27 Processing operation – Editing, coding, classification
Pa . Raajeswari
The data which is collected for the purpose of the study itself cannot reveal everything. This being a raw data, it is required to process and analyze in order to have desired result. The data which is collected cannot be directly used for making analysis. Before analysis, data is required to be processed.
Data processing is an intermediate stage between collection of data and their analysis and interpretation, which include Checking, Editing, Coding and Tabulation.Data processing is a crucial stage in research. After collecting the data from the field, the researcher has to process and analyze them in order to arrive at certain conclusions which may confirm or invalidate the hypothesis which he had formulated towards the beginning of research worth. The mass of data collected during the field work is to be processed with a view to reducing them to manageable proportions. Only by such a careful and systematic processing, the data will lend itself for statistical treatment and meaningful interpretation and conclusion.
The processing of data includes editing, coding, classification and tabulation. The collected data should be organized in such a way so that table charts can be prepared for presentation. The processing of data is necessary because, the data collected should be examined and errors and mistakes are rectified so that at the stage of analysis of data, no difficulty is experienced. Various steps involved in processing of data are Editing, Coding, Classification and Tabulation.
Editing means to rectify or to set to order or to correct or to establish sequence.Editing is the process of examining the data collected in questionnaire or interview schedule to deduct errors and omissions and to correct those if possible. When the whole data collection is over, a final and thorough check up is made for data processing. It is better if the data collected is verified even before the data analysis is carried out. In this process editing is the first step. Editing is done to assure that the collected data are accurate, consistant with other facts gathered uniformly entered and as complete as possible. For example imagine if we get the newspaper unedited, how the news will appear? Similarly, an unedited film will have no sequence of events, which means the story cannot be understood at all.
Editing is performed at two stages and depending on that it could be of two types:
- Field editing
- Central editing / Centralized editing
Field editing
Field editing is the process for completing the information recorded in abbreviated or in illegible form at the time of recording the respondent’s response. This sort of editing should be carried out as soon as possible after interview. In field editing completeness of the forms should be checked by person. It may be possible that the investigator might have forgotten to record the information. If investigator recorded information is incomplete form using abbreviations than it should be completed.
Central editing / Centralized editing
Central editing is done on the return to the office after completing all forms of schedule. This sort of editing is performed by single editor or by a team of editors. The editors are free to correct the obvious errors such as an entry in the wrong place, entry recorded in different units and the like. At central level, editors must correct various mistakes of the investigator. In case of gap in the answers the editor will be required to decide the proper answer to meet out the gap in answer. This can be done by reviewing the other information in questionnaire. Some times in spite of all efforts, if correctness of the answer is impossible than it is safe to strike out such wrong answers. All the wrong answers should be dropped by the editors.
Significance of editing
- It is pre-requisite for accuracy.
- It is useful in the elimination of the incorrect reply.
- It ensures the consistency of the data collected and avoids contradictions.
- It is useful to convert the answers into uniform units of measurement before coding
Coding is the process of organizing the data or response into classes or categories and assigning numerical or other symbols to responses according to the class or category in which they fall. Hence coding is considered as the classification process. Coding is necessary for efficient analysis. Coding is used to compartmentalize several replies effective into a small number of classes which contain the critical information required for analysis. In the process of coding, the study of answer is the first step and the last step is transfer of information from the schedule to the separate sheet called transcription sheet. Transcription sheet is a large summary sheet which contains the answers or codes of all the respondents. Transcription may not be necessary when only simple tables are required and the number of respondents is few. Coding is done with the help of set rules. The classes or categories should be reasonable and should be appropriate to the research problem, under study. The coding must be exhaustive; it means there should be class for each item of the data. For each answer it should be assigned with separate number. The coding should be based on the fact of mutual exclusivity it means specific answer can be place only in one category. The coding must observe the rule of single dimension; it means every class in the category set is defined in terms of only one concept. Coding provides base for analysis. It can be simplified if use of pre-coded questionnaire is made. The decision of coding should be taken well in advance at the stage of designing of questionnaire. By the investigators time is saved. Standard method should be used in case of hand coding. The process of coding is hard task but can be simplified if coding preparation is made prior to designing of schedule or questionnaire. Whatever method is adopted for coding the main important fact is that coding errors should be reduced.
Significance of coding
- It is useful in the classification of the responses into meaningful categories.
- It simplifies the difficult task of processing the qualitative information.
- One code is specific to only one kind of information so that a given response falls in only one category.
Rules for coding
- Give code numbers to each respondent and to each response.
- Give code numbers to qualitative response also.
- Prepare the coding frame.
While the editing is being performed, special coding actions are carried out. Geographic coding is in essence for the completion of automatic coding.
Classification is a process in which large data is reduced into homogeneous group meaningful relationship is needed. It is process of arranging data into groups based on common characteristics and classification can be done either according to attributes or according to class intervals.
- Classification as per attributes
- Classification as per class intervals
Classification as per attributes
The data which is required to be classified as per attributes can be either descriptive or numerical in nature. If the data is collected in qualitative means in descriptive forms that it cannot be measured in quantitative form. Data collected based on attributes is classified according to attributes only. In attribute classification only one attribute is considered to divide the universe in two classes, one having attribute and other not having the attribute. In classification based on more number of attributes, than data is divided in number of classes, for example- if attributes AB are studied than their presence is recorded as AB respectively and their absence is recorded in AB respectively. Then we have following classes- AB, Ab, aB,ab.
Classification as per class intervals
The numerical data collected refers to quantitative form, it can be measured only through some statistical unit, and data related to production, income, age come under this category. This type of data is classified on the basis of class interval. For example, person having income of Rs.7000 or Rs.11000 per month, group one for 7000 group within Rs.5000-10000 can be formed for another for Rs.11000 can be formed within 10000-15000, with formation of these groups as it can be seen that every group will have lower and upper limit. This is known as class limits.
Rules of classification
- Classification must be exhaustive without any room for doubt or confusion regarding the placement of the observations in the given classes.
- The classes must not overlap.
- Classification should be in accordance with the objectives of inquiry.
Significance of classification
- It is helpful in tabulation.
- It leads to a valid result.
- It makes interpretation clear and meaningful.
Tabulation is the process of summarizing raw data and displaying in compact form of vertical columns and horizontal rows of numbers for further analysis. Analysis of data is made possible through tables. Tabulation may be done manually or mechanically or electronically.
Tabulation is the process of presenting in an orderly manner of the classified data in a table. In other words, it is a method of presenting the summarized data. Tabulation is very important because,
- Its helps to conserve space
- It avoids any need for explanation
- Computation of the data is made easier
- Comparison of data becomes very simple
- Adequacy or inadequacy of the data is clearly visible.
A table contains columns and rows. These columns and rows create small boxes which are called cells. Tables are classified as
- One-way table
- Two-way table and
- Multi-way table
Through one-way table, we would get only one information, while the two-way table can provide minimum two information’s and the multi-way table could provide a number of information. In case of large number of items in big study, project strip method is used. Long strip used in this method, where 160 columns and 320 items can be recorded in one strip. Tabulation can be classified as
A. Simple tabulation
B. Complex tabulation
Simple tabulation
It gives information about one or more groups of independent questions. This results, in one way table, provides information of one characteristics of data.
Complex tabulation
In this type of tabulation, the data is divided in two or more categories which gives information regarding more sets of inter-related question. It results in two way or three way tables which gives information about several inter related characteristics of data. This complex table is described as cross tabulation.
Components of Table
There are set rules for tabulation but due care should be taken on following aspect for constructing table.
1. Each table should have clear number for the purpose of the reference.
2. Every table should also have suitable title and this title should be self explanatory.
3. There should be proper heading to each column and raw of the table in brief.
4. The body of the table contains the numerical information. Data presented in the body is arranged as per the description.
5. The unit of measurement is frequently written as headnote such as in ‘000’ (in thousand) or million (i.e. 10 lakhs) or Cr. (i.e. crores).
Rules for Tabulation
1. Captions and stubs should be arranged in systematic order.
2. Measurement should be clearly defined.
3. Avoid overloading the table with details.
4. Table should be logically arranged.
5. Avoid the use of abbreviations.
6. Expression like etc. is not good in table.
7. Dittoes mark should not be used in table.
8. Not available letter should be used for information not available or even use of (dash) can be made for these explanation.
9. Miscellaneous items should be placed in the last row of the table.
In order to facilitate comparison, the arrangement of the categories should be made according to alphabetical or chorological order.
10.Table must be suitable to the requirements of the study.
By this chapter we could understand the role of editing, coding, classification and tabulation in data collection processing and the types, uses, rules and significance of all these things in statistics. In spite of all that has been stated above, one should always keep in view the fact report-writing is an art which is learnt by practice and experience, rather than by mere documentation where editing, coding, classification and tabulation play an important part.
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Web links
- https://www.mbaofficial.com/mba-courses/research-methodology/explain-data-presentation-and-processing/
- http://egyankosh.ac.in/bitstream/123456789/10421/1/Unit-9.pdf
- http://researchmethodology95.blogspot.in/2009/06/describe-in-brief-importance-of-editing.html
- https://www.slideshare.net/jenijerry/research-methodology-processing-of-data
- http://mass-communication-tutorials.blogspot.in/2009/11/processing-of-data-editing-coding.html