1 Objectives of the Module
The objectives of the module are as follows:
1. To define periodical and serial.
2. To discuss the rules of cataloguing of simple periodical and serial according to CCC & AACR-2R.
3. To discuss the rules of cataloguing of periodical complexities according to CCC & AACR-2R.
Periodical, Serial, Complexities of periodical.
Structure of Module
1. Introduction
2. Definition of periodical and serial
3. Simple periodical
3.1Structure of Main Entry and Added entries of CCC
3.2Structure of Main Entry and Added entries of AACR-2R
4. Complexities of periodicals
5. Rules of CCC and AACR-2R for resolving complexities of periodicals.
6. Questions
7. Further Readings
1. Introduction
Periodicals are the embodiment of microideas. The glory and pride of a library depends upon the number of periodicals subscribed by it and not on the number of books possessed. No library can exist without periodicals. New scientific researches are first reported in periodicals and after a long time are included in books.
But cataloguing of periodical publications is difficult as compared to books. There are many complexities. Some time the title of a periodical is changed and some time its periodicity. Some are published regularly while others are irregular. Some periodicals are amalgamated with others, while some splits. Both the codes-CCC and AACR-2R have provided a separate set of rules for the cataloguing of serials and periodical publications.
2. Definition
Harrod’s Librarians’ glossary defines periodical as ‘A publication with a distinctive title which appears at stated or regular intervals, without prior decision as to when the last issue shall appear. It contains articles, stories or other writings, by several contributors,’ and Serial as ‘Any publication issued in successive parts, appearing at intervals, usually regular ones, and, as a rule, intended to be continued indefinitely. The term includes periodicals, newspapers, annuals, numbered monographic series and the proceedings, transactions and memoirs of societies’. CCC has defined periodical and serial as a part of periodical publication under Rule No. FF111.
‘Periodical publication of which each volume is made up of distinct and independent contributions, not forming a continuous exposition, normally by two or more personal authors and normally the specific subjects and the authors of the contributions in successive volumes also being, in general, different, but all the subjects falling within one and same region of knowledge, contemplated to be brought within its purview. It is not usually released complete as a volume but only in fascicules or numbers, as they are called. It essentially expounds knowledge and not repeat the same kind of information, usually in the same pattern, in each of its volumes just brining the information uptodate from volume to volume’.
1. Annals of library science.
2. Proceedings, Royal Society of London.
Serial (FF 112): ‘Periodical publication of which each volume or each periodical group of volumes embodies more or less the same kind of information, usually in the same pattern, mainly relating to its year (or other period) of coverage. It is usually released complete as a volume. It is not made of diverse contributions each forming a continuous exposition of knowledge.’
AACR-1 and 2R define periodical and serial as follows:
Periodical (AACR-1): A serial appearing or intended to appear indefinitely at regular or stated intervals, generally more frequently than annually each issue of which normally contains separate articles, stories, or other writings, newspapers disseminating general news, and the proceedings, papers or other publications of corporate bodies primarily related to their meetings are not included in this term.Serial (AACR-2R): A publication in any medium issued in successive parts bearing numeric or chronological designations and intended to be continued indefinitely. Serials include periodicals, newspapers, annuals (reports year book etc), the journals, memoirs, proceedings, transactions etc of societies; and numbered monographic series. Comparison of the definition of serials of CCC & AACR-2R reveals that while CCC gives coordinate place with periodicals, under the main heading ‘Periodical Publications; the AACR-2R on the other hand takes ‘Periodical’ as a restricted form of ‘Serial’. However as far as the rules for cataloguing are concerned, these are the same for both the categories viz both for periodicals as well as the serials.
3. Simple Periodical
Simple periodical means a periodical which does not involve any of the complexities. Simple periodicals are catalogued according to CCC as per rules of Chapter PB and amended rules gives in article published in Vol. 4 of Library Science with a slant to Documentation and AACR-2R rules given in Chapter 12 and its subsections.
3.1 Structure of Main Entry of CCC
The structure of main entry as prescribed by amended Rule No. PB10 of CCC is as follows:
1. Leading section
2. Heading section
3. Periodicity
4. Series note, if any
5. Holdings in brief section
6. Tracing
7. Holdings in full section
Out of the above 7 sections, first 5 sections are recorded on the front side of main entry card, 6th section i.e. tracing on the back of main entry card any 7th section i.e. Holdings in full section on the front side of continuous card.
The description of the above 7 sections is as follows:
1. Leadings section: Being a progressive publication only Class number is recorded in pencil. This section starts from 1st vertical.
2. Heading section: In a periodical publication no person or corporate body or any collaboration can be held responsible for the thought content as contributing authors are individually responsible for their own contribution and they would be different in each issue and volume. So heading contains the title of the periodical. The title will be rendered as heading in the main entry, removing the name of the sponsoring body appearing before or after the title, viz
BULLETIN, Library (Indian-Association).
HERALD OF Library Science, (Library Science (Kaula Endowment for -)).
In rendering the title in heading, first two words are written in capitals. The name of sponsoring body will be recorded in ordinary hand.
3. Periodicity section: This section gives information about the period in which a volume of the periodical is completed, and also about the volume number and year of commencement of the periodical. This information is given in square brackets viz [1 V per year. V 1 – ; 1956- ].
4. Series note: If there is a series, a note is to be given in circular brackets.
5. Holdings in brief section: This section gives information about the number or volumes of the periodical available in the library viz
This library has V 1- ; 1910- This library has V1-5; 1920-24. V9-25; 1928-44.
6. Tracing: Is recorded on the back of the main entry.
7. Holdings in full section: It is always recorded on the next card or continued card giving the same class number as in main entry of first card. The information recorded in Holdings in brief section is recorded in this section in a tubular form. The following illustrations explain the location of each section:
Main Entry Card
Leading section | |
Heading section …………………………. ……………..
Periodicity section Series note, if any Holdings in brief section
Back of Main Entry Card
Cross Reference Entry | Specific CIE |
Additional CIE | |
Generic CIE | |
Optional CIE | |
Ordinary CIE | |
BIE | |
Front side of continued card
Holdings in full section
Leading section |
These section can be studied by the following example:
Title Page
Vol. 35 1996-97
Department of Library Science & Documentation
University of Rajasthan,
Other Information
Class No. 2m44, N62
Size 28 x 16cm.
1. This journal was started in 1962 and one volume is completed in non-calendar year.
2. Use inclusive notation for Book Nos. and Acc. Nos.
3. Library possesses a complete set of periodical except volume number 11-14.
4.Periodical seized publication after publication of Vol. 35.
5. Library subscribed full set of the periodical.
6. Dr. S.P. Sood edited this journal from v 10 to v 27.
Main Entry
2m44,N62 | |
LIBRA, (University (of Rajasthan), Library Science and Documentation (Department of -)). [1 V per year. V1 – ; 1962/3- ]. This library has V 1-10; 1962/3-1971/2. V 15-35.; 1976/7-1996/97.
Continued in the next card
Libra, University (of Rajasthan),
Library Science and Documentation
(Department of-).
University (of Rajasthan), Library
Science and Documentation (Deprt-
ment of-).
India, Periodical, Library science.
Periodical, Library science.
Library science. |
Front side of continued card Continued
2m44, N62 | |||
1-10 | 1962/3-1971 /2 | N62 to N71 | 1501-1510 |
15-35 | 1976/7-1996 /1 | N76 to N96 | 2615-2635 |
Added Entries
CCC prescribe the following 4 types of added entries for periodicals:
1. Cross Reference Entry (CRE).
2. Class Index Entries (CIEs).
2.1Specific CIE
2.2Additional CIE
2.3Generic CIE
2.4Optional CIE
2.5Ordinary CIE
3. Book Index Entry (BIE).
4. Cross Reference Index Entry (CRIE).
3.2 Structure of Main Entry of AACR-2R
AACR-2R prescribe the following structure of main entry of periodicals:
1. Class number section
2. Title and imprint section
3. Physical description and series section
4. Note section
6. Tracing
The following illustration explains the location of each section:
Class No. Title | and imprint section…………………………..
Physical description and series section.
Note section
These sections can be studied by the following example:
2m44, N62 | |
Libra/ Department of Library Science and Documen-
tation, University of Rajasthan.-Vol. 1 (1962) – 35 (1996).- Jaipur: The Department, 1962- 1996. 28cm. Yearly. Editor: S.P. Sood. v. 10-27. Library set lacks v. 11-14.
1. Library Science-Periodicals. I. University of Rajasthan. Department of Library Science and Docu-mentation. II. Sood, S.P.
Added entries
AACR-2R prescribes added entries for Subject, Sponsor, Editor etc.
4. Complexities of Periodicals
S.R. Ranganathan has recognized as many as 20 types of complexities of periodicals under 7 main headings:
1. Irregularities in volume number
2. Irregularities in publication
3. Change of title and sponsor
4. Amalgamation
5. Splitting
6. Supplement
7. Difference of places of periodical conferences
5. Rules of CCC and AACR-2R for resolving Complexities of Periodicals
5.1 Irregular Numbering and Irregularities in Publication
CCC studies these complexities under the following rules:
(i) Change in volume-periodicity (PC1).
(ii) Volume number in different sequences (PC2). (iii)Volume number simultaneously in many sequences (PC3).
A separate main card is to be made in all the 3 cases.
(iv) Suspension without break in volume number (PC1).
(v) Suspension with break in volume number (PD2).
(vi) Clubbed volumes.
An additional section is to be added in the existing main card. AACR-2R studies this complexity under Rule No. 12.7B8
Rule No. 12.7B8: Numbering and chorological designation: Make notes on complex or irregular numbering etc. not already specified in the numeric and/or alphabetic, chronological, or other designation area. Make notes on peculiarities in the numbering etc.
Vol. numbering irregular. Vols. 15-18 omitted, v. 20-21 repeated.
Numbering begins each year with v.1.
Numbering irregular.
If the period covered by a volume, issue etc. of an annual or less frequent serial is other than a calendar year, give the period covered.
Each issue covers: Apr. 1-Mar, 31
Each issue cover: Every two years since 1961-1962.
If a serial suspends publication with the intention of resuming at a later date, give this fact. If publication is resumed, give the dates or designation of the period of suspension.
Suspended with v. 11.
Suspended 1961-1967.
5.2 Change of Title and Sponsor
CCC studies this complexity under the following types:-
(i) Without change in sequence of volume number (PE1).
(ii) With change in sequence of volume number (PE2).
In both cases a separate main card is to be made for each different title and heading.
The class number in each such card being the same, the cards are not to be treated as a set of continued cards.
In AACR-2R this complexity is taken care by Rule No. 12.7B4, 12.7B7(b), 12.7B7(c), 21.2A1, 21.2C1 and 21.3B.
12.7B4: Variation in Title: Make notes on titles borne by the serial other than the title proper. Optionally, give a romanization of the title proper.
Sometimes published as:
Title varies slightly
Each issue has a distinctive title.
12.7B7(b) Continuation: If a serial continues a previously published serial, whether the numbering continues or is different, give the name of the preceding serial.
Continues: Science quarterly.
12.7B7(c) Continued by: If a serial is continued by a subsequently published serial, whether the numbering continues or is different, give the name of the preceding serial.
Continued by: Science monthly.
Changes in Title Proper
21.2A1: In general, consider a title proper to have changed if any word other that an article, preposition, more conjunction is added, deleted, or changed, or if the order of the first five words (the first six words if the title begins with an article) is changed.
However, in general do not consider a title proper to have changed if:
(a) The change is in the representation of a word or words (e.g. abbreviated word or symbol vs. spelled out form, singular vs. plural form, one spelling vs. another).
(b) The addition, deletion, or change comes after the first five words (the first six words if the title begins with an article) and does not change the meaning of the title or indicate a different subject matter.
(c) The only change is the addition or deletion of the name of the issuing body (and any grammatical connection) at the end of the title.
(d) The only change is in the addition, deletion, or change of punctuation.
In case of doubt, consider the title proper to have changed. As appropriate, give in the note area, those changes not considered to constitute a change in the title proper. Make an added entry under any variant form considered necessary for access.
21.2C1: If the title proper of a serial changes, make a separate main entry for each title.
21.3B1: Make a new entry for a serial when either of the following conditions arises, even if the title proper remains the same:
(a) If the heading for a corporate body under which a serial is entered changes, or
(b) If the main entry for a serial is under a personal or corporate heading and the person
or body named in the heading is no longer responsible for the serial.
Romanization: Rule No. 24.1B1: If the name of the body is in a language written in a nonroman script, remanize the name according to the table for the language adopted by the cataloguing agency. Refer from other romanizations as necessary.
5.3 Amalgamation
CCC studies this complexity under the following types:
(i) Continuation of title and volume number (PF1).
(ii) Continuation of title but not of volume number (PF2). (iii)New title and old class number (PF3).
(iv) New title and new class number (PF4).
In all the cases a new main card is to be prepared.
AACR-2R covers this complexity under Rule No. 12.7B7(d) and 12.7B7(f) as follows:
12.7B7(d) Merger: If a serial is the result of the merger of two or more other serials, give the names of the serials that were merged.
Merger of: British social scientist and Social science quarterly.
If a serial is merged with one or more other serials to form a serial with a new title, give the title of the new serial and the title(s) of the serial(s) with which it has merged and the title of new serial.
Merged with: Journal of Indian Chemical Society, to become: Quarterly journal of Indian Chemical Society.
12.7B7(f) Absorption: If serial absorbs another serial, give the name of the serial absorbed, and optionally the date of absorption.
Absorbed: The Morning post.
Absorbed: Metals technology, and, in part, Mining and metallurgy.
If a serial is absorbed by another serial, give the name of absorbing serial, and optionally the date of absorption.
Absorbed by: Quarterly review of marking.
5.4 Splitting
CCC studies this complexity in the following types:
(i) Class number continued by one (PG1).
(ii) Class number continued by none (PG2). (iii)Splitting into independent periodicals (PG3).
In the above cases, each of the publications into which the original is spitted is to be given a new main card and a specific note is to be given in the note section.
AACR-2R studies this complexity under Rule No. 12.7B7(e).
12.7B7(e) Split: If a serial is the result of the split of previous serial into two or more parts, give the name of the serial that has been split, and optionally the name(s) of the other serial(s) resulting from the split.
Continues in part: Proceedings/the Institution of Mechanical Engineers.
If a serial splits into two or more parts, give the names of the serials resulting from the split i.e. Journal of technical services.
Split into: Journal of classification and Journal of cataloguing of the serial of which it was once a part.
Separated from: Farm journal and country gentleman
Separated from: Journal of technical services.
5.5 Supplements
CCC studies this complexity under the following types:
(i) Without separate pagination (PH1).
(ii) With separate pagination (PH2).
(iii)Supplementary periodical publication (PH3).
(iv) Cumulative index (PH4).
AACR-2R studies this complexity under the following rules:
12.7B7(j) Supplements: If a serial is a supplement to another serial, give the name of the main serial.
Supplement to: Philosophical magazine.
If a serial has supplement(s) that are separately described, give these.
Supplement: Journal of the Royal Numismatic Society.
Make brief general notes on irregular, informal, numerous, or unimportant supplements that are not separately described separately.
Supplements accompany some numbers.
Numerous supplements.
12.7B17 Index: Make notes on the presence of cumulative indexes. When possible, give the kind of index, the volumes, etc. of the serial indexed, the dates of the serial indexed, and the location of the index in the set or the numbering of the index if it is issued separately. Make a note also on separately published indexes.
Indexes: Vols. 1(1927) -25(1951) in v. 26, no. 1.
Index published separately every Dec.
Every third volume is an index to all preceding volumes.
5.6 Difference of places of periodical conference
In the case of complexity of this type Ranganathan has suggested a new Chapter in his CCC as Chapter PJ giving the following prescription:
(i) The name of the place and the year of the conference, prescribed in section JE 2 for inclusion in the Heading, are to be omitted; and
(ii) The holdings in-full section should give for each volume, the name of the place of the conference in column 3.
Note: Consequently, the Book number and the Accession number of each volume will occur in columns 4 and 5 respectively.
Main card
Am44, N14 | |
PROCEEDINGS, Science (Indian-Congress).
[ 1 V per year. V 1- ; 1914- ].
This library has V 1-31; 1914-44; V 33-49;
Continued in the next card
Holdings in full section
Continued 1 | |||||||
Am44, | N14 | ||||||
1. 1914 | Calcutta | N 14 | 2123 | ||||
2. 1915 | M | adras | N 15 | 2845 | |||
3. 1916 | Lucknow | N 16 | 3325 | ||||
.. | .. | . | .. | … | |||
AACR-2R makes no difference in numberd or unnumbered conference. It has prescribed to omit the number of conference prefixed its name and add it as first individualizing element.
31st Indian Science Congress held at University of Rajasthan from 28-31st Dec., 1985 will be rendered as
Indian Science Congress (31st :1985: University of | |
Rajasthan) |
The above study reveals that both the codes have most of the concepts common with each other, and at the same time, at places, they do lack one thing or the other. However the rules of CCC are more systematic, logical and easy to understand. Rules of AACR-2R are quite improvised upon its predecessor codes i.e. ALA 1949 and AACR-1.
you can view video on REIODICAL AND SERIAL PUBLICATIONS IN CCC & AACR-2R | ![]() |
Further Readings
- Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules. 2nd ed 1988 revision. Ottawa: Canadian Library Association, 1988.
- Chand, Mohinder Pratap: Cataloguing of periodicals and Serials: A comparison of Rules on CCC & AACR.
- Job, M.M. Periodical publications. Herald of Library Science 14(2-3), 1975. 152-159.
- Ranganathan, S.R. Classified catalogue code with additional rules for dictionary catalogue code. 5th ed. Bombay: Asia Publishing House, 1983.
- Ranganathan, S.R. Cataloguing practice. 2nd ed. Bombay: Asia Publishing House, 1974.
- Ranganathan, S.R. and G. Bhattacharya. Name of the place of periodical conference. Library Science with a slant to documentation. 4(2); 1967. Paper J.