16 Counselling setup

Tania Ruby M Thomas

epgp books







Professional counselling takes place in a range of settings such as agencies, hospitals, schools, universities, organisations etc. Counselling can be effective when counsellor and client wander around the garden, sit in the garden or walk through the beach. But for practitioners working in an organisation, the counselling takes place in a room. Counselling set up or the room set up can bring about a difference in the way the client and the counsellor works towards bringing a solution to the problem. The aesthetics in the counselling room can be overlooked by many but it is the aspect which persuades the client and the counsellor to move forward in the counselling process. The counsellor is often required to sit in the same space for protracted hours, listening to the problems, worries and empathetically responding to the issues that concerns the client. Counsellor and the client may arrive at the state of distress, which might influence the counselling process and the outcomes of the same. The overall environment may be significant in helping the counsellor and the client feel more at ease.


Counselling room setup can be tailored according to the clients age group or the age group for which the counsellor is catering to. The main age groups for which counselling can be rendered are: senior citizens, adults, teenagers and children. Counselling room setup is a regular and dependable backdrop for the process of counselling, guidance and therapy to take place. The counselling room is an empty box and counsellor should prepare the empty box to fit the counselling process. Some of the important things to be noted for preparing the counselling room are:

  • Soundproofing the room

Counselling is a process where an individual expresses his/her personal problems and the counsellor counsels the individual to cope with the problems. During this process the clients might heightened their emotions. So the counselling room that the client is in should be soundproof. This can help the counsellor and the client to be in focus with the counselling process and there will be maximum level of self-disclosure between the client and the counsellor, as their will not be any hindrance during the session.

  • Seating

Seating is the positioning of the chairs. Chairs can be placed a little away from the counsellor’s chair because in the beginning when the therapeutic alliance has not been established the client and the counsellor seats should be arranged little far keeping in mind the private space of the client. This can be done for the client to understand that the counsellor is not intruding the clients space. Once the relationship or rapport is set the counsellor can change the seating arrangement considering the clients interest. If the clients are given control over the furniture in the counsellor’s room, for example: movable chairs, clients experience high sense of comfort, autonomy and equality (Pressley & Heesacker, 2001). Counselling room should have two or more chairs with arms and it should not be placed too close to each other, it should be placed at an angle so that the counsellor and the client can be seated next to each other but not too close.


Seating can also address the comfort level of the chairs used for both counsellors and clients. Counselling process involves spending a lot of time sitting on the chairs, so the chairs used should ergonomically suit the client and the counsellor.

  • Lighting

Every individual is influenced and drawn towards ventilated and airy rooms. For counselling ventilated rooms are required, because the clients come with lot of negative emotions and it necessary for the room to be positive for them. The counselling room should be ventilated and airy because it can promote positive vibes in the individual. Other aspects to be considered for lighting the counselling room are, placing lamps to soften the harsh light so the individual’s facial expression, gestures and emotions can be noted by the counsellor.

  • Colours

The colours used in the counselling room can bring about a change in the emotions of the counsellor. Colours are associated with positive and negative emotions in an individual. Children and adults associate with light colours and this brings a positive emotion in them where as dark colours are associated with negative emotions.

  • Tidiness

Tidiness is not only a concept required for counselling room but also important for all the offices because the tidiness of the room can impact the clients behaviour. If the counselling room has a lot of accessories, the room should be maintained regularly. Maintenance includes dusting, cleaning, displaying, organizing and changing. Plants need regular cleaning to avoid dust, insects, pest etc. If the accessories are not changed the client might get bored of the same accessories and may develop disinterest in the counselling process. Organizing the space is vital as it adds on to the tidiness of the room, if the rooms are cluttered, poorly ventilated, it could lead to the distraction in the client.


Other requirements in a counselling room are:


Ø  A whiteboard or flip chart


Counsellors will discuss few complex issues with the client and this will need visual representation of the same. So the counsellor can use a flip chart or white board to explain or discuss the same with the client. Almost all the sessions with the client will require a visual representation, for instance: listing the colleges, pros and cons of a decision taken by the client, modes of communication, family tree etc. These can also be used as a reference point where counsellors can use the same for the rest of the session. The flip charts can be used to rewind the counselling at the end of the process.


Ø  Bookshelves


Bookshelves can be kept in the counselling room as well as the waiting room for the clients to utilise it. A counselling room can have one or more bookshelves, and these can emphasize on few particular books such as magazines, children’s book, journals, publications etc.


Ø  File cabinets


In terms of record keeping file cabinets are required. File cabinets are helpful in keeping the records of the clients tactfully. When counsellor work with children and teenagers it is necessary for them to keep a record of written parental permission, records, data collected during the counselling session. For all these, file cabinets are useful so for further references the same data can be used. File cabinets should be situated in a place where it can be accessed by the counsellor and not by the others


Ø  Coffee or side tables


Coffee or side tables are to be placed adjacent to the chairs where the counsellor and the client are seated. A box of tissue should be readily available for the client; this is because clients who may cry during the session can use the tissues. Water or coffee should be also kept on the side table for the client, because it might help them during the counselling process.


Ø  Natural elements


Natural elements such as plants, pebbles, pines, shells, rocks, wood, water etc can be added into the environment to enhance the visual appearance. Such elements or accessories can visually soothe and stimulate the environment. Natural environment symbolises new beginning, growth, rejuvenation and helps in healing process. Natural elements can also improve the quality of the environment by improving the air, temperature and humidity levels in the room.


Ø  Displaying artwork


Apart from natural elements, the important aspect to be considered while improving the quality of room is to include displaying artwork on the walls. Artwork can bring positive changes in the client and can comfort them during the time of distress.


Ø  Professional walls


Displaying the certificates on the wall is a way of making the walls look professional. This can give a tremendous authority and dignity for the counsellor. Clients who are counselled will understand that they are speaking to a trained professional and will not disbelief their expertise.


Counselling room setup can be customized according to the age group. For instance: counselling room for children should be tailored according to their needs and interests.


For children


Counselling children is easier and effective, but to work with children, the counselling room should be adapted to fit the needs of the child. For counsellors who exclusively work with children should work in a room which is specifically designed for the purpose. Children can be counselled in various places or organizations like, hospitals, schools, government offices, where counselling room does not have special facilities for children. But few requirements to work with children are:

  • Children’s counselling room should be soundproof, so the external noises do not distract the child. This also helps in building trust, as the child understands that the things shared with the counsellor remains with the counsellor and it is not being overheard by others.
  • It is essential for the room to be attractive, comfortable and unique from the other rooms because children will need space for active and constructive play. This will help the child ease out from the stress that the child is facing.
  • Children’s counselling room should include wet area for messy play, clay, paints, drawing corner, reading corner, sink etc. These facilities should be given so that the child can feel comfortable in the space and can do things of his interest.
  • Counselling room should also include toys and materials that children can use during the sessions. The room should be clutter free so that child gets adjusted to the new room and do not feel restricted in the room.
  • Counselling room should also consider the flooring. Vinyl floor for the messy corner and the remaining counselling room should be carpeted so children can use the floor when required.
  • One-way mirror can be used for many purposes like, counsellor can use that to observe children when children are engaged in the counselling room. Counsellors can also observe the parents during the family interaction sessions. Counsellor can directly supervise the child without any assistance.
  • Another important tool for the counselling room is video camera, this can facilitate in the counselling process. Parents can use the recorded videotaped interactions for many purposes such as, changing their parenting styles, recognizing the positives and negatives of their parenting, changing their behaviours etc. Counsellors can use the recordings for improving their counselling skills, can rate a particular counselling strategy. Children can learn and practise new behaviours for example: children can role play certain behaviours and using the video recording can rate their behaviour.

For senior citizens


Senior citizens have to cope with many changes in their life. The three main adjustment that senior citizens have to do are: adjustment to retirement, adjustment to death of the spouse, adjustment to lower wage. Counselling should be given to the individuals for these changes and adjustments.

  • For senior citizens, counselling room should be ventilated, airy and it should be a welcoming space so that the individuals do not feel left out or lonely.
  • Senior citizens counselling room should have few recreational materials, because when they are exhausted with their emotional problems, they can rejuvenate using these materials. For example:books, easel, paints etc can be placed.
  • Senior citizens feel vulnerable in this present day and it is necessary to provide to them with the security they require. Counsellor can provide security by assisting them in their aging process, listening to their problems. A welcoming and soothing room can provide senior citizens with the security and safety that they require.
  • A large space can be divided into smaller pods and it can include different materials of their interest such as activity table, library, art and crafts etc.
  • Indoor and outdoor spaces can be blended together for an effective counselling process. Counsellor and senior citizens can take a walk to the outdoor space or sit on the benches in the outdoor space, this can improve the quality of the counselling process.

For group counselling


For group counselling, the counselling room setup is different to the individual counselling room setup. In group counselling many individuals with the same problem approach the counselling like, alcohol addiction, drug addiction, parents with parenting problems, teenagers with behavioural problems etc. In this counselling method the counsellor should change or adapt the counselling room according to the needs of the clients. Few tips to be considered for group counselling are:

  • Group counselling is basically for a group of individuals, so the counselling room must be adapted for a group of individuals. The chairs arranged in the counselling room should be arranged in c-shape or in u-shape manner. This is because the individuals in the group learns different strategies and coping techniques from another group member. In group counselling individuals learn from others.
  • The colour used in the counselling room should be light, so that the individuals in the groupwould relate to the counselling room. This brings about a positive change in the group members behaviour.
  • A flip chart can be place in the corner of the room as it can be used to jot down different aims of the group for that particular week, assessments can be made with the flip chart.
  • A centre table can be placed or few side tables can be placed because the counsellor can placefew necessary things on the table for the individuals to use it.
  • Few motivational frames can be put on the wall of the room, so that the individuals are motivated and can follow that in their lives.
  • Natural elements can be placed either on the table or at the corners of the room, so that the individuals feel light and airy. This can also enhance the appearance of the room by giving it a healthy, natural, rejuvenated feel.
  • Charts on that particular group can be displayed, for example: charts on alcohol and its effects on the individual can be displayed, good and bad behaviours, effect of smoking etc. This will helpindividuals to move forward in their counselling process.
  • Rules and regulation of the group can also be displayed in the room, so that once an individual joins the group and becomes a member, he/she should abide to the rules put by the facilitator.



Counselling room setup is the least focused during the counselling process. The counselling room setup supplements to the counselling process by helping the client to focus, to get along with the process, to build rapport with the counsellor, to bring positive changes in the client etc. Counselling room is a main aspect because it creates an impact in the counselee before meeting the counsellor. Counselling as a process brings about a change in the counselee and the room as a physical setting helps the counselee in preparing for the change that the counsellor is intending to make in the counselee. So it is important to categorize the physical setting of the counselling room as an important aspect for further changes in an individual.

you can view video on Counselling setup
