20 Salads and its types
R. Radha
A salad is one of the healthiest appetizers that one could consume. Salad may be combination of vegetables or may be in combination with pulses, greens, dry fruits, nuts etc. It may be either seasoned with oil or fat, or with some other dressing. They can also be accompanied by fish, meat, poultry and many other ingredients.
Different sauces can also be added to enhance the quality and also to compliment various flavours to the salad. Herbs can be used in salad preparation or salad dressing to increase the wellness quotient. The salad gives us nutrients like vitamins and minerals to lead a healthy life.
- Understand what are salads
- Describe different types of salads available and its preparation
- Describe the art of displaying salad while serving the food
Salad is derived from the Latin word ‘Sal’ which was obtained from the actual word salata, meaning “salted things”. Ancient Greeks and Romans enjoyed consuming salads i.e. in the form of salted vegetables. As time progressed, the salad gained popularity and people started including many other ingredients like meat, nuts, pulses, legumes etc in various cuisines. Salad recipes varied according to the place and time. Chef’s salad is called as composed salad with arrangement of different ingredient layers and was enjoyed in 18th century.
Several variations are possible in salads depending on
- Types of ingredients used (vegetables, fruits, greens, meat etc)
- Types of flavours used (mustard, basil, garlic etc)
- Types of dressings used (mayonnaise, ranch and eggless caesar dressing etc)
- Time of consumption ( appetizers , main course , desert salads etc)
- Temperature ( cold and warm salads)
The sauce that is used to give flavour to the salad is called as Dressing. Most of the salads are served cold, but some are served warm like potato salad. Salads can be served as
- Appetizer salad or a light salad, that stimulates ones appetite and it is served at the beginning of the meal.
- The salad if served as a main course may contain a portions of meat, poultry, beef, seafood and vegetables.
- Palate cleaning salad ( what we call now as desert salad which may contain gelatin, fruits and whipped cream) is also another type of salad that is served after the main course has been finished
5.1.Vegetable Salad
Common raw vegetables including greens can be used in this type of salad. Raw vegetables used in this type of salad include carrot, cucumber, tomato, onion, spring onion, celery, capsicum radish etc. Other ingredients like mushroom, avocado, olives, hardboiled egg, artichoke, roasted red bell peppers, green beans, croutons, cheese, meat or sea foods can also be added to this type salads
5.2. Green salad
Green salad, as the name suggests that this salad is composed of green leafy vegetables like lettuce and spinach. The salad leaves are chopped into fine sized fragments and blended together. It can also be served in a pre-determined arrangement which is called as composed salad. It can also be blended with croutons and nuts.
5.3. Bound salad
Bound salads are salads that are bound together by a thick sauce like mayonnaise. The bound salad can be grouped as arranged, tossed or composed salads. Examples of bound salad include tuna salad, pasta salad, chicken salad, egg salad and potato salad to name a few.
Bound salads are very popular among kids and it can be served in picnics, parties as they can be prepared, refrigerated and served.
5.4. Main Course Salad
Main course salad is also known as dinner salad. This may contain food intended for main course like, fried or grilled chicken, seafood and meat. Example for this type of salad is Caesar salad, Chef salad and Greek salad
5.5 Fruit Salad
Fruit salads are made with variety of fresh fruits which include apple, mangoes, pineapples, kiwi, grapes, papaya, water melon etc. This type of salad can also be prepared by using preserved fruits which are canned or tinned
5.6 Dessert Salad
Dessert salads are prepared with fresh fruits and baked items. Common variants are made with whipped cream or fresh cream. Example: Jelly salad, Cookie salad etc.
Generally the salad is made up of four layers namely base, body, garnish and dressing. But it is not mandatory to have all the four to make a salad
- Base or Underliner
Leafy greens usually form the base of salad. They give attraction to any type of salad. Bound salads, vegetables and fruit salads are more appealing when they are dressed with base or under liner. Tossed green salad, fruit salad and the salads that are either served in bowl or plate will contain the base or under liner. A layer of shredded, flat leaves or of diced lettuce can also be used as a base.
- Body
This is the main part of the salad that receives our attraction towards the salad. For a good appealing salad the body of salad dressing is very much important.
- Garnish
A garnish is an edible decorative item that is added to a salad to give eye appeal as well as flavor. It should not be elaborate or it should not dominate the salad. Garnish may be mixed with the other salad ingredients and it can be just topped once the preparation is complete.
Dressing is a liquid or semi liquid component which is added to the body of the salad. It also adds flavor, spiciness and moistness to the salad. Dressing is nothing but seasoning. Dressing may also be added at the time of serving or served separately or can be mixed with the ingredients at the time of preparation.
Examples of Salad dressing
- Mayonnaise
- Vegetable purees
- White sauce etc
Unlike other food, the appearance and arrangement of the salad is essential to its quality.
The guidelines for arranging salads are
- Keep the salad at the rim of the plate:
Assume the rim as a frame and arrange the salad within the frame. Select the right place to portion out the salad. It should not be too large or too small.
- Give a good balance of colors:
Three colors are usually enough but at some time the garnish of the salad with greens will give attraction to our eyes. Too many colors may look unpleasing to the consumer’s eyes. Hence it should be avoided
- Height helps to make a salad attractive:
Ingredients should not be arranged flat but it should be mounted on the plate which will attract the consumer’s eye. Lettuce cups are considered as the base and height for the salad. Arrange ingredients like fruits and tomato slices in such a way they overlap with the other ingredients and will not look flat.
- Cut ingredients neatly:
- Make every ingredient identifiable:Cut every ingredient into large enough pieces so that the customer can recognize them immediately. Seasoning of ingredients like onion should be chopped finely.
- Keep it simple:
A simple natural arrangement is pleasing and attractive. An elaborate design, complicated arrangement or a cluttered plate is not pleasing.
The quantum is of paramount importance. Even if the salad is presented in the best manner, there will be no consumers if it is not presented in right quantity and mix.
Essential points to be considered while preparing and serving a salad
- ¨ Prepare all ingredients like washing and cutting the greens, prepare cooked vegetables. Cut all fruits, vegetables and garnish it. Mix bound and marinated salads and serve it chill.
- ¨ Arrange salad plates on the work table. Line them up on trays for easy transfer to refrigerator.
- ¨ Place bases and under liners in the plate properly
- ¨ Arrange the body of the salad together on all plates
- ¨ Garnish with the required items that are available.
- ¨ Refrigerate until the service. Do not hold more than few hours or else the salads will wilt. Holding boxes should have high humidity.
- ¨ Don’t add dressings to green salads until service or they will wilt.
Essential points to be considered while preparing and serving a salad
- ¨ Prepare all ingredients like washing and cutting the greens, prepare cooked vegetables. Cut all fruits, vegetables and garnish it. Mix bound and marinated salads and serve it chill.
- ¨ Arrange salad plates on the work table. Line them up on trays for easy transfer to refrigerator.
- ¨ Place bases and under liners in the plate properly
- ¨ Arrange the body of the salad together on all plates
- ¨ Garnish with the required items that are available.
- ¨ Refrigerate until the service. Do not hold more than few hours or else the salads will wilt. Holding boxes should have high humidity.
- ¨ Don’t add dressings to green salads until service or they will wilt.
9.1. French Dressing
The oil and vinegar emulsion is called French dressing. It is made by mixing two or three parts oil with one part of vinegar. Salt, pepper and sometimes mustard are added. The mixing is done in a salad bowl or a bar shaker. The use of the blender gives a better result. French dressing will separate after sometime. It has to be made fresh or blended before use
9.2. Mayonnaise
Mayonnaise is a creamy mixture of egg yolks, oil, acid, liquid and spices. The egg acts as emulsifier to the process of whipping with a wire whisk. The yolk, while whipped vigorously, absorbs the oil in very small amount at a time. All the ingredients must be in a temperature range of 65℉ to 75 ℉.If they are colder than that, emulsification of egg take place and the mixture will curdle. The same will happen if the oil is added rapidly. Mayonnaise may also be made in the blender. For real commercial mayonnaise centrifuges are used.

- Prepare all the required ingredients.
- Clean or wipe the bowl with the towel or tissue.
- Separate the egg yolks into the bowl.
- Add mustard oil to it.
- At the initial stages mix at a low speed and then mix at the higher speed.
- Add little oil for the smooth flow. Stop it after a cup of oil is used.
- Reduce to slow speed. Add half the vinegar.
- Continue on high speed. Add the remaining oil
- Add salt, pepper, and remaining vinegar. Store at 45oF to 60o F.
- Paneer, apple and pineapple salad
- Russian salad
- Pasta salad etc

Tomato sauce (optional) ½ tsp
- Slice paneer, apple (do not peel), pineapple, cucumber and grapes.
- Grate the carrots, chop the walnuts.
- For dressing blend cream add curd, sugar, tomato sauce and chilli dressing.
- Mix the fruit, paneer, cucumber, walnuts and add salt.
- Add chilled dressing and mix thoroughly.

- Clean all the vegetables
- Shell the peas, cut beans and carrots. Boil the potatoes.
- Steam peas, beans and carrot till it become tender.
- Hard boil the eggs by boiling 10-20 minutes and then put in cold water.
- Remove the shell and slice the egg (reverse the slice from center of the egg for garnishing). Chop pineapples.
- Mix the mayonnaise and the cream and season it.
- Mix the vegetables, eggs and pineapple bits with the prepared dressing and place in a bowl lined with salad leaves
- Garnish with the slice of boiled eggs and pineapple bits.
No of serving=1
Size of serving= 1 soup bowl

- Boil macaroni in plenty of water, drain and cool under running tap water. o Peel and dice the cucumber into cubes.
- Dice tomatoes and paneer into cubes. Chop capsicum finely.
- Mix mayonnaise cream, tomato sauce, chili garlic sauce and season it to prepare the dressing.
- Mix dressing with all other ingredients. o Serve chilled with the lettuce leaves.
No of Serving= 1
Size of Serving=1 soup bowl.
Example of Main Meal Accompaniments are
- Mixed pulses and vegetable salad
- Sprouted moong salad
- Toasted
- Mixed vegetable salad
- Potato salad

- Boil the soaked pulses and potatoes separately
- Peel and dice potatoes and cucumber. Finely chop onions.
- Mix all the ingredients. Add salt, pepper and lemon juice.
- Mix well and serve in a bowl lined with salad leaves.
No of Serving =1 small bowl
Size of Serving=1

- Boil and cut potatoes into cubes.
- Cut the tomatoes and chop the spring onions
- Steam the sprouted moong
- Mix all the vegetables with the sprouted moong
- Add salt and pepper to the curd and beat it well
- Mix the curd dressed with vegetables and serve in a glass bowl lined with salad leaves.
No of serving = 1
Size of serving = 1 bowl

- String the French beans and cut into long pieces , shell peas and dice carrots
- Steam the vegetables till tender
- Chill the steamed vegetables for about an hour in a refrigerator.
- Add chopped green chillies.
- Mix curd and fresh cream, season with salt, pepper, chilli and mix thoroughly.
- Mix vegetables with the dressing.
- Serve salad on the bed of salad leaves and sprinkle with chopped mint.
No of serving = 1
Size of serving = 1 bowl

For dressing
- Heat the fruit juice
- Make a paste of corn flour with water
- Add to the juice and cook till it is thick. Add sugar and remove from fire
- Cool and then mix cream, chill it in refrigerator
For salad
- Peel the orange and remove seeds to get the segments.
- Dice the apple with skin
- Mix all the fruits with the dressing and serve in a bowl lined with salad leaves. Garnish with glazed cherries.
No of serving = 1
Size of serving = 1 bowl
Salads are the good source of vitamins and minerals packed with dietary fiber. It gives early satiety (feeling of fullness) to the consumer. Vegetable and fruit salads add variety to the diet. Including salad in place of deep fried snacks helps to prevent obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes etc. Whole grain and sprouted grams salad provide necessary protein, vitamins with fewer calories. Heat liable nutrients are retained when vegetables are consumed in the form of salad and delivers full nutrients to the body.
Nowadays people are more aware about the health benefits of salad, as it is low in calories, packed-up with antioxidant that scavenges the free radicals. Also it is rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals. It consumes minimal time to prepare at any time and place.
Salad making is easy and generally consists of few steps namely washing, chopping and mixing of the vegetables chosen for the particular salad recipe.
No sophisticated equipment is needed for it. It can be consumed at mid-morning, during meal time and even as a snack in the evening.
It is advisable that one should include a nutritious salad in daily diet. Learning different varieties of salad preparation dressing can bring flavors and variation to satisfy the individual taste buds.
It is seen that salad dressing are available at the stores and this had made it more convenient for preparation of salad.
A note of precaution is that one has to be cautious while washing the vegetables to rid off the pesticides and other unwanted microorganism as this may cause illness.
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1 N, Fundamentals of Culinary Art, Vol.I Chand Publication; 2002
2 G, Essentials of Professional cooking, John Wiley and Sons Publication,2004
3 Steven Wheeler, Taste of India, Anness Publishing Limited, 1994
4 Mridula Baljekar, Raji Fermandez, Shehzad Husain, Manisha Kanani, Compute Indian Cooking, Anness Publishing Ltd, 2004, 2010
5 Thangam E Philip, Modern Cooking, Forth Edition, Vol 1. 1988
Web Links
- www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/salad
- theculinarycook.com/types-of-salad-and-salad-dressings/
- www.thefreedictionary.com/salad
- www.ihmpusa.net/StudentsHandout/5thSem(FP)SALADS.pdf
- www.foodtimeline.org/foodsalads.html