PL. Sridevi Sivakami
1. Introduction
Cleaning is an essential aspect for hygiene, cleaning also makes a pleasant atmosphere thus every establishment must be cleaned and well maintained. Unwanted substances are removed by washing. “Cleaning” is a process of removing stains, dirt, dust, grease and unwanted impurities. It includes mopping, sweeping, scrubbing and washing. Cleaning prevents infections and also improves the appearance of our environment which otherwise becomes the breeding ground for pests and insects such as ants, flies, mosquitoes, cockroaches, spiders etc. Certain areas can be cleaned daily while other areas cannot be cleaned very often and cleaning differs from surface to surface such as walls, tiles, wood, etc. Appearance also ensures a good hygienic condition. Dust can be removed easily by the help of a dry cloth. Maximum efforts should be taken to achieve the care and comfort of the guests and provide support for the smooth operation.
2. Objectives
After reading this module you will be able to
- under stand various cleaning procedures followed in the housekeeping department&
- the different systems adopted and practices by the housekeeper for the efficient functioning of the hotel
3. Reason for Cleaning
Scrubbing (frictional cleaning) is the best way to physically remove Cleaning is required prior to any dirt, debris and microorganisms. Disinfection process because dirt, debris and other materials can decrease Cleaning products the effectiveness of many chemical disinfectants. should be selected on the basis of their use, efficacy, safety and cost. Cleaning should always progress from the least soiled areas to the most soiled areas and from high to low areas, so that the dirtiest areas and debris that fall on the floor will be cleaned up last.
Ø To prevent spread of infection and disease.
Ø To control the amount of dust in an area
Ø To lengthen the life of the building ,along with its various furniture, fixture and equipments
Ø To provide a socially environment to the and its physical and guests and staff of the hotel
Ø To meet the requirements of health and safety of the inhabitants of the hotel.
4. Importance of Standard of Cleaning
This will depend on the types of the establishment and the various activities carried out in it. The standards will be achieved by:
Ø Selecting the correct method of cleaning
Ø Carrying out the cleaning task at regular intervals
Ø Effective quality control
Ø Effective human resource(man power)Planning
5. Requirement of the Cleaning Method, Materials & Equipments
Ø User (guest )requirements
Ø The usage of the building
Ø The type of surface and its physical ,chemical properties
Ø The nature of soiling and degree of soiling
Ø The safety aspect of the staff engaged in cleaning
1. Suspension of fats (suspend fats in water)
2. Saponification of fats (make fats water-soluble)
3. Surfaction (decrease surface tension of water and allow greater penetration of the agent into the dirt or soil)
4. Dispersion (break up of soil into small particles)
5. Protein destruction (break up proteins) 6.Softening the water (removal of calcium and magnesium)
6. Principles of Good Housekeeping
Good housekeeping is assuring that work areas are maintained in a clean manner and have an acceptable appearance. It is also to provide a safe and healthy environment for everyone. Lack of housekeeping is a major part of organizational illness leading to injuries. Housekeeping involves all activities related to the cleanliness of institutions, workshops, Industrial areas, equipments and the elimination of nonessential materials in the hazardous areas. Here are some of the following general housekeeping practices must be applied to all areas within the institutions, workshops and all areas where employees work towards maintenance, construction and other activities.
Garbage materials, scraps and other waste materials are to be disposed in containers constructed of non – combustible materials or approved of non – metallic materials (e.g. UL approved plastic).
Equipments are to be kept clean, and in good working condition.
Work areas are to be kept clean to insure that work activities may proceed in an orderly and efficient manner.
Compressed air shall not exceed 30psi when used for cleaning purposes. Eye protection is required during these cleaning operations.
The use of compressed air for cleaning an employee’s body or clothing must be prohibited.
7. Cleaning Procedures
a. | Sweeping | Suction Cleaning |
b. | Dusting | Buffing |
c. | Damp Dusting | Polishing |
d. | Moping | Burnishing |
e. | Scrubbing | Scrubbing |
f. | Polishing | Stripping |
8. Methods of Cleaning
a. Sweeping: If a broom or a brush is used to remove the dust it is known as sweeping. It starts from one corner of the room and ends at another corner and it can be taken out using the dust pan.
b. Damp Dusting: Less amount of water taken in the cloth, squeezed well and dried little in the air is known as damp duster cloth. When wiping the major parts the dust will stick to the cloth and it should be done twice, at least to get a clear result. It is not applicable for all surfaces such as wooden, polished surfaces. Wetting the cloth is very important because it ensures the moist condition of the cloth.
c. Dusting: Normally when we wipe a surface with a cloth it is known as dusting. It should be done with a clean soft cloth
d.Mopping: Wiping a surface is known as mopping. A material is coarser than a duster is used as a mop material. In this type of mopping both dust and dirt is removed. Basically mopping is done on the floor and there are many styles in doing so. Some dirt may come out easily but some may not. Additional force is to be used to remove thick dirt. In this process corners should be given special care to remove the dirt from it.
e. Box Sweeper: These are also called as carpet sweepers and are used for sweeping up the dust from smooth flooring such as rugs and carpets. A box sweeper consists of a friction brush that rotates when the equipment is pushed manually over the carpet or floor. The dust gets collected into the built in dustpans.
f. Wall Brooming: These are ceiling brooms called Turk’s head. These brooms are used to remove cobwebs from ceiling, and high ledges. It is used to clean the wall removing cobweb and to keep the area clean and tidy, the guest areas and the public areas are to be cleaned and kept tidy. These brooms are made of coconut fiber and are used for coarse surface, especially outdoors.
g. Washing: Hard broom with water used to remove dirt from different surfaces is called washing. Here washing agents with fragrance may be used to remove dirt. More quantity of detergent is added based on the toughness of the stain. Washing makes the surface clean and it ensures the hygiene. Materials used in this washing are brooms, bucket, brushes, etc. when compared to mopping, washing is not an easy way to remove the dirt but it makes the surface cleaner.
h. Polishing: Polishing does not clean but produce a shine by providing a smooth surface. It falls under 3 categories they are oil based, spirit based and water based. It is only used after removing the dust. It comes in three forms liquid, paste, and cream. Applying and rubbing an agent or reagent on a surface to make it shine is called as polishing. Usually brass, wood, silver and marble are the materials to be polished. While polishing the material may turn in to a different color like light black especially with brass. On wiping the brass again the particular color may vanish. More time is consumed during polishing since time should be given after applying it. Additional force is to be used to make the material shinier. And polishing has to be done very frequently to avoid the material from becoming dull in color.
i. Scrubbing: This makes the surface shinier but not on all surfaces. The main purpose of scrubbing is to remove unseen dirt completely. An additional kind of energy is required for scrubbing. Detergent or stain remover may be used along with water while scrubbing and it is not done very often unless the particular area looks too dirty.
j. Suction cleaning: Helps to pull or suck the airy dust by using electric appliances such as vacuum cleaner. Carpets, core tiles and walls are cleaned this way. Sometimes it is used to suck water from wet surfaces. The filter cloth which is used in the vacuum cleaner must be cleaned immediately after usage.
9. Basic rules followed in cleaning procedures & cleaning method
a. to remove the stain without harming the surface.
b. Stains should to be removed completely.
c. Simple methods and simple cleaning must be tried out first.
d. Start with a cleaner area and cleaner articles and then move on to the soiled area to prevent the spread of soil.
e. Before suction cleaning, sweeping has to be done.
f. Sweeping should also be done before dusting.
Cleaning agents and equipments should be stacked neatly to one side. Cleaning should be started from the farthest end of an area towards the exit.
10. Types of cleaning procedures:
a. Daily task-a routine operation carried out every day by the cleaner. It is known as day to day operation. It includes mopping, sweeping, dusting etc.
b. Weekly task-the task carried out on a weekly basis this includes polishing, vacuuming, etc..
- Periodic task – This is the task carried out on a monthly, quarterly, half yearly or on annual basis. Some of the usual periodic task in the hotel includes shampooing of carpets, washing of walls, polishing of floors, cleaning of chandeliers.
- General Principles of cleaning Procedures
Ø Soil should be removed without harming the surface which is being cleaned or the surrounding surfaces.
Ø The surface should be restored to its original state after the cleaning process.
Ø The simplest method should be tried first using the mildest cleaning agents. Cleaning should proceed from high to low wherever possible.
Ø When cleaning an area start with the cleaner surfaces and articles then go on to clean more heavily soiled areas so as to prevent the spread of soil over to the cleaner surfaces.
Ø While wet cleaning or polishing the floor, the cleaner should move backwards while cleaning in front of him.
Ø Suction cleaning should be preferred over sweeping wherever possible.
Ø Sweeping should be done before dusting and dusting before suction cleaning. Ø Stains should be removed as soon as they occur.
Ø The cleaner should take all safety precautions while cleaning. Particularly while stacking the cleaning agents and equipments neatly on one side.
- Conclusion: The housekeeping department should do a lot more apart from the cleaning and the implementation of the department functional of all the staffs. The surface should be restored to its original state after the cleaning process to calculate the manpower of the department and to prepare the budget for the department etc.
Web Links:
- www.cleanlink.com/cleanlinkminute.
- ttps://www.slideshare.net/jha69/principles-of-cleaning
- https://setupmyhotel.com/train-my-hotel-staff/hk/603-principles-of-cleaning.html.
- https://www.tutorialspoint.com › Hotel Housekeeping › Hotel Housekeeping – Principles.
- paramjamwal.blogspot.com/2013/11/cleaning organization.html https://www.moh.gov.sg/…/Environmental%20Cleaning%20Guidelines-Jun%202013