36 Important Characters in Ramayana
V. Venkata Ramana Reddy Ramana Reddy
The Ramayana is one of the greatest epics of Hindu Mythology. Written by the sage Valmiki. The Ramayana is not just a story, but also an perfect medium for educating ones life. This has been an educational medium utilized by the ancient sages to impart the values of doing ones dharma (duty) and maintain relationships. The Ramayana has many varieties of characters who set as example how to lead life and how one should not. These characters are templates of roles a human play in life as an ideal father, ideal son, ideal brother, ideal leader, ideal wife, etc. The Ramayana is just not a fictional story, but depicts the importance of values such as how to lead a family life, up keeping the promises, protecting the weak etc.
The great epic Ramayana preach a lot of values that we would want our next generation to inculcate. One can Learn the greatest gems of Hindu Epics, namely the Ramayana to make our children to live with moral values and ethics. In the next heads will discuss the importance of major character of Ramayana what an individual should learn from it. It also teaches what a person should not do in life for e.g. Ravana though well learned man met his death because of his bad vices.
All the characters of Ramayana are mirror of the human virtues and vices. The entire theme narrates family and life in a macrocosm. The characters in Ramayana are very much inspired from the real life. Ramayana is not only an epic but also a Historical depiction. We can also get the first hand information about the society and situation of Ramayana times. From the ages till even modern contemporary world the acceptability of the characters in Ramayana is praise worthy.
The narration of the great epic is through the characters, they are very instrumental in narration of the epic. They are very apt and interwoven and related to each other which helps to bring a significant ending. Each of the characters significantly evolve with the progress of the story at different times and places in this great Sanskrit epic. Many of the characters like Lord Rama, Sita, Lakshmana, Hanuman and others are considered as deities according to Hindu mythology. Prince Rama is considered as the seventh incarnation of Lord Vishnu; whereas Hanuman is considered as the incarnation of Lord Shiva. The villain of in the epic, Ravana, is an iconic doomed character in Hindu mythology. Some religious sects regard Ravana as a deity as well. The character traits in Ramayana are categorized into three parts according to the dynasties.
Today thousands read the sacred Ramayana, but few understand its core essence. They spend their time in acquiring mere bookish knowledge and learn knowledge superficially, but fail to put the wisdom acquired into practice. There are many people who can render or chant Ramayana in a beautiful way, but how many of them follow the instructions and listen to the command of their fathers in their respective life? Ver few does! Just reading various texts will not take anyone anywhere, if we do not understand and put into practice the message conveyed in them? Intellect will blossom only when there is transformation in human beings.
The story of the Ramayana reveals the ideal relationship that should exist between brothers. Lakshmana and Satrughna served Rama and Bharata respectively with utmost devotion and sincerity. When Lakshmana fell in the battlefield by Indrajeet’s arrow, Rama bemoaned, “In this world I might find another mother like Kausalya, a wife like Sita, but definitely not a brother like Lakshmana.” A brother should be like this – one who respects elders and brings fame to the whole family. It is the unanimity and the bond amongst the brothers that brought reputation to the whole Raghu family.
Ramayana teached about the bondage between two persons and various relationship an individual to the family and society. A person plays a role of husband, father , brother, son, friend and various kinds of relationship in his circles. What is the highest order of standard of relationship is depicted in Ramayana. For example relationship between brothers of Rama is an ideal to the rest of the humanity. They lived in unity in spite of troubles and turmoil. Kaikeyi wanted her son Bharata to be the king of Ayodhya, but Bharata never had such a dream. He went to Chitrakoota Mountain, fell at the feet of Rama and prayed to come back and take over the kingdom of Ayodhya. But, Rama did not yield more over quoted the Vedic dictum “Mathru Devo Bhava, Pithru Devo Bhava”. He advised Bharata to follow the command of the father and fulfill the wish of his mother. This is why Rama’s Pitruvakyaparipalana and adhering to truthful speech is hailed as de-facto highest standard of ethics.
2.1 The various Relationships we find in Ramayana
In Ramayana we find very interesting varieties of characters which is the mirror of the world. Brothers, wife and husband, Friends etc.
Three types of brothers
- Rama and Lakshmana
- Vali and Sugreeva
- Ravana and Vibheeshana Three types of Wife and husband
- Sita and Rama
- Mandodhari and Ravana
- Tara and Vali
5 types of Friendship
- Rama and Sugreeva
- Vali and Ravana
- Varuna and Mainaka
- Ravana and Maaricha
- Jatayu – Dasaratha
3 types of Kings and Subjects
- Rama and Ayodhya kingdom
- Ravana and Lankans
- Sugreeva and Vanaras
3. Major Characters in Ramayana: RAMA:
Rama is the 7th Avatar of God Vishnu according to the Hindu belief. All kinds of human charm appeared on him. He was born to the King Dasaratha of Ayodhya kingdom. Mother is Queen Kauslya. He had portrayed as the epitome of virtue and ideal son. He was considered as Personification of Dharma (Ramo Vigrahavan Dharmaha). He was the accomplished king of ancient India and his kingdom is called Rama Rajya, the perfect way of State Administration.
Sita was the avatar of Goddess Lakshmi, the consort of Vishnu. Sita had portrayed as the epitome of female purity and virtue. She is the beloved wife of Rama was the daughter of king Janaka who got her in a field (Bhumija). Along with Rishi Viswamitra Rama went to Mithila (current day Janakpur, Nepal), and got a chance to participate in the challenge (swayamvara) marry her. The competition was to lift a heavy Bow given by Lord Shiva. Though not compulsory she followed her husband into exile. She was abducted by Ravana and was imprisoned on the island of Lanka. Rama waged a battle on Ravana and rescued her by killing the demon king Ravana. Kusha and Lava ware borne as sons of Sita and Rama.
Lakshmana was the younger brother of Rama and twin brother of Shatrughnu. He was the son of King Dasaratha and Queen Sumitra. He had chosen to go into exile with Rama and Sita. Lakshmana has portrayed as ideal brother. He spended his time protecting Sita and Rama. Lakshmana was married to Sita’s younger sister Urmila. He had two sons, named Angad and Chandraketu.
Bharata was the son of Dasharatha and Queen Kaikeyi. He learned that his mother Kaikeyi had asked Rama into exile which caused Dasharatha to die heartbroken. He left the palace and went in search of Rama in the forest. Rama refused to return from his exile to become the king. Bharata to refused to ascend the throne. He obtained Rama’s sandals, and placed them on the throne as a representation of Rama , the true king. Bharata then ruled Ayodhya as the regent of Rama for the next fourteen years. He was married to Mandavi. He had two son, named Taksha and Puskal.
Satrughna was the son of Dasharatha and Sumitra. He was the youngest brother of Rama and also the twin brother of Lakshmana. He had married to Shrutakirti.He. He had two son, named Subahu and Shatrughati.
Dasharatha was the valor king of Ayodhya who helped the Gods on the war on Asuras. He is the father of Rama. He had three queens, Kausalya, Kaikeyi and Sumitra, and three other sons: Bharata, Lakshmana and Shatrugna. Queen Kaikeyi, Dasharatha’s favourite queen, utilizes the boons bestowed by the king on her. She sends Rama to exile and to make her son Bharata as the crown prince. Dasharatha died heartbroken after Rama goes into exile.
Kousalya, Kaikeyi and Sumitra
Kousalya was the mother of Rama and Queen of Ayodhya. She was a great mother who loved her son and supported his cause of keeping up the parents word. Sumitra was the mother of Lakhmana and Shatrughnu, another great mother sent her son Lakshmana along with the elder brother Ram to forest for service.
Kaikeyi was fundamentally a good natured and who loved Rama more than anyone, but by the venomous counsel of her maid servant Manthara whom she consider loyal and wise. She was convinced to send Rama into exile and insist on her son Bharat being crowned king’s vicious boons she also ruined her life. She lost her beloved husband to heartbreak and her son Bharat, for whom she asked for those very boons, chastised her for dreadful behaviour.
For everyone this is a very important lesson in life. One should stay on guard against vicious counsel.
Sage Viswamitra was a king earlier who became Rishi with the intention of competing with Sage Vasista, and finally attains the Brahmarshi state. He was the father of Sakuntala whose son was Bharata the king. Viswamitra plays a vital role in Ramayana. He takes Rama and Lakshmana to the forest in the pretext of saving the yajgna. During the journey he teaches many sacred warfare techniques and gives Rama many powerful weapons. He teaches sacred BALA ATIBALA vidya which enables one go for months without food and sleep. Popular rishi in Ramayana. Finally, he escorts Rama to King Janak’s court, where Rama lifts the magic bow and thus win’s Sita’s hand in marriage. Mentioned as the Father of Sakuntala but no mention in Mahabharata on whether he lived during Pandavas time
Jatayu was the younger son of Aruna and nephew of Garuda brother of Sampathi who gives clue to vanaras about Sitamata. In the old age this demigod was living in the form of a vulture in Panchavati. He was a friend and former associate of King Dasaratha. When Ravana tried to abduct Sita Jatayu tried to rescue Sita from the evil Ravana. Jatayu was very old still and causes his chariot to crash in his attempt to rescue Sita. Ravana soon got the better of him and chopped off his wings. Rama and Lakshmana met the dying Jatayu on their way in search for Sita. He informed them the direction in which Ravana had gone.
He witnesses Ravana abducting Sita. Ravana mortally wounds him, but before he dies he manages to inform Rama and Lakshmana of what has happened.
Hanuman is also known as Anjaneya, Maruti, Bajrangi, Vayuputra, pavanaputra etc. Hanuman was the chief among devotees of the world. According to the story of Ramayana Hanumana was the famous Vanara belonging to the kingdom of Kishkindha. In some versions, (other than Valmiki’s) he was portrayed as the eleventh avatar of God Shiva (He is also called Rudra) and an ideal devout of Rama. He was born as the son of Kesari, a vanara king, and the Anjana.
Hanuman was a very faithful devotee of Shri Rama. He is considered as avatar of Lord Shiva. Hanuman is a great warrior, powerful who can astral travel, Well Learned, musician, very humble and with lot of noble qualities. He is played a very instrumental and positive role in Ramayana, vital in finding the whereabouts of Sita by crossing the sea. He helped Sugreeva and got restored his kingdom. Received Rama on kishkinda and made friendship between Sugreeva and Rama. He helped in removed spell of snakes on Ram and Lakshmana by Meghanada son of Ravan, (by invoking Garuda). Hanuman also helped reviving Lakshmana from the Brahmastra weapon by bringing Sanjeevini herb on Dronagiri Mountain from Himalayas. His character in Ramayana is very vital and very inspirational. Hanuman lived a very long life to spread the message of Shri Rama in this world. In Dwapar yug, Shri Krishna eventually meets his beloved devotee.
He played an important part in locating Sita and in the ensuing battle. He believed to live until our modern world.
Sugriva was a vanara king. Sugriva was the younger brother of Vali, whom he succeeded as ruler of the vanara kingdom Kishkindha. Rumā was his wife.
He was the born by the boon of Surya. Hanuman was his minister who was very sincerely helped him in every walk. He helped Rama regain Sita from Ravana. He had an agreement with Rama through which Bali – Sugriva’s brother and king of Kishkindha-would be killed by Rama in exchange for Sugriva’s help in finding Sita. Sugriva ultimately ascended the throne of Kishkindha after the slaying of Bali, and fulfiled his promise by putting the Vanara forceed at Rama’s disposal.
The King of the monkeys, he is dethroned by his evil brother Bali due to a misunderstanding when both fight a water buffalo together and Sugreeva accidentally leaves Bali trapped in a cave, thinking he is dead. Bali then defeats Sugreeva and bansishes him to the forest. Rama and Lakshmana form an alliance with Sugreeva and help him regain his throne and defeat Bali. In return, Sugreeva pledges his monkey army (led by Hanuman) to Rama’s aid in rescuing Sita from her imprisonment by Ravana on the island of Lanka. The story of Sugreeva and Bali is generally given more weight in Southeast Asian versions of the Ramayana than it is in the Valmiki version. He was very able king his order is very powerful which is known as Sugrivajna (Sugriva Order). His character is one example for friendship and commitment.
Another powerful character in Ramayana is Vali. He was born by the boon of Indra.
Vali’s wife was Tara and they had a Son Angada. He is very powerful who even defeated Ravana. He had the special boon that he could grab the power of opponent during the war.
He had dispute with his younger brother and thrown him out of his country and kept his wife in captivity. Vali had a curse by a rishi that he cannot step on Rishyamooka mountain. Sugreeva taken this as advantage and was wandering on Rishyamooka mountain in exile. Rama became friend of Sugreeva and encouraged him to challenge Vali for a duel. Vali and sugreeva had a deadly fight where sugreeva almost got defeated. Rama killed Vali by an Arrow by standing behind a tree. Rama later consoled Vali and made his son Angad as Prince of kishkinda. This is another character which is an example of misuse of powers and capturing other’s wife. Both are punishable crimes and got punished by Rama.
He was a Great scholar and read all Vedas. A great master of music and composition. He was a great devotee of Lord Shiva also. After performing severe penance for ten thousand years he received a boon from the creator-God Brahma: he could henceforth not be killed by Gods, demons, or spirits. He was son of keisiki and grandson pulstya brahma. Ravana was the ten headed king of Lanka who abducted Sita. He was a powerful Demon king disturbing the penances of the Rishis. He was the principal enemy of Lord Rama in the epic. He was exiled by Ravana for his good advise and joined Rama’s army.
His brother Vibhishana served Rama during the war. Mandodari was Ravana’s favourite wife. She was a pious and always tried to bring her husband in the path of pity. Indrajit was the son of Ravana and Mandodari. He was a courageous warrior and a great fighter giving Rama a tough rivalry.
Indrajit or Meghanada was son of Ravana and prince of Lanka and a conqueror of Indra Loka(heaven). Indrajit played an pivotal role in the great war between Rama and Ravana. He was said to be unconquarable in battle because of a Yajna called Abhichara, he used to perform before every battle. He was a mighty Atimaharathi. He is considered as the most powerful and the only warrior ever had the three ultimate weapons of Trimurti i.e.Brahmanda astra, Vaishnava astra and Pashupatastra. He even twice defeated Rama and Lakshman in the battle. Indrajit killed 670 million Vanara’s in a single day, nearly exterminated their race.
But got succumbing to Lakshmana on the third time. He was vigorous character.
Kumbhakarna is brother of Ravana and Vibheeshna. He is very great warrior and also did penance along with Ravana. It is said that a wrong boon which made him famous for his eating and sleeping. He was very instrumental in the wars against the enemies of Asuras. He would sleep for six months at a time and would be extremely ravenous upon waking up, consumed anything set before him. His monstrous size and loyalty made him an important part of Ravana’s army. During the war, he decimated the Vanara army before Rama cut off his limbs and head. Kumbhakarna a brother of Ravana, was famous for his eating and sleeping. He would sleep for months at a time and would be extremely ravenous upon waking up, consumed anything set before him. His monstrous size and loyalty made him an important part of Ravana’s army. During the war, he decimated the Vanara army before Rama cut off his limbs and head.
Surpanakha was Ravana’s sister. She has fallen in love with Rama. She had the magical power to take any form she wanted. Her husband Biddyutjiuha was killed by Ravana.
He is the youngest of Ravana, kumbhakarna and Vibheeshana brothers. He is pious and devotee of Lord Vishnu. He advises Ravana at various stages like before abducting Sita and during the visit of Hanuman to Lanka. His daughter Trijata is the one who solaces Sita at Ashoka vana. Vibheeshana was exiled by Ravana before the start of war, thus he surrender himself to Rama. After Ravana’s death he become king of Lanka. He is the one who was instrumental in upcoming of Lord Ranganatha’s Temple at SriRangam (now in Tamil Nadu). He was mentioned in Mahabharata also. Mahabharata mentions that Vibheeshana sent Jewell and Gems to Yudhisthira’s Rajasuya sacrifice. He is example of pious character who in-spite of raised by Asuras. Never feared to advise good and leaving his own kith and kin for the sake of upkeeping the good. His intricate knowledge of Lanka was vital in the war. He was crowned king after the fall of Ravana. He has humble character.
Her father Suketu, a yaksha king performed tapasya for an offspring. Suketu had desired a son, but Lord Brahma blessed him with a strong and beautiful daughter. She was a beautiful princess that was wooed by and married Sumali, an Asura King.
She had two sons Maricha and Subahu and a daughter, Kaikesi. When Rishi Agastya cursed both Suketu and Sumali to death, Tadaka took it upon herself to wreak vengeance on the sage. This earned them both the Rishi’s anger. Agastya cursed Tadaka with the loss of her beautiful physique, and transformed both mother and son into hideous demonic creatures with a cruel, cannibalistic nature Rakshasas. The curse particularly transformed Tataka into a man-eater with an ugly and fierce figure. After being cursed by Agastya, Vishwamitra and the two princes came to Tataka’s forest and the sage ordered Rama to kill the demoness to free the area from her terror. Rama was hesitant to kill her as she was a woman later by the advice of Rishi he kills her.
Maricha and Subahu
Maricha and Subahu are Sons of Tataka. Rama’s first encounter with Tataka was at the age of 16 when he was following Sage Viswamitra to save the sacred yajgna, she was killed by Rama. During the process of saving the Yajgna Rama killed Subahu and sends Maricha to a distance with whirlwind astra. Ravana asks the help of Maricha (who was his uncle) to abduct Sita, with reluctance Maricha obliges him. Knowing his death is inevitable he prefers to die in the hands of Rama. Maricha assumed form of suvarna mriga (golden deer) and help abduct Sita. During the process he gets killed by Rama.
Manthara was the Maid servant of Keikeyi. She came along with Kaikeyi from she got married to Dasaratha. Manthara is from Keikeyis parents place. She was very scheming and cunning lady in Ramayana. Manthara could not see Rama getting crowned instead of Bharata who is Keikeyis son. She spoils the mind of keikeyi with ill advise and reminds her to use the two boons that Dasaratha given against favor Keikeyi did in the war. Manthara convinced Keikeyi for Bharat’s thorne and exile of Rama. After the return of Bharata and Shatrugnu from their maternal grandfather’s place after rama left Ayodhya, she got punished by them. If Manthara was not in Ramayana the story would have not taken place a great turn.

5. Characters feature both in the Ramayana and the Mahabharata.
There are several characters who are common both to Ramayana and Mahabharata. In addition there are several other characters common to both epics, like Narada, Durvasha Muni , Parashurama ( who can live as long as he wants ) etc. Those days people lived for more than 180 years. The Maharishis with 12 strand DNA lived much longer.
Hanuman character will appeared in both the epics. Hanuman belongs to Vanara clan and a very faithful servant of Shri Rama. He played a big part in Ramayana helping Shri Rama to recover Sita from Ravana. Hanuman lived a very long life to spread the message of Shri Rama in this world. In Dwapar yug, he meets Shri Krishna after keeping him waiting for long. Hanuman was present in Arjun’s flag during the war of Kurukshetra. He helped Arjun in the battle after asked to by his Master Shri Krishna. Hanuman and Bhima as both Vayu’s children. An episode in Mahabharata gives an account of meeting of old Hanuman and Bhima. The latter went in searching for a flower for Draupadi on the way meets Hanuman who tries to test his strength asks him to lift his tail. But Bhima was failed to do the same his great strength to lift his tail.
Jambavant was Riksha clan king who helped Shri Rama in his war with Ravana. He was also a devotee who, like Hanuman lived a long life on earth to spread His message. He was there even in Vamana Avatara stime. Shri Krishna also met Jambavan in Mahabhatata (Dwapar yug). His daughter Jambavathi married Lord Krishna. Shamantaka Gem is Jambavanta’s diamond and he gave it to Lord Krishna.
Parasurama who fought with Kshatriya kings had spared the life of Dasaratha, the father of Lord Rama. . He gifts the bow to Janaka(which Rama breaks in Sita’s Suyamvara). At Sri Rama’s wedding, Parasurama challenged him to hold the bow of Lord Vishnu—the Chapam. Parasurama killed Karthavirya Arjuna, who had defeated Ravana. appears in Lord Ram and Sita’s marriage. In Mahabharata,he is the Guru of the three greatest warriors of the epic namely: Bhishma, the great Grandsire; Guru Dronacharya and Karna. Parashurama trained all of these three great warriors. Parashurama also appears in Mahabharata when he and his disciple are unfortunately forced to fight each other. This is how the story goes. Amba, the daughter of king of Kashi swore to kill Bhishma in this birth or the next. She went to the great Parashurama and asked him to kill his own disciple Bhishma. Parashurama said that he would convince Bhishma to marry Amba. However Bhishma refused his Guru’s request.On that Parashurama said that now he had no choice but to fight him. Bhishma fought with his Guru and eventually won. Parasurama gave his axe to Drona. Drona was the Guru of Vyasa’s grandchildren, the Kauravas and the Pandavas.
Met Rama before the war with Ravana and taught Aaditya Hrdayam which revitalize Rama. Mahabharata mentions that Agastya was the one who gave the weapon “Brahmashtra” to Drona. (Arjuna and Aswatama had obtained this weapon from Drona)
Mainda and dwivida:
The Vanara heroes who in the army of Lord Rama , were killed by Lord Krishna’s brother Balarama when they attacked Dwaraka.
Mahabharata mentions that Vibheeshana sent Jewell and Gems to Yudhisthira’s Rajasuya sacrifice. That is the only mention about Vibheeshana in Mahabharata.
King Janaka:
Balarama, the brother of Lord Krishna, visited King Janaka, Rama’s wife Sita’s father. He trained Duryodhana in Gada Yuddha (battle with the heavy mace club) at Mithila..
Narada was who inspires and narrates Story of Rama to Valmiki. He Comes in many occasions in both stories. In Mahabharata he was one of the Rishis attended to Krishna’s peace talks in Hastinapur.
Disciple of Valmeeki lived during Ramayana. Father of Drona but there is not mention about him as a role in Mahabharata other than being the father of Drona.
Maya Danava:
Who build the Indraprasta palace hall for Yuddhistira was Ravana’s father in law. .
Atri Rsi:
A rishi Rama visited. Atri appears before Drona during the Mahabharata war
6. Summary
Ramayana is great epic, Valmiki shown his dexterity in molding each character. One should try to inculcate the characteristics of great characters like Rama, Lakshman, Sita, Hanuman, Sugreeva, Vibheeshana etc. At the same time one should get warned by the negative characters like Ravana, Vali, Manthara. Various characters showcases how a human being should live a moral, ethical life. At the same time it depicts how one should not to hurt or harm a fellow living being. Ramayana characters will also gives the correct way of leading a life as a king, subject, father, mother, son, brother, teacher, disciple, friend etc.
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Web links
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramayana http://www.enotes.com/topics/ramayana
- http://ramaghariyala.wikia.com/wiki/The_Ramayana_Characters
- http://www.bl.uk/onlinegallery/whatson/exhibitions/ramayana/guide.html
5.3 Bibliography
- Aiyangar, C.R. Srinivasa; The Ramayana Rendered Into English With Extensive Notes
- Ananda Guruge: The Society of the Ramayana, Abhinav Publications, New Delhi, 1991
- Chatterji, Suniti Kumar, The Ramayana, Its character, Genesis, History, Expansion And Exodus; A Resume, Prajna, Calcutta, 1978
- Dharma, P.C., The Ramayana Polity; 2nd. ed; Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Bombay,1989. Griffith, J.R. Green; Translation of the Ramayana (library edition). MacDonnell A.A. A History of Sanskrit Literature Mazumdar, A.K. The Hindu History
- Sharma, Ramashraya, A Socio – Polities Study of The Valmiki Ramayana Motilal Banarasi dass, Delhi, 1971
- Sharma, Shakiti Kumar Shakunta Joshi, Dhiraj, (Rajasthan); Democratic system in Valmiki Ramayana;
- Srimad Valmiki Ramayana- A critical edition with the commentary of Sri Govindaraja edited by T.R. Krishnamacharya of Kumbakonam
- Subasri, R. (Chennai) The Art of Administration as depicted in Valmiki Ramayana, Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Ramayana, 22nd – 24th August, 2004, Tirupati