28 Cyber Extension / e Extension

Belinda Lopez

epgp books




1.    Definitions


Cyber extension is defined as the extension over cyber space. But in applied context of agriculture cyber extension means “using the power of online networks, computer communication, digital interactive multimedia to facilitate dissemination of agricultural technology (Wijekoon, 2003). “…national web-based information and education network for current and new Extension clientele.”eExtension can then be defined simply as the use of electronic technologies (especially Information and Communication Technologies or ICT) to enhance face-to-face (f2f) and paper-based interactions. These technologies can be as simple as teleconferences or as complex as wikis and blogs. (www.thinkeextension.com) the e-Extension approaches are the enhanced solution to reach the unreached in agriculture with specific information at specific place.e-Extension approaches have wide scope that enable agriculture system as transparent with information dissemination.


Cyber extension is extension of agricultural development with the help of Information and Communication Technologies over cyber space. Cyber space is an imaginary space behind networked computers through telecom means. This kind of a strong information sharing network is made possible through power of networks, computer communications and interactive multimedia.


Fukuda ( 2005 ) described it as an integrated system that combines related stakeholders including central and local governments, research institutes, farming corporations, market, agricultural extension officers and farmers.


“a system of management of information about agricultural extension that is established in the form of extension gate, which is focused on data and information of agriculture in the form of extension materials (based on sub-sectors of food-crop, horticulture, farming, plantation, and agricultural human resources), specific-location materials, and news about national as well as regional agricultural development”.


Cyber extension is also one of the agricultural innovations that can function to make institution of research and development, studying and service meet with the innovation disseminators (extension workers), educators, farmers, and other stakeholders that have different types and forms of information needs, so that they can function synergically and complete one another mutually




The Rural Knowledge Centre is an agency established to assist people in the community access information required for a sustained development. Over the years with advances in technology the process of communication has been improving. Modern communication technology is capable of being adapted to rural conditions. It is able to provide space for a larger number of people to participate in the communities developmental programmes. This modern communication process adapted by extension personnel is called as “Cyber Extension”.


Cyber Extension is the term used to indicate the medium of communication. Previously communication processes included three mediums of communication i.e. Audio, Visual and the combination of Audio visuals. With advances in communication technology today we have a forth medium through which Extension personnel could communicate and that is the Cyber Communication.


Cyber extension is a highly evolved method of communication as it is able to incorporate the other three mediums of communications i.e. audio, visual and the combination of audio visual.


Cyber as a medium of communication is a virtual space. When the word virtual is used it indicates anything in essence or fact though not physically present but is made to appear through the use of computers. It includes computers; the data that is fed into the computer and the system created to transmit the data called the Information Highway.


Over the years there was a blending of ICT and telecommunication technologies. ICT indicates the use of computers, its hardware and software. Telecommunication includes telephones, wired and wireless networks. When these are combined they provide a range of technologies. Today there is a constant and persistent up gradation in the invention and adaption of technologies for communications creating the cyber space that is able to provide strong information sharing networks. When used by Extension; Cyber Extension is able to disseminate information effectively.


e-Extension is capable of acting as a catalyst for Extension institutions and those working in the areas of extension and community development. It provides space to share knowledge, learn for others, and improve decision making capacities. It plays a vital role by using ICT to empower women and rural community members. There is an enhancement in the opportunities of livelihoods and building and sustaining developmental processes especially of agriculture and food security.


This is possible by working and networking. Partners around the globe are connected. UN agencies, local governments, universities, research organisations, NGOs, farmer organisations, private sector, and the larger community are connected through the adoption of e- extension systems.




Each Rural Knowledge Centre is an e Extension Centre. It includes high end multimedia computers, digital cameras, printers and scanners and power supply which constitute the physical infrastructure. The Extension Centre which is equipped to act as a cyber unit and is managed by trained Extension personnel. This person/ team of personnel undertake all the activities of the extension agency. They organises training programmes on a regular and continuous basis and are also provided training to improve computer skills.


Some critical components of an e- Extension centre are the seamless access to unbiased, localized and research based information and education. The e-centre is able to be responsive to the needs of the people with whom extension programmes are conducted. Local and state level information is collected and converted into knowledge. It is capable of measuring success; identify priority areas and developing management systems also with various other activities. Thereby it benefits the extension functionary, subject matter specialists, and the public.


3.  Importance


The importance of using the cyber space for extension can never be over emphasised.

  1.  It is able to provide access to stored information in cyber space free of cost.
  2. Any information is available instantaneously. It is also available around the year and at any give n time. This is not possible in regular centres as information and educators are people and they need breaks.
  3. Another important aspect of e-Extension is information can be accessed from any geographical point.
  4. e-Extension can also be interactive with the inclusion of e-mails, discussion groups, and various other interactive media.
  5. e-Extension is dynamic and ever growing.
  6. It has major spatial impact on almost all decision of the programmes where it is used.
  7. Cyber extension is important because of its storage capabilities. Large amounts of data on multiple aspects can be stored and retrieved.
  8. Mapping of community resources becomes simple with the use of computers.
  9. Ability of analysis is enlarged.
  10. Visualization capabilities increase with the use of computers.
  11. Multiple scenarios can be addressed or used simultaneously.
  12. E-Extension provides flexibility because of the software in adding modular decision making tools.
  13. Cross disciplinary activities can be undertaken with ease.
  14. Provides for a continually improving user friendly web based interface.


Listing of the importance is continuous as the technology is continually being updated.


4.  Disadvantage


Cyber extension has gained importance as a crucial tool in development communication. However its application and implementation sees hurdles. Rural communities and even urban communities are not able to use it to their advantage. The reasons are numerous.

  • Illiteracy is still an issue; it is clubbed with a lack of skills to use the computer and the economic capabilities of larger masses.
  • Capital cost of technologies is high and it is associated with an ongoing cost for support and access. Comparatively it works out to be expensive.
  • Linked along with high cost and the presence of both irrelevant and relevant information. All information present may not be useful to the target group with whom the Extension agency is working.
  • Traditional extension approaches like training and zonal workshops takes a back seat.
  • It can lead to technological dependence, with an inherent need for capacity building.
  • Telecommunication infrastructure for the Extension agency may not be provided for in many remote and rural areas and in urban areas too. Very often the choice of new ICT available is severely limited.
  • Cyber extension centres are very often characterised by low participation of the target group of the extension agency. The community members for whom programmes are supposed to be undertaken may not be cyber familiar, as a result planning of the extension programmes becomes non- participatory.
  • Establishment of e-Extension centre requires the support of funding agencies. The funding agencies will have their own set of requirements which will not reflect the needs of the community.

Some of the issues that arises because of the funding agency may be as follows:

  • A mismatch between the funding agencies focus and the needs of the local community
  • The needs for quick delivery of results.
  • Disruption in the functioning of the extension agencies programmes because the potential outcomes and usefulness may not be considered by the funding agency.
  • The funding agency may consider the showcasing certain technology which are its icons but it may not be the actual focus technology needed in the project area.
  • There have also been instances when the funding agency is oriented to ‘propriety’ technology solutions. This means solutions which use technology that are marketed and protected under a registered trade name. Very often this ‘propriety’ technology may not be needed. Locally available tools and applications will have the capacity to yield better results at a cheaper cost.
  • Since the focus of Extension agencies is “change in behaviour, change in knowledge in knowledge, change in attitude” along with other intangible measures, finding funding agencies to support extensionprojects becomes difficult.
  • Integrating the use of ICT into local projects with existing media, local communication methods and traditions is a difficult task. Often new communication channels have to be developed.
  • Rarely are women and youth of local community considered as stakeholders and are seldom involved in the planning process of community projects.

      5.  Tools of cyber extension


The important tools of cyber extension include:

  1. E-mail
  2. File transfer protocol ( FTP)
  3. Telnet
  4.  Usenet Newsgroups
  5. World Wide Web




Electronic mail is known as E-mail. It is a method to exchange information from one computer to another. The messages exchanges are digital messages. It is one of the most widely used forms of cyber communication. It is an application available on the internet to send and receive messages. There are special companies that provide internet services and are called as Internet service providers(ISP) Some of them provide high speed internet via phone lines, there is also something called the dial-up internet and the high speed cable internet. Technically Email is a system of delivering messages on the computers connected to the internet. Initially both the computers were needed to be connected at the same time. With advances in technology today the email system operates on the store and forward model. The server designed for emails is able to accept, store, forward, and deliver messages. It is not necessary for the users and computers to be online simultaneously. As long as they connect briefly, typically to a mail server or a webmail they will be able to send and receive messages.


Today traditional systems of communicating are completely replaced by the internet. For most internet users traditional methods such as post, fax, telephones, telegrams etc., are not relevant and many of the people today are unaware of these traditional methods as some of them do not exist. It has replaced the paper postal service or what used to be known as letters. Both official and personal messages that were sent are now replaced with the electronic version. E-mails are advanced versions as they are able to communicate all types of audio and visual material. Texts, graphics, audio and visual clips are sent and received as long as they are digitalised.


File transfer protocol (FTP)


In ICT a protocol is a special set of rules to assist in connections. The File transfer protocol is a standard internet protocol to transmit files between computers along with TCP/IP (which are computer languages) connections. It is one of the methods of supporting remote networks which allows simple file transfer of documents. FTP servers are capable of saving vast amounts of data/ information as files. The data in these files cannot be accessed directly; rather the entire file should be transferred to the local computer. FTP relies on the client initiating a request. The request could be for uploading, downloading, deleting, renaming, moving and or copying files.




Telnet is a computer application that allows a user to log on to another/ someone else’s computer. It is a user command and an underlying TCP/IP (which is the basic communication language of computers) to access other computer. It allows access to other users or the administrators can remotely log on to computer. Telnet as an application when connected to the internet is capable of requesting specific files through the use of HTTP and FTP (File transfer protocol). It is not actually possible to be logged on as a user of the computer. Only specific applications and data on the remote computer which are assigned to telnet can be used after logging as a regular user.


Usenet Newsgroups


Usenet newsgroups are a collection of notes or messages on different subjects that are posted by users on to servers on a worldwide network. A collection of notes on a particular subject which is posted on the worldwide network is known as a newsgroup. Most of the newsgroups are hosted on internet connected servers. They can also be hosted from servers that are not connected to the internet. Usenet’s original protocol was called the UNIX-to-UNIX Copy (UUCP)


Newsgroups provide a broad area like a bulletin board where users can read from the options available and are sent entries of their own to be posted. Modern web browsers like explorer include software for reading and posting to Usenet. There are thousands of newsgroups and it is possible to form new ones. They are currently organised into every imaginable area of interest.


World Wide Web (WWW) 308


The World Wide Web is a combination of all the resources and users on the internet, who use the Hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP). It is commonly referred to as the Web. The internet and the web are often confused. They are two completely different things which are intricately connected. The internet as the name suggests is a network which encompasses a multitude of smaller networks. It is made up of supporting technologies and other infrastructure. On the other hand, the Web is a communication model. It enables the exchange of information over the internet. It uses the HTTP for exchange of information.


It can be said that the WWW is the internet’s server that supports multimedia. It is made up of a vast storehouse of hypertext documents written using the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML).Hyper text is the method used to present text, images, sound, and videos that are linked together in a non-sequential web of associations. The WWW is also made up of tools to help locate and transport information between computers. These tools and protocols assist


in exploring the internet. It is therefore a combination of all the resources and users on hte internet using the hypertext transfer Protocol.


Cyber extension for agricultural development


A partial list of some famous ICT project in the country


Advantage of e – Extension over other distance learning programmes are

  • Its ability to overcome the logistic challenges of bringing together field staff who work in different locations spread over a wide geographical area.
  • Reduces chances of restricted access to programme due to various trials
  • It offers users access at any time in any place and at any phase.
  • Reduces travel and time away from work.
  • It enables on schedule implementation of project.
  • Provides cost effective customisation and scalability to different audience, stakeholders, countries, regions, languages.
  • Allows for easy distribution and updates



Cyber extension because of the application of technology provides the target group a very convenient method to quickly access large volumes of information without the geographic barriers associated with the traditional methods of information sharing. e-Extension is able to provide new ideas to the target group in a convincing manner. People are able to be a part of discussion groups thereby sort out their concerns. Expert advice can be sort and accessed through the cyber extension system. Because information is available without geographic barriers global understanding has increased. There is a greater cultural awareness among the people. People are able to continuously educate themselves with the large number of educational resources available online.

Cyber Extension has also provided social benefits. People have been able to overcome geographic isolation and connect with people with same issues across the globe. There has been an increase in social interactions and it has also provided space to undertake advocacy activities. Through this process cyber advocacy urgent and pressing issues of communities have been addressed. One of the major impacts of cyber extension is the reduction in disparities between the urban and rural communities and the forging of new links between them.

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