16 Organisational Structure of Public Library System
Socrates rightly said that “The only good is knowledge and the only evil is ignorance”. Knowledge can be obtained from public library and ignorance can be removed. Public library is local gateway to the knowledge, provides basic knowledge for lifelong learning, decision making, problem solving, informal education, and cultural development of individual and community.
UNESCO‘s public library manifesto (Declared by UNESCO,1994) proclaims that public library is driving force for education, culture and information, and acts as essential agent for the fostering of peace and spiritual welfare through the minds of men and women.
The public library is local information centre and provides all kinds of information easily available to all types of users. The services of public library are available to all, regardless of age, race, sex, religion, nationality, language or social status. Special services are available for people with disabilities, minorities etc. Public library is characterized by the followings:
- Open for all categories of users;
- It is maintained by public fund;
- Free library services to all users; and
- It is established by mandatory law.
1.1 Missions of the Public Library
The following key missions related to informal education, knowledge, information, literacy and culture must be at the core of the public library services:
(i) Developing and strengthening reading habits in the children from childhood;
(ii) Fulfillment of information requirements of local people;
(iii) Support personal development;
(iv) Informal education centre for the local people;
(v) To work as catalyst for imagination and creativity for children and young people;
(vi) To make aware young generation with the changing environment and developments in science and technology;
(vii) To ensure access for people to all kinds of community information;
(viii) To work as knowledge centre for local people;
(ix) To preserve and conserve knowledge for the next generations;
(x) To promote and stimulate computer literacy and information literacy skills of children and young people;
(xi) To provide information service to the local bodies, associations and communities;
(xii) To support oral tradition;
(xiii) Facilitating cultural heritage, appreciation of the arts, scientific achievements and innovations;
1.2 Public Library Structure in India
The Sinha Committee appointed by the Government of India in 1957 had recommended the following public library structure for India:
- The National Library
- The State Central Library
- The District Central Library, and
- The Block Library and Panchayat Library
Following are the developments that have taken place in the area of public libraries in India:
(i) A National Library has been established at Kolkata
(ii) Nineteen states have enacted public library legislation
(iii) Many states have established State Central Libraries
(iv) Some states also have established regional/divisional libraries
(v) Many of the districts have district Central Libraries
(vi) Organizational structure below the level of district varies from state to state
(vii) There are municipal, town/ city and rural libraries in some of the states
(viii) A number of NGOs are running rural/community library services
(ix) Nehru Vishwa Yuvak Kendras, Jawahar Bal Bhawans have a chain of libraries
(x) Raja Rammohun Roy Library Foundation is supporting libraries financially.
Organizational structure recommended by Working Group on Libraries-1965 had recommended the following pyramidical organizational structure for public library system in India:
· State Central Library at the apex of state and located in state capital
· Regional Library
· City Library
· District Librar
· Divisional Librar
· Block Librar
· Village Library
· Book Deposit Centre
· Mobile Library
Functions of the State Central Library
State Central Library at the apex of state and located in state capital is to :
- function as reference and research library
- provide leadership role
- organize a survey and research unit
- carryout surveys on various aspects of library work
- undertake documentation and information service
- organize exhibitions
- extension services
- maintain a state dormitory library of all books weeded out
- prepare annual report
- have the following wings:
- administrative
- legal deposit
- state library for blind
- tate bureau for inter-library-loan
- state bureau of technical services
- state institute of library education
- readers services, reference and research
- adult education
2 Why Public Library System in India
For the success of democracy people should be literate. Public library plays key role in educating people and individuals as well. Public library is designated as peoples’ university where they can educate themselves lifelong. Public library system is needed for the development of any country like India. Because more than seventy percent populations lives in rural areas where illiteracy rate is higher than the urban area. Public library System is essential for India due to following reasons:
- To eradicate illiteracy among people
- India being a multilingual country; there is a need to promote regional language literature;
- To initiate eradication of illiteracy programmes in the rural area of the country;
- To make accessible library services to all people of the country;
- To develop public library network all over the country;
- To promote adult education programme in India;
- To promote computer literacy skills of people;
- To promote information literacy skills of young generation
- To make aware people about the government programmes for the benefit of the society
- To promote the utilization of traditional knowledge;
- To stimulate free flow of information throughout the society and move towards knowledge society
- To fulfill local information needs of the people;
- To promote creation and utilization of knowledge in various domains of subjects such as science, technology, health, industry, and agriculture.
2.1 Public Library System and Public Library Act
Calcutta Public Library was established in the year 1836. It was not a government organization. In the year 1891 Imperial Library was established by merging few secretariat libraries of Calcutta. In 1947 after independence of India this Library was renamed as National Library of India.
For the development of public library system, enactment of public library act is essential in all the states of India. According to constitution of India, enactment of public library act is the responsibility of concerned state government. It is not possible to develop public library system in the absence of public library act. Public library act helps in following ways:
- generates fund for the organization and maintenance of public library;
- provides legal base to develop public library system;
- defines functions, duties and powers of state government and local library authority.
In India there are 28 states and 07 union territories but only 19 states have so far enacted public library act.
In India most of the public libraries are suffering from inadequate funds, buildings, reading materials skilled staff and other resources, which are located in rural areas. Raja Rammohun Roy Library Foundation is funding 28 Central Public libraries in India.
There is no uniformity in the public library system in India due to variation in size of the state, population, literacy rate, regional language literature and economic status. Some public library come under Adult Education Department and some public libraries come under Department of Public Relations.
Removal of illiteracy is the prime factor in operating public libraries in both rural and urban area.
According to Raja Rammohun Roy Library Foundation number of public libraries is about 60000 and 31000 libraries are scattered at various levels. As per IFLA standards for every 3000 population one public library should be established. Thus there ought to be 343000 public libraries in India. Rural population lives in 6,80,365 villages and only one public library is available for 8 to 10 villages.
3 Major Issues of Public Library System in India
Following are the major problems in developing public library system in India:
- Non- enactment of Public Library Act in by 9 states and 7 union territories
- Absence of any central accreditation body for public library for developing standards in Library Services
- Lack of trained library professionals;
- No uniform development in public libraries in different parts of country;
- Most of the public libraries are not adopting new ICTs;
- Existing library service is not up to the mark;
- Information needs and information seeking behaviour of the users is changing;
- Rural public libraries are not using information technology;
- Absence of regional language literature
- Lower literacy rates in rural areas;
- Lower Information literacy rates in young people ;
- Acceptance of freedom of expression and free flow of information;
- Poor reading habits among young generation;
- Absence of library services;
- Proliferation of electronic publications, etc
4 Recommendations and Suggestions
Following are the recommendations and suggestions for the development of public library system in India:
4.1 Establishment of Central Accreditation body for public libraries
There is an urgent need to establish a central accreditation body for developing standards for Public library service, library automation, policies related to collection development, infrastructure, funding and to motivate state governments for the enactment of Public Library Act in their region, assessment of existing public library services and education & training of library professionals.
Raja Rammohun Roy Library Foundation, Kolkata should work as central accreditation body for public libraries in India. Currently Raja Rammohun Roy Library Foundation is working as promotional body for public libraries in India. This Foundation should work as mandatory body for public library not as promotional body.
4.2 National Mission on Libraries
National Mission on Libraries has been launched on recommendation of the National Knowledge Commission by Government of India on 5th April 2012. Shri B.S Baswan is chairman for Working Group on Up-gradation of the Existing Public Libraries, School/College libraries and use of school libraries as community libraries.
4.3 Application of Information Communication Technology in Public Libraries
National Information Technology Policy was declared in 2000 by Government of India. But there is no provision of application of ICT in rural public libraries. For better public library services there is a need to develop rural public library system with the application of ICT in public libraries.
4.4 Development of Knowledge Resource Centre
To facilitate information communication in rural areas of India, there is a need to develop reading rooms in public libraries as knowledge resource centres.
4.5 National Policy on Public Libraries
There is an urgent need to declare National Policy on Public Libraries in India for the development of public library system in India. There is a need of separate budget provision for public library system in five year plan.
4.6 National Rural Digital Library
There is need to establish National Rural Digital Library as use of Internet facility is increasing in rural areas of India. After digitization books will be accessible through Internet. This can be done on the lines of Trivandrum Public Library, Trivandrum (Kerla). This Library has been declared as First Digital Public Library of India.
4.7 Establishment of Data Bank of Public Libraries
Today information transfer is easier and economical. There is a need to establish a data bank of public libraries from where all public libraries can share and exchange their data.
4.8 Public-Private Partnership on Public libraries
According to recommendations of National Knowledge Commission Public-Private Partnership is essential or the proliferation of public libraries in India. Government of India should encourage industrial houses and private agencies to support public libraries and set up new libraries.
4.9 Modernization of Library Management
Library should be so organized that it is able to provide quality library services to its users and able to fulfill the information needs of the users.
4.10 Establishment of Open Access Archives/National Digital Repository
Establishment of Open Access Archives/National Digital Repository is essential to make aware the young generation to use open access archives for their information needs. Currently, India has 150 Million (in world 3rd highest Internet users) internet users and by 2015 it will become 237 Million.
4.11 Set up Central Library Fund
Central library Fund should be established by the Central and state governments for upgradation of existing public libraries and setting up of new libraries in various parts of the country.
4.12 Establishment of Research, Development, Education and Training Institute for library professionals
With the changing environment of library services, information needs of the user, information seeking behavior of users, there is a need to establish a Central Institute of Library and Information Science for promoting research, education and training of library professionals.
4.13 Motivation of young generation for Librarianship.
In India library profession is suffering from lack of trained library professionals. There is an urgent need to motivate young generation to take up librarianship to overcome the shortage of library professionals.
5 Some Important Public libraries
5.1 Delhi Public Library, Delhi
Delhi Public Library was established under the agreement between UNESCO and Government of India in the year December 1951.
5.11 Some Important facts about Delhi Public Library
1995 Library Automation started
1997 Creation of Data base through CDS/ISIS software developed by UNESCO
2005 In English 38650 records created
In Hindi 26918 records created
Member of DELNET, Delhi
5.12 Collection
Books 16,08,813
DVD’s 4,000
Journals 292
News paper 32
5.13 library Services
Number of Books issued per day 3370
Reference and Internet 12.30 to 6.45 p.m.
5.2 Connemara Public Library, Chennai
The foundation of Connemara Public Library was laid by Lord Connemara, Governor of Madras Presidency on 22nd March 1890, and formally opened for public on 5th December 1896. It also serves as a depository library for the United Nations publications
Some important facts about Connemara Public Library, Chennai
1965 UNESCO Information Centre established
1991 Computer unit installed
1992 Asian Development Bank Information Centre established
1996 Centenary Celebration of Library
1999 CD-ROM and Internet Service Started
2000 Microfilm Unit started
2003 Library Automation started
Application of Bar code for library members
OPAC installed
2005 Internet browsing service started
Application of Bar code for books
Separate CD ROM section started
2006 Vacuum fumigation chamber installed
2006 Digitization of rare books started
2007 Stack Room Air Conditioned
2008 Digital Library Opened
2009 3rd Floor- Text Book Section Air Conditioned
2010 CCTV installed
2011 Web OPAC introduced and switched over to Open Source Software KOHA
1st Floor- Periodical Section Air Conditioned
5.3 Karnataka State Central Library, Bangalore
This esteemed library was established in 1903, in memory of Diwan Seshadri Iyer, with the grant from the government and contributions from public. The library was inaugurated by Sri Jersil Miller in 1913, for the public. The Silver Jubilee was celebrated during 1939-40, on 5th November 1940. The golden jubilee of the library was celebrated in 1966 on 1.6.1966. Bangalore Public Library was named as State Central Library when Karnataka Public Library Act, 1965 came to effect, and Sri N. D. Bagari was appointed as the first state librarian.
5.4 Trivandrum Public Library, Trivandrum
The State Central Library of Kerala is one of the oldest libraries in India. It was established in the year 1829 during the reign of His Highness Sree Swathi Thirunal Maharaja of Travancore . The work of starting and organizing the library was entrusted to Col. Edward Cadegan, the then British Resident who was the grandson of Sir Hans Sloan, the founder of the British Museum. He was the president of Trivandrum Public Library Committee. The successors of His Highness Sree Swathi Thirunal and the British Resident Col. Cadogan took active interest in the advancement and progress of the Library. At that time only a privileged class who were called to attend the Durbar of His Highness the Maharaja were allowed admission to the Library. The Library was then known as “Trivandrum People’s Library”.
In the year 1898 the assets of Trivandrum People’s Library were transferred to the administrative control of Government on condition that “a suitable building should be erected for housing the Library for the benefit of the Public and that Government should undertake its maintenance in a suitable manner under such regulations as the Government may deem fit from time to time”. In 1898 this institution was opened to the public. His Highness Sree Moolam Thirunal took a special interest in the development of this library. He ordered the construction of a beautiful building for housing the library. In 1900 the present building of architectural beauty in the Gothic style was put up in Trivandrum City in commemoration of the Diamond Jubilee of Her Majesty Queen Victoria. In the year 1938 the administration of the Trivandrum Public Library was handed over to University of Travancore. In 1948 by a resolution of the State Legislature, the State Government was directed to take over the administration of the Library from the University.
In the year 1958, the Trivandrum Public Library was declared as ‘State Central Library’. Subsequently in the year 1988 the library was given the status of a minor department under the administrative control of Higher Education Department with the State Librarian as Head of the Department. In the year 1992 Government declared Malayalam as the official language of this department.
5.4.1 Library Collection
The library has a total collection of 367243 documents in different languages such as English, Malayalam, Hindi, Tamil, Sanskrit in various disciplines.
The library subscribes 27 dailies and 215 journals including foreign journals.
Language wise details.
Dailies | Journals | |
English | 7 | 89 |
Malayalam | 15 | 67 |
Tamil | 4 | 14 |
Hindi | 1 | 6 |
Childrens’ Journals | ||
English | 24 | |
Malayalam | 15 |
5.4.2 Digital Library: –
Library has a digital collection in searchable format of 707 books, including English and Malayalam books. Users can access the same through intranet in the reference section from 8.00 am to 7.45 pm on all working days except Sundays.
6 Summary
Present society is knowledge society. Information communication is prime objective of the public library. Due to increasing acceptance of freedom of expression information is becoming vital in the society. In India there are 29820 rural libraries and these libraries are suffering from infrastructure, finance and trained library professionals.
Educated society plays key role in the success of democracy. Free flow of information and knowledge communication is necessary for the development of society.
There is consensus that library and information services should be improved for the better society. India has a largest education system in the world and public library supports both formal and informal education. India needs well developed public library system but the present position is not satisfactory. The public library system is not equally growing in different parts of India especially in rural areas of the country. Government of India set up National Knowledge Commission in the year 2007. Following are the suggestions for the development of Public Library System:
- Enactment of Public Library Act is essential for the all states of India;
- For Maintenance of Museums and Public Library Services, Act is needed for India, and Public Library Services should be declared as statutiotary service;
- To encourage Information Communication Technology in public library;
- Most of the LIS Schools are running traditional LIS courses. Need based courses should be adopted by the LIS schools in India;
- Library reading room should be developed as Knowledge Resource Centre as well as learning centre; and
- Librarianship profession should be highly recognized. Young people need to be encouraged to adopt librarianship profession.
Public Library System
A public library system is an organized structure of related service units under which each unit plays its predetermined role as an integral part of the system. Each unit of the system from top to the bottom receives administrative, financial and manpower support from the central unit.
Organisational structure
The Library advisory Committee appointed by the Government of India in 1957 recommended a pyramidal structure under a 25 year development plan for India. It consisted of
National Library
State Central Library
District Central Library
Block Library and Panchayat Library to be the chain in the descending order.
The Working Group on Libraries appointed by the Planning Commission, Government of India in its report dated 1965 recommended the following pyramidal structure for Indian states:
1. State Central Library
2. Regional Library
3. City Library
4. District Library
5. Divisional Library
6. Block Library
7. Village Library
8. Book Deposit Centre, and
9. Mobile Library.
State Central Library
Located in the state capital, the State Central Library at the apex of the system will discharge the following functions:
- function as reference and research library
- provide leadership in the field of libraries
- organise a survey and research unit
- provide documentation and information services
- arrange exhibitions
- maintain and manage state dormitory library, and
- prepare annual report on the functionng of the library.
The State Central Library ought to have the following wings/sections/departments:
1.Administrative wing
2.Legal Deposit Wing
3.State Library for Blind
4.State Bureau of Inter Library Loan
5.State Bureau of Technical Services
6.State Institute of Library Education
7. Services, Reference and Research Wing
A full time Library officer having the prescribed qualifications in library and information science will have to be appointed by the State Government to organise and manage the state library system.
Divisional/ Regional Libraries
The Divisional/ Regional Libraries shall
1.Function as reference and reseach library for the region
2.Organise inter-library cooperation including inter-library loan
3.Participate in adult education programme
4.Set standards for library authority
5.Compile bibliography for the region
6. Inspect and supervise library authority in the region
7.Serve as essential link between SCL and other library authorities in the region
8.Plan the development of library services
9.Act as referral centre in the region
10.Collect manuscripts of the region
11.Prepare and submit annual report on the working of the library
Out of 28 states and 7 union territories 19 states have enacted Library Law. The organisational structure varies from state to state. The components of the public library system commonly found are:
Linkages between varios categories of public libraries
Grant-in-aid rules governing the maintenance of public libraries
Directorate of Libraries
Director of libraries and his subordinate staff
Library authorities
Library associations
- 1 Ghosh,Maitrayee, Public Libraries in the Internet age: Indian scenario,69th IFLA Congress and Council, Berlin,1-9 august,2003.
- 2 Krishan Kumar. Library organization.New Delhi,Vikas,1987.
- 3 Kumbar,B.D., Growth and development of public library system in India with special Refernce to Karnataka. International workshop on “Democratization of information focus on libraries(2005) from www.nigd/Libraries/Mumbai/Reports/Article-4.pdf.
- 4 Ongula,Raymond Wafula and Kemparaju,T.D., Oppertunities and challenges of providing electronic information services through public libraries in India, SRELS Journal of Information Management,44,2;157-171,2007.
- 5 Satpute, B.B., The Goa Public Libraries Act,1995: A criticla study, Library Herald,46,2;103-113,2008.
- 6 Singh,S.P.,Role of Public Libraries in electronic environment, Library Herald,43,1;51-59,2005.
- 7 Vishwanathan, C.G.Public Library Organization. Bombay,Asia,1961.
Learn More:

Web links
- http:// www.connemarapublic librarychennai.com
- http://www.dpl.gov.in
- http://ifla.org
- http://www.karnatakapubliclibrary.gov.in
- http://kerlagovt.in/statelibrary
- http://www.knowledgecommission.gov.in/recommendations/librries.asp
- http://www.rrrlf.nic.in http://www.unesco.org
- http://portalunesco.org/ci/en/files/4638/1032252927/publiclibrary-manifesto-english-rtf
- http://www.yentha.com.India’s Oldest Public Library Set to Use New Tech. Trivendrum News
Interesting Facts
- State Central Library of Kerla is also known as Trivendraum Public Library. It is situated at the heart of Thiruanatpurum city, the capital of Kerla. It is the first public library in India and established in the year 1829 A.D.
- United States of America is known as country of libraries.There are an estimated 121,169 libraries of all kinds in United States today.
- State Central Library, Kerla is designated as first Digital Public Library in India