4 Classification System and its components

Dr M P Satija


    1. Library Classification Systems

2. Qualities of a Library Classification

2.1. Functions

2.2. Functional Requirements of Bibliographic Classifications

2.3. What is necessary for a library classification system?

2.4. Print and machine-readable formats of classification systems

2.5. General and special classification

3. Parts of a Library Classification

3.1. Schedules

3.1.1. Example

3.2. Division of classes

3.2.1.  Faceted approach

3.3. Relations in Library Classification

3.3.1.  Semantic relations

3.3.2.  Syntactical relation

3.3.3.  Principle of Inversion

3.4. Main classes

3.4.1.  Generalia Class

3.4.2.  Form Divisions

3.4.3.  Form vs. Subject

3.5. Devices for synthesis and Phase relations

4. Notation

4.1. The Qualities of a Good Notation

4.2. Types of Notation

4.3. Book Numbers

5. Alphabetical Index

6.  Revision Machinery

7. Summing up: Features of a Library Classification

8.  References and further Readings

9. Glossary

10. Test Questions


1.  Library Classification Systems:


Classification is a tool for organization of phenomena of the universe or any of its portion. Modern library classification is classification of knowledge as contained in documents of all sorts. Therefore, it is more than knowledge classification and has many intellectual and mechanical functions to perform. Since their modern origin in late 1870s many library classification systems have been designed to organize and access knowledge in libraries. Over the years with experience their features have been standardised though their techniques may differ. Some of the important general classification systems are:


Dewey Decimal Classification(1876+)/ by Melvil Dewey Universal Decimal Classification (1905+)/ FID, now UDCC


Expansive Classification (1892)/ by C.A. CutterLibrary of Congress Classification (1904-)Subject Classification (1906-1939)/ by J.D. Brown Bibliographic Classification (1940-1953)/ By H.E. Bliss Colon Classification (1933-1987)/ by S.R. Ranganathan Bibliothecal Bibliographical Klassification (BBK, 1960-1970)/ by VINITI, Russia Rider’s International Classifcation(1961)/ by Fremont A. Rider Information Coding Classification (ICC, 1970) by I. Dahlberg BC-2(1977-)/ by J. Mills BSO (1978)/ by Eric Coates Of these the DDC, UDC and LCC are considered big three systems while the CC and BC- 2 are ideal and scientifically sound systems. BSO and ICC are not shelf classifications, whereas the fate of the Russian BBK is not known. Rest, namely EC, SC, BC and RIC are now only of historical interest.


Purpose of this module is to understand theircomponents and their inter-relations and to describe the best practices among them. A library classification is a system having mutually related components. It has its anatomy (hardware) showing its visible and invisible componentseach having supporting itsfunctions (physiology).


2.  QualitiesofaLibraryClassification:


It has been claimed that modern bibliographical work demands a standard classification which:

    1.     Brings together closely related classes.

2.     Is sufficiently subdivided to index everything or its class under the sun .

3.     Is capable of further extension and subdivision, as our knowledge grows.

4.     Is not subject too frequent revision orany drastic reorganisation.

5.     Is recognized widely so that the users may easily find their way about it.

6.     Has extensive index of its classes in alphabetical order.

7.     Has moderately mixed notation which shows hierarchy, is easy for inserting and finding the classified arrangement and is hospitable to new subjects and allows interdisciplinary combinations.

8.     Is available as a web based online database.


2.1.   Functions:


An ideal library classification system is supposed to have the following broader functions in the order of their importance:


1.     Cognitive function(Mapping of knowledge)

2.     Bibliographic function(Information retrieval)

3.     Shelf arrangement(Location and browsing)


A classification system which performs an upper function best also performs lower functions equally good.The systematic arrangement of knowledge or of the documents in a collection translates into following functions:


 1.     It gives us an overview of the subject field covered


2.     It makes it possible for information on a subject to be retrieved without having to search the whole file, i.e., provides random access to documents and information.


3.       Allows meaningful browsing in stacks or surrogates in a database.


The features that a bibliographic classification requires in order to achieve these ends are a helpful order, a brief memorable notation, and a host of techniques and devices for number synthesis.



2.2.   Functional Requirements of Bibliographic Classifications:


Practically a library classification performs two functions:


1. Linking an item on the shelves with its catalogue entry. An item’s class number forms part of its call number, which enables items in a library catalogue to be retrieved from the shelves.


2. Direct retrieval by browsing. If we know where a subject is classified, we can locate it without having to search the whole collection; and can moreover expect to find related subjects nearby. However, because of the limitations of linear order, and division by discipline not all related subjects can be collocated. It is the function of a classification to group together the topics that the library users are most likely to seegrouped together (both on library shelves and in digital collections). It is done by arranging documents in a filiatory sequence.



2.3.   What is necessary for a library classification system?


It should be:

  • explicit, recorded, unambiguous with notes and instructions
  • available to both classifiers and users
  • designed to comprehensively mirror the cognitive structures of potential users
  • designed to cover the literature, information or knowledge base which it is supposed to organize. In other words it should be based on literary warrant.


2.4.  Print and machine-readable formats of classification systems: 


Since the last decade of the previous century, most of the living classification systems have converted their print format into machine readable databases. The DDC, UDC and the LCC are available both in print and machine readable format. Now machine readable database is the main source while other versions, including print edition, are its byproducts. In the beginning, it was done only to help the editors in the editing and publishing the system. But now these have been made available to the users mostly on the web which have many additional features apart from beingkept updated by the publishers.Classification systems in a machine readable database which these days are in MARC-21 Concise Format for Classification Datahave the following functions (Slavic, 2008):

  •  searching and browsing of classification by notation; hierarchy allows to broaden or deepen the search at any point.
  • searching notation through associated verbal expression
  • sort and display of schedules in various layouts
  • automatic tracing of hierarchical and associative linking
  • tracing of system rules to the area of their application
  • navigation between tables, facets and subject areas
  • tracing historical data through a scheme’s lifespan (‘replaces/replaced by’)
  • various outputs and exports
  • identification of classes independent of notation
  • However, an online classification system does not differ logically or intellectually from its print version.


 2.5.  General and special classification:


A collection may be general or special. A general classification covers all subjects. A special classification concentrates on a narrower range of topics, or the goods manufactured or services provided by the organization for which it has been developed. It also refers to classification of documents by form such as government reports, fiction or maps etc. Some general classifications, notably UDC,LCC and BC2, have been developed in sufficient depth of details to enable them to be adapted to special collections.



3. Parts of a Library Classification:


A classification is simply a systematically arranged list of subjects in the universe of knowledge. To be of practical use a classification needs additional features, and these are what make it into a system. A classification scheme has three broader components (Rowley and Hartley):

  1. The schedules, in which subjects are listed systematically in arrays and chains showing their relationships: the ordering of subjects in these schedules is not self-evident, and therefore requires
  2.  A notation, a code using numbers and/or letters that have a readily understood order which guides the arrangement of the schedules; and
  3. An alphabetical index to locate the terms within the schedules. It is often stated that a classification requires a fourth component: governing bodyto keep it innovative,  current and for its marketing.


3.1. Schedules


A schedule is a systematic list of classes and their subdivisions arranged in a helpful way. It is the core or the terra firma of the system.Classification schedules comprise the following elements:·   Main classes

·        The division of classes
·        Facets, generated by facet analysis
·        Sub-facets (arrays), formed by the subdivision of the facets by a single characteristic at a time.


3.1.1.  Example:


 Aida Slavic (2008) explains an entry from the online UDC schedules having the following components:

 04.421.2 Basic mathematical algorithms For mathematical theory of algorithm singeneral use510.5 Specify mathematical process by colon combination withclass 51 Examples of combinations)
004.421.2:517.443FastFouriertransform004.421.2:517.535Algorithms for rational expression 004.421.2:519.17Graph algorithms


=> 519.16


=> 519.178


Whenstoredinadatabase,informationimplicitinthe above entry  has explicitly following 7 blocks ofdata elements:


1. Notation (classificationnumber)

tables from which notation is taken
type of notation (simpleorcomposed)
notation structural elements/components
relationships between elements: span, phase relationships
2. Broaderclass
3.  Caption
4.  Notes
 Application(instruction)note notation Buildingnotesand rules
 Notationhistorynote(replaces,replacedby) general contentnote Editorialnote
5. References (Seealso)
6. ClassID(Uniqueidentifierofaclass)
7. Index(search)terms(keywords)
We can thinkof these blocks ofdata as a standard content to record more detailed information froma specific system.

3.2. Division of classes


The division of classes must be by one characteristic at a time. There are two approaches to the division of classes, namely enumerative and faceted. Historically bibliographic classifications have followed enumerative systems in which classes and subclasses have been deduced top down moving from general to specific. This gradual division takes the shape of a funnel.Enumerative method has the following problems:   

  1.  Successive divisions can only properly cover one type of relationship i.e. hierarchical.

 2. Successive subdivisions of classes may be carried unnecessarily ignoring the literary warrant. Some topics mayget repeated under different arrays.


Enumerative systems are now out of fashion giving way to faceted approach.


3.2.1. Faceted approach 


Faceted classifications are constructed in an inductive, bottom-up manner in which the basic concepts are assigned to a few preordained categories or facets. In a faceted approach:

  • Compound and complex classes are formed by synthesis only.
  • Classification  is   easily  hospitable to   new   subjects.  This  hospitality is multidimensional.
  • Class numbers are customized to be co-extensive with the subject of the document.
  • Structure of knowledge is clearer.


3.3. Relations in Library Classification:


Classification is all about relations. There are two types of relations both: displayed or inherent in classification schedules.


3.3.1. Semantic relations: 


The first is semantic relations which are hierarchical, cognate, collocative and filial. Arrangement of main classes and their subdivisions into arrays and chains are semantic relations which are deemed helpful to the users. For arrangement of subclasses in an array Ranganathan prescribes eight principles of helpful sequence such as chronological arrangement, geographical arrangement, evolutionary arrangement, conventional arrangement and so on.


3.3.2. Syntactic relations:


These are grammatical relations among the components/facets of a compound subject. In other words, these relations are governed by citation order. Ranganathan postulated grand but broader formula in the form of PMEST in which the facets are arranged in the order of their decreasing concreteness. To arrange facets within Rounds and Levels Ranganathan formulated an over-arching Wall-picture principle which is an analogical name for dependency principle. Another such picturesque principle he formulated is Cow-calf principle to arrange facets in logical order. But the BC-2/CRG formulated a detailed itemised citation formula which is comprehensive of all possible facets in abstract and is free of confusing concept of Rounds and Levels. It is: Thing-Kind-Part-Property-Material-Process-Operation-Patient-Product-Byproduct- Agent-Space-Time. It bypasses the mazy and confusing act of arrangement of entities in Rounds and Levels. It is much simpler.


3.3.3. Principle of Inversion: 


The citation order prescribes arrangement of facets from specific to general or concrete to abstract. But the arrangement of documents on the shelves or entries in a catalogue is from general to specific i.e. in the reverse order of the citation of facets. This general to special order on shelves is achieved by manipulating the ordinal value of digits and indicator digits. In the UDC the auxiliary facets are arranged in tables 1a- 1k which are in general to specific order but these are applied in the 1k-1a order. Hence the inversion


3.4. Main classes


In both the systems the first division is by broad classes called main classes. All current classifications base their main classes on division by discipline. A discipline is a broader division of the universe of knowledge which gives context to the phenomena. Main classes form the first order array of the division of universe of knowledge. These, being conventional, are postulated bit arbitrarily by the designer of the system. There are ten main classes in the DDC,24 in in the LCC w and more than 700 in the CC-7


3.4.1  Generalia Class


As its name implies, this is the general works class provided to accommodate such books as generalencyclopedias, newspapers, and other polytopical books which cover knowledge in general, or such a portion of it that it is impossible to place under any one main class in the schedules. This hold-all class, is an essential feature of book classification. Its place precedes the disciplinary divided subjects.In providing places for works which on account of their form do not belong specifically to any other main class, the Generalia class may be considered as a form class. In its practical form, however, when subjects considered pervasive of knowledge are included, it cannot be considered as a rigid form class. Thus a generalia class is more than a form class.

The outline of the Generalia class in the DeweyDecimal Classification is:


000  Knowledge & Systems

010 Bibliographies

020 Library& Information Science

030 Encyclopedia and books of facts

050 Magazines, Journals and srials

060 Associations, organizations and Musems

070 NewsPaper,Journalism and publishing

080 quotations

090 Manuscripts and rare books


3.4.2.   Form Divisions


A book on any particular subject may deal with that subject in various ways, from different viewpoints or in different forms. It may be an encyclopedia, a dictionary, a periodical, an advanced or elementary treatise, or it may be written as a history, a philosophy, in essay or other literary form. Books on almost every subject frequently fall into one of these categories.Many schemes recognize their generality of application by converting them into common subdivisions, i.e. a constant set of divisions which can be used to qualify any subject on the schedules.All bibliographical classifications make provisions for this “form” in books by the addition of the so-called (auxiliary) form division, or common divisions. In the DDC, such form divisions are given in Table-1, e.g.


-01 Theory &philosophy


-02 Handbooks etc.


-03 Alphabetical reference works


-05 Serial publications


-06 Conference proceedings


-07 Study, teaching & research


-08 Anthologies


-09 History, biography, etc.

These can be added to any number in the schedules. Similar provisions also exist in other classifications.


3.4.3.  Formvs. Subject 


Many of the terms representing these forms correspond to terms used in the main schedules for specific subjects. There is, however, a distinct difference in their meaning and implication. In the main schedules the terms are used to represent recognized subjects from the field of knowledge, e.g. Encyclopedia Britannica gets the class number 032. Similar terms used in the form divisions represent either a special way in which a book is written and produced, or aspect from which the subject is viewed. Form divisions are exclusive to a libraryclassification; they form the generalia divisions of a specific class. In practice, they enable a further, more detailed and convenient grouping of books to be made on the shelves (Philips, p.38).


3.5.   Devices for synthesis andPhase relations:


A schedule, alwaysequipped with many instructions, devices and techniques, is more than a systematic list ofsubjects. It is a mint to forge new class numbers for unforeseen subjects of future. In a system like the DDC or UDC, the minted or synthesized numbers may be much more than the explicitly listed numbers. The UDC uses + / : : [ ] for combination of subjects.

   3+5 Social Sciences and Natural Sciences


5/6 Science and Technology


2:5 Religion and Science (Relation)


[5+6](05) Journal of Science and Technology

These aredevises to classify interdisciplinary or composite subjects which are in adhoc relations.


4.  Notation


Classificationnotation is a series of symbols which stands for the names of a class or any divisions or subdivision of a class, and forms a convenient means of reference to the arrangement of a classification. Though the notation is an important addition to a classification schedule, yet it should in no way determine its logic, its scope, or its sequence of development. It furnishes a convenient reference to the arrangement of a classification; the symbol is not assigned until after the schedule has been worked out in the idea plane. Ranganathan harshly terms notation as servant of the Idea Plane to implement the decision taken by the later. Notation is the engine of library classification, far from being any menial servant.A notationis essential for a library classification; without notation it would be impossible to apply classification to documents. As classification is the “foundation of librarianship”, it can be said that “notation is the engineof practical classification”.Summarizing its usefulness, a notation:


 1. Is a guide to the sequence of subject. Itplaces a term in the hierarchy of the schedules. A notation serves to denote the classes, their subdivisions, and the order in which these are arranged without in any way naming or defining them explicitly. It makes the mapping of knowledge quite visible


2. Makes possible the use of the index. The symbol attached to the index entry is the only means of quick reference to the place of the topic in the schedules.


3. Is used as a short sign to be written in various parts of the book—on the spine, back of title-page, label, charging cards, etc.—to facilitate the arrangement of books on the shelves, the recording of issues, and other statistical information.


4. It is the basis of chain indexing to derive standardized subject headings for the subject catalogue.


The notation is a piece of apparatus, without which a book classification cannot function.



4.1.  The Qualities of a Good Notation


1. Should convey order clearly and automatically.


2. Be as brief simple as possible without compromising its efficacy.


3. Be hospitable to new subjects, i.e. allow insertions at any point without dislocating the existing subjectsand allow classification to expand its boundaries without drastic reorganization.This is particularly true of the schedules of a book classification, which must be of a semi-permanent nature.Knowledge is growing turbulently since the mid 20th century. In the ICT era its speed has become tremendous. All this knowledge must be mapped, organized and even reorganized.It is here that the hospitality of the notation is of paramount importance.


4.2. Types of Notation:


There are two types of notation by pedigree: pure and mixed. Pure comprises of single species of digits usually numerals or alphabets. The DDC which uses Indo-Arabic numerals is the best example of a pure notation: RIC which uses only A/Z is also another example of a pure notation. Mixed notations can again be divided into two categories of moderately or highly mixed.The LCC and BC-2 which use onlyalphabets and numerals together are considered ideal model of notation. The CC and UDC use highly mixed notations which comprise of alphabets, numerals and punctuation marks etc.Moderately mixed notations are elegant and work effectively.The Library of Congress uses an alphabetical notation A-Z for the main classes; the subdivisions are denoted by a second sequence A-Z, and within these divisions a numerical span from 1 to 9999 is used. Gaps are left in between for expansion:


U Military Science
UB Administration
200 Commanders. Generals
210 Command of Troops. Leadership
220-225 Staffs of Armies
230-235 Headquarters, Aides, etc.
240-245 Inspection. Inspectors
250 Intelligence
260 Attaches
270 Spies


4.3 Book Numbers


In library classification, the class number alone is not able to provide a unique place to a document. For example, there may be many books onthe History of Mughal India bearing exactly the same class number. For a proper and effective organization and location, such books having the same class number should be furtherdivided granularly. The device to do this is called book number or author number. In the LCC and to some extent in the CC book number is a part of the call number. Book numbers usually follow two opposing techniques: Alphabetical by author/title or chronological by the year of publication.The Library of Congress uses simplified Cutter author numbers as an integral part of the notation to provide a complete call number.


5. Alphabetical Index


An index is an alphabetical list of the terms mentioned in the schedule and tables referring to their notations. It usually includes, so far as is possible, all the synonyms of these terms, together with some synthesized subjects even if they are not included in the schedules. The index is a labour-saving device assisting in the location of topics in lengthy and mazy schedules, but should be used only as an aid to, not a means of, classification. Its principal virtue is that it ensures that a subject will always be classified in the same place in the schedules.The index to the classification schedules has two purposes:

  • To locate topics within the classification
  • To bring together related aspects of a subject which appear in more than one place in the schedules.


There are two types of indexes:


  1. Specific, which gives one entry only for each topic mentioned in the schedules.
  2. Relative, which enumerates topics mentioned, all synonyms, and to a great extent shows the relation of each subject to other subjects. Perhaps the best example of a full relative index is that appended to the Encyclopedia Britannica, and to the DDC.

Faceted classifications need onlyto index the simple concepts appearing in the schedules. The index of the DDC also includes selection of synthesized subjects. In the LCC each class has its own separate index.


6. Revision Machinery


Bibliographic classifications are born out of date. Classifications are necessarily closed rather than open systems. The placing of a new topic is not automatic, as it is with the list of subject headings: only a controlling organization can determine the correct placing of a new topic within the schedules. This revision committee is essentially a part of governing body of the system. It has been experienced that systemssuch as the LCC and the DDC which have a backing of a big library and are regularly revised remain popular. It is taken as an assurance for the long life and stability of the system. The classification such as the CC and BC-2 though sound in theory are not accepted by the librarians due to lack of any institutional support. To survive a library classification needs to provide after sale service to its users.


7.  Summing up:


Features of a Library Classification

  1. It should be comprehensive covering the whole field of knowledge as represented in books.
  2. It should be formulated with due regard to the literary warrant, aiming to provide a place for every type of subject and document
  3. It should be systematic, proceeding from the general to the specific.
  4. The arrangement of the classes and subdivisions should be made with constant regard for the main purpose of library classification—the securing of helpful order convenient to the user.
  5. The terms used must be clear and current accompanied, where necessary, by full definitions, referring to the scope of the headings and equipped with notes for the guidance of the classifier.
  6. It should be evenly apportioned and should allow alternative locations for certain subject or classes.
  7. It should be equipped with:

    a) Generalia and Form classes.

b) Form and geographical commondivisions.

c) An effective notation. The notation should fit the scheme (not the scheme the notation) and may include            mnemonic, and synthetic combinatory devices.

d) A detailed alphabetical index.


8. It should be structurallyexpansive both in breadth and depth.

9. It should be displayed in a form easy to handle and consult, to assist the user to grasp the hierarchy and layout of classes.

10. It should be revised regularly but not too frequently, by an editorial committee working under a governing body.

11. It should be maintained (and alsomade web accessible) as a machine readable database.

    8. References and further Readings 

  • Buchannan, Brian. 1979. Theory of Library Classification. London: Bingley, pp.105-118.
  • Chan, Lois Mai .2007. Cataloguing and Classification : An Introduction. 3rd ed. Lanham, MD: The Scarecrow Press, 309-318
  • Foskett, A.C.1996. The Subject Approach to Information, 5th ed. London LA Publishing, pp.253-255.
  • Hunter, Eric J.2009.Classifcation Made Simple, 3rd ed. Burlington, VT: Ashgate Publishing, 89-93.
  • Krishan Kumar. 2004. The Theory of Classification. New Delhi: Vikas, pp.388-408.
  • Maltby, Arthur. 1975. Sayers Manual of Classification for Librarians, 5th ed. London: Andre Deutsch, pp.95-104.
  • Mills, J. 1962.A Modern Outline of Library Classification. Bombay: Asia, pp. 54-64.
  • Palmer, B. I.1962. Itself an Education: Six Lectures on Classification. London: The Library Association (now CILIP), pp.25-35
  • Palmer, B.I. and Wells, A.J. 1951.The Fundamentals of Library Classification. London: George Allen, pp.60-75.
  • Philips, H.W.1961.A Primer of Book Classification, 5th ed. London: AAL, pp.35-57
  • Ranganathan,   S.R. 1989. Elements of Library Classification, 2nd ed. / ed. by B.I. Palmer. New Delhi: UBSPD, pp.97-102.
  • Rowley, Jennifer and  Hartley,  Richard.2008.  Organizing  Knowledge,  4th                ed. Burlington, VT: Ashgate, pp.171-192
  • Satija, M.P. 2000. Classification: An Essay in Terminology.Knowledge Org 27(4): 221- 229.
  • Satija, M.P. 2004. A Dictionary of Knowledge Organization. Amritsar : Guru Nanak Dev University, 248 p.
  • Satija, M.P. 2008.Book Numbers: Indian and Cutter. New Delhi: Viva Books, xi, 132p.
  • Slavic Aida. 2008. “Faceted Classification: Management and Use”. Axiomathes. 18(2), June. DOI: 10.1007/s10516-007-9030-z


9.  Glossary

 Automated classification system:


 As contrasted from usual print systems automated library classification systems are in a machine readable data format. Their standard for formatting in MARC21 Concise Format for Classification Data (2003).


Book numbers: A device to sub-arrange documents in a library having the same ultimate class number. Mostly two opposing systems are popular for book numbering, namely alphabetical by author, and chronological by the year of publication. For Alphabetical system mostly Cutter tables are used, whereas chronological method was invented by


W.S. Biscoe, but perfected by S.R. Ranganathan. Apart from these two there are other numerous well known but less used system designed for special materials such as literary works, periodicals, biographies, fiction etc. In the Library of Congress Classification book number is an integral part of the Call number. These are also known as author or cutter numbers


Call number: A composite number comprising of class number, book number and collection number which provides a unique and complete shelf address of the document.


Common auxiliaries: Known by various names in different classification systems these are non-subject recurring features of documents. These are Subdivisions commonly applicable to the class numbers in the main schedules. Their name and notation remains the same wherever applied. In the CC these are known as common isolates, and in the DDC, standard subdivisions. These make the system synthetic and notation mnemonic.Over the years their number and variety have increased. In the DDC there are now six such tables. Ranganathan once envisaged to convert all the special isolates (subject divisions) into a few common isolates. Indeed in the CC-7 the tables and number of various common isolates is amazing.


    Form classes A non-fiction publication has a subject and form (of its presentation). In “Journal of Commerce” journal is the form, and commerce is the subject. But sometimes the form itself becomes the subject, then it is a form class.In History of Journals, journals is the subject, whereas history is its form. “Cyclopediology” is the subject on the form cyclopedias. All the library classifications reserve a place, usually among the generalia class for such subjects. In the DDC 030, 050, 060 and 090 are form classes. In the CC formmain classes are denoted by a/y.
 Generalia class:
    In the universe of knowledge, there are no generalia subjects, each subjects has its unique place there.But there are generalia documents which cover topics across many subjects. A newspaper covers everything under the sun. Limca book of facts is not confined to one subject. A Library Classification has to provide a place to such subjects which usually precedes the disciplinary classes. It is termed as Generalia class. In the DDC, the Division 010-090 is reserved for such documents. It is knowledge in general class which also includes form classes.
    The alphabetical key to all the terms and concepts in the schedules and auxiliary tables along with their class numbers. A good index, as of the DDC, is not only an alphabetical approach but also presents a supplementary or alternative structure of knowledge.
Literary forms:
      A book of creative literature is read for its form and aesthetic pleasure, rather than for its subject, whatever it could be. Literary forms such as Poetry, Fiction, Essays are the primary firms whereas documentary forms such as dictionary, encyclopedia are secondary or auxiliary forms of the documents.
Literary warrant: In library classification, a term introduced in 1910 by Sir Wyndham E Hulme (1859-1954). It means that a scheme of library classification should be based on and guided by the published literature, i.e. should be only empirical in listing classes and their sub-divisions. It also means that it should not include those classes on which there is no published literature. The Library of Congress Classification is the best example of a system based on literary warrant.
Main class:
It is a conventional area of knowledge carved into an accepted, coherent broad field of specialization which gives context to a topic from a specialization aspect of the field. Forming the first array of the division of knowledge in any library classification, the main classes are postulated conveniences to control the universe of knowledge and study it in parts.
An adjunct of library classification to denote classes and their subdivisions and their auxiliary aspects by a series of symbols: a system of brief symbols to translate subjects and their subdivisions into ordinal numbers for mechanization of the classified arrangement of subjects. Knowledge classification doesn’t need notation.
A variety of explanations, suggestions or instructions appended to an entry in the classification schedules or auxiliary tables. Notes guide and aid the classifier in clear interpretation of the entry for uniformity and consistency in application of the system. Notes enhance inter-indexer consistency in using the system.
A printed or otherwise recorded ( asan electronic databases)is a series of lists of subjects and their subdivisions arranged in a systematic, usually general to specific order with unique notation for each entry. Considered as core of a classification system the other parts such as index are considered adjunct to classification. In the UDC, it is called main tables.
Semantic relations: Subject and substantive relations in library classifications and other controlled vocabularies which are mostly controlled by hierarchical or collocative relations. These are relations among classes in arrays or in chains
Syntactic relations: Citation orderof components in a compound subject which are mostly determined by the logical principle of dependency of facets. PMEST is the grand model for such relations.Learn More:
Module LIS/KOP – C/4: Classification and its components


1.  Do you know

  • Library classifications are knowledge classifications with additional features to organize knowledge as recorded in documents.
  • A library classification tool like the DDC or CC is a system having standard components, call them subsystems.
  • Every classification has the core components and a few additional ones unique to itself.

2.  Points to remember

  • Till now there have been about a dozen general library classification schemes since 1876 including the BBK, BSO and ICC.
  • Out of these only three, namely the DDC, UDC and LC are popular.
  • These days web based classification systems are becoming popular due to their useful features and facilities.
  • Major components of a library classifications are schedules, index and introduction to operate it.
  • An established governing body and a sound machinery for its regular revision are vital for any library classification system.
  • Schedule is the terrafirma of a library classification system.
  • The schedule comprises of ordered main classes and their subdivisions in standard terms arranged in arrays and chains and each term getting its notation.
  • Schedules also have additional auxiliary tables to supplement the class numbers in the schedules.
  • Should have a generalia class in the beginning.
  • There should be provisions for number building.
  • Should have a system of book numbers.