provisioning the new resource centre”. Teacher Librarian, Vol. 32(1), Oct. 2004, pp. 23-27.



  1. That management is as old as libraries and effective management of libraries and information centre is essential in present day environment?
  2. There are many concepts of management, such as management by communication, systems, results, participation, motivation, exceptions, objectives, etc.
  3. Management and administration are related but different concepts. Management is wider concept includes managing human resources, financial resources, infrastructural resources and technological resources for the benefit of organization and the stakeholders.