22 Baking Basics
R. Radha
Consumption of cereals has been an integral part of human civilization since time immemorial. Cereals cooked in different ways reflect progress of mankind. Baking, as it is known today, was introduced in India in 18th century and was confined to section of the society. However, nowadays because of awareness, baked products such as bread, cakes, biscuits etc are consumed in almost every household in India.
1. Describe the meaning of baking
2. Understand the changes happening during baking and
3. To learn preparation of different bakery products.
The changes undergone by a dough or batter, as it bakes in the oven by hot air is called as baking process. Some of the examples of baked products are biscuits, cakes, puffs, bread, bun, soup sticks, cookies, macrons, pastries, pizza base etc
a. Formation and expansion of gases
Some gases are already present in the dough, as in proofed bread dough and in sponge cake batters. As they are heated, the gases expand and leaven the product. Some gases are not formed until heat is applied. Fast acting baking powder form gases rapidly when first placed in the oven. Steam is also formed as the moisture in the dough is heated.
b. Trapping of gases in the air cell
Gases are formed and trapped in the network formed by the proteins in the dough. These proteins are primarily gluten and sometimes egg protein. Without gluten or egg protein, the gases would escape and product would not be leavened.
c. Coagulation of proteins
At the right temperature protein coagulate or solidify giving a structure to the baked products. Hence maintaining correct baking temperature is very important.
d. Evaporation of water
Moisture in the dough evaporates during the baking process, when heat is applied.
e. Melting of shortening
Different shortening melts at different temperature in any of baked products. As they melt, they surround the flour cells and make product soft.
f. Browning of surface and crust formation
Browning occurs when sugar caramelizes. Other than sugar milk, and egg also helps for browning reaction.
- Forms the foundation of breads, cakes, biscuits, pastries and cookies.
- Gluten a protein present in flour plays an important role in formation of dough
- Flour gives structure to product.
- east grows and releases carbon di oxide within dough, giving a right structure. The flour should be tested before using for any bakery preparation.
1. Acts as an enriching agent
2. Used for lamination of various dough especially egg puff dough
3. Gives color to various pastries
4. Acts as an emulsifying agent
5. Provides softness to baked products
6. It gives volume to cakes and sponges.
Leavening agents
Baked products made are light and easily chewed because baked products made with leavening have an open or more porous grain than and unleavened products. The digestive juices come in contact with food and make it easily digestible. Baked products made with leavening agent are more palatable and appetizing than those made without leavening.
The leavening of baked products may be brought about by four general methods
a)By means of air (mechanical) BY CREAMING ACTION: where air is whipped into shortening and sugar during creaming and expands when heated in oven to give more volume.
b)BY BEATEN EGGS: We all know that when eggs are beaten they become fluffy and foamy. This helps to leaven the product.
c) Liberating CO2 gas in dough by means of yeast action. An example of this method is bread.
a) Producing leavening action by use of chemicals. Example of such chemicals are Baking soda, baking powder, baking cream and ammonium carbonate.
Provide sufficient food to yeast to produce carbondioxide gas. Being a hygroscopic substance retains moisture, it helps to keep the product fresh and moist for longer time. Imparts golden brown colour to crust. Improves taste and flavour of the product.
- Strengthen gluten formation
- Salt imparts taste to bread
- It is also one of the most important constituent to bring out the flavor of bread
- Being a hydroscopic substance, it helps to keep the bread fresh and moist for longer time
- Enhances color
- Acts as a preservative
- Control yeast growth/yeast action
- Sources of moisture which strengthen gluten
- Helps to mix and dissolve the ingredients
- Gives a rise to the sponges by changing itself into stream
- Gives volume in production of breads
- Acts as an excellent glaze for all products
- Very good moisturizing agent
- Coagulates and gets right shape in baked goods
- Excellent binding agent
- A variety of dried and preserved fruits and nuts can be used in baked products to give different type of flavours and finishes
- It is usually necessary to wash dried fruits before use, with a liberal amount of water and dried.
- Care must be taken so that fruit does not absorb too much of water and become soft.
- After draining the fruits should always be added last to ensure even distribution throughout butter/ dough with minimum damage.
- Flavor may be defined as sensation of smell and taste mingled.
- Flavor is really the ingredient which helps the baker to add uniqueness to his product.
- Appearance may be an eye catching factor in first sale of any baked product but flavor is one of the reason for the remaining sale.
- The use of colour is important as use of flavour.
- The eye appeal is enhanced by use of colour.
- Colour should not be added where the processed recipe has ample ingredients present to give products the desired colour.
The stages involved in the preparation of bread are
1. The preparation of dough
2. Fermentation of dough
· The spices are used in comparatively small quantities in baked products.
· They are quite important ingredient.
· Even small quantities it improves the eating quality of products as well as the characteristics.
6.1. Bread
It is a fermented product obtained by fermentation of dough. By the action of yeast dough is fermented and baked at high temperature. The ingredients used for bread preparation are wheat flour (refined), yeast, shortening, sugar, salt, milk etc.,
Preparation of bread
The stages involved in the preparation of bread are
1. The preparation of dough
2. Fermentation of dough
3. Baking
1) The preparation of dough
The common methods that are used for preparation of dough are
i.Straight dough method
ii. Sponge dough method
iii. Mechanical dough
i) Straight dough method
This is a single step process in which all the ingredients are mixed together in a single batch. Mixing is continued until the dough attains desired smoothness and elasticity. The advantage of this method are minimum labour and less time taken for fermentation and gives better flavor.
ii) Sponge dough method
Formation of sponge and development of dough. The sponge generally contains about 50-60% of total flour to be used for the dough. This flour is made in to dough and it is fermented. The fermented dough is mixed with the remaining quantity of flour and whole mass to be fermented once again.
iii) Mechanical dough
This method of mixing ingredient and dough formation are done mechanically under controlled conditions of pressure
2) Fermentation of dough
The prepared dough is allowed to ferment at 30-350C for 1 hour. After 1 hour, it is knocked backed and allowed to ferment once again. The fermentation process is called as proving. After proving is made, it is placed in bread pans and allowed for final proving.
3) Baking
After final proving, egg white is coated at top of dough and baked at 4400F for 30 minutes. After baking it is cooled and packed. The shelf life of bread is just 3 days. The upper brown portion of bread is called crust. The inner portion is called as crumb.
6.2. BUNS
They are also like bread, but proved in round shape instead of placing it in bread pans. Otherwise, same steps and same dough is used for bread and bun.
Biscuits are one of the favourite bakery products consumed by all sections of the society. The ingredients used are refined wheat flour, sugar, shortening, baking powder, vanilla essence.
Preparation of biscuits
Three steps are followed in the preparation of biscuits they are
a) Preparation of dough
b) Sheeting and shaping,
c) Baking
d) Cooling
a) Preparation of dough
1) Scale dry ingredients
2) sift refined wheat flour and baking powder together then ass creamed fat and sugars and make it into soft dough. If necessary, add water/milk during dough preparation.
b) Sheeting and shaping
The dough is rolled in sheets of desired thickness; by using biscuit mould, biscuits are shaped out.
c) Baking and cooling
The shaped biscuits are then baked at 170-2000C for 20-30 minutes, it is then cooled and packed.
d) Variation
Soya flour, sorghum flour and any type of flour can be incorporated at 15-20% with refined wheat flour for the preparation of biscuits.
6.4. CAKES
Cakes are of two types
1. Shortened cakes – those containing shortening
2. Un shortened cakes – those made without fat called sponge cakes
Ingredients: The ingredients used for preparation are refined wheat flour, egg white or whole egg, milk, sugar, shortening and leavening agents.
Batter Preparation : Cake batter can be prepared by 2 methods
Quick Mixing : All dry ingredients (flour, sugar, baking powder) are mixed together. The flavouring agent is mixed with milk and added to flour and mixed. The mix is added and again mixed well in electric mixer for 2 mins
Conventional mixing method : Weigh all ingredients, sift refined wheat flour , baking powder, cream, fat and sugar.
- Add egg to creamed fat
- Add flour slowly without formation of lumps
- Stir well if necessary add milk so that it attains better consistency, add vanilla essence
- Pour it in a greased plate and bake at 1900C for 30 mins.
Unshortened cakes :
Angel cakes: Beat the egg white until frothing, then add cream of tartar and salt, continue beating until desired stiffness is attained
Add flour in small amount to egg white, add sugar, mix well, till a smooth batter is obtained. Transfer batter to cake pan. Bake at 190 C for 30 min
Yellow sponge cakes
Beat the whole egg, add sugar and beat again, add salt, lemon juice, water and mix well. Add flour in small quantity and mix well till a smooth batter is obtained. Transfer batter to cake pans and bake at 190 C for 30 min.
Cookies are
Referred to as small sweet cakes. In our country it is known as biscuits. According to the recipe adopted and mixing method cookies are classified into two types they are batter type and foam type cookies

Care must be taken while choosing the ingredients. Quality ingredients and correct method of processing should be followed to produce a high quality product.
Refined wheat flour, butter , castor sugar, egg, salt, vanilla essence
1. One stage method or all in one method
In this method of making cookie dough, all ingredients ((i.e.refined flour, butter , castor sugar, egg, salt, vanilla essence) are scaled and mixed at one stretch.
The order of mixing is as follows
- First the dry ingredients with leavening agent
- Then liquid / wet ingredients
- The flavouring
- Nuts or choco chips, if any.
2. Creaming method
- Cream fat with sugar
- Slowly start adding eggs a little at time
- Mix flour with raising agents and fold into creamed mixture
In this
a) Place eggs and sugar in a clean bowl and start whisking it.
b) Mix flour with raising agents and add nuts if any. Fold flour mixture to eggs, once it is light and foamy.
c) Pipe mixture to mould and bake them till done.
Macaroons are a very popular type of cookie which has a demand all over year. It is composed of egg white, sugar and nuts like almond, cashewnut, coconut. To reduce cost roasted groundnut can be used.
Ingredients : Egg white, sugar , nuts
§ Egg white are whipped to foam consistency either by hand or machine
§ added sugar and nuts gradually in the process of whipping
§ baked at 375-380 deg F
- Macaroons continue to bake on tray for 3 – 4minutes after they are removed from oven. Care should be taken in this regard.
- Tap tray on table. Use knife to remove those thick stick.
- Dry macaroons can be crushed and used on cakes, icing which increase the taste and waste/broken macaroons can be used in this way
1.Deck ovens: These ovens have individual decks stacked on each other with separate heating element and separate control for each deck.
2.Conventional oven: In this there is a high speed centrifugal fan fitted at back of oven which circulates hot air evenly within the oven.
3. Rotary oven: It is a cabinet which has a trolley with baking trays and when the trolley is put in the cabinet with filled trays to be baked, trolley rotates and ensures all the items are evenly baked.
4. Combination oven: This is an oven which combines a convection oven proofing chamber and a cook hold oven, in a single unit
5. Microwave oven: Electro magnetic energy is directed into heating cavity by
producing microwaves that penetrate into food and creates a magnetic field and causes almost instant cooking.
Oven: Primarily used for baking breads and desserts with a medium of hot air. It works on electricity or gas.
- Table top mixer: Used for mixing batters or kneading dough.
- Sorbet machine: Designed to churn fruit puree along with sweetening and other flavourings.
- Chocoloate melting machine: Used for melting chocolates.
- Bench chilelrs: works in the principles of refrigerators. It has cabinets to store creams and other dairy products.
- Electric whisks: Primarily used to whisk cream.
- Chiller trolleys: maintained at 50C temperature. They are used to store desserts.
- Ice cream machine: Used for making ice cream with different flavourings.
- Chiller: Maintained at 00C to 30C temperature. They are used to store cakes and desserts.
- Freezer: Maintained at 00C to -2.40C temperature. They are used to freeze the required ingredients.
- Ranges or griddles: Used for cooking sauces, desserts. This could be powered by gas / Electricity.
- Caramalizer: Use to gratinate the crust, ie. top layer of desserts
- Juicers: Used to squeeze juice from different fruits and vegetables
- Hand blender: Small blends with 2 whisks attached to it. Used to whisk small quantities of egg and cream.
- Pastry Kit: Comprises of pastry bag and different size of nozzles and other decorating equipments.
- Cake stand: Used as a base to decorate different cakes on a revolving stand.
- Knife kit: Comprises of bread knife, paring knife, chef’s knife, palate knife, icing knife, peelers etc
- Apple peeler: a small devise which can be fixed to the table and used for peeling apples and pears etc.
- Cutter kit: Comprises of different shaped cutter, used to cut cookies for desserts etc.
- Scissors: Used for cutting pack of ingredients and to cut other ingredients like nuts
- Box grater: Used to grate vegetables, fruits and other ingredients.
- Casseroles: Used to store pastry creams, sauces etc.
a) Whisks: Used to whisk egg and other ingredients
b) Cake tins: Used to bake different kinds of cakes
c) Measuring jars: Used to measure liquid ingredients
d) Measuring spoons: Used to measure dry ingredients for small quantities of 5-10g.
e) Baking trays: Made of aluminium, which is used to bake breads, cookies, cakes etc.
f) Bread mould: These moulds are of different sizes ie. small, medium and large used to bake bread.
g) Mixing bowls: Used to mix different ingredients.
h) Wire Rack: Used to cool cakes or breads after they come out of oven.
i) Sieve: Made up of small perforated mesh which is used to sieve flour or other dry ingredients.
j) Wooden spoons: Used to stir ingredients in a bowl.
It is impossible to cover the depth of each aspect of bakery craft. This lesson insists on fundamentals of baking.
Baking generally may not be associated with high achievement or self-improvement, but it can help both kids and adults to develop valuable habits and hone basic skills applicable to other parts of life
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1 S.C, Basic Baking, 4th Edition, Published by Society of Indian Bakers, New Delhi, 2002
2 Lorraine Pascale, Baking made Easy, HarperCollins Publishers UK, ISBN 0007435878, 9780007435876
3 Mary Berry, Mary Berry’s Baking Bible, Random House Publisher, ISBN 1448140374, 9781448140374
4 Arnold Zabert, Martina Meuth, Baking:Cakes, cookies, Breads, pastries. HPBooks publishers, ISBN 0895864991, 9780895864994
Web Links
- www.kitchenkrafts.com/category/bakeware-and-baking-supplies
- www.joann.com/baking/
- www.pillsburybaking.com/products
- www.bakels.in