6 Research problem
Pa . Raajeswari
The entire research activity is based on the proper identification of the research problem.
Unless the researchers diagnose the problem correctly no appropriate solution can be provided.
The research who is conducting research study experiences some difficulties in relations to solutions to be sought. Therefore sources usually contribute to identification, selection and formulation of the research problem.
Research problem is the situation that cause researcher to feel confused. It is the demarcation of the problem area within the context of the problem situation. It is the problem situation which may give rise to research problem.
The research problem forms a cycle, as research start with problem and ends on the problem. The problem arises on account of difficulties in research faced by the researchers and he has definite objectives to be attended by the research.
Researcher should take utmost care in selecting research problem. It should be his own independent thinking in relation to the problem. The necessary guidance can be sought to work out the problem and following facts must be given due consideration while selecting research problem.
- The subjects which are overdone and on which sufficient work has already been conducted in particular area should be normally avoided by the researcher. It will be very difficult to throw new light on such type of the topics.
- There are certain topics which are controversial in nature and in spite of our all efforts no purposeful conclusion can be drawn.
- While selecting research problem, the problem which is very narrow or very vague should be avoided for the purpose of the study.
- Whatever subject is selected for the study must have the resource available, which should be within the reach of the researcher.
- Selection of research problems require due consideration for time, training and cost involved in the research project.
- No research problem should be selected without having primary study of the subject.
A good problem selected by the researcher should conform to the following criteria:
- Relation between variable expressed. The problem should express a relation between two or more variables.
- Clarity and unambiguity. The problem should be related clearly and unambiguously in question form.
- Empirical verification. The problem should be such as to imply possibilities of empirical testing. This means not only that an actual relation as stated, but also that the variables of the relation can somehow be measured.
- Availability of guidance. Every research activity needs the patronage of a guide and the approval and sanction of a competent authority.
- Level of research. It is another criterion to help in the selection of a problem. The nature and scope of a study will be determined in the light of levels like masters degree, m.phil, and ph.d.it may simply be an action research or a research to produce a research paper or an experimental.
- Experience and creativity. Good research problems stem from a clear understanding of the theoretical, empirical and practical aspects of the subject derived from personal experience and from a thorough review of the literature. Conversely, lack of familiarity with the subject is almost sure to result in a poor choice.
- Novelty. It should be sufficiently original so that it does not involve objectionable duplication. Originality is the basic credit point of any research.
- Interesting. The problem should be interesting for the investigator himself. If he is not interested in it, he will not be able to face and overcome the obstacles which come at every step in research.
- Importance. It should be significant enough and involve an important principle or practice. If it is not worthwhile, if it neither adds to knowledge nor leads to any improvement in the current practices, it would be in vain.
The research problems may be selected from the following sources;
- Theory of ones own interest
- Daily problems
- Technological changes
- Unexpected areas
- Discussions with experts and authorities including the supervisor or research advisor.
The desire to solve problem or to know more about the facts is the main motivation for which the research study is conducted. Therefore it is necessary for researchers to identify the research problem.
The identification of research problem can be classified as under.
A. Conceptual problem – this type of problem can be solved by creative thinking for the problem.
B. Empirical problem – this type of problem can be solved by inductive reasoning which should be based on the observation made.
C. Logical problem – this problem can be solved by deductive methods.
Now it is very clear from the above exiption of the facts that identification of the research problem means clear and accurate assessment of the research problem. In order to solve the research problem.
The problem which is selected on specific rational helps us to complete the project in stipulated time period and within the prescribed financial outlay. In order to boost up the moral of the researcher proper selection of the problem is essential.
The factors which requires due consideration for selecting research problems are selected as below:
1.Interest of the researcher
The interest of the researcher is the main factor while selecting problem. It is the attitude, spirit and dedication of the researcher towards his research study that will generate the interest in the research study. Therefore the personal interest of the researcher is very much essential in any of the research study.
2.Importance of the topic of the study
Topic selected for the study should not only be socially relevant but it must be useful for the society. It should be having the reference to the practical field. The result of this type of social relevant study will be used by the concerned individual or group of the individuals.
3.Avoid the selection of the monotonous problem
The researcher should avoid to use monotonous problem for the purpose of the research study. Such topic for the research may not be able to generate solution for utility of the subject matter. Therefore there should be novelty of ideas in the subject so as to have the proper utility of the research study.
4. Resources for the research
The availability of the resource is very important factor in the research study. These resources are related are related to financial and technical assistance to the researcher along with his own experience in this respect. Resources has its application in the research within the prescribe time period. The efforts in this direction should be made or having proper application of the resource within specific time period.
5. Data availability
The data required for the study should be easily accessible. Incase if researcher decides to make use of the primary data then it is necessary to ascertain the response of the respondent. If secondary data is to be used then authenticity of the data is to be tested before it is put to an application. Proper care should be taken to collect sensitive data which is required for the purpose of the study.
6. Benefits of the research
The results of a research study may give intellectual satisfaction to the researcher. He gets recognition or his work from his colleagues and outside scholars. The researcher can also publish the thesis. The institutions sponsoring research studies derive benefit from the study. The research study is a service done to the profession, institution and society. All these provide a strong motivation to select a problem and pursue research.
7. Feasaibility of the study
The factors such as availability of equipments, subjects, library facilities and time should be noted before selecting a problem
A researcher need not be in a hurry in choosing a problem. Spending considerable time in selecting a topic would not be3 a waste at all. It could save enormous time in the later stages.
A young researcher I often tempted to think that his study must result in some extra-ordinary findings. Too high ambition in this sphere is dangerous, since it may lead to the selection of an unmanageable problem. Today a thesis is judged not in terms of its revolutionary findings and original discoveries, but in terms of the candidates methods of work and analytical abilities.
Social scientists with different values choose different topics for investigation. They should guard against bias which might enter into their research. Personal whims of the researchers inevitably influence the choice of the topic. The oly means by which the rationality of scientific procedure can be maintained is the awareness as to where and how the bias creeps in.
Formulation of a research problem is translating and transforming the selected problem into a scientific research b que4stion. A problem well put is half solved. There are seven factors strengthening such careful formulation.
- Proper formulation of the problem provides a sense of direction to the researcher.
- Proper formulation specifies the scopeof research;
- Proper formulation indicates the limitations of the research;
- proper formulation clarifies the problem;
- Proper formulation establishes the major assumption;
- Proper formulation expresses the context of the problem; and
- Proper formulation provides economy in research.
Having identified a problem area, the researcher proceeds to develop and define the problem statement. He has to follow the following three methods in formulating the problem.
- Narrowing down from general and vague to more specific statement.
- Oscillating between over broad and over narrow.
- Broad ending a narrow specific question into a brooder significant problem.
Steps in formulation
A researcher has to follow the under mentioned steps one by one in formulating a researcher problem.
Developing a title
The title of the study indicates the intention of the researcher and shows the focus of the study. It revels whether the study is a case, a statically, explanatory, formalized and observational survey, descriptive, casual and experimental study or simulation. The title should be specific.
Working out conceptual model
A problem may be selected from theory or ideas derived from theory. Once a problem area is conceived, the researcher could develop and define the problem statement. He has to narrow down from general and vague to more specific statements. Sometimes he has to broaden a narrow specific question into a border significant problem.
The researcher must first of all decide the questions to be answered. Then he has to decide whether the study is descriptive or analytical. The researcher has to find answers to the following questions.
- What data are available or obtainable?
- What are the constraints?
- Can any constraints be modified or removed?
Limiting the scope
The researcher must demarcate the geographical limits, time limit and magnitude of the problem.
Formulation of hypothesis
Hypothesis is a proposition or principle which is assumed in order to draw logical conclusions. Hypothesis is a provisional idea based on limited amount of evidence. Once a hypothesis is tested with the help of evidence, it becomes a thesis. Hypothesis gives direction to research.
Operational definition of concepts
The operational definition enables to form specific ideas regarding the data needed. A word gives multiple meanings. For example, a student of sociology must know that culture refers to the totality of the social heritage of any society. On the other hand, the word, “culture” has different meaning in bacteriology. So the researcher must be very careful in giving the operational definition.
1) Statement of problem
Researcher is required to explain his problem under the study. The explanation to his problem is known as statement of the problem, first problem should be explained in the general manner. This will provide the clarity of understanding of the problem and then only researcher will be able to state his problem properly.
Even before deciding the problem for the study, pilot study can be conducted. When researcher makes general description of his subject there may be lot many ambiguities in the beginning, which requires rethinking of the subject.
So, the problem stated should be suitable for necessary changes or if needed it can be redesigned.
2) Nature of research problem
After defining the research problem and making proper statement of the problem, it is necessary to understand the origin of the problem for its clarity. In order to make topic of the research further more clear researcher can undergo in discussion on this topic with the persons having good knowledge of the similar problem. With the help of this discussion problem can be properly assessed.
3) Review of the available literature
Whatever literature is available in relation to the proposed study, it must be carefully examined before selecting problem. This exercise will be very useful which can provide many suggestions and later on required additions can be made in the research problems.
4) Discussion to enrich the subject matter
The research topic should always be open to the discussion with experts.it is through this discussions only new ideas can be developed. This is known as experience surey.the discussion should be healthy one which must lead to general approach to the problem. This should also lead to enrichment in the subject matter of the study.
5) Re-designing of the research problem
Research study requires the ability of the researcher to put his research ideas on the right track then only he will be able to convert his ideas in to working hypothesis. This will make his research problem operationally viable. This will create the base for finding out working hypothesis for the research study.
6) Utility of research
Research studies are conducted not only for academic satisfaction of the researcher, but it is also conducted for utility of the society. The findings of the research study should reach to the concerned section of the society. Therefore research study with social relevance and utility should normally be selected for the study.
7) Practicability of the research study
The factor of the practicability should be considered well before the research problem is selected for the study. Unless the feasibility of the study is properly tested research problem cannot be selected. Personal whims and unrequired imagination of the researcher will spoil the practicability of the study. There should be rational and manageability in the research study.
Normally research study is tested and judged by the contributions of the researcher, observations made by him in relation to the study conducted and his analytical approach for the study.
Social science research problem may be of three distinct varieties differing in form, content and mode of verification.
Empirical problems, analytical problems, normative problems.
- Empirical problems: when social researchers answer questions or problems on the basis of what they come to know through their sensory organs, these are expressed as empirical problems. Social researchers base their conclusions and findings on what they perceive or observe or sense in order to verify, approve or reject relationship between two or more variables. Suppose it is to be proved that highly advanced countries have stable democracies. Here the social researcher is to verify the relationship between stable democratic government and rate of industrial advancement on the basis of sense experience.
- Analytical problems: analytical problems are not scientific. These are questions whose answers depend on the meaning of the words in the sentences expressing them. Analytical problems or statements are merely definitional and not empirical (these are) essentially language and conceptual problems and not factual and scientific problems answers to such problems depend upon definition of the words in the sentences that express the
- Normative problems: normative problems are questions whose answers depend primarily on value judgments. Value judgments are statements of what is desirable, preferred, moral, imperative or obligatory (these) may take either an evaluative or prescriptive form.
A research has to indicate the possibility in order to make a research appropriate for which the above mentioned characteristics should be followed and then finally the researcher has to resolve the original problem by using the research which has been carried out. Without identifying the research problem correctly, the researcher may fall apart and may not be able to fully solve the problem. Hence, identification and selection of research problem in a correct sense at correct time play an important role in successful completion of research study.
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Web links
- http://libguides.usc.edu/writingguide/introduction/researchproblem
- http://www.bbamantra.com/research-problem/
- https://www.qualtrics.com/blog/research-problem/
- https://www.wisdomjobs.com/e-university/research-methodology-tutorial-355/what-is-a-research-problem-11455.html
- https://www.nyu.edu/classes/bkg/methods/010072.pdf