33 Decision support system
Belinda Lopez
1. Introduction
Extension Education agencies are organisations that working with people at the grassroots level. It acts as a bridge between information and knowledge providing organisations, networks and a host of other groups and people at the grassroots level. Extension Education agencies are of different kinds because their focus on distinct sectors. For example: Agricultural Extension Education agency, Home Science Extension Education agency, veterinary, forestry extension, community health etc., when an agency is focused on a particular sector like the Home the issues it address are varied. The Extension Education Agency will require information related to nutrition, family resource management, clothing, and care of family members and also about how to extend information on these varied topics.
In such cases, it is imperative that the Extension Education agency develops a system of collecting information required for the people with whom the agency is working. It is also important that the agency is able plan its programmes and implement them so as to bring about sustainable development of the community with which it is working. In order to be sustainable the extension agency requires to collect information from multiple sources and disseminate the same to different to people in different formats. For example: a family may face a health issue resulting in a financial crisis. This case requires assistance to address the immediate health problem and at the same time help the family overcome the financial crises. In such situations the Extension agency will have to coordinate not only with the health department but also with the social welfare department, finance department or any other department associated with the issues. Based on the intensity of the health and financial issues the extension agency will have to make a decision about the kind of assistance that could be offered to the family. In such cases the sources of information are numerous and the Extension Education agencies have developed a mechanism to make informed decisions.
Ever so often it becomes difficult for the personnel at the extension agency to make a decision which is multi dimensional. It was in such a situation that the advances in technology especially communication technology were adapted to assist extension personnel in decision making. Raw data, secondary data, related documents, project models, impact studies, personal knowledge etc., are blended by the computer to assist in solving problems and make decisions. The system of making informed decision with the assistance of and the use of computers and computer software and is called as Decision Support system (DSS).
The DSS is a computer based Information Communication technology system designed to assist people in managerial positions make effective decisions. It provides them with a alternatives and assists in selecting solutions which are most impactful. Automating some of decisions making processes is possible especially in large computer based DSS that are sophisticated and capable of analyzing huge amounts of information.
The problem and its nature itself play an import role in the decision making process and the DSS provides a larger framework to take decisions. It is an interactive computer based system in which is organised models, procedures, software, databases, telecommunication, devices and people who help decision markers to solve unstructured and or semi structured problems.
In order to understand the computerised process of decision making it is important to have an insight into the decision making process by itself. Present below is a brief account of decision making, its functions and sources of information.
a. Decision making
Decision making is basically a skill. It involves the application of systematic methods to solve problems and share responsibility. It involves gathering information before decision are made, cross checking the sources of information and identifying alternatives for problems followed by discussions on enhancing consequences; finally providing rationale for the decisions taken.
b.Function of decision making
Some of the basic functions of the decision making stage in Extension agencies is to:
- Activation of the project, monitoring and completion
- Retain perspective of the project
- Control the direction of the project and direct future actions.
- Delineate the issues related to the project, analysis the demarcated issues, organise them in such a way that problems are solved.
- Based on information present with the project shift, inhibit, change or even stop activities
c. Information for decision making In order to facilitate decision making:
- Basic and relevant information is required.
- A criterion for decision making has to be developed.
- The factors effecting decision making should be both qualitative and quantitative.
- The source of information is important
- Format of the information- information should be presented in a format that is easy to understand and make decisions.
- Many a time the same information is available in different formats for different reasons.
- Information can also be found in unrecorded sources such as experiences and insights.
2. Definition of DSS
A DSS has been defined (Alter 1980; Bonczek et al. 1981; Keen and Scott- Morton 1978; Sprague and Carlson 1982) as a computer based interactive human computer decision making system that:
1.Supports decision makers rather than replacing them,
2.Utilises data and models,
3.Solves problems with varying degree of structure: a non- structured (unstructured or ill structured) semi structured; semi structured and unstructured
4. Focuses on effectiveness rather than efficiency in decision making (facilitating decision processes) “…a suite of computer programs with components consisting of databases, simulation models, decision models, and user interfaces that assist a decision maker in evaluating the economic and environmental impacts of competing watershed management alternatives” (National Research Council 1999, page 20).
3. Evolution of DSS
Decision Support Systems is a method of making decision with the use of computer technology. It was an outcome of:
- the theoretical studies carried out to understand decision making process iorganisations and
- The technological developments by information systems researchers and technologists.
Researchers used different types of frameworks and converged different strains of technology to develop DSS for different types of decisions taken by managers; this system initially assisted managers working alone, then for those working in teams followed by managers of large organisations.
In the 1960s it was called the model driven DSS. They were used in:
- Formulating alternatives
- Analysing impacts of alternatives
- Interpreting and selecting appropriate options.
Tasks that are associated with DSS include job scheduling, forecasting, product usage, cost estimation; tax planning etc., in the 1970s there was a significant evolution in the development of DSS enabling powerful DSS functionality.
The advent of the web based technology facilitate inter- organisational DSS. Presently the mobile tools, mobile e- services, wireless internet are making an impact on the application of DSS.
4. Types of DSS
They are a number of Decision Support Systems which can be categorised into five types:
Communication driven DSS
Chats, instant messaging, online collaboration and net-meeting systems are examples of communication drive DSS. It is targeted at internal teams to conduct meetings or for users to interact.
Data driven DSS
This is a Computer based data systems which include a query system to enquire. The web or mainframe, or a client / server links are the ways through which the data base is deployed. It is used mainly to incorporate data and or add value to existing data bases. These types of DSS are developed mainly for managers, staff and product/ service suppliers.
Document – driven DSS
The web companies use the web as an application, development, delivery and executing arena. And this is considered as the document driven DSS. It is used as a showground to create collaborative, community based sites where the application software runs on the web rather than being installed on individual computers.
Knowledge – driven DSS
Information when applied is considered to be knowledge. Knowledge driven DSS are a process wherein a systems is able to create, store, transfer and apply information. The knowledge driven DSS assists in increasing the ability of the organisation to learn from its environment and incorporate learning’s into the organisations processes.
Model – driven DSS
These can be used by stand alone computers. They assist in decision making by helping to analysis or chose from the available data. They are used by managers, staff and people who interact with organizations.
5. Components/ architecture of DSS
Decision making systems is a process which can be represented as shown in the figure
- Problem Standard (desired state) Alternative solution (DSS)
- Problem solver (Manager) Information (Current state) Constrains Solutions
In order to assist this process the computer components include:
- The database: store data
- The user interface: allows the user to create, update, delete; database files and decision models
- The DSS software: the programme and operating systems
The DSS database is a:
- Collection of current data A data warehouse
- The User interface permits interaction between:
- User of the system and DSS software on the computer
- User of the system and Web based interface
- The DSS software contains tools for:
- Data analysis
- Data mining
- Collection of mathematical models
- Analytical models
- Others
6. Structure of DSS
Any system or process must have a structure in order to function effectively. A structure is the arrangement of relations between the different components of something complex. The DSS is composed of three different and distinct constituents. It is only when they are provided with a structure they are able to function effectively. The DSS consists of two parts; the decision level and the technology level.
At the decision level the early frame works consisted of four parts:
- Intelligence – the ability to judge by searching for conditions that need decisions.
- Design- analysing and developing alternatives
- Choice- selecting an option
- Implementation- incorporating the choice into the organizations working conditions.
- The application- a programme designed to perform a specific functions
- Generator- hardware and software which use case tools i.e. automated assistance
- Tools – lower level hardware and software such as special languages, linking modules
7. Characteristics of DSS:
- This computer system is capable of handling large amounts of data like database searches
- Is able to receive and process data from different sources into a single programmes including internal and external data stored on mainframe systems and networks
- Reports and presentation designs can be made flexibe to suit the decision maker’s needs
- Multimedia options can be inserted to provide both textual and graphical orientation like charts, trend lines, tables and more
- It has the ability to perform complex, sophisticated analysis and comparisons using advanced software packages.
8. Application of DSS
Information Communication Technology popularly known as ICT is a rapidly growing system wherein computers and software are applied to bring about development. One of the many applications of ICT is to assist people make informed decisions. Decision Support Systems (DSS) are computer based software systems to assist decision making.
They are used when:
Organisations are large such as the government and other organisations wherein the quantity of information available is huge and which may be rapidly changing and not easily specified in advance such as hospitals. For example: data about the population of the village, resources available, taxes collected, educational level of the community members, socioeconomic profile of the community members are collected and maintained when planning insurance programmes, food security, social security programms etc.,
They are also used when the number of people involved in the process of decision making are many such as the department in charge of management, or the operations department or those involved in planning etc.,
When the DSS software is designed properly it acts as interactive software which is capable of helping decision makers compile useful information from multiple sources. Sources of information could be raw data, documents, personal knowledge or from model information sources. After compiling the DSS assists in identifying and solving problems and make decisions. DSS is sometimes also referred to as Knowledge based system.
It helps when the volume of information is huge and precision is required in implementing programmes for example when there is an outbreak of an epidemic. Extension agencies will require precise information such as the number of people affected and their location, their ability to address the epidemic.
DSS also helps in optimality. Because DSS is designed to collect information from different sources programmes undertaken by the Extension agency will be able to optimise its resources. Example: the DSS can help in locating the number of pregnant women in a district.
Structuring of decision is also possible with DSS. When the DSS system is adopted by the extension agency it is possible to detect change in the community. For example the age of pregnant women is increasing. Then it is possible to estimate the significance of the change and identify the options and choose outcomes.
9.Benefits of DSS
- Decision making process is accelerated.
- Organisations are able to manage their processes better.
- Provides scope for examination of alternates.
- Problems could be addressed immediately
- Smoothens the progress of interpersonal communication
- advance learning and training
- creates new evidence in support of a decision
- Provides a competitive advantage over competition
- uncovers new approaches to thinking about the problem space
- Helps automate managerial processes
- Improves personal efficiency
- Provides suggestion and recommendations
10. Sub specialities of DSS
Every field of study is made of different areas of specialities and in this field there are three areas based on academic perspective:
1. Developing specific DSS
2. Developing DSS theory
3. Study of the contributing disciplines.
1. Decision support system design
2. Decision support system implementation
3. Decision support system evaluation
11. Application of DSS for community development
1. Population Growth
2. Population Growth Rate
a. Population Migration Patterns
b. Migration Patterns due to Geographic Location
c. Migration Patterns due to the Degree of Development of the Country
3. Urbanization
4. Policies that Control Human Relocation and Development in Urban Areas
5. Sustainable Development in Coastal Areas
6. Decision Support Systems for Regional and Urban Planning
6.1. Components of a Decision Support System
6.2. Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
6.2.1. Assessment of Environmental and Social Impacts
6.2.2. Multi Criteria Evaluation and Decision Making
6.2.3. Land Suitability Analysis
12. Future of DSS
The DSS plays a vital role in the organised sector and is also capable of bringing in systems in the functioning of the unorganised sector. Once a DSS system is installed in a organisation, tremendous change is visible. Development in technology that is affordable has increased the use of DSS in various organisations and also where defined systems did not exist such as local groups. The increased use of DSS has also resulted in more sophisticated DSS tools. Different studies predict that the application of DSS is keenly sought by people in decision making positions. Local computer experts are able to customize DSS and there has been a tendency to use locally developed DSS.
When local experts are involved in developing a DSS there is a phase of development and implementation during which there is close interaction between the computer expert and the organisation for which the DSS is being developed. This phase provides all technical glitches if any are sorted out through constant interaction and feedback process. Once it is operational the DSS is scalable. In India DSS is being applied in different sectors like community development, extension education, social welfare, business etc., Application of computer technology and the DSS is on a course where new and old organisations are keen to apply the DSS tool to use information for decision making.
13. DSS in the context of Extension
When Extension Activities are considered it invariable implies a long term process. They address issues related to social, economic, ecological, health and community development and many other issues. It involves a large number of data sources and coordination at the local and national level also at the global level. In such cases the use of DSS is most beneficial. The DSS being a technical support system should be able to incorporate a holistic approach for problem solving, the actual environment in which decisions are taken, and when decisions are used and the DSS should be accepted by users.
The DSS when used for Extension activities should allow international, national, state and local governments and individuals to conduct negotiations, coordinate, evaluate their own independent decisions within the overall framework. A practical and critical barrier to extension activities are the wide range of decisions that are needed. When designing Extension activities a wide range of issues related to economic, social and political aspects should be considered and concrete problems identified. The DSS should be able to analysis, investigate and correlate large amounts of data that are at the disposal of Extension agencies. If the application of DSS for Extension activates is to be successful it is necessary to adopt a step by step approach of collaboration, determining common priorities, develop adequate methods and related technologies and provide training in the application and use of the DSS.
Some of the areas in which DSS could assist in developing Extension Activities are:
- Food production and distribution
- Poverty alleviation
- Primary health services
- Public service and administration, governance
- Education
Decision to undertake Extension activities, at the individual home levels, at the rural or urban community level and by the government at the national level require different support and tools. The development of a computerised DSS makes operating easier and through the DSS:
- Large amounts of data can be collected and analysed,
- Helps in administration like tacking applications
- Make quick decision like addressing crisis,
- Have access to top level expertises,
- Possibility of large number of alternate decisions with significant and different implications
- Ultimately the DSS should be able in assist Extension Activities.
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