13 Techniques in preparing good questionnaire
Pa . Raajeswari
Collection of data is an important stage in research. In fact the quality of data collected determines the quality of research. While primary data is collected several methods could be adopted. Of these the most popular and widely adopted method is the use of a questionnaire.
A questionnaire is a sheet or sheets of paper containing questions relating to certain specific aspects regarding which the researcher collects the data.
Prof Hsin Yang says,the questionnaire consists of a schedule of questions sent by mail to the persons on a list or in a sample survey”. The persons to whom the questionnaire is sent are called respondents, who are to send their answers to researcher.
The questionnaires should be carefully designed as it is considered as main instrument of the survey method. It facilities data collection. It is a verbal report for data by respondent. This will help researcher to get material which respondent is willing to share.
The following consideration should be borne in mind by researcher while designing questionnaire. Proper selection and phrasing of question will assure good number of returns, which ultimately leads to accuracy in findings. Therefore due consideration is also required for physical design and questionnaire.
- The co-operation of respondent is largely based on good physical appearance of questionnaire. A poor or unattractive questionnaire may cause low response.
- The questionnaire or scheduled designing will also have consideration to respondent. Respondent of different level and well trained investigator to record information so their ability to record response is main consideration of designing.
- The choice of wording results in understanding of question. The informant should understand the spirit of the question.
- Special attention should be given to sequence of the question.
- The purpose of question has to consideration while designing. If purpose is to knowledge ability or attitude for informant than it should be design accordingly.
- Analysis is main consideration in designing, the question should be design in such a manner where the classification and tabulation can be done easily.
- Size-the size of questionnaire depends upon the scope and items to be included. Large size is suitable for mail survey questionnaire where as small size it recommend for schedule. Therefore size should not be cumbersome for respondent. A normally designed questionnaire of monarch size (7 by 10 inches) can generally be expected to produce higher percentage of returns than one which is of letter head size (8 ½ by 11 inches) and the letter head size will get a higher percentage of response than a legal sized sheet (8 ½ by 14 inches).
- The fewer the pages, the higher will be the percentage of return. By his experience the author would like to state that there is little justification for using the booklet form containing more pages. Normally, four pages of a questionnaire, each page of the size of 8 ½ by 11 inches, can be considered its optimum length.
- Proper quality and color- the durability is one of the requirements of preserving records. Light color and smooth surface is desirable for paper to be used for questionnaire or schedule.
- Items arrangement in questionnaire-questions should be properly arranged. If the question is depends on answer of earlier one than it should be given proper place.
- The layout should give the impression of a neat printed page which is easy to read and easy to fill up. The page should never be over crowded.
- The questions having direct bearing on problem of research study should be included in set of questions.
- The questions whose answers cannot have effectiveness or accuracy should be avoided.
- The questions should be included with an eye on requirement of analysis.
- The questions related to personal information should be avoided.
- Only radial question should be asked.
- Questions with inaccurate response should be avoided.
Due care should be taken for formulating questions. Response to be based on this fact only. Greater care should be taken while wording of question. In which opinions is to be expressed or actual information is too provided.
If question is beyond the understanding of respondent than suggestive answer will help them for response.
The researcher must pay attention to following point while wording questions
- Use simple and familiar words to avoid confusion.
- Formulate question in such a way that will provide required information.
- The questions having multiple meaning should be avoided.
- Ambiguity make question complicated so avoid the use of such ambiguous word.
- Leading question may produce biased answer. Question should be worded in such manner in which untruthful answer may be avoided.
- Catch words emotional words or danger words should not be used while framing questions.
- The use of phrases may reflect up on the understanding of informant. They found to answer the question as they understand and feel about situation. So the phrases should be rarely used.
- The question must allow all possible response. The provision should also be made for indefinite answer like do not know:
- The alternatives should be realistic in multiple-choice question. Make alternative meaningful, they are too phrased in terms of concrete situations.
- The amount of writing required in questionnaire and schedule should be reduced to minimum.
- A few questions should also be designed which can be checked for the accuracy and consistency of information.
- The use questions which invites response to values should be avoided.
- Proper justification should be made in case of any unreasonable questions.
The researcher has to decide composition of questionnaire while taking into consideration the data which is already available on topic and extent of data now required. The process of drafting questionnaire can be divided into following aspects.
- Questionnaire should be printed/cyclostyled/photo-copied.
- The first part of the questionnaire should specify the object or purpose for which information is required.
- An assurance to the respondent that the information furnished would be kept confidentially must be given.
- Each question should be specific and clear.
- Personal questions on wealth, habits, etc could be avoided.
- Questions should be given in a sequence. For example, question relating to marital status about the number of children.
- Questions should not require any referencing before replying.
- Questions should not force the respondent to recall from his memory anything to answer.
- Questions needing computation/calculation/consultation should be avoided.
- Questions on sentiments/belief/faith should be avoided.
- Repetition of question should be eliminated.
- Sufficient space should be given for answering questions.
- If any diagram or map is used, then it should be printed clearly.
- Questions, which cross checks the response, could be built in to the questionnaire.
- Express the items as clearly as possible.
- Choose words that have precise meanings wherever possible.
- Avoid complex or awkward arrangement.
- Include all qualifications needed to provide a reasonable basis for responses selection.
- Avoid unessential specificity in the question or in the responses.
- Avoid the inclusion of non-functional words in the item.
- Avoid the inclusion of trivial questions.
- Make the suggested answers as simple as possible.
- Be sure that items will seem to the respondent to apply to the situation.
- Refrain from asking questions of opinion, unless opinion is specifically required.
- Avoid items that are too suggestive or too unstimulating. They should not lead a respondent to go beyond the facts, but they should induce him to provide the required information.
- Phrase questions to avoid the academically or socially acceptable response.
The sequence of question means the order in which questions are to be asked. Refusal to questions can be avoided by proper arrangement of questions.
Questions should be logically arranged. The opening question should always be of interest to respondent and easy to answer.
The question requiring personal data to socioeconomic status should also be put to the end of questionnaire.
The sensitive questions should be asked at the extreme end of the questionnaire. In case of mail respondent interesting questions should be asked in the beginning.
1.Contingency questions– A question that is answered only if the respondent gives a particular response to a previous question. This avoids question of people that do not apply to them[ for example, asking men if they have ever been pregnant]
2. Matrix questions– Identical response categories are assigned to multiple questions. The questions are placed one under the other, forming a matrix with response categories along the top and a list of questions down the side. This is an efficient use of page space and respondents’ time.
3. Closed ended question– Respondents answers are limited to a fixed set of responses. Most scales are closed ended. Other types of closed ended questions include:
Dichotomous questions – The respondent answers with a “yes” or a “no”
Multiple choices – The respondent has several option from which to choose.
Scaled questions – Responses are graded on a continuum [example: rate the appearance of the product on a scale from 1 to 10, with being the most preferred appearance]. Examples of types of scales include the likert scale, semantic differential scale, and rank-order scale.
Likert scale – a likert item is simply a statement which the respondent is asked to evaluate according to any kind of subjective or objective criteria; generally here the level of agreement or dis agreement is measured. The format of a typical five-level likert item is
- Strongly disagree
- Disagree
- Neither agree nor disagree
- Agree
- Strongly agree
- Rank order scale – The respondent is presented with several items simultaneously ad asked to rank them [example: Rate the following advertisement from 1 to 10]. This is an ordinal level technique.
4. Open ended questions– No options or predefined categories are suggested. The respondent supplies their own answer without being constrained by a fixed set of possible responses. Examples of types of open ended questions include:
- Completely unstructured– For example, “what is your opinion of questionnaires?”
- Words association – Word are presented and the respondent mentions the first word that comes to mind.
- Sentence completion – Respondents complete an incomplete sentence. For example,“the most important consideration in my decision to buy a new house is…”
- Story completion – Respondents complete an incomplete story.
- Picture completion – Respondents fill in an empty conversation ballon.
- Thematic Apperception Test – Respondents explain a picture or make up a story about what they think is happening in the picture.
The information required in questionnaire may be classified into three main aspects
a) Identification of information
Under this part of questionnaire researcher must identify the name and nature of survey conducted, name of the sponsoring agency object of survey, personal information of the respondent and statement in respect of confidential treatment to the information provided.
b) Background of respondent
In this part of questionnaire socio-economic and political background information of respondent is collected. Age, income, social composition, political preference socio-economic status items are included as background information
c) Subject matter of survey
In this section questions will be asked about the power of understanding. When the knowledge of topic is clear than opinion on various issues for respondent will be holding and will be ascertained.
Incase if respondent advice is considered important than information will be collected accordingly. Sufficient information will also be provided to respondent to enable him to make proper judgment.
Questionnaire can be classified on various basis. The classification of questionnaire based on the variable of structure is as follows
1. Structured questionnaire and
2. Unstructured questionnaire
1) Structured questionnaire– is those in which the questions are definite. Additional questions are restricted only in case of more detailed response. The questions are presented in same wording and in same order for having proper response.
The form of question may be either closed or open it means categorical or free. The question is set in advance.
In closed question fixed alternatives answers are given so respondent can choose appropriate one. In this question the response is limited to stated alternatives. These alternatives may be in form of Yes or No.
Open end questions are designed to allow free response on the subject where the issue is identified. The respondentin has given the opportunity to answer the question on his own reference.
Closed question advantages
- Closed questions are simple to administer, quick and inexpensive to analyze. They are more efficient.
- Alternatives replies help to understand the clear meaning of the question.
- Closed question requires respondents to make judgment about the alternatives.
- It may force statement of opinion on the issue.
- Many respondent may not have clear opinion on issues.
- Closed questions are ill-equipped to reveal issue.
- These questions do not provide respondent frame of reference.
1.It is used as an exploratory tool before opinion research objectives has been clearly defined.
2.Opinion of researcher is not forced on respondent through suggestive answers.
3.In complex issue open ended questions are desirable.
a) Different respondent are likely to make different interpretation quite different from researcher.
b) There is possibility that some of the questions may go undetected.
When the characteristics as explained above are not present in the questionnaire it is known as unstructured on non-structured questionnaire,Where pre decided questions cannot serve the purpose of research study then researcher is provided freedom for farming on the spot questions to get appropriate response. Mostly in this case of interview on the sport questions are asked.
In this process interview is provided with the guidelines about information is to be obtained, than based on scope provided.the investigating will have to frame the question, and replies to this can be recorded by him. When research problem is being first explored the unstructured questions have more effective.
It is often suggested that before a questionnaire is finalized, it should be field-tested. That is, after the questionnaire is drafted, to decide whether it is comprehensive or not, it is used with a few respondents. Their responses are studied to determine the need for restructuring the questionnaire, re-sequencing the question, addition or deletion of questions, giving more instruction for filling up, etc. can also be decided. Further, the pilot study will bring to light the weakness of the questionnaire. Based on the pre-test, necessary modifications in the questionnaire can be made and then it could be released foe use.
Questionnaire construction is an art. A good questionnaire is the product of long and painstaking work. The experienced researcher will construct a questionnaire in a few hours. The appropriateness of the research problem with regard to (1) the type of information required, (2) the type of respondent reached, (3) the accessibility of respondents, and (4) the precision of the hypothesis. The more closely focused the hypothesis, the more effective the questionnaire. Hence, the above mentioned points should be taken into consideration for preparing a good questionnaire. Questionnaire is important and easy way of collection of data.
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Web links
- https://planningtank.com/planning-techniques/characteristics-of-a-good-questionnaire
- http://www.fao.org/docrep/w3241e/w3241e05.htm
- https://www.edelman.com/post/six-steps-creating-effective-questionnaire/
- https://wiki.ecdc.europa.eu/fem/w/wiki/ten-steps-to-design-a-questionnaire
- https://www.managementstudyguide.com/questionnaire-design.htm