30 Information Communication Technology and Information Literacy
Dr Arvind K Sharma
- Introduction
The prime objective of any system of governance, authority and institution is to make all possible effort for socio-economic development for all the sections of society. To fulfil this objective, the modern Information and Communication Technology (ICT) based gadgets may be highly useful. These gadgets are helping people to get desired information and benefit from various schemes launched by the government and other organizations. How to advance people from literate to information literate or ICT literate is a big challenge for the government as well as other agencies working for the socio-economic development of the people. The people or the communities cannot be forced to acquire new skills for using technologies but they can be motivated to enhance their skills and capabilities for making use of the present ICT driven environment. Information Literacy (IL) enables all stakeholders to utilize information and resources and saves them from misinformation and disinformation diffused in the information system by different media. IL and ICT, both are helpful in this process in various ways. ICT driven gadgets provide a vehicle to exchange the ideas and resources quickly, safely and economically among the people or communities.
As we are aware, society has evolved through various stages and so the methods of learning and literacy have undergone changes accordingly. In the present learning society, changes are taking place in multiple ways. In the following table these changes or attributes are given:

The above tabular information provides the overall scenario of learning, literacy and ICT thoughts in the different ages.
In education setup, teachers are engaged in learning, teaching and conducting research for the overall development of the community. Education and training help people to acquire knowledge and skills and to imbibe values to cope up with the present complicated scenario. The advent of computer, information and communication technologies, artificial intelligence, etc. has interconnected various processes and routines to make life very convenient for the people. These technologies have impacted learning environment also. Today learning process is not a one-way but a two-way process and is greatly based on users‟ need. Technology has given a platform for the education processes to achieve greater efficiency and higher standards.
In the present environment of fast developing technologies, moving from one generation to another in shorter span of time, for instance now moving 3G to 4G, one cannot or is not able to predict that how long particular G will sustain and when will that be outdated? To sustain in the present environment one must be literate in multiple media.
- What is Information and Communication Technology?
Today we are living in a technology driven era. Information technology (IT) is changing or shaping lives in the most fundamental way. IT is an umbrella term for various interconnected technologies. These technologies are:
- Electronic Technology
- Computer technology
- Telecommunication Technology
- Communication Technology
- Artificial Intelligence Technology
- Human and Machine Interface Technology.
3.1 Information Technology (IT)
Information Technology (IT) is a broad term and incorporates various dimensions of the interface between information and machines. Various definitions are given below to understand the scope of the term.
According to ODLIS information technology (IT) is “a very broad term encompassing all aspects of the management and processing of information by computer, including the hardware and software required to access it.” This is a general definition and incorporates the various aspects of management and processing information.
3.2 Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
Information and communication technology (ICT) is an extension of information technology which relates to the uses of various communication technologies. Some definitions of are as follows:
According to Wilson and others: “ICT information and communication technology consists of all technical means used to handle information and facilitate communication, including computer and network hardware, as well as necessary software. In other words, ICT consists of Information Technology as well as telephony, broadcast media, and all types of audio and video processing and transmission. It stresses the role of communications (telephone lines and wireless signals) in modern information technology.” This definition covers ICT in broader way, which includes various components of the technology.
Wikipedia says: “Information and communications technology (ICT) is often used as an extended synonym for information technology (IT), but is a more specific term that stresses the role of unified communications and the integration of telecommunications (telephone lines and wireless signals), computers as well as necessary enterprise software, middleware, storage, and audio-visual systems, which enable users to access, store, transmit, and manipulate information.” This definition covers all dimensions of telecommunication, computers and information.
Harrod’s Librarians’ Glossary and Reference Book, says “ICT Information and Communications Technology, replacing the older „IT‟ and the alternative „C&IT‟ to express the combination of computing hardware and software with the capabilities of communications networks that provides new opportunities for teaching, learning and training through the delivery of digital content. The expression arose from an educational context but has since expanded into other sectors and its use is now widespread.”
All definitions are very wide and covers almost all dimensions related to the matter. These also cover stakeholders, who are involved in information related activities. Information Communication Technology (ICT) is a wide term, which incorporates various processes, services and technologies, which provides a better platform to users to access, store, manipulate and disseminate information. ICT also enable a user to interact in a customized way.
- Need of Information Communication Technology (ICT) Awareness
In the 21st century, people live in the world that is highly digitalized and predominantly governed by the ICT. More or less every aspect of life is affected by the processes prefixed “e”, such as: e-banking, e-libraries, e-village, e-health etc. and they can benefit a lot by using the services.vital for many reasons.
In day to day life, people depend on e-technologies People need awareness of the ICT. The awareness is
- Effective use of technology
- ICT may be helpful in enhancing literacy as well as in promoting skill and competency among the people.
- ICT helps in creating healthy education system.
- By using ICT, organizations can provide effective, efficient and 24×7 accessible services to the clients.
- In India ICT can connect all the people living at faraway places and their voice can reach the authorities.
- ICT provides an opportunity to all the people to take the advantages of developments.
- ICT can be a main agent of change for a creative, inclusive and sustainable information environment.
- ICT stimulates the people to move forward.
- ICT helps in providing equal benefits to all members of society.
- ICT helps in redesigning services, production and distribution.
- ICT helps to cope-up with recent changes.
- ICT provides interactive multimedia platform to transfer the existing. knowledge and also helps in skill development from person to person, organization to organization, one society to another, one system to another, safely, quickly and economically.
- In ICT driven environment, the use of ICT can make a scholar to great learner.
- The concept of universal and free access to information can be materialised by effective use of ICT.

In above shown diagram the need of ICT is shown. It says that ICT boost the value addition in all types of activities, means if you use ICT enabled gadgets the quality of service or work will be enhanced, it works in various ways, hence value addition can be seen in activities. It is also an astra for inclusive development of society, because it gives equal opportunity to exploit the resources by all members of society without any kind of discrimination. ICT awareness is a basic human right of every citizen It empowers a man to live with full dignity and respect. ICT aware person can participate in democratic set up and exploit the public resources. ICT aware person can play a vital role in social interaction and harmony. In cultured society human is the most precious wealth.
- Information Literacy (IL) and Information Technology (IT)
IT has been changing or influencing the behaviour or working scenario of individuals, groups and society. IT enables a person to deal with electronic gadgets and exploit them. Technological awareness always pays extra dividend to learners.
ALA has emphasized on the issue and said that “information literacy is related to information technology skills, but has broader implications for the individual, the educational system, and for society. Information technology skills enable an individual to use computers, software applications, databases, and other technologies to achieve a wide variety of academic, work-related, and personal goals. Information literate individuals necessarily develop some technology skills.” With the advent and diffusion of the ICT, it has become a reality that people can access information 24X7X365. Time and distance have no meaning. Only information literate people can get the benefit of ICT driven digital environment.
- ICT Literacy and IL
As we are aware ICT literacy is a prerequisite for maximizing and exploiting information resources in present electronic environment. Education Testing Service defines ICT literacy as “using digital technology, communications tools, and / or networks to access, manage, integrate and create information in order to function in a knowledge society”.
Joolingen, W. Van (2004) also defines ICT literacy as “the interest, attitude and ability of individuals to appropriately use digital technology and communication tools to access, mange, integrate and evaluate information, construct new knowledge, and communicate with others in order to participate effectively in society.” Both definitions clearly define the scope of ICT literacy. Technological literacy is also having mostly same scope.
Technological literacy: International Technology Education Association (ITEA) in its report “Standard for Technological Literacy (2000)” defines the term ‘technology literacy’ as “the ability to use, manage, understand and access technology.” ICT literacy and technological literacy are similar in scope and having same purpose. In the present environment change is permanent or integral feature of ICTs. User must be aware of this attribute, so they can cope up with present competitive and complex environment. Gwenn Wilson rightly said that “technology changes quickly, information-literate individuals must update their technology skills continuously to stay current and be able to use their existing skills in new ways. Module “24- E-Literacy and Literacies” of this paper covers following literacies in details :
- Literacy- 1960‟s,
- Visual Literacy- 1969
- Intelligent Tutoring Systems- 1970‟s
- Technological Literacy- 1970‟s
- Information Literacy- 1970‟s or 1980‟s
- Computer Literacy- 1976
- Academic Literacy
- Digital Literacy
- Multiliteracies
- Media Literacy
- Information commons – 1990‟s
- ICT Skills Required for Information Literacy (IL)
To take maximum use of resources, user should be acquainted with following ICT skills:
Basic Knowledge of Computer or other electronic gadgets
- Basic knowledge of hardware and software
- Downloading and uploading the resources
- Knowledge of installing, i.e. Adobe Acrobat
Proficiency in using various Software:
- Create and save documents from various locations,
- Name , copy, paste and delete files,
- Understanding with the use of MS office and other software,
Internet Skills
- Setup internet connection
- Knowledge of World Wide Web
- Knowledge of navigation
- Basic knowledge of search engines
- Internet tools and services: Gmail, search techniques, etc.
A person can be Information Lietrate without having ICT knowledge and skills, but he can‟t be eefective in the present environment and will not be able to use and exploit digital resources. ICT knowledge and skills empower a person to take the benefits of various platforms available in digital environment.
- Relationship Between ICT and IL
This ICT and IL have inter-connected with the term information. The word information is common in both. It is a matter of fact that information can enhance the capabilities of the person in many ways. ICT literate person acquires various types of skill and capabilities to exploit the resources and maximize the uses. In order to be information literate, one should have the knowledge and skill to deal with modern electronic gadgets. At this step ICT literacy helps a peson to update his skill and knowledge to deal with new phenomenon. Catts and Lau rightly expressed their views as: “distinguishing IL and ICT. People can be information literate in the absence of ICT, but the volume and variable quality of digital information, and its role in knowledge societies, has highlighted the need for all people to achieve IL skills. For people to use IL within a knowledge society, both access to information and the capacity to use”

ICT literacy is one of the literacy that form IL and is very important in present environment because of the dependence of society on ICT. As we are aware ICT and IL are mutually dependent on each other because as use of ICT increases IL (Research Literacy, IPR literacy, etc.) will be more and more required to access information and on the other hand IL will not be complete without ICT because that will be required to deliver/disseminate IL.
- Summary
Information and Communication Technologies are playing a significant role in enhancing the literacy.ICTs help to exploit the information resources at various platforms. Without ICT skills, one can be information literate but he/she cannot cope up with the present multifaceted developmental activities or cannot sustain in this electronic environment. ICT has given an opportunity to exploit the resources.The knowledge and skill about ICT helps to sustain in the competitive environment. It is also beneficial to those communities also which have not taken the benefit of present developments so far.
In this module an attempt has been made to discuss various issues related to information communication technology and information literacy. In the present world, there is a huge gap between “haves and have not” in terms of access to information communication technology. Information can play an important role in the advancement of people or society in terms of socio-economic development. Information literacy or ICT literacy can help people to take right decision at right time to overcome with difficult situations. Minimum level of ICT awareness is needed to exploit the digital resources in present environment.
- References :
- American Library Association. Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education. Chicago: ACRL, 2000. P.3.
- Catts, Ralph and Jesus Lau. Towards Information Literacy Indicators Conceptual framework paper prepared by UNESCO: Paris, 2008.p7 and 23.
- Educational Testing Service (ETS) . Digital Transformation : a framework for ICT literacy,Princeton, NJ, Educational Testing Service, 2002.
- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Information_and_communications_technology