6 Role of Effective Communication for Development

T. Radha

epgp books



Introduction to communication:


Communication, derived from Latin word, ‘Communicare’, which means, to share. Communication is the process of sending and receiving ideas, thoughts and feelings from the communicator to one or more receivers in such a way that it delivers the message in the same way the sender wants him or her to understand.


The skill to communicate solely depends on the individual’s ability to convey ideas and feelings to another to develop a looked-for response.


‘Communication is really all anyone ever gets paid for ultimately and if you cannot effectively communicate, you will pay, not get paid’ –      Doug Firebaugh


From the moment we let out our first cry to let mother know that we were hungry to the most recent conversation, we all communicate all the time.


Communication starts way before words are spoken. However, the moment you start speaking every word counts.Most people are born with physical ability to talk, but many people fail to communicate their ideas and thoughts effectively. It requires constant effort and practice to become an effective communicator.


What is more important in communication?


1.      Clear speech

2.     Clear communication of thoughts

3.      Clarify unclear ideas

4.      Listening


Rules for communication:


1.      Ensure it fits the purposes

2.      A.B.C

a.       Accuracy

b.      Brevity

c.       Clarity

3.      K.I.S.S

a.       Keep It Short Simple

4.      Deliver information in three stages

a.       Introduction

b.      Main body of the content

c.       Summary


Making communication effective:

  • Avoid abstract words whenever possible
  • Maintain eye contact
  • Make the content meaningful to the receiver
  • Encourage the process of listening and feedback
  • Speak at a moderate rate
  • Avoid communication with intense emotional states
  • Create a good rapport with the receiver
  • Select the suitable channel to communicate
  • Maintain a proper blend of both verbal and non-verbal communication
  • Be sure to make the message to be attractive , brief and clear
  • Frame the message to be delivered with respect to the capacity of the receiver

Questioning skills


i. Closed-ended questions :


Answered by a simple ‘Yes’ or ‘No’


ii.  Open-ended questions :


Requires more thought and more than a one-word response


Role of a communicator:


P            I              C            T            U            R            E



Low is most desirable; it projects and is more pleasant to the listener



Use feeling to express an idea or emotion, emphasizing the keywords. Avoid being monotonous.



The audience expects courtesy



It is not what you say that matters, but how you say it.



Avoid unwanted and complex codes and jargons in your communication



Basic rate of speech is 120 words per minute



Speak clearly to avoid misunderstanding or repetition.


Essentials of visual communication:

  • Posture:
  1. Standing erect and leaning forward, this conveys that you are approachable, receptive and friendly
  2. Face the listener to improve the interpersonal closeness
  •   Hand gestures:
  1. Without gestures, the speech can be perceived as non-lively and boring. A lively speech captures the attention of all the minds, makes the conversation more interesting and facilitates better understanding
  • Facial expression:
  1. Smile frequently; it is powerful indication that spreads happiness, warmth and liking. It is often contagious. Smiling will make you more likable, approachable and friendly.
  • Eye Contact
  1. Signals that the speaker is interested in others
  2. Increases the speakers trustworthiness
  3. Conveys interest, concern and credibility
  • Space

o   Appropriate and comfortable space or distance for interacting, based on the cultural norms.


Effective Listening


Research shows that an average human has the listening efficiency only up to 25%. Most of the communicators believe that they are very effective in listening, whereas only few believes that they have an area for developing their listening skills.


Effective listening is succeeded only by a few, not that it’s very difficult, but that most of the people have never been exposed to build the habits that would help in becoming a better listener. Researchers have concluded that, listening effectively will help in collecting more information from the speaker, which in turn leads the speaker to build trust with the listener, reduces miscommunication and conflicts, helps in understanding the intention and wants of the speaker, which finally encourages the higher level of commitment with your communication circle.


What is effective listening?


Effective listening is actively extracting the information that are being sent out by the speaker, by involving the expression that you are interested and listening, providing feedbacks with the receipt of the message to acknowledge the speaker that the message has been received successfully. Effective listeners acknowledges the speakers that they have been listened and understood.


Barriers of Effective Listening:


The below sub-divisions are closely related, however as we all know, they are different from each other, so let’s not generalizing& understand. Each one are distinctively different in their own nature.


[1] Interrupt :


Stopping the flow &continuous progress of a talk. In general, while a communicator communicates, the listener most often interrupts the flow of the conversation, which interrupts the communicator from communicating the essence of the information which the communicator wants to convey It also deviates the topic from the communicators point of view to the listeners choice of interest


[2] Judge :


Forming an opinion or conclusion about what the person is going to talk.Do not judge the book by its cover, as the most famous formulas is quoted, it is not advisable to perceive a person or the content which he delivers by mere behavior or the attire of the person. Do not reject an idea or an information, just because it is new, it is also not advisable to reject an idea or an information, just because it is old.


Any thinking human being, would use his or her intellectual faculty to analyze the information which is been communicated in the here and now, without having any judgment that it would not be useful, just because, it is new or old.


[3] Criticize :


Indicating the faults of someone or something in a disapproving way.Critisism is the biggest enemy of mankind, criticism is futile, no one on this Planet Earth would be happy to listen criticism about them or their behaviour. Even while a person is asking for feedback, the moment we start criticising, the person may withdraw or may not want to listen to anythig which is negative about the person himself. Unlsess the person, voluntarily asks for feedback with the intention of self development or willingness to change towards betterment, it is not advisable to criticize a person or their behaviour.


[4] Argue :


Giving reasons or citing evidence in support of an idea, Expressing opposite views,typically with the aim of persuading with your view.


In general, they say, if we win an argument, we may lose a person, the best way to win an argument is to avoid the argument.


There is not bigger victory than to allow a person to win, by understanding their point of view and taking a constructive action towards the result or objective.


[5] Rehearsing :


Mentally preparing for a response, while the speaking is talking to you.


Rehearsing is  good  while  preparation  and  not  while  performing,most of the vital informations are lost, while we rehearse and when the other person shares an important piece of information.


It shows our insecurty at the moment of the discussion, Since the evolution of mankind, there are so many religions in this World, every religion has their own principles to which they are firmly grouded.


In common, almost all the religions in this World agree to one principle in common, which says, being “present in the moment”, fully available for the person, the content that is being discussed. Which also shows the respect for the others persons time & information.


[6] Advising:


Offering suggestions, providing recommendations before the speaker could clarify their needs.


Benjamin Franklin had many friends, but whenever he meets them he will speak to the extent of making them feel bad. Points out their mistakes and make them feel very low about their self. Even after getting so famous, he was doing the same. Many avoided him. One of his good friend, finally decided to point out Franklin’s greatest problem.


“At the age of 74, I realised something that the tool for a good communication is not ones tongue, but the ears”.


The communicator has to protect ones communication like a crystal glass. Once broken, cannot be fixed. Dedication and self-content is necessary.


Focused listening:

  • Not to distract the speaker, respect, accept and pretend that he is not distracted by anything, but completely focusing his speech, which build that trust.
  • Communicator should communicate in ways that if disagreeing with something, convey it without damaging the relationship.
  • Appreciate the speaker when he communicates about him or her actions, also comment if he is wrong.
  • Avoid commenting negatively in public.
  • Don’t criticize on the past.
  • Don’t always say ‘Yes’, also don’t talk about his or her actions often.
  • To minimize unwanted talks, create a limit in your speech, say ‘No’ to unwanted actions.
  • Humour is appreciable, simplicity is required.
  •  Being trustworthy in maintaining the conversation and secrets. Not commenting to others.



Rapport is the ability to enter someone else’s world, to make him feel that you understand him, that you have a strong common bond.”


– Motivational speaker Tony Robbins.


Developing rapport building is a skill that anyone can develop, which bring countless opportunities.


We could have met few people who manage to create a sense of trust & understanding with anyone, only within a few minutes. The myth is that many believe it to be a natural gift, which is incorrect.


Rapport is something, when you create with someone where mutual trust & liking gets started. Once rapport just established, he or she is more likely to be open with and share information, recommend you to others, support your ideas.


How to build Rapport?


Strategies & Techniques to build Rapport are as follows,

(1)   Find common ground,

(2)   Be Empathetic,

(3)   Focus on your appearance,

(4)   Use mirroring,

(5)   Basics.


(1)   Find common ground :


When meeting someone new, try to find something in common, Use open-ended questions,It is important to be sincere, And not to make up a interest, just because you have to create rapport.


(2)   Be Empathetic :


Seeing and understanding people from their perspective and recognising their emotions and feelings.

To be empathetic, it is important to develop “Emotional Intelligence”.



(3)   Focus on your appearance :


First impression is your best impression, which is a key component in establishing rapport with someone.


(4)   Use mirroring :


Adjusting your own body language and spoken language to reflect the person with whom you are communicating toCopying the person’s posture and gesture. As the person gets comfortable with you, he or she might change their body language into their comfortable position, mirror the changes as well. Copy the other persons language, which includes simple, direct words or technical languages.Mirror the other persons speech patterns such as Volume, Vocal tone, etc.,


(5)   Basics :

  • Shaking hands firmly, Smiling,
  • Being sincere & trust worthy, Looking people in the eye,
  • Holding your head up, maintaining positive posture,
  • Facing the person, instead of diverting the eye, into the media (computer, mobile, etc..,) Asking open-ended questions.

E-mail Etiquettes


[1] Vague Subject Line :


Subject line talks about the essence of the information for receiver, Ex :Examination date postponed, Result enclosed, etc.., Include a clear, direct subject line which reflects the contents of the mail.


[2] Greetings:


Open and close the e-mail with a courteous greeting.


[3] Avoid using “ALL CAPITAL LETTERS” :


Using all capital letters may sound arrogance or anger, readers get irritated or annoyed while reading mails with “ALL CAPITAL LETTERS”. Capital letter in emails infers yelling or reflects shouting. On the other hand, typing the entire email in small cases gives an insight of illiterate or laziness.


[4] Check typo errors:


Typo errors are common, however it is not good in professional circle, it placed the sending in the bad books of language,it may also convey that you are not calm, composed and a person in hurry.


[5] Use Signature:


Let there be your name, designation & contact details at the end of the mail, which provides authenticity, more relevant information for the receiver to reach out to you appropriately, which will be a great help for us.


[6] Reply with immediate acknowledgement on receiving the mail :


By acknowledging on receiving an email, we are making it clear to the sender that we have received the mail, which will save us lot of time, else the sender may call or send another mail asking whether we received the 1st mail.

It also talks about you commitment to work & the sender as a token of respect & mail manners.


[7] Greetings:


Open and close the e-mail with a courteous greeting.


[8] Level of formality:


Address the person with the suitable level of formality and their name spelt correctly.


[9] Attachments:


Ask the best time to send the attachment and most importantly check the file size,


[10] Proof read:


The mistakes in the email never goes unnoticed by the recipient, and are being judged for making them.


[11] Fill the ‘TO’ column at the end:


Emails can be mistakenly sent to the recipient before completing the mail or proof reading, so it is always advisable to fill the ‘TO’ column at the end, before clicking the send button.


[12] Final check:


Make a final check of the addresses in the ‘To’, ‘CC’ and ‘BCC’ fields are the contacts you preferred to reply.


Body Language


Research shows that 60% – 90% of our communication constitutes to nonverbal communication, which concludes the importance of Body language.


First impression is the best expression. Within the first few minutes of the conversation, we would have already made up our decisions about the other person and their intention about whether or not the person is reliable.


[1] Eye Contact :


Have good eye contact graciously over the entire participants, listeners in the hall, rather getting stuck with one side or the favorite person in the audience. Since, most of the time, speakers get connected with few audience who respond through head shake or assertive listening behavior.


[2] Smile :


Right before starting the session in a classroom or a lecture hall, while our mind is occupied with unpleasant incidents or thoughts, naturally our face frowns, which creates an uncomfortable atmosphere for the students or the audience.


However, smile is considered as the ornament of the human beings, so make the most of it. A pleasant smile invites positive response from the participants.



[3] Hand Gesture :


Hand is considered as the biggest tool in public speaking (communication), it empowers the speaker to connect with the audience. It conveys the messages far more clearly while communicated without hand gestures. For instance, while talking about a tall structure or a small miniature.Students & listeners will be able to visualize our inputs which gives a strong positive influence for us during the delivery of the content.


[4] Standing Posture:

  • Many time, we tend to shift our weight towards one side of the hip, which looks a little awkward.
  • Balancing with a straight spine conveys alertness and assertiveness of the speaker.
  • It demonstrates how confident the speaker is on his delivery and the subject matter.

  Voice Modulation & Tone


Voice is the greatest instrument ever created by nature.

Voice is the color of communication. It conveys & creates, so much meaning and messages in the minds of the audience.


A-B-C-D-E-F of Communication


[1] Accuracy :


Anything other than truth is Inaccuracy. While we communicate, people believe what we are saying is true, for whatsoever may be the reason, if we are not saying the truth, it discounts the essence of the communication.


[2] Brevity :


If I am saying many things, I am saying nothing. If I say more than 3 things, I am saying something. Too many information to communicate one point may mislead the audience of what we wanted to communication. Communicating briefly always grabs the attention of the listeners.


[3] Clarity :


Having sound knowledge on the subject matter always enables us to convey the message seamlessly to the audience. Though it takes strong grounding, un parallel focus on the subject,single mindedly concentrating on the point to be conveyed. Distraction is the biggest enemy of any form of communication.

    [4] Dynamism :


To say, what is to be said first always more essential in communication.


[5] Empathy :


Knowing what the audience expect, understanding the universalized requirements of the participants is a mastery, it requires a lot of attitudinal shift of placing ourselves in the position of our listeners.


[6] Flair :


A natural ability to communicate in an appealing style, which is spontaneous and more genuine with empathy and sincerity. The radiance of positive aura translates as words from the heart which is true to the context relevant to the present moment.


Conclusion :


A communication becomes effective, while it is simple and easy to understand.


Any information that could be effortlessly understood by an 8th grade student is considered as the parameter of good communication.


Simplifying the essence of the information that is communicated to the receiver is the highest form of Effective Communication for Development.

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