22 Role of Personnel in Early Childhood Education
N. Dhanya
HI everybody, happy to meet you and speak to you on therole of personnel in a preschool. We all know that early childhood education provides the foundation for later development. A child at this stage particularly needs an adult/teacher who has the necessary sensitivity, understanding and skills to handle and stimulate young children. Therefore the personality of the adults/teacher /worker is a crucial determinant of an early childhood programme. The teacher/worker should be pleasant, energetic and innovative with a basic interest and concern for children. An ability to interact and communicate meaningfully by being able to come down to the level of children is a necessary pre-requisite. Skills in creative and performing arts are additional assets which stand the early childhood teacher in good stead.
These characteristics and skills can and should be further reinforced by a well planned and systematic training. The training should be periodic in nature and should focus on developing in the teacher/worker an understanding of child development in children. If we consider the realities of most early childhood education programmes in our country we find that an average early childhood education group comprises 30-40 children. Keeping in mind the need of children for individual attention it is therefore necessary to provide a helper to the teacher/worker. The helper should not only be able to help bring children to school and assist the teacher/worker but also help in the day to day implementation of the programme. She should also be able to conduct some of the activities with children as and when the need arises. Particularly in view of this it is necessary that the helper be also adequately trained. This training can also be provided on the job itself. The specification for staff of early childhood centres/programmes are again delineated keeping in mind the contextual realities of our country. There are wide variations in quality of staff availability particularly between rural and urban prorammes as well as between commercial and non commercial programmes.
Young children experience their world as an environment of relationships and these relationships affect virtually all aspects of their development – intellectual, social, emotional etc. The quality and stability of a child’s human relationships in the early years lay the foundation for a wide range of later developmental outcomes that really matter – self confidence and sound mental health, motivation to learn, achievement in school and later in life, the ability to control aggressive impulses and resolve conflicts in non violent ways. Relationships engage children in the human community in ways that help them define who they are, what they can become, and how and why they are important to other people.
In the words of the distinguished developmental psychologist UrieBrofenbrenner: in order to develop normally, a child requires progressively more complex joint activity with one or more adults who have an emotional relationship with the child.
Simply stated, establishing successful relationships with adults and other children provides a foundation of capacities that children will use for a lifetime. Children who develop warm, positive relationships with their kindergarten teachers are more exited about learning, more positive about coming to school, more self confident, and achieve more in the classroom. Relationships with peers are also important.
Attachment and bonding should be reinforced throughout the early childhood years. Preschoolers trust in adults, self confidence, and even immune system get a boost from strong emotional attachments.
What do you think is the ideal Staff structure and adult child ratio?
o For 3-4 year olds – 1:25 with a helper
o For 4-6 year olds – 1:30 two units, may share a helper
o Preschools having multi age groups of 3-6 year olds – 1:25 with a helper.
Now lets quickly browse into the aspects of Preschool teachers’ commitment
A teacher’s job is paramount in the preschool – having a significant influence on the optimal development of each child. Teachers must acquire and be fully acquainted with updated professional knowledge. The teacher is professionally committed to all the children, to each group in the preschool and to their parents.
The preschool teacher’s professional commitment to the children is rooted in several basic principles:
Through acquaintance with each child through observations and follow up on their work, taking responsibility for the child’s progress by carrying out systematic observations conducted in the year.
- Quality interactions with each child
- Identification of difficulties and needs and creation of tailored work plans for each child
- Establishing a positive educational climate based on the relevant principles and standards
- Wise and well planned choices of educational subjects and materials
- Appropriate organization of the environment to suit the study programme
- Connection with community services
Moving on to Teacher child interactions, what is your view about such interactions? Do you think they are essential? Lets look into it..
Interactions between the child and the preschool teacher are highly important due to their impact on the child’s development. A good relationship forges a trusting and confident foundation. The preschool teacher is together with the child’s parents, a major role figure in early childhood. The personal encounter between the preschool teacher and the child is key in creating a substantial dialogue in which the child stands as an individual and not merely as part of a group. This encounter is deliberately planned by the teacher to get to know the child personally and become acquainted with his/her unique personality. It is also an opportunity to listen to the child’s needs and dreams and understand his/her difficulties. The emphasis is on the personal encounter that provides a sense of security, closeness, support and empathy. The aim is to observe the child and learn about him/her.
Positive teacher child relationships have a significant role in any child’s life…. When we talk of school, college and the like are we not reminded of teachers who have made a mark in our life? Lets see how they might have made it….
- In early childhood settings, each moment that teachers and children interact with one another is an opportunity to develop positive relationships.
- Teachers can use a variety of strategies to build positive relationships with children.
- Teacher behaviours such as listening to children, making eye contact with them, and engaging in many one to one, face to face interactions with young children promote secure teacher child relationships.
- Talking to children using pleasant, calm voices and simple language, and greeting children warmly when they arrive in the classroom with their parents or from the buses help establish secure relationships between teachers and children.
- It is important for teachers to use developmentally and individually appropriate strategies that take into consideration children’s differing needs, interests, styles and abilities.
- Teachers let children know they care about them through warm, responsive, physical contact such as giving pats on the back, hugging, and holding young children in their laps.
- For preschool children, teachers encourage mutual respect between children and adults by waiting until children finish asking questions before answering them, and by encouraging children to listen when others speak.
- In addition, teachers use of positive guidance techniques (modeling, encouraging appropriate behavior, redirecting children to more acceptable activities, setting clear limits) helps children develop trusting relationships with their teachers.
In developing positive teacher-child relationships, it is important to remember to:
- Engage in one to one interactions with children
- Get on the child’s level for face to face interactions
- Use a pleasant, calm voice and simple language
- Provide warm, responsive and physical contact
- Follow the child’s lead and interest during play
- Help children understand classroom expectations
- Redirect children when they engage in challenging behavior
- Listen to children and encourage them to listen to others
- Acknowledge children for their accomplishments and effort
- What is the importance of positive teacher child relationships
- To influencing young children’s social and emotional development.
- Help children build positive and emotionally secure relationships with adults.
- Develop positive and competent peer relationships.
- To reduce challenging behaviours and higher levels of competence in school.
- Learn from each other to further develop their skills and to improve practice and relationships
- Learn to support and also challenge one another.
- Learn to support and learn from one another, and to challenge poor practices.
- Warm and trusting relationships with children promotes their well being, self esteem and sense of security.
- When children feel confident, secure and supported by their educators, they are in the best position to explore their environment and engage in play and learning.
- Formation of respectable and equitable relationships
- Get support to build and maintain sensitive and responsive relationships with other children and adults.
- Help in growth and development of children’s sense of security and trust, and their feelings of belonging which form a foundation for children’s learning.
- Help in the acquisition of skills for life and learning.
- Help children to develop confidence in themselves and their ability to communicate, get along with other people, learn new things and meet challenges.
Having understood the importance of relationships in a preschool, let us take a look at the staff in a preschool
The regular staff of the preschool include: the teacher manager and an assistant as well as a supplemental teacher and assistant. In some preschools, there are other professionals such as a special education preschool teacher, a physical education teacher etc. What is the function of the teacher manager? She is responsible for planning, preparing and carrying out the preschool programme. She directs the staff’s pedagogic didactic work and is in charge of follow up and assessments, she maintains contacts with parents and other professionals and is responsible for all the organizational aspects of the preschool.
It is essential that the preschool staff work in a team… Team work helps in
- Creating the optimal preschool climate
- Achieving educational goals and fostering children’s development
- Communication and cooperation with the children’s parents
- Expanding the staff shared knowledge and enhancing professional development
- Establishing communication channels and working procedures
- Delineating areas of responsibility for each member of staff
- Carrying out staff meetings scheduled throughout the school year
- Defining responsibility and interaction channels with parents
- Prescribing procedures for communication with external expert professionals
Let us understand what are the requirements to qualify for a preschool teacher.. They can be categorized into essential qualifications and desirable qualifications
- Should have passed class X with 2 years training in early childhood education or should have passed class XII with one year training in early childhood education
- Should not be less than 18 years of age Desirable
- May be a post graduate or a graduate with specialization in child development/early childhood education
- Qualification in skills eg., music, arts etc
- Should be 21 years of age and above
- Qualifications of the helper
- Minimum education of standard VIII is desirable.
- Now let us focus on the general responsibilities and specific duties of a preschool teacher
- To herself:
- Remain in good physical and emotional health at all times
- Be progressive
- Be enthusiastic always
- Grow professionally
To the children
- Meet their needs
- Enjoy working and being with them
- Respect them as individuals
- Build desirable relationships with them
- Help them build a good self image
- A preschool teacher is responsible for teaching children, usually upto the age of five, about things related to intellectual, physical and social growth.
- She helps the children to interact with others while learning necessary tools to get them ready for kindergarten.
To the parents
- Provide good counseling
- Value them and their ideas
- Plan with them for the well being of the child
- Bridge the gap between the home and the school
To other staff members
- Support them
- Share ideas and knowledge
- Value them and their ideas
- Involve them in the programme
To the community
- Be aware of the problems of the community and try to solve them
- Participate in the local professional organizations pertaining to the welfare of children
- A preschool teacher is an individual who has a very important role in regard to their job duties.
- These individuals are the first teachers to provide instruction to the children and they have many different general responsibilities and specific duties in their daily teaching role.
What do you think are the responsibilities of a preschool teacher?
The preschool teacher has a number of general responsibilities in the daily teaching job.
- She must provide a wonderful learning environment for the children, teach them how to interact with others and help them with their daily needs.
- The preschool teacher must instruct children in basic educational programmes, teach them to be creative and provide them with a safe and caring environment to learn and grow.
- A preschool teacher has responsibilities to herself, the children, parents, other teachers in the school and the community.
Moving on to the Specific Duties
A preschool teacher has a wide array of specific duties which they must complete on a daily basis.
- With regard to educational aspects, the preschool teacher must prepare daily lesson plans to help the children start learning basic education to get them ready for primary school.
- The preschool teacher will have a set educational plan each day which the children will be involved with as a group.
- The preschool teacher must also prepare creative activities for the children to complete each day.
- She must also prepare outdoor activities and games for the students. This will help them improve their coordination and motor skills. She must ensure a safe play environment for the children to engage in activities within.
- A preschool teacher must also cater to the basic needs of the children.
- One who oversees a preschool class must feed the children, serve them food and help them with other needs.
- They must ensure that they provide a comfortable, nurturing environment for the little ones within their care.
- The preschool teacher is also responsible for meeting with other education professionals and parents of the children wherein she can discuss the lesson plans, what they are doing to improve their classroom techniques and how each of the children are doing with their progress.
- Be dressed appropriately. Clothing should be dignified, comfortable, easily cared for and permit freedom of movement
- Be on time. The teacher who is ready to receive the children before they arrive will find the day smoother.
- Take advantage of available literature and professional periodicals that furnish timely information on being an effective teacher
- Make sure the preschool setting is a child centred one. Give the necessary support needed but give the children an opportunity to explore and solve problems
- Allow time for children to help themselves
- Get to know each and every child well. Build a good relationship with each one
- Know how many are in the group each day, know where they are and what they are doing
- Plan ahead. Have the next activity ready before warning children that it is time to move from the present activity. Make sure that all the necessary materials are readily available before beginning an activity
- When another teacher or adult is handling a situation do not interfere unless help is interested
- Be a good house keeper both indoors and outdoors so that the school is always clean and attractive. At the same time avoid being so involved in cleaning, leaving children supervised.
- When discipline is necessary, see that the rules are set, understood and maintained. Be consistent in what is expected of the children
- Use voice as a teaching tool. A soft pleasant voice will receive better response than a loud gruff voice. Get to the child’s level by kneeling or sitting if necessary. Use verbalization as a technique in gaining cooperation from the children. Help them to understand what is expected of them
- Make sure that words and actions indicate the same thing. When it is time to go inside, for instance, tell the children and then go inside first
- Share ideas and experiences with other staff members
- Support the person who is planning the daily activities
- Be enthusiastic and enjoy being with the children. Relax and smile.
Here is a jist on some of the positive traits that a preschool teacher is bound to possess
- Compassion
- Able to relate information to the children in a way in which they can understand
- Good communication skills
- Alert
- Good in planning
- Creative
- Influence the child’s mind and mould their ability to learn
- Love and affection
- Deal with different types of problems
- Friendly with children
- Healthy, understanding, ready to work hard and willing to help children
- Sense of self adequacy
- Develop new skills through exploration and experimentation
- Patient
- Love for children and teaching
- Ability to communicate, inspire trust
- Be organized, dependable, patient and creative
- Able to work cooperatively and communicate effectively
- Well dressed and well rested.
- Remain alert
- Be an attentive listener
- Think before speaking
- Remain calm and quiet.
- Have passion for the subject
- Creativity – develop lesson plans and projects
- Flexibility
- Connect – form a connection with each and every student. Knowledge has to form a connection to the student, but the teacher has to be the representation and medium of that knowledge.
- Confidence
- True compassion for students
- Understanding
- Ability to look at life in a different way and to explain a topic in a different way
- Dedication to excellence
- Unwavering support
- Willingness to help students achieve
- Pride in student’s accomplishments
- Passion
- Knowledge, communication, interest, respect
- Create an environment where learning, exploration and opportunities for experimentation and discovery occur naturally and in an enjoyable manner.
- Creative and inspirational teachers motivate their students to learn by using their personal qualities, their positive experiences and their excellent communication skills
- Empathy
- Positive mental attitude
- Open to change
- Role model
- Sense of humour
- Presentation skills
- Calmness
- Respectful
- Inspirational
Lets have a quick look at what are the other roles to be adorned by a preschool teacher…. Are you aware of any? Here they are..
The first foremost job is to plan and prepare the environment for learning. Because young children learn through play, it is essential to provide the materials and equipment essential for meaningful play activities that support the development of multiple intelligence. The classroom and the outdoor area must be set up with care so that the children will find interesting, stimulating, meaningful and challenging things to do in an atmosphere that is orderly, safe and has a sense of purpose. Young children also learn best when they feel emotionally safe and supported. When planning the classroom the children’s languages and differing abilities have to be borne in mind. Make sure that the environment and the materials reflects a respect and concern for each child as a unique individual and as a member of a family and community.
When the planning and preparation are finished and children arrive for the day, the teacher’s role shifts to that of a facilitator. It must be made sure that every child has the opportunity to experience success and learn according to individual needs, styles, and levels of ability. The teacher should move about the classroom and the outdoor area while the children are playing. Watch, listen and talk with the children during their play. Ask open ended questions to help children extend their thinking and enrich their vocabulary. Open ended questions are those with many possible answers. While moving about the learning environment, the teacher must be alert for special moments of discovery – “teachable moments”. While working with children in an exploratory way, always the teacher should remember that their learning will be less meaningful if she gives them the answer or giving to them the directions of the activity. While facilitating children’s learning it is necessary that the teacher takes over things up and provides materials, time, space and encouragement so that they can find their own answers in their own way and in their own time.
The children’s play time is also a time for observing each child carefully. Through careful observation of children at work and play one can begin to see which skills they have mastered and which skills need additional reinforcement. The teacher’s observation can give an insight into which intelligences are used more than others by a particular child. They may also raise the child’s awareness of a child’s cultural, linguistic and developmental needs.
Social skills such as cooperating, getting along with others, and communicating effectively to solve problems can be modeled through actions and words like teaching politeness and courtesy by saying ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ to the children and to other adults in the room. By looking at the lesson plans or reading a note from a parent the importance of reading and writing is modeled. By wiping up a spill or helping to put the blocks back on the shelf during the clean up time, the teacher is showing an example that taking care of the classroom and keeping it neat and orderly are important things to do. By feeling upset or angry she can teach children how to deal with strong emotions by expressing the feelings in a socially acceptable way.
Provide scaffolding
Another way early childhood teachers support children is by providing scaffolding for learning. The primary ingredient in providing scaffolding is in the teacher. When children are engaged in play throughout the teacher has to be tuned to their needs and watch for teachable moments and be ready to help children to develop new skills that build on existing skills. The teacher should talk to them through the activity and support their emerging skills and knowledge.
Team player
Each staff member is an important part f the teaching plan. In the classroom, team members should work together very closely, joining forces to facilitate learning for the children. As with any type of team, each member has specific responsibilities. It is important that each team member’s responsibilities are clearly understood by all so that the classroom can function smoothly and effectively.
Plan and implement the curriculum, implement classroom management techniques, assess children’s growth and development, make referrals for special needs, and report progress to parents.
Teaching assistant
Other caregivers, such as assistants or aides, are typically responsible for helping the teacher manage the classroom and implement the curriculum. Division of specific duties will vary from classroom to classroom and should be decided upon by each teaching team. Team members should sit down together at the beginning of the school year and talk about how they will divide the responsibilities. When the assistant is uncertain about something the teacher does or expects, its important to ask questions and come to a mutual understanding of what is expected of him/her.
Ask children open ended questions to extend their learning, ask questions from each category.
A preschool teacher has a whole lot of responsibilities as she is the one who deals with the future nation builders. She can make a change in the society. Though she has lot of duties to perform and so many obligations, her job is quite rewarding and satisfying.
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