29 Case study: Information Literacy programmes atUniversity of Delhi
Dr (Mrs) Meera
Information Literacy and Competency (ILC) is the ability to identify information needs, seek out resources to meet those needs, and then analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and communicate the resulting knowledge. It is a core instructional pedagogy in higher education. The role of the ILC Development Program in the context of a teaching library is intended to encourage and facilitate life-long learning. In order to empower students in the pursuit of knowledge, the library professionals aim to teach them the skills of identifying, locating, and evaluating information. Among many other things, information literate students are competent, independent learners. They know their information needs and are capable of actively engaging in the world of ideas. They are confident in their ability to solve problems.
Information literacy is a key component in the development of the student as an independent learner. It also contributes to the ability of students to work confidently with information and IT tools, and to develop essential critical thinking skills. All these are essential attributes for the modern graduate and the modern employee. The new graduate must not only have specialist knowledge in their field, but also have a range of generic competencies required to participate in a workplace subject to constant change, the skills to continue learning throughout a professional lifetime. (IUA, 2005). American Library Association (ALA) definition: To be information literate an individual must recognise when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate and use effectively the information needed. (ALA, 1989). The skills implied by this definition require an understanding of amongst others:
- The resources available
- How to find information
- The need to evaluate results
- How to work with or exploit results
- Ethical and responsible use
- How to communicate or share your findings
- How to manage your findings
Information literacy and communication skills that are required in our day-to-day activities to derive, analyze, evaluate and use information are currently known as information literacy. Everyday something new turns and previous methods are discarded in favour of new ones. It is therefore necessary for us to keep up with new methodology of information literacy, to be updated, through and aware.
IL is concerned with educating and providing training to users as well as library professionals to enable them to make maximum use of available library collection, tools, services, various arrangements, rules and ethics of the library. This is a literacy programme imparted by the library staff to its users to help them to acquire library skills. Awareness about the library and ability to have quick access to the library tools and resources. Therefore, IL is central to the whole purpose of the library and the effective utilization of information resources.
An information-literate individual is able to:
- Determine the extent of information needed
- Access the needed information effectively and efficiently
- Evaluate information and its sources critically
- Incorporate selected information into his or her knowledge base
- Use information effectively to accomplish a specific purpose
- Understand the economic, legal, and social issues surrounding the use of information, and access and use information ethically and legally
In recent years, Internet has emerged as the most powerful medium for storage, retrieval and communication of information. With an unprecedented growth in the quantum of knowledge world wide and the easy accessibility, Internet has become an unavoidable necessity for every institution of higher learning and research.
(1) The World Wide Web (www), because of its ability to work with multimedia and advance programming languages, is the fastest growing component of the Internet. The amount of publicly available information on the web is increasing consistently at an unbelievable rate.
(2) It has turned into: a gigantic digital library, a searchable 15 billion-world encyclopaedia
(3) Internet is still growing every minute of a day. In addition to various huge electronic resources in public domain on Internet Delhi University Library System (DULS) subscribes to a large number of databases and is an active member of UGC-Infonet. There was a need to orient the users of entire DULS about these electronic resources for effective academic use(http://crl.du.ac.in/Information%20Literacy%20and%20Competency%20Development %20Programme.htm)
Because information now comes in many different forms and its quality varies enormously, students need to develop the cognitive, transferable skills to be able to work efficiently with information. Finding and evaluating information has never been more important; nor has the need to develop skills in the ethical use of information, in order to militate against plagiarism.
Keeping all above facts in considerations Information Literacy and Competency Development Program in Delhi University Library System has been initiated with a view to empower the students, researchers and faculty members to seek, evaluate, use and create information effectively and efficiently to achieve their educational, social, occupational and personal goals. It is a basic human right in a digital world. Information literacy and competency enables to interpret and make informed judgments as users of information sources, as well as to become producers of information in their own right. It is a well-known fact that researchers are both the maximum consumers and producer of information. At the planning level it was visualized that in addition to their academic requirements this program will also assist them to access information about their health, environment, and work and empowers them to make critical decisions about their future lives.
The basic focus of the IL programme at University of Delhi by Delhi University Library System is general users of library, students at various colleges, PG Students and Research Scholars in departments and LIS professionals who are actively engaged in providing the IL training and education to users. The programmes are meant for:
- Library users about library collection, services and facilities
- PG Students and Research Scholars in the field of Arts and Humanities
- PG Students and Research Scholars in the field of Social Sciences
- PG Students and Research Scholars in the field of Sciences
- Library Professionals
The IL programmes has been provided in following discipline:
- Department of Economics
- Department of Geography
- Department of Sociology
- Department of Commerce for MIB & MHROD Course
- Department of Philosophy
- Department of Psychology
- MBA (North Campus)
- MBA-MS (South Campus)
Objectives for General User IL programmes
Information Literacy and Competency Development Program in Delhi University Library System has been initiated with the following objectives:
- To acquaint the users with the power of Internet.
- To provide an indication as to what is their on Internet related to their course of study;
- To show how web resources could be of immense use in their academic pursuit and research;
- To show the usefulness of various multimedia resources on web related on to syllabi.
- To promote that Information Competency is for participants: academic and vocational success and for lifelong learning.
- To provide course-integrated instruction in collaboration with the faculty and in alignment with course objectives.
- To establish a direct interaction between users and library professionals. Objectives for Special User IL Programmes
- To Know about different publication types (books, journals, newspapers)
- To make them understandable to be able to differentiate between popular and academic sources
- To provide information on how to formulate an effective search strategy
- To be able to perform a successful search using a relevant library database
- To understand the tools and techniques to be able to evaluate search results
- To understand how to cite and reference sources Introduction
- To describe specific features of various data bases being subscribed by DULS;
- To promote the use of subscribed databases in academics and research.
- To acquaint the users with the use of various search techniques to retrieve relevant information.
- To recognize the need for information, and to evaluate, organize, interpret, and communicate information in all its formats;
Objectives for Training the Trainer’s IL programmes
Delhi University Library System (DULS) comprising of about 34 libraries in its fold caters to the information needs of entire University community. In addition to its huge print collections, DULS also subscribes to a good number of high value databases. Besides, DULS is regularly researching on open Access Initiatives to reap the full benefit of Public Domain Electronic Resources.
With a view to educate the users and enhance their capabilities about electronic resources and make them competent for retrieving precise and relevant information through Internet, DULS has started regular Information Literacy Programme since, 2006. In continuation to its programs and activities DULS is organizing a two-day Training the Trainers: Workshop on Information Literacy & Competency for University and College Library Professionals. The goal is to train the library and information professionals for onward transmission of the skills to end users.
Workshop on Information Literacy & Competency for University and College Library
Professionals has been organized with the following objectives: (http://crl.du.ac.in/tttworkshop/index.htm) for Library Professionals from University of Delhi and its Colleges. Deputy Librarians, Assistant Librarians, College Librarians, Professional Assistants working in DULS and Colleges has participated in the program:
- To acquaint the University and College Library Professionals with the academic power of Internet;
- To provide an indication as to what is there on Internet related to the area of study and research in Campus department as well as in colleges.
To show how web resources could be of immense use in academic pursuit and research;
- To show the usefulness of various multimedia resources on web in Teaching, Learning and Research.
- To promote the use of subscribed databases in academics and research;
- To describe specific features of various databases being subscribed by DULS;
- To acquaint the University and College Library Professionals with the use of various search techniques to retrieve relevant information;
- To recognize the need for information, and to evaluate, organize, interpret, and communicate information in all its formats;
- To promote that Information Competency is for participants’ academic and vocational success and for lifelong learning;
- To provide research-integrated instruction in collaboration with the faculty and in alignment with research objectives;
- To explain the necessity of bibliographical citations and its usefulness.
- To promote the use of standardized citations of bibliographical references.
Information Literacy Contents for General Users.An introduction to entire DULS with special emphasis to the libraries attached to their course of study with special reference to their various, collections; services and facilities.Need of information in teaching, learning and research was described to the audience.
Introduction to various information sources: printed information sources and electronic information sources, the advantages and disadvantages of both the information source.
Introduction to information sources available through Quick Reference Sources and Full Text Sources available in Public domain Introduction to subscribed databases and their features. How to access these e resources Various kinds of searches and search strategy: Basic and Advance search, Phrase searching, Proximity searching, Boolean operators, Field searching, use of Controlled Vocabulary, Limiting/ Refining / Narrowing of search.
Introduction to Google and Xreferplus: a unique electronic reference database of above 150 well established reference sources including encyclopedia, general dictionaries, subject dictionaries, biographies etc.Referencing and citations styles
Information Literacy Contents for Special Users
- Introduce different types of information sources and their use
- Find materials using Discovery Tool and Renew and request materials
- Introduce subject-specific electronic resources
- Search techniques for database searching, e.g., Simple search, advance search , free text searching, thesaurus search, subject heading search, truncation search, Boolean operators, phrase searching, field-specific searching, federated search
- Use databases to find articles and other primary and secondary sources, e.g., databases subscribed through DULS
- Open Access resources in the field of Science, social science and Arts and Humanities
- Citation analysis databases like SCOPUS and WEB OF SCIENCE
- Introduce criteria for evaluating information and Find and evaluate information on the WWW
- Avoid plagiarism; introduce citation style for a specific discipline, e.g., APA style for Social Sciences discipline
- Use RefWorks to handle references and bibliographies
Information Literacy Contents for Training the Trainers
- Use libraries – types of libraries/information centers, resources (e.g., librarians, collections), services (e.g., Interlibrary Loans) & facilities
- Understand research process (e.g., research needs, topic, search strategy, search, evaluation, citation) &information cycle
- Understand economic, legal and social issues involved in finding and using information ethically
- Recognize plagiarism and use of correct citation (& Ref Works)
- Find materials using Discovery Tool and Library catalogues (e.g., keyword vs. controlled vocabulary or subject searching, LC numbers, university user & other library catalogues)
- Use e-book collections (& free e-books)
- Use e-journal collections
- Use databases
- Search information on the Web
- Evaluate information
Delhi University Library System is using different methods for different types of their usergroup. Lecture
This method is being used for general user in different college campuses. User were also given the lecture CD and materials in written.
Annual workshops are being organised for subject specific Information literacy programmes for PG Students and research scholors. For library professionals and faculty members too workshop and seminars are being used.
- Training the Trainers: Workshop on Information Literacy and competency, 29-30 June 2011 for LIS professionals (http://crl.du.ac.in/tttworkshop/index.htm)
- Workshop on Information Literacy and competency, 19-20 Feb 2014 for Sciences and Social sciences (http://crl.du.ac.in/ilcw/index.htm). Annually
Online Tutorial (http://crl.du.ac.in/ot/tutorial.html),
DULS has created an online tutorial for their users which can be access 24×7 through DULS website. The tutorial has five modules with following contents:

Module 1
Basic Computing: Computer Some Basic Components of a Computer, Inside the Computer Casing, How to Use Mouse, Keyboard, Shortcuts, Category of Memory, Category of Software
Computer Networking: Computer Network, Types of Network, Network Topologies, OSI Model Networking Devices, Gateway, Firewall, Proxy Server, ISP, Dial-up, Internet access, ISDN Modem, Mac Address, DNS, IP Address, Networking Protocols
Module 2
Web Browser
Introduction,Opening Internet Explorer,Options of Internet Explorer,Downloading Files,
Printing a Web Page,Saving a Page,Editing a Page,Finding Text on a Page,Setting Home
Page,The Cache,History,Resolution
Module 3
Online E-Resources: Introduction, Categories of Information on the Web, Features of online E-Resources, FAQ Searching Techniques: Effective Searching Tips,
FAQ: What is a Search Strategy? , How is it useful? ,Where should I search?, How to Choose Search Terms and Syntax?, How can I improve my results?, How to Tune Your Search?
Search Techniques: Phrase Search, Field Search, Boolean operator, Proximity Search, Controlled Vocabulary, Concept Map, Limiting / Refining Searches, Publication Search, Visual Search, Related Topics
Other Search Techniques
Module 4
Web Resources: Definition, Need of Evaluation of Web Resources
Evaluation Criteria: Authority, Accuracy, Currency, Coverage, Objectivity, Ease of Use, Purpose, Design & Navigation
FAQ:DULS subscribed Databases: General Databases, Arts and Humanities Databases, Social Science Databases, and Science Databases
Critical Thinking Introduction, Definition, Role of it in Education, Skills Necessary for it
Module 5
Citations: Introduction, Definition, Citation Analysis,
FAQ: What is Bibliometrics?, What is Journal Impact Factor? An example of Journal Impact Factor
What is Journal Citation Report? What is Cited Journal? What is Citing Journal? What is Cited Journal Data?, What is Citing Journal Data? What is Journal Half-Cited Life? What is Review? What is Self-Citation? What is Subject Category? What is Total Cites? What is Citation Report (WOS)?
What is Average Citations per Paper?
Limitations of Citation Analysis studies
Multimedia Tutorial(http://crl.du.ac.in/ilmtutorial/)
This tutorial meant for intrucing the library to the users

The ILP programmes are being organised regularly to keep the user update about the information sources services and databases. In order to understand the impact of these IL programmes, users response are seek in form of questionnaire.
Group disscssion and demonstration of e resources by venders, feedback during and after the workshops and lectures are seek.
The IL initiatives of Delhi Univesity Library System is unique in this aeas being the first university libray to conduct such programme for their users. Information literacy programme designed for the LIS professionals equipped them for passing the IL skills to their users. IL programmes based workshops being provided free to the users and LIS professionals are helping the users and professionals in enhancing their information seeking skills as well as adding to their enhaced academic output. Users assessment eveals that IL intitiatives is found to be vey useful for the scholors and faculties. Since the IL programmes are not integrated with the course structure of Delhi Univesity academic programmes, the execution and effectiveness of the pogrammes is still a challange for the University library and Librarian.
- The American Association of Community Colleges published a position statement on information Literacy (http://www.aacc.nche.edu/About/Positions/Pages/ps05052008.aspx).
- Anderson, K., and May, F.A., 2010. Does the method of instruction matter? an experimental examination of information literacy instruction in the online, blended, and face-to-face classrooms. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 36(6), pp.495-500.
- Association of College and Research Libraries., 2000.Information literacy competency standards for higher education. Chicago: Association of College & Research Libraries.
- Association of College and Research Libraries. 2011. Information literacy website, [online] Available at:<http:/ /www.ala.org/ala/mgrps/ divs/acrl/issues/ infolit/ index. cfm> [Accessed 20 May 2014].
- Baro, E. E. and Zuokemefa,T., 2011. Information literacy programmes in Nigeria: a survey of 36 university libraries. New Library World, 112 (11/12),pp.549–565.
- Delhi University Library System. (http://crl.du.ac.in/Information%20 Literacy%20 and% 20Competency%20Development%20Programme.htm)
- Delhi University Library System. (http://crl.du.ac.in/tttworkshop/index.htm)
- Chauhan, S.K., Chand, P. and Murthy, T.A.V., 2006. Information literacy for Indian academicians: INFLIBNET initiatives. Journal of Library and Information Science, 31(1), pp.45-52.
- Bhatt, R K. (2011).Information literacy models and competencies development initiatives in India. In2nd International Conference of Asian Special Libraries (ICoASL 2011) on Building user trust: the key to special libraries renaissance at the digital era, 187-200, Tokyo, Japan10-12 February 2011,[online] Available at:<http:// u n i t s . s l a . o r g / c h a p t e r / c a s /ICoASL%202011.pdf>[Accessed 10 June 2013].
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- Dervin, Brenda., 1983. Information as a user-construct:the relevance of perceived information needs to synthesis and interpretation,” In Spencer A. Ward and Linda J. Reed(Eds),Knowledge Structure and Use:Implications for Synthesis and Interpretation (154-183) Philadelphia, Temple University Press.
- Delhi Technological University,[online] Available a t : < h t t p : / / w w w. d c e . e d u / w e b / S e c t i o n s / A b o u t / history.php>[Accessed 22 July 2012].
- Delhi University Library System., 2012. Multimedia-based IL Programme, [online] Available at:<http:// crl.du.ac.in/ilmtutorial>[Accessed 20 May 2014].
- Dr Zakir Husain Library, Jamia Millia Islamia,[online] Available at:<http://jmi.ac.in/studyatjamia/library/zhl/ introduction>[Accessed 2 June 2014].
- Delhi University Library system(DULS) (online).available at <:http:// crl.du.ac.in/Information%20Literacy%20and%20Competency%20Development%20Prog ramme.htm> (accessed 2 June 2014)