Objectives of the Module
Objectives of the module are as follows:
1.Define volume and multivolume books and discuss their various types.
2.Discuss the rules of multivolume books type 1 and type 2 of CCC.
3.Discuss the rules of multivolume books of type 1 and type 2 of AACR-2R.
Volume, Multivolume book, In complete set of multivolume book, Uncomplete set of multivolume book.
Structure of Module: E-Text
1. Introduction
2.Definition of volume and multivolume book
3.Types of multivolume books in CCC and AACR-2R.
4.Treatment and Rendering of Multivolume books in CCC.
4.1 Multivolume Book type 1
4.1.1 Complete set
4.1.2 Uncomplete set
4.1.3 Incomplete set
4.1.4 Uncomplete and Incomplete set
4.2 Multivolume book type 2
5. Treatment and Rendering of Multivolume books in AACR-2. 5.1 Multivolume book type 1
5.1.1 Complete set
5.1.2 Uncomplete set
5.1.3 Incomplete set
5.2 Multivolume book type 2
6. Questions
7. Further Readings
1. Introduction
In libraries most of the books are single volume. However some books are multivolume i.e. in more than one volume. Multivolume books are again of 2 types i.e. Type 1 and Type 2. In this module Cataloging complexities of all types of multivolume books are discussed.
2. Definition of volume and multivolume book
2.1Definition of volume
Ranganathan defines the volume in his CCC as ‘Several leaves of paper or other material used for recording, either the whole or a part of a work, fastened together so as to be opened at any desired place’. As such a volume is an independent physical unit.
According to AACR-2R volume means ‘In the bibliographical sense, a book distinguished from other books or from other major divisions of the same work by having its own inclusive title page, half title, cover title, or portfolio title, and usually independent pagination, foliation, or signature. This major bibliographical unit may include various title pages and or paginations’.
2.2 Definition of Multivolume Book
According to CCC ‘Book in two or more volumes giving a continuous exposition, and, for this or for any other reason in the distribution of thought among the volumes, compelling the treatment of all the volumes as an inseparable set, i.e. as if they together formed a single volume’. In other words it is a set of books in 2 or more than 2 volumes, having thought content in continuation and spread out in such a way that it is compelling to treat all these volumes together. In addition to the continuation of thought such books also have a common generic title. Author (s) may or may not be the same for all the volumes and so also pages may be in continuation or separate sequence in each volume. Each volume is assigned a suitable serial number viz vol 1, 2, 3 or A, B, C, or part 1, 2, 3.
Example :
1. The book Principles or economics by Prof. M.C. Vaish in 2 volumes published (1975).
2.The dictionary of Inorganic Chemistry edited by R.C. Mehrotra in 4 vols (1991). The book is in 3 vols, but vol 1 is in 2 parts published independently.
Though AACR-2R has not recognized the concept of multivolume book in the exact fashion in which it has been perceived by CCC, the AACR-2R of course makes a mention of multi part item as ‘a monograph complete, or intended to be completed, in a finite number of separate parts’. We can thus very well see the difference between CCC and AACR-2R at definition level. CCC speaks of ‘thought content’, ‘continuous exposition’ while AACR-2R touches only the physical aspect. Typically each physical volume is also a bibliographical volume. That is, the title page and/or the cover and half title page of a volume will state that is volume 1 or 2 as the case may be, and every page in the volume will belong to this bibliographical unit which may be paged independently, or be a part of continued pagination. Each volume has its own title page.
3. Types of Multivolume book
Diving deep into cataloguing problems of multivolume books, S R Ranganathan has differentiated the following 2 types of multi volume books:
3.1 Type 1: The type in which constituent volumes do not have as special title other than the common title of all the volumes and do not have any other factors that is capable of contributing to the title portion of the main entry.
1. Advance theory of astronomy by N C Sharma in 4 volumes.
2.Machine design. Edited by E Dickson. V 1 and 3 are published. V 2 and subsequent volumes are yet to be published.
3.2 Type 2: The type in which the constituent volumes have a special title for each or the volumes in addition to the common generic title.
1. Encyclopaedia of Banking in 2 volumes Vol. 1: 1768-1874.Vol. 2: 1875-1930.
2. History of India in 3 volumes Vol. 1: Ancient India.Vol. 2: Medieval India.Vol. 3: Modern India.
The AACR-2R, again, does not categorises the various types or form of multivolume books or works in the manner in which it has been done in CCC. The AACR-2R, however, states in general terms that sometimes several such bibliographical volumes are bound together between two cases of one physical volume. Each bibliographical volume is apt to have its own title page and may be paginated independently or be a part of continuous pagination; since there are fewer physical than bibliographical volumes, both are recorded in the collection to provide an accurate description. While defining the term volume, AACR-2R does so in the bibliographical sense. It says that it is a book distinguished from other books or from other major divisions of the same work by having its own inclusive title page, half title page, cover title and usually independent pagination; foliation or register, e. g. a reissue in one binding of a work previously issued in 2 or more volumes should be considered a bibliographical volume.
Thus we find that the concept and categorization of multivolume book is adequately developed in CCC, that in AACR-2R its development appears to be unconscious, limiting its jurisdiction to physical get up.
4. Treatment and Rendering of Multivolume books in CCC
4.1Multivolume Type 1 in CCC
Multivolume books have additional information in regard to title section only. So relevant additions will be made in this section as per information available with relation to its volume. So multivolume type 1 is to be catalogued like a simple book with additional provision in case of following variations:
4.1.1 Complete set published and available in library
Additional sentence in title portion of main entry will be given viz number and the term V:

4.1.2 Uncomplete set and publications is in progress
If published volumes are available in the library, additional paragraph after title will be given with the term V and number of published volumes and a dash. The additional paragraph will be given in pencil.

When all the volumes are received, the pencil portion in the title section will be replaced by the term 5V etc and treated as a complete set.
4.1.3 Incomplete set possessed by the library
If all the volumes of the book which have been published are partly possessed by the library, a further sentence is to be added in pencil in square brackets as detailed in the example below:

When vol 2 and 4 are added, the portion on title section is rubbed of and numbers included in Book Number and Accession Number.

4.2 Multivolume Type 2 in CCC
The multivolume books of type 2 are catalogued like the books of type 1 with additional provisions in case of following variations:
(a) Additional paragraphs one corresponding to each volume that has extra specific information. Each para is to consist of:
1. The term V
2.The number of the volume
3.A fullstop
4. The special title of the volume
5. The term ‘by’ followed by the name of author
5.1 A full stop
6.The term indicating the kind of collaboration followed by the name of distinct collaborators, if any.
7. A full stop
8. A note in circular bracket to indicate any special feature.

The CCC is so meticulous in the treatment of multivolume books that it even prescribes to the writing of class number followed by a dash (-) if publication is in progress. Similarly it also prescribes that if some and not all volumes of a set are of abnormal size (undersized or oversized) the underlining etc is to be done to the book numbers of those volumes only, e. g.
K2.1 to K2. 2 (Here 2nd volume is undersized)
The comprehensive treatment would call for a Cross Reference Entry in case a guest document appears in any of the volumes of a set. In Class Index Entry, chain will be drawn for the class number of the Main Entry as well as Cross Reference Entry. The Book Index Entry will be provided for all such persons, corporate bodies, titles and series associated with the common generic title and the specific titles. The edition and volume information would be repeated in all Book Index Entries.

5. Treatment and Rendering of Multivolume books according to AACR-2R.
5.1Multivolume book type 1
5.1.1 Complete set
If all the volumes of set have been published and acquired in the library, Rule No. 2.5B17 prescribes ‘Give the number of volumes of a printed monograph in more than one physical volume’.
3 v.
5 v.
Rule No. 2.5B19: If the number of bibliographic volumes differs from the number of physical volumes, give the number of bibliographic volumes followed by in and the number of physical volumes.
8 v. in 5
3 v. in 5
Rule No. 2.5B20: If a set of volumes in continuously paged, give the pagination in parentheses after the number of volumes. Ignore separately paged sequences of preliminary matter in volumes other than the first.
2 v. (xix, 999 p.)
3 v. (xi, 919 p.)
(Pages numbered xi, 201; xvi, 202-608; vii, 609-919).
Rule No. 2.5B21 Optional addition: If the volumes in a multivolume set are individually paged, give the pagination of each volume in parentheses after the number of volumes.
2 v. (xvi, 329; xx, 412 p.)
Rule No. 2.5D3: If the volumes in a multipart item differ in size, give the smallest or smaller and the largest or larger size, separated by a hyphen.
24 x 28 cm.
Rule No. 1.4F8: If two or more dates are found on the various parts of a multipart item (e.g.) when an item is published in parts over a number of years, give the earlier and later or earliest and latest dates, separated by a hyphen.
Rule No. 21.B2: If the title proper of a monograph in more than one physical part changes between parts, give the title proper of the first part as the title of the whole monograph. If however, another title proper appearing on later parts predominates, change the title proper of the whole monograph to the later title proper. If the title proper of multipart monograph changes between editions, follows the instructions in 21.2B1.
5.1.2 Incomplete set
If all the volumes of a set have not been published and the work is in progress, AACR-2R Rule No. 1.5B5 prescribes ‘In describing a multipart item that is not yet complete, give the specific designation alone preceded by three spaces’.
Rule No. 1.4F8: In describing a multipart item that is not yet complete, give the earliest or earlier date only, and follow it with a hyphen and four spaces.
Optionally, when the item is complete, add the latest or later date.
5.1.3 Uncomplete set
If all the volumes of a set have not been published and all the volumes published so far have not been acquired by the library AACR-2R Rule No. 1.7B and 2.7B20 prescribes to record a temporary note (in pencil) as follows:
Library has v. 1, 3, 5 and 8 only.
Library set lacks v.5.
5.2 Multivolume Book Type 2
All the rules prescribed for multivolume book type 1 will be applicable for type 2 also. Additional Rule No. 2.7B18 is prescribed which states ‘List the contents of an item, either selectively or fully, if it is considered necessary to show the presence of material not implied by the rest of the description; to stress items of particular important; or to list the contents of a collection or of a multipart item’.
Partial contents. Public library scenario in Rajasthan/by S.P. Sood. Chap. 11.
Contents. Vol. 1. Introduction tables-v. 2. Schedules-v. 3. Relative index.
From the above analysis it is concluded that both the codes deal with the problems fairly exhaustively. The CCC by giving precise definition, differentiating types and treating each volume along with complexities involved from the angle of day to day library work, by taking the idiocyracies of publishers in issuing the multivolume sets into consideration fully, strikes at the root and reaps a bumper harvest. The AACR-2R by not giving clear cut definition, not identifying the various types and treating it at the collation and bibliographical, physical level only, beats about the bush. Vol and part have been confused in AACR-2R.
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Further Readings
1. Anglo American Cataloguing Rule. 2nd ed. 1988 revision. Ottawa: Canadian Library Association, 1988.
2.Krishna Kumar and, B.S. Garg: Advanced cataloguing practice. Delhi: Har Anand, 2005. Chap. 10.
3.anganathan, S.R.: Classified catalogue code with additional rules for dictionary catalogue code. 5th ed. Bangalore: Sarda Ranganathan Endowment for Library Science, 1988.