5 Role of Library Associations

TABLE OF CONTENTS (for textual content)


1 . Objectives

2.  Introduction

3. International Level Library Associations

4. National Level Library Associations

5. State Level Library Associations

6. Local Level Library Associations

7. Public Library Associations

8. Summary

9. References


1. Objectives


After reading this module, you will be able to:


  • To know about international, national, state and local level library associations,
  • To understand the contribution of library associations in the promotion and development of public library system




Benjamin Franklin said- “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest,” so the investment in the public libraries will be the best investment in the development of knowledge and will be paid with high returns to the society. As we are aware that “Unity is strength”, hence associations are formed to unite the professionals of a particular field of common interest areas. Associations are playing an important role in the development of a particular subject field. It is true of library and information science profession as well.


Library associations at different levels have been playing significant role in the development and promotion of public library system in India. They are providing a platform to discuss various issues and problems regarding the present position of public libraries. Associations help in various ways. First of all they unite the professionals and give them voice strength. In democracy, the strength of people always matters. Seminars, conferences, workshops, training programmes, orientation courses, short-term training courses, ICT literacy awareness events are arranged from time to time by library associations for keeping their members abreast of new developments in the field of library and information science/service. This activity helps in enhancement of skills and knowledge of the library professionals. Many of these associations publish newsletters and journals to provide the latest information and research findings to library professionals.




International associations/organizations like IFLA, FID, , Aslib., etc. have done a lot of work for the development of public library system. They are helping in the formulation of policies and standards at international level for the benefit of the developing countries. Some of these associations are discussed below:


3. 1 IFLA


IFLA stands for International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. It has a ‘Public Libraries Section.’ This forum is actively engaged in the development and promotion of public libraries. IFLA was first founded in Edinburgh, Scotland in 1927 when library associations from 14 European countries and USA signed resolution at the celebration of 50th anniversary of Library Association of the United Kingdom. IFLA has organized several conferences to promote free and equal access to information to all and publishes newsletter. IFLA Public Library Section sponsored three sessions of the 78th IFLA General Conference and Assembly in Helsinki, Finland in 2012. IFLA Public Library Service Guidelines are also available in English as well as in Russian, Bulgarian, Czech and Slovak languages. IFLA has also contributed in the preparation of IFLA / UNESCO Public Library Manifesto 1994. Thus, it can be said that IFLA is playing a leading role in the promotion and development of public libraries globally.

(Source: www.ifla.org/public-libraies)(www.ifla.org/publications/iflauneso-publiclibrary-manifestio-1994)


3.2 FID


International Federation for Information and Documentation (FID) too has played an important role in development and access to knowledge. It came to be established as International Institute of Bibliography on 12 September 1895. It got dissolved in 2002.





The Association for Information Management (ASLIB) was established in1924 as the ‘Association of Special Libraries and Information Bureaux`. It serves those people who work for information management. Aslib is engaged in providing training, consultancy and information services. It also publishes journals, conference proceedings, directories, etc.




National level library associations have played a vital role in the development of public library movement. They have focused on the establishment of public libraries, enactment of public library acts in various states, framing rules and regulations and providing common platform to discuss common issues of library profession.




Public Library Association (PLA) is a division of the American Library Association (ALA). It was founded in 1944 and has more than 9,000 members. Its core purpose is to strengthen public libraries. It provides scholarships and grants as well as organizes conferences and educational events. PLA also offers online courses and webinars to provide online learning. It publishes a bi-monthly journal Public Libraries. This is an official journal of PLA and journal is devoted to public libraries. It is playing a significant role in the promotion of public libraries. (www.ala.org/pla/) (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/public_libraries-(journal))


4.2 Library Association (LA)/ (CILIP)


Library Association (LA) is an important and the oldest library association in the United Kingdom. The Association was founded in 1877 and has headquarters at London. It had membership of more than 25000 library professionals. In April 2002 Library Association was merged with the Institute of Information Scientists (IIS) to form the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP) Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP) was formed in April 2002 by the union of the Institute of Information Scientists (IIS) and the Library Association (UK). It has more than 23000 members. CILIP is actively engaged in promotion of public libraries and conducted online survey of library authorities in United Kingdom. CILIP also issued guidelines entitled “What Makes a Good Library Service?” in 2010 on public library provision in England. These guidelines are available on the website of CILIP. Public Libraries Group is a member of Group CILIP.


Public Libraries Research Group (PLRG) was established in 1970 and was the part of Library Association London. It is now an independent body. National level Professional associations have played a vital role in the development of public library field in their area of operation. They have focused on the establishment of public libraries, enactment of public library acts in various states, framing rules and regulations and providing common platform to discuss common issues of profession. These associations have tried hard to spread library movement.


Some national level library associations in India are: Indian Library Association ILA (1933), IASLIC (1955), IATLIS (1969), Government of India Libraries Association (1933).


4.3 Indian Library Association(ILA)


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5. State Level Library Associations

State level library associations too have been playing an important role in the establishment and development of public library system in their respective states. Many state library associations have been established before and after independence. A list of state level library associations is given below in chronological order with their establishment year:


S.N. Founded in
1 Andhra Desa Library Association 1914
2 Maharashtra Library Association 1921
3 Gujrati Pustakalaya Mandal 1923
4 Bengal Library Association 1925
5 Baroda State Library Association 1920
6 Madras Library Association (MALA) 1927
7 Punjab Library Association 1929
8 Karnataka Library Association 1929
9 Samastha Kerala Pustakalaya Samiti 1931
10 United Provinces Library Association 1935
11 Bombay State Library Association 1935
12 Bihar Rajya Granthalaya Sangha 1936
13 Malabar Library Association 1937
14 Assam Library Association 1938
15 Delhi Library Association (DLA) 1939 revived in 1953
16 Utkal Library Association 1944
17 Travancore Library Association 1945
18 Central Provinces and Berar Library Association 1945
19 Hyderabad Library Association 1951
20 Bihar Library Association 1955
21 Uttar Pradesh Library Association 1956
22 Madhya Pradesh Library Association 1957
23 Gomantak Library Association 1963
24 Karnataka Library Association 1961
25 Maharashtra Rajya Granthalaya Sangh 1962
25 Rajasthan Library Association 1962
26 Gujarat Granthalaya Sangh 1964
27 Jammu and Kashmir Library Association 1966
28 Haryana Library Association 1967
29 Kerala Library Association 1972
30 Manipur Library Association 1987


Almost all state/Union Territory library associations are playing an active role in the development of the public libraries in their respective region. They are working hard to get the public libraries act enacted in their state/UT. Some library associations have succeeded in their mission. So far 19 Indian states have put public libraries act on their statute books. The role of some select library associations is discussed below:


5.1 Andhra Desa Library Association

Andhra Desa Library Association was established in 1914 which convened First All India Public Libraries Conference at Madras (now Chennai) during 14- 15 November 1919.


5.2 Baroda Library Association


Founded in 1920, Baroda Library Association has played a significant role in developing public library system and in the publication of Library Miscellany, the first journal of library science from Indian soil. This journal was brought out by the Association for about a decade.


5.3 Punjab Library Association


It was established in 1929 by converting ‘Librarians Club’ into an Association. This Association has the distinction of bringing out a prestigious journal entitled Modern Librarian.


5.4 Bengal Library Association (BLA)


Bengal Library Association was established in 1925 and was formerly known as All Bengal Library Association. The objective of association is to promote library movement in Bengal. This association is taking an active part in the development of public library system in Bengal. Association has organized a number of conferences and seminars to discuss the issues related with development of public libraries at distant places in West Bengal. It also published a periodical in 1937 as Bengal Library Association Bulletin-Bangia Granthagar Parishad Patrika. Periodical was bilingual and continued till 1952. BLA also publishes a Bengali monthly journal named “Granthagar.” Journal disseminates information related to various library activities in Bengal. BLA has also published notable books in Bengali and English. It also conducts various training programmes for library professionals. (www.blacal.org)


5.5 Madras Library Association (MALA)


MALA was founded in 1928 by Mr. K.V. Krishnaswamy Aiyar and Dr. S. R. Ranganathan. MALA has more than 400 members and actively engaged in the spread of library movement in the state of Tamilnadu. It conducts workshops, conferences, seminars and training programmes for the development of library profession and public library services. MALA Infozine is a newsletter of MALA. (malamanagedbiz.com)


MALA in collaboration with the Government Museum, Madras organized a three day seminar on ‘Public Library Services and Information Networks’ from 4-6 January 1988. Various issues related with the public libraries were discussed during the seminar.


5.6  Uttar Pradesh Library Association


UPLA was founded in 1956 with the objective to develop library movement within the state. UPLA has taken various steps for the development of library profession in the state. This Association also played a significant role in the development of public libraries in Uttar Pradesh. UPLA organized a seminar on Public Library Development: Problems and Prospects, during 11-12, June 1994 at National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow. This seminar was inaugurated by Shri Shardananda Anchal, State Minister of Higher Secondary and Basic Education of U.P. The recommendations of this seminar were mainly concerned with development of strong public library system and enactment of public library law in Uttar Pradesh. It runs a Certificate course in Library Science from a number of centres of Uttar Pradesh.


5.7 Rajasthan Library Association


RLA organized a seminar at Beawar on Public Library Service on 8-9 October 1988. In this seminar Dr. C.D. Sharma delivered Master Motilal Memorial Lecture on Public Library Act and Public Library Services in Rajasthan.


5.8 Kerala Library Association (KLA)


KLA was founded in 1972. It is devoted to the development of libraries in the state. It publishes “KLA Newsletter”, research monographs, seminar volumes and books. KLA also conducts training programmes, seminars, workshops for library personnel. (www.wikipedia.org/wiki/kerala-library-association).



5.9 Delhi Library Association


At the initiative of K M Asadullah, Librarian of the Imperial Library Calcutta, Delhi Library Association was founded on 10th March 1939. Sir John Sargent, Secretary of Education in the Government of India was its 1st President and Mr Fasiuddin, Secretary of Hardinge Public Library was the 1st Secretary of the Delhi Library Association. Because of partition of the country in 1947, the Association went into dormancy and got revived again in 1953. It has been running Certificate course in Library Science since 1955 and Diploma in Library & Information Technology (DLIT) since 2003. Since 1958 it has been bringing out a quarterly journal entitled Library Herald. It is a peer reviewed journal and most up to date. Vol 51 no.2 June 2013 issue has already been released. The association has its own a 2-storied building at Naraina Vihar in West Delhi. For details visit its website www.dlaindia.in


6.  Local Level Library Associations/ Clubs


For the development of libraries, various local level units have also contributed a lot. Some notable names are: Bombay Social Service League, Shri Ram Mafat Vachanalaya Mandal, Poona, Zila Granthalaya Samstha Adilabad, Guntur Zila Grandhalaya Sangham, etc.


6.1 Librarians Club


Librarians club was set up in 1929 at Lahore. This club hosted 7th All India Public Library Conference successfully and later this club was converted in to Punjab Library Association.


6.2 Indore Library Association


Indore Library Association was founded in 1967 and has been working for the promotion of library profession. Association also started a quarterly journal “Pustakalaya Sandesh” in Hindi.


7. Public Library associations

Quite a few public library associations were also formed to promote public libraries in India, such as: All-India Public Library Association, Andhra Pradesh Public Library Association, All-India Rural Library Service Association, etc. It was the great moment in the history of public libraries that All-India Public Library Association (AIPLA) was established in 1919, much before the establishment of Indian Library Association with its headquarters at Vijayawada. AIPLA remained actively associated with the development of public library system in India. It brought out publications, organized conferences and engaged in various professional activities to promote the public library system in India within the active life of nearly two decades. Association also brought out a journal in 1924 entitled Indian Library Journal v1- n 1– Bezwada. AIPLA organized a number of conferences, such as:


3rd- All India (Public) Library conference held at Belgaum.


6th- All India Public Library Conference held at Calcutta in 1928. This conference was conducted under the presidentship of Sir Radhakrishnan.


An All India Public Library Conference held at Lahore in December 1929. It was organized by ‘The Fifteen’ (A Club of Librarians). Dr. P.C. Ray gave slogan of “Service to the Nation” to all librarians while inaugurating the conference.


9th All India Public Library Conference was held at Madras during December 25-25, 1934. President of conference was Kumar Munindra Dev Rai Mahasaya (MLC- Bengal).


Unfortunately association stopped its activities from 1937 onwards.


7.2 All India Rural Library Service Association


In 1933, All India Rural Library Service Conference was held at Madras. It was hosted by the All India Public Library Association of Bezwada.


8.    Summary


It is a fact that various associations, directly or indirectly associated with the development of public libraries have paid much attention for the development of public library system at local, state, national and international level. They have organized conferences, seminars, workshops and training programmes to develop skills and knowledge among library professionals. They have also provided forums/platforms to discuss the professional problems and future plans. They have also published journals and newsletters to disseminate new knowledge and new ideas for the benefit of the professionals. Many of the associations have conducted various training courses and programme to equip and empower library professionals.


In India, it is still a matter of concern to develop public libraries to serve the people residing at distant places. It is observed that ICT is a main agent of present change. Information needs are ever changing phenomenon. To cope up with this change public libraries have to introspect and provide library services as per needs of the society. These associations should foresee needs of the people, so that public libraries can change their services accordingly.


9. References

  • en.wikipedia.org
  • Kumar, PSG, comp.Indian Library Chronology.New Delhi :Allied Publishers,2000.
  • malamanagedbiz.com
  • Mehta, JC,and N N Mohanty, prep. 50 Years of Indian Library Association 1933-1983. Delhi : ILA, 1983. www.ala.org/pla/) (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/public_libraries-(journal) www.blacal.org
  • www.ifla.org/public-libraies)(www.ifla.org/publications/iflauneso-publiclibrary-manifestio-1994
  • www.wikipedia.org/wiki/kerala-library-association


Web links








www.ala.org/pla/) (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/public_libraries-(journal)






Interesting Facts


IFLA contributed in the preparation of IFLA / UNESCO Public Library Manifesto 1994.


Public Library Association publishes a bi-monthly journal “Public Libraries”.


All India Public Library Association was established in 1919, before the formation of ILA ( 1933)