10 Radio for Rural Development

T. Radha

epgp books






Radio is regarded as to be the best and the most effective means of communication for rural audience in our country. Radio, broadcasting has become almost a part of daily life. Radio as a media has great the potential for creating awareness among farming population about new agricultural technology changing attitudes, stimulating the listeners and motivating them to adopt.


Radio script


Script writing is an essential part of the broadcasting. The script helps in putting your ideas in a logical sequence and keeps you informed what the listening audience is to be communicated or in other words what the message is.




The following are the general principles for writing the script for farm radio programmes:

  1. Writing for radio is an art to be learned it is writing in spoken form. The listeners should easily absorb it. The listener must understand the conversation
  2. Simplicity is essential. In normal speech we use simple rather than complicated words and sentences.
  3. Repetition of the key ideas is essential
  4. Avoid use of much statistics
  5. Careful planning is essential
  6. Maintain continuity of narration in writing a script

Modes of presentation

  1. Announcement
  2. Conversation
  3. Discussion
  4. Drama
  5. Farm news
  6.  Farm school on AIR
  7. Feature
  8. Folk arts
  9. Interview
  10. Magazine programme
  11. Music
  12. Question and Answers
  13. Quiz
  14. Straight walk

Elements of an effective script

  1. The first part should be designed to attract the attention of the listeners towards the subject proper
  2. The second part may analyze the present situation, laying special emphasis on the problem encounter based on local needs
  3. The third part may give out facts about the recommended practices and their merits over the previous practices and try to win the confidence of the listener
  4. The fourth section may deal with an appeal to action
  5. Finally the script may end with a summarization of all the different parts/sections.

Writing the script


A.    Before writing

  1. Determine the purpose first. The objective should be clear
  2. Know the type of listeners to be informed also keep in mind the probable activity, which they might be performing while listening.
  3. While selecting your subject ensure that it is relevant, suitable to the agro-climatic condition, suitable to season and reliable
  4. Decide the mode of presentation
  5. Collect all the possible related authentic information for writing
  6. Be sure to include supporting facts and illustrations
  7. Process the information by identifying the main points.

B.     While writing

  1. Remember that it is writing for the ear only
  2. Avoid academic style
  3. Avoid jaw breaking words
  4. Prefer to use local information and experience of farmers
  5. Keep listener viewpoint in mind at all times
  6. Make listener realize importance of the programme
  7. Be direct and personal
  8. Use statistics sparingly
  9. Be humorous
  10. Time your script- ideal speed of presentation is 125-160 words per minute
  11. Repeat important details. Underline the words to be emphasized
  12. Quote authoritative source, wherever necessary
  13. Don’t cover many topics
  14. Cut down the use of hissing words
  15. Mark the points where you are to catch breath
  16. Hold attention: Hold the attention continuously through writing words, local example appeal to emotions, keep material for this read
  17. Arrest attention: First 30 seconds are crucial
  18. Run down information point by point
  19. Fire imagination by presenting a picture through effective words of the situation

   C. Before delivery


Before delivering the talk rehearse it properly. If possible, record it on a tape recorder and listen to it by putting yourself in the position of a listener.


D.    While delivering

  1. Let your copy be typed In doubled or triple space and use only one side of the page
  2. Punctuate your copy for easy delivery
  3. End the page with complete sentence
  4. Be informal
  5. Be sincere in your expression
  6. Don not talk down to listeners.


Radio is a good source of communication of ideas to the rural people especially in countries like India. They give news bulletins special programme for rural people, housewives and children. This is a good source of dissemination of agriculture information formers. Formers are now organized under the joint our spices of the All – India Radio and the state community development departments. The all – India radio stations public their journals “Akashvsni”. This gives the meters and frequency in kills cycles on medium and short waves.


Handling radio act:


The radio receiving act receives only one selected programme at a time and conveys the same through its speaker. The station is selected by a turner of the receiveing set which the set is frequency of the station. The movement of the turner over the dial of the radio set is controlled by rotating the turning apperaning on the cabinet. The entire broadcast frequency range is divided into a number of bands, each band including a small range of frequency or wavelength. A selector switch or knob is incorporated in the cabinet of the radio. There is also an on and off switer, a volume control and a tone control to the radio. In most of the radio the on and off switer and the volume control are incorporated into a single knob. Many cost by radio have solket into accommodate the pick up jacks of the turn tables when the recording are amplified by the amplifying circuit of the radio and reproduced through its speaker or any other external speaker connected into the terminates of the output transformer.


Power for radio:


A radio can be operated by dkey battery, wet alternating current or direct current. For rural where we have no electricity, dry battery sets should be used. In case of wet battery sets the charging creates a problems.


Installing a radio:


Aerial and earthing is very necessary for sector work of the radio.


1. Aerials: Aerials can be outdoor as well as indoor and outdoor aerial is better. It can be “T”and type or “L”type. T type is saod to be better while fixing outdoor aerial we can use two bamboos. We should never use a three or iron pole for it. In case of portable radio, there is no necessity for outside aerial because it has a built in aerial. In transistor set there is no necessity of aerial.

2.  Earthing connection: It can be done by burying the end of the wire at least one foot deep underground. In case of portable radio, just connect a small length of wire to the “Earth”lead classics


Operating a radio:

  1. Plug in the radio to the power socket.
  2. Switch iton. It will take sometimes to warm up the transists set deer not require time to warmup.
  3. Advance the volume control a little.
  4. If the radio has a “magic eye” do not advance the volume control.
  5. Tune the radio to the frequency of the desired station by rotating the tunning knob.
  6. News move the tunes when the volume control is considerably advanced because by it the speaker gets damaged
  7. The radio should face the group and the group can be seated in a semi-circle.




Public speaking:


A good speaker can influence people. Confidence and courage are necessary for making a good speech. Fear and discouragement create obstacles. Doing things, which one fears to do, can remove fear of the speaker. Better preparation may develop confidence. This preparation means assembling of thoughts, ideas, conventions, experiences and urges. It requires concentration and thinking .Speaking in a class will prepare the student of extension for making speeches in the villages. The student should be motivated to speak by assigning some marks of the practical work for speeches in the class and village.




(1) Choose the topic of speech at least seven days before the talk

(2) Do not try to cover a large ground

(3) Talk about the topic

(4) Converse on the topic among your friends

(5) Think of your experience for illustration

(6) Think of your audience what they want and what can be their interest

(7) Read and discover what others think about it

(8) Select and arrange your material which have gained the above process

(9) Assemble your thoughts, which are desirable and which are timely with audience requirement and discard the undesirable

(10) Read extensively to have reserve information

(11) Plan your speech

(12) Write the speech and rewrite after polishing it

(13) Read but do not memorise.

(14)Remember the main points , if necessary write them on a card or paper


How to develop interest is the audience:-

  1. tell something new and of interest of the audience
  2. introduce the topic to the audience
  3. use general illustration
  4. be neutral
  5. talk in conversational way
  6. emphasis on important words
  7. talk with specific points
  8. secure good will, by smiling and other humerous ways
  9. crowd your audience together
  10. clock the physical arrangement like proper light, ventilation as for as possible do not keep other members or the platform
  11. do not roam on the platform


how to open four talk the speech should have three points: introduction, body, and conclusion. The introduction should be such that it appeals directly and quickly never begin with apology. Arouse curiosity by giving some factual statement. Begin with an illustration slocking facts have great attention power.


How to capture the audience:-


1.      eradicate all ill-feelings

2.      get yes response from your audience

3.      do not challenge

4.      present the facts and let the audience from their own opinion


How to close


In any speech, the beginning and the end are very important .Closing is most important because the final words are remembered longer. Closing should have smoothness. Summarise your points and appeal for action. Sincere complements close with humour if possible close with practical quotations if possible.


How to make meaning clear and be impressive


1.      As far as possible, avoid the use of technical terms

2.      Illustrate your ideas if possible through visual aids

3.      Be convincing and have a good suggestion

4.      State your ideas in different words

5.      Try to avoid contradictory ideas

6.      State the ideas with enthusiasm and conviction

7.      If necessary make small things very large and large things small

8.      Quote authority to support your statement.


How to get action


Great power that a man can have is the power to influence the people for action. For this:

1.      Draw attention of the people

2.      Gain confidence

3.      Be earnest

4.      Motivate them to act


Radio talk


Previously we discussed how to handle the radio. Here we are concerned how as an extension worker can help in giving good programmes and effective radio talks for the rural people


1.Radio is a device with which the whole mass can be efficiently and economically covered. Now a days, with the increase in rural electrification the number of radio sets in India is increasing greatly. Moreover people are purchasing battery sets and they have realized that it is a good thing to have in the house. Therefore it is a useful tool for extension work in rural areas. Radio can be depended upon as an extension tool because majority of our rural people are illiterates.


2.Many villages lie in the interior places, and there are very few to enjoy in their idle period. Radio can give them recreation and information etc


3.Speeches of great leaders, agricultural experts, educators etc, can be transmitted to them by means of radio.


4. News regarding important information can be conveyed to a large number of people at a low price.


5.  Great number of people can be attracted as it has got greater appeal.


6. People’s participation in extension programmes can be stimulated and their attitudes can be changed.


7. Above all education can be successfully blended with entertainment.


Broadcasting time in radio


The best time for broadcast for rural people should be in the evening time between 6 to 8 pm. At this time majority of them are free to listen and usually assemble at their sitting places. Duration of programme may be an hour. For making the programme successful it is necessary


1.      It should be based on the needs of the people

2.      It should be presented in an interesting way

3.      It should be educated

4.      It must have clarity


Topics of broadcast for rural people:


1.  Weather forecast

2. Current market report

3. Farming information on improved varieties, fertilizers, tools, etc, and the time and manner of their use

4. Contagious disease in animals and their protection

5. Legislation and the changes in the policy regarding agriculture

6. Facilities like credit for purchse of animals, fertilizer seeds, repair and construction of wells, etc, available to farmers from the government programme and other agencies

7. Best time of certain farm operations application of fertilizer’s green manuring, control of pests, diseases etc

8.  Information about exhibition crop competition being organized by the State department of agriculture and district administration.

9. presentation of talk in an interesting way Information on fruits preservation etc. There are two styles of presentation: a) with the help of the script and b) with the help of discussion. The type of presentation is decided by the time available for broadcast, subject and persons involved. a certain subject be best handled as a straight talk. Another may be done by a two- way interview or discussion. to the farm families.


For maintaining the interest, there should be variety in the programmes. There may be different segments each to connected with each other smoothly. It should be remembered that the style of communication through this medium is essentially conversational. Its purpose is to communicate ideas. There should be clarity of organization and a logical step by step relation of ideas. In presenting information start with facts and relate it with your subject.point by point with each point leading to the next. Start from known to unknown. Simple organization of talk allows the listener to follow every word.


Basic principles of broadcast:


These can be summarized in three parts: 1) clarity 2) vividness 3) variety Short, simple sentences, familiar words, straight forward ideas, repetation of important facts, example and illustration and not too many ideas will make the talk more effective. Do not use different terms and words purposes of the your talk is to convey an idea or its meaning to rural people who are illiterates or have few words in their language.


To attract and hold listeners attention, use graphics, concrete picture words, fresh approaches, eg: illustration and anecdotes.


Appropriate humour, exclamations, variety in raising up and down and telling the talk in an interesting way will impress people. Preparing the script: it should be so prepared that on listening it should be as though someone was talking to you in a friendly informal style.


First collect the materials from your experience of visit to places like farm, library etc. Then arrange it in the proper order. Then it to extact size, leaving some material unused which can be taken up in case you finish earlier, Do not fail to include supporting or illustrative facts to backup the main points and lastly, do not try to tell that you know about the subject time is limited and you have to emphasize one idea at a time. Try to make the listening public understand what you mean, repeat where necessary ,be sincere and friendly ,talk on personal basis.

In a dialogue never use statistical tables. In an interview do not frame such questions which the audience knows .Do not follow an answer with an unrelated question Do not hesitate to stop or repeat if necessary.


Other points of importance:

  1. Script should be written legibly (ie) in bold type
  2. Keep your voice at the room level
  3. Speed should be normal
  4. When the mike is to be moved and you need a change in the arrangement take permission of the studio incharge or ask him to do it
  5. Do not whisper or talk while someone is broadcasting
  6. Try to find out defects and shortcomings of your pronunciation and correct them next time, but do not bother about them while actually broadcasting.
  7. If you have a cough, signals the operator so that he will put off the mike of the air for a while.
  8. Keep the broadcast slightly flexible so that you can extend or cut short, as required
  9. Be at ease before the mike.

Relationship between rural radio and agriculture and rural development


In order to achieve change farmers and rural communities need to be informed on the importance of adapting new practices.


Attempt by extension to cause change through demonstration farms and working with communities have not been sufficient to bring about change in attitudes. Radio has often been used to complement the efforts of the extension workers. However, the use of radio as a mass media has its limitation such as poor signals, limited reach in certain areas, top down approach, limited airtime and inappropriate programming. This calls for a shift in the use of radio from mass media to community centred.


Taking part on any of the already mentioned forms:


1.Rural radio encourages villagers to take an active part in the development process or even better to take their own initiatives to improve the living conditions in their communities.

2.Since most farmers have not been to school, rural radio acts as a substitute for formal education.

3.Rural radio enables communities to articulate their experiences and to critically examine issues and policies affecting their lives .For example a community can use the radio to highlight new agricultural policies. These policies can be debated upon and discussed using radio and immediate feedback can be given for relevant authorities to take action.

4.In case where extension worker may not be able to reach, rural radio takes on that role. Here a community can be given a recording to substitute the extension worker who has not been able to reach that community.

5. Vital information for agricultural development can be passed on through the use of radio.Such as agro-forestry, better harvesting methods, soil conservation, marketing post harvest handling and diversification.

6.Since rural radio targets a specific community, geographical area of interest, and then the languages of choice can be used to ensure that the message is clearly understood. Therefore rural radio gives you the option of using the prevelant languages.

7.Radio demystifies the scientific jargon. It is able to explain the research in simpler and ordinary languages that people understand.

8.Since rural radio is community based, it can be used to mobilize people towards community development work. Eg. Construction of dams, protected wells and immunization of animals.


Rural radio can be used to disseminate agricultural research in the following ways:


1.      Research findings can be distributed through radio to:

a)      Nongovernmental organization dealing in agriculture

b)      Extension workers

c)      Farmers themselves

d)     Academic institutions

2.      Rural radio can make the link between researchers and extension workers by offering information on:

a)      Where research can be obtained and used

b)      How to pass it on to users

c)      Communities feedback regarding research

3.      Rural radio can be used to collect feedback from communities

a)      Through programmes, farmers give their responses to research

b)      Farmers share experiences on use of research

c)      Rural radio airs out farmers views/ recommendations on how to improve the research

d)     Communities provide alternatives depending on their experiences

4.      Radio can also be used to announce processes of research by extension workers

a)      Give venues for meetings with extension workers

b)      Advise on where to get inputs/services

c)      Advise on where to get technical support



  • Rural radio is expensive to manage. One must have enough finances to run this kind of community-based broadcasting because it involves dealing with people who may not have communication skills.
  • Translating messages into various languages is not an easy task. One needs to have people who are well versed in the language.
  • Lack of collaboration among researchers, extension staff and communicators may hinder smooth operation of rural radio.

In summary one can say rural radio contributes in:

  • Creating awareness of research findings
  • Mobilizing community to best practices
  • Simplifying research findings
  • Translating into user languages


  • Ngo to community
  • Extension to community
  • Research to extension
  • Researcher to community
  • Government to community on various issues
you can view video on Radio for Rural Development

References and Web links

  • Sangeetha Patel, 2005. Information and Communication Technology Applications to poverty reduction. Dominant publishers and distributors, New Delhi: 55- 74.
  • Joglekar K G. 1996. The press, radio, television and the villager, Kurukshetra, 44 (4&5):63-65.
  • https://transition.fcc.gov>documents>radio
  • www.techwholesale.com>hisory-of-the-radio