37 Assessment of Play Equipment and Ability to Use
P. Jagathambal
That is how to evaluate the equipment in an ECE center
- As an educator, parent or care taker of children in the age of 2 – 6 years of age, what could be their expectations about school?
- As a place where a child spend more than 3 hours, how an ECE center should be?
- Any idea?
- Most of us think about financial aspect – whether we could afford to pay
- Some might think about distance of the school – will it be possible for my child to travel the distance
- Some might give a thought towards the teachers and teaching methods
- Only very few think about the safety and comfort of children
- Of course most of the parents visit the schools prior to admitting the child to the school
- Actually what they focus on may be the safety during travel and in classrooms
- But they should give attention to the equipment and materials the children are provided with for learning and play
Most of the ECE centers follow play way method of teaching, wherein the children are expected to use play materials and equipment both for learning and playing. Wherever the children are, they use one or the other material to learn, play or eat.
So the selection of play material becomes the prime of establishing an ECE center, and equal attention should be given to their maintenance.
An Early childhood educator should have wide and immense knowledge on this aspect and the parents need to give equal contribution.
As all of us aware play helps children in various ways. It helps the children to build their bodies, it makes them fit and teaches them vital skills like planning, negotiating, being creative and it also motivates the children to take risks and to experiment, it also enables the children to have fun and enjoying themselves.
This brings in the necessity for the appropriate provision for equipment in an ECE center
– both for learning and playing. When play becomes mode of learning like in most ECE centers, the need is still the more.
Equipment selection and maintenance forms the basic part of running an ECE center. The process does not end with selection and maitanence, ensuring the safety of the play settings are very much needed. The settings should be safe and inviting and any equipment or materials used should also be safe, durable and appropriate for the age, ability and cultural background of the child or children.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this session, the learners are expected to gain knowledge on the following aspects
- Importance of play and play equipment
- Criteria for selection of equipment
- Equipment for various domains of development
- Assessment and evaluation of various equipment
- Ability to use the equipment
Importance of play and play equipment
Play is an essential and critical part of all children’s development. Play is considered as a child’s work which obviously they enjoy and do. Play is important for children’s all round development and for children to bond. It offers a chance for a child to connect with their peers and adults and gain a little understanding of the world around them. They in way of imitating the adults are making themselves ready for their future role. They play together with their age mates and acquire a sense of cooperation and belongingness. Play cannot be separated from a child’s life and so do the play equipment. Any ECE center irrespective of the methodology they follow, should possess the required equipment
Equipment is very important for effective functioning of any ECE center. There is a need for variety of equipment to provide the children with challenging and interesting learning experiences. The curriculum of ECE center requires different types of equipment to enhance the motor skills, muscular coordination, social skills, cognitive skills, creativity, imagination and emotional stability.
Hurlock calls early childhood as toy age which shows the importance of toys and play materials in the life of a child.
Criteria for selection of materials
An ECE center should provide high quality early learning experiences for the children through safe and stimulating environments that are warm, comfortable and aesthetically pleasing. Children are active learners and they prefer to use the physical environment in a direct, hands-on manner which gives them a sense of achievement and satisfaction . The physical environment of the ECE center and all the materials and equipment in the center are part of a child’s learning experience. The schedule, space, interaction with others and daily routines all provide learning opportunities. The learning environment should provide a rich assortment of materials and equipment for children to develop socially, cognitively and physically.
As an ECE educator, the administrators and the teachers should take ultimate care in selecting the equipment and play materials for the children. Each and every item starting from kitchen utensils till the cleaning materials, everything should be child friendly and goal oriented. Balancing between these two criteria is a tough task and it requires the knowledge and skill of the educator to balance them.
Factors to be considered in selecting equipment for an ECE center
The materials and equipment should:
- be available in large numbers for each and every child to use them comfortably
- be varied in shape and size so that they suit the ability of the children
- cater to the developmental needs of children
- offer many types of play so that an equipment can be utilized for multiple purpose
- provide opportunities for children to experiment, explore and gain knowledge
- be accessible to children to use and replace.
- be organized into different corners of interest like manipulative corner, dramatic corner etc
- be arranged so that each child can play on their own interest and capacity and no interference among them
- encourage acceptance of diversity (race, culture, age, abilities, gender) in all activity areas
- be rotated and changed frequently based on the children’s interests
- be provided as indoor and outdoor activities to broaden children’s exploration and experiences
Types of equipment
An ECE centers include varied activities to enhance all round development of the children. This brings in the need to equip the ECE center with a variety of play materials and toys. Based on the purpose and location they can be grouped into different categories
Materials and Equipment for the Early Childhood Education Centre
Dramatic Play
- kitchen equipment – vessels, dishes, spoons, ladles, plates , cups etc
- child sized furniture – tables , chairs, storage cabinets
- toy Telephones
- Child-sized cleaning equipment (brooms,mops,dustpan,etc.)
- Assorted dolls and accessories
- Dollhouse
- buckets , tubs and mugs
- costumes
•Blocks of different sizes and shapes and colours
• Sturdy wooden toys (cars,trucks, boats,planes, tractors, buses, helicopters)
Creative and art materials
- Adjustable easel boards
- Paints and Brushes of different size
- Painting smocks
- Crayons and Colored chalk
- Moulding Clay of different colors
- Scissors and glue
- Papers of different variety like color papers, hand made papers, tissue paper, news papers, white drawing paper)
- Drying rack for paintings
- Miscellaneous items ( wiping clothes, beads, glitters natural materials )
- books
- Computer and printer
- audio system – CD player,
- LCD projector
- Flannelboard with stand and flannel pieces
- Magazines
Manipulative equipment
- puppets – hand , finger, stick
- Puzzles – word puzzles, picture puzzles
- Games (board games) – chess, carom, Chinese checkers, ludo, snake and ladder
- Beads and strings
Science equipment
- Aquarium and pets
- Magnets of various kinds
- Magnifying glasses
- Pegs and pegboards
- Scales
- Rhythm instruments
- Sandbox
- Outdoor equipment (gardening tools)
Out door activities
- Balance beam
- Tumbling mat
- Rocking boat
- Steps and slides
- Walking boards
- Jungle gym
- Fabric tunnel
- Climbing ladder, rope
- Balls
- Bowling set
Equipment for various domains of development
Play is very crucial for children. Through their play experiences, the children are able to improve overall physical fitness, build a variety of skills, work on problem solving, practice communication and set goals to reach.
Most of the ECE centers follow play as learning method where the Children are active learners and they use the physical environment in a direct, hands-on manner. The physical environment, as well as all the materials and equipment are part of a child’s learning experience.
Each child need to be given opportunities to gain all round development and toys and equipment are to be accordingly
Thus a child-development – oriented curriculum needs different types of equipment for the development of various domains
- Muscular co-ordination (jungle gym, swings, balancing boards etc.)
- Social skills (puppets, kitchen sets,doctor set etc,)
- Language (books, pictures, flannelograph cards etc.)
- Creativity (sand, clay paints etc.)
- Imagination and other cognitive abilities (constructing and building different types of blocks, shapes etc.)
Physical Development
Gross motor/ fine motor development
- climbing/swinging equipment – climber, ladder, slide, climbing rope, boxes, planks, tires, balance beam, safety mats, swings, tunnels
- wheeled equipment and accessories: tricycles, riding toys, wagons
- games equipment: assorted balls, sets of games equipment, bean bags, skipping ropes, tumbling mats
- manipulative toys: shape sorters, peg boards, stringing beads, sewing cards, things to fill and dump, trucks, boats, trains, animals, multi-ethnic people
- puzzles: wooden form, inlay, sequence
- blocks: sets of medium/large sizes
- construction toys: nesting/stacking toys, interlocking blocks, accessories, e.g. train with interlocking track
Self-help skills
- private storage,
- child-accessible, labelled, open shelving
- appropriate sized/accessible furnishings
- stool to help child reach toilet, sink, change table
Health and safety habits
- individual equipment for hygiene
- safety equipment: e.g. safety mats, helmets as needed
Intellectual Development
- sand/sensory materials and accessories
- water play equipment and accessories
- modelling materials and accessories
- cooking equipment and supplies
- science equipment: plants and pets, magnifying glass, magnets, scales and objects to weigh, sets of animals including dinosaurs, nature collections
- card and board games, memory games
- objects to sort and classify
- materials to string (various sizes, types)
- visually stimulating display: pictures, artwork, toys
- shape sorters, stencils, tracing supplies
Creative activity
- art and craft materials : easels, drying rack or space, equipment and materials for painting, drawing and colouring, cutting, gluing, collage
- music/dance equipment: music, instruments, props.
- housekeeping equipment: dolls and accessories, furniture, dishes, foods
- imaginative play equipment: dress-up clothes, puppets, prop kits, unbreakable mirror
Aesthetic activities
- grass, garden
- gardening/nature equipment, e.g. trowels, bird feeder
Sensory motor development
• floor pillows, soft sofa/chairs, varied floor surfaces, bubble-blowing supplies, sensory materials
Language Development
Receptive & expressive language skills
- books and storytelling equipment: picture and story books; puppets, theatre, and props; felt board and figures; sofa or comfortable chair
- listening equipment: tape/CD player, selection of music and songs, selection of stories on tape or CD
- telephones, walkie talkies, cans and string
- writing equipment: paper, illustrating materials
Emotional Development
Positive/ accurate self-concept
- picture/artwork display at child’s eye level, including various cultures, gender roles and abilities
- photographs of children
- unbreakable mirror
Expressing feelings appropriately
- carpets, pillows, soft furnishings
- nook or other quiet space to be alone
- stuffed toys, dolls
- safe place to “let off steam”
Social Development
Working cooperatively & independently
- equipment and play props for group time, small group activity centres
- artwork, blocks, and construction equipment in adequate number for group play
- board and card games and large motor equipment promoting cooperative group play equipment designed with wide slides, platforms for more than one child
- equipment for solitary activities: space, tent, carpet squares or soft chairs for individual children
Assessment and evaluation of various equipment
Toys and equipment that can be adapted to suit different ages, levels of ability, and indoor or outdoor environments are particularly useful. An Early childhood educator and care takers should possess intense knowledge to assess the equipment used for the children in the center
Play equipment and toys should be assessed for their appropriateness. Any equipment should suit the purpose for which it is used.
Play material should be suitable for the age, maturity and developmental needs of children. An early childhood educator need to concentrate on the needs of individual child as well as group while using the equipment
An early childhood personnel should check the play materials and equipment for the durability of the equipment and the safety of the children who use them. The indoor and outdoor toys should be firmly fixed. Small toys should be kept in low shelves so that they are easily accessible for the children.
Attention should be given to assess the toys on the basis of their utility. A play equipment need to involve various skills of the child like physical skills, emotional skills and social skills.
Any equipment can be utilized for its maximum capacity only when it is carefully selected, purposefully used and periodically assessed
Ability to use the equipment
Children must be supervised at all times while using outdoor play equipment, risk assessments should be conducted to determine the appropriate number of people required to supervise play areas . Supervising staff should be familiar with the equipment, the rules for use and of the ability of the children.
General guidelines
- The children should be educated about ways of using climbing equipment.
- The ECE personnel must ensure that outdoor play equipment is visible and can be appropriately supervised when in use.
- They have a responsibility to make regular checks for defects and record and report
- Consideration should be given taking into consideration the age and number of children using it at any one time.
- have a responsibility to ensure appropriate behaviour policy
- Consideration needs to be given to weather conditions, outdoor play equipment should not be used during wet or icy conditions.
- Apparatus must only be used at appropriate times when supervised
Suitable clothing should be worn. Hazards can arise from – unfastened coats, woollen gloves, scarves, ties, etc.
Appropriate footwear must be worn. Hazards arise from – slippery soles, open toed and sling back sandals, heels and untied laces, etc.
Play equipment standards
- All outdoor and indoor play equipment must be designed, constructed, installed and maintained .
- Height should not be the dominant feature on any item of equipment.
- challenge and enjoyment should be achieved without the need for height itself.
- Interest Climbing elements must not exceed 3 Metres, for children below 5 height should be a maximum of 1.6M.
- Structures must be spaced clear of each other to prevent one activity interfering with another, they must also be clear of walls, fences etc.
Although impact absorbing surfaces cannot prevent accidents they may reduce the level of injury. There are a range of surfaces available including rubber mats and tiles, bark etc. Materials such as top soil and turf do have limited impact absorbing properties.
Loose materials will spread if not suitably contained and will need to be topped up from time to time, thus it is important to have additional bark available to top up to the original level.
For any new equipment a post installation inspection must be arranged..
Daily / pre use checks by staff
Equipment need to be checked for the following criteria
- There should not be any evidence of obvious wear / damage in the equipment
- Area safe from health hazards e.g. needles, glass, faeces etc.
- Impact absorbing surfaces no cuts, tears, wear or unstuck areas
- All fastening tightly secured
- No broken chains, stretched links or loose or twisted shackles
- Uprights unbroken and firm in the ground
Where any defects / hazards are identified appropriate steps must be taken to prevent use until problems have been satisfactorily resolved.
Termly inspection in house
A more thorough check of the equipment to be conducted termly and these records kept on site.
Annual inspection
A detailed certified inspection by an independent competent person and these checks must be formally recorded and records kept on site.
Such checks ensure safety and identifies any improvements required in terms of the European standards
The competent person conducting the annual inspection will advise on the extent of surfacing required for both static and moving equipment
Play is the work of children. They love and enjoy playing. An ECE center caters to the development needs of children mostly through play. They procure equipment and materials to suit the needs and abilities of children. An early childhood educator should show competence in selecting, maintaining and utilizing the equipment. Only then the child development oriented curriculum will reach its goal of catering to the all development of children.
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Web links
- https://en.unesco.org/themes/early-childhood-care-and-education
- www.healthofchildren.com › E-F
- https://childdevelopment.com.au/areas-of-concern/self-care/self-care-skills/
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spatial_relation
- https://www.reference.com › World View › Social Sciences
- https://www.interglot.com/dictionary/en/en/translate/intellectual%20developmen