33 Dialog Boxes in JavaScript
Himanshu Patel
Dialog Boxes in JavaScript
JavaScript provides the ability to pick up user input or display small amounts of text to the user by using dialog boxes. These dialog boxes appear as separate windows and their content depends on the information provided by the user. JavaScript provides three types of pop-up dialog boxes for giving feedback and retrieving user-entered data using methods of window object for use in your applications.
· An alert box
· A confirm box
· A user-input prompt box
Alert dialog box
It is used to display message or information to user. For example, you want to tell the user to enter his name in a text field before submitting a form. It is most commonly used window method. Following figure shows an example of alert dialog. It has one OK button. User can acknowledge the message by pressing OK button.
Figure: Alert Dialog Box
Alerts look different from browser to browser and operating system to operating system. On Microsoft Edge browser on Windows 10 operating system, the alert looks like what you see in above Figure.
Alerts do not return any information to the script. It simply gives a message to the user and stops any further script execution till the OK button is pressed.
Confirm Dialog box
It is used to confirm action by user. For example, you want to confirm the user before deleting record. Following figure shows an example of confirm dialog. It has two buttons OK and Cancel. User can confirm the message by pressing OK button or deny the action by pressing cancel button. confirm() is a method that returns a Boolean value (true or false) depending on the user press the OK or Cancel button respectively
Confirm dialog is an easy way to stop user from taking unwanted steps in web applications.
Prompt Dialog Box
Alert () and confirm () provides information to the user, but to receive the user input we can use the prompt () method. It takes two parameters, the first parameter is a string displayed above the entry field as a message and the second parameter is a default value for the entry field. It has two buttons labeled OK and Cancel as shown in following figure.
var user=prompt(this prompt dialog’,’Himanshu’);
When the user presses the OK button, the value of the variable user will be either Himanshu or whatever is entered. When user presses the Cancel button, the value will be null.
Consider following web page.
We want to give following functionality:
1. When user clicks ‘Show Alert’ button it should display alert box with some message.
2. When user double clicks ‘Show Confirm’ button it should display confirm dialog
3. When user moves his mouse over ‘Show Prompt’ button it should take some input and input should be displayed as alert dialog.
The code for the above functionality is shown below
function show1() {
alert(‘this is alert dialog’);
function show2() {
confirm(‘this confirm dialog’);
function show3() {
var name = prompt(‘this prompt dialog’);
alert(‘You have entered ‘+name);
<h1>Dialog Box Demo</h1>
<button onClick=”show1()”> Show Alert </button>
<button onDblClick=”show2()”> Show Confirm </button>
<button onMouseOver=”show3()”> Show Prompt</button>
Window Open Function
The window object open method is used to open any web page with given URL. Consider following web page where we want to open e PG Pathshala home page when user clicks button with caption ‘Open e PG Pathshala’.
The code for the above functionality is shown below
function openepgp() {
<H1> Type URL to open Website… </H1>
<input type=”button” value=”Open e PG Pathshala” onclick=”openepgp()”>
Handling Keyboard Event
Consider following web page where we want to write down JavaScript code which converts username entered into uppercase as user type it.
The code for above functionality is given below.
function toUpper() {
var sname = document.getElementById(“sname”);
sname.value = sname.value.toUpperCase();
<H2>Student Information</H2>
Student name: <input type=”text” id=”sname” onkeyup=”toUpper()”>
Handling Mouse Event
Now let us learn how to handle mouse event. Consider following web page where we want to change image whenever user moves mouse over or out of an image.
Initially web page display following
Whenever user moves mouse over image the image changes as shown below.
The code to achieve above mentioned functionality is given below.
<title>Test Document</title>
<script type=”text/javascript”>
function MouseOverimg() {
var img=document.getElementById(“img”);
img.src = “1.jpg”;
function MouseOutimg() {
var img=document.getElementById(“img”);
img.src = “2.jpg”;
<h1>Move Mouse Over Image to Change Image </h1>
<img src=”2.jpg” id=”img” name=”img” height=”200px” width=”200px” onMouseOver=”MouseOverimg();” onMouseOut=”MouseOutimg();” />
Data Validation
One of the important uses of JavaScript is for data validation. Data validation is the process of checking that user input is proper information. Followings are the examples of validations:
- All required fields are entered by user or not
- Is there any data type mismatch
- Check whether numeric data in range or not
- Comparing two values
- Checking data for certain combination of characters
Regular Expression
Regular expressions help you match a string against a character pattern and we can use regular expression for validating user data. A regular expression is an object that describes a pattern of characters. Regular expressions are used to perform pattern-matching and “search-and-replace” functions on text. The syntax for declaring regular expression is shown below:
Syntax: /pattern/modifiers;
We can use modifier i to perform case-insensitive matching, g to perform a global match and m to perform multiline matching
Regular Expressions Brackets
Regular expression use square brackets to limit the scope of the choices only to those you want to offer. Following are example of square bracket with its meaning
Regular expression Meta characters
There are some shortcut notations available for represent regular expression which is known as Meta characters. Following table list regular expression meta characters with meaning they represents.
Sometime you want to allow range of characters, like a to z, but you want to restrict their number. For this you can use quantifiers in regular expressions. The quantifier and its meaning is given in Table.
Methods Using Regular Expressions
There are several methods that take regular expressions as parameters. Following are regular expression methods
Example: consider above syntax for regular expression. The regular expression to check email and mobile number is given below.
• Regular Expression for Email: /^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+@[a-zA-Z]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,4}$/
• Regular Expression for Mobile Number: /^[0-9]{10,11}$/
Try to analyze and understand meaning of above regular expression yourself.
Validation Example
Consider webpage to capture details for user registration with following interface.
We want to perform following validation in user input.
· All field are compulsory
· Password and confirm password should match
· Email address should be valid in format
· Mobile number should be only digit and 10-11 digits
The code for above mention requirement is given below.
<title>Validation Demo</title>
function validate() {
var ufn=document.forms[“myform”][“ufn”].value; if(ufn==”” || ufn==null) {
alert(‘Please enter first Name’);
return false;
var umn=document.forms[“myform”][“umn”].value; if(umn==”” || umn==null) {
alert(‘Please enter middle Name’);
return false;
var uln=document.forms[“myform”][“uln”].value; if(uln==”” || uln==null) {
alert(‘Please enter last Name’);
return false;
var un=document.forms[“myform”][“un”].value; if(un==”” || un==null) {
alert(‘Please enter user name’);
return false;
var pass=document.forms[“myform”][“pass”].value; if(pass==”” || pass==null) {
alert(‘Please fill out the Password’);
return false;
var cpass=document.forms[“myform”][“cpass”].value; if(cpass==”” || cpass==null) {
alert(‘Please fill out the Confirm Password’);
return false;
if(pass==cpass) {
else {
alert(‘Password Does not Match’);
return false;
var email=document.forms[“myform”][“email”].value; if(email==”” || email==null) {
alert(‘Please fill out the Email Address’);
return false;
var filter=/^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+@[a-zA-Z]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,4}$/; if(!filter.test(email)) {
alert(‘Please,provide proper email address’);
return false;
var mo=document.forms[“myform”][“pno”].value; if(mo==”” || mo==null) {
alert(‘Please fill out the Mobile Number’);
return false;
var chk=/^[0-9]{10,11}$/;
if(!chk.test(mo)) {
alert(‘please enter valid mobile number’);
return false;
<form name=”myform” action=”” method=”” onsubmit=”return validate()”> <table border=”2″ align=”center”>
<th colspan=2> Registration Page </th>
<th>User Fist Name </th>
<td><input type=”text” name=”ufn” ></td>
<th>User Middle Name </th>
<td><input type=”text” name=”umn” ></td>
<th>User Last Name </th>
<td><input type=”text” name=”uln” ></td>
<th>User Name </th>
<td><input type=”text” name=”un” ></td>
<th>Password </th>
<td><input type=”password” name=”pass” ></td>
<th>Confirm Password </th>
<td><input type=”password” name=”cpass” ></td>
<th>Email Address </th>
<td><input type=”text” name=”email” ></td>
<th>Phone No </th>
<td><input type=”text” name=”pno” ></td>
<th colspan=2><input type=”submit” name=”submit”/></th>
- JavaScript: The Complete Reference, Second Edition, by Thomas Powell and Fritz Schneider, McGraw-Hill/Osborne
- JavaScript Bible, Wiley Publishing, Danny Goodman with Michael Morrison
- Beginning JavaScript with DOM Scripting and Ajax From Novice to Professional The ultimate guide to modern JavaScript development, Christian Heilmann, Apress