3 Etiquettes of Front Office Staff
S. Thilagamani
This module will enable the learners to
- Understand the etiquettes of front office staff at a hotel
- Compile the necessary aspects to grooming the staff while handling guests
Its flag identifies every country. Behaviour is the flag of the individual human being .The more refined the behaviour, the greater the respect from the observer. Its refinement is coupled with sincerity, the respect grows into love. Manners and etiquettes are not only the observance of social rituals and names but essential to the very fiber of our relationships.
This reveals our levels of thoughtfulness, consideration, kindness, generosity and fairness. To a large extent, they make life more pleasant, easier to live and much more beautiful. The observance of many rules of good manners also calls for tolerating discomfort, sacrifice and accommodation and these qualities are recognized as contributing to the development of a strong, resilient personality.
When discussing the etiquettes, we need to differentiate between the rules and etiquette, the rule requires accurate knowledge and observance of situational demands an etiquette permits a great degree of ease and relaxation. In today’s corporate world, it is increasingly becoming more important to know not only the rules and norms of good manners and etiquette in one’s own country but also those of foreign lands.
The basic and essential qualities of the front office staff are
As the hotel is the meeting place of many social elite, good manners and politeness is an important etiquette of the front office staff .Good manners are those which show the greatest sensitivity to other people and make them feel most at ease, which avoids all actions that annoy or disturb others, or make them feel smaller. At the heart of the good manners lies respect for other people and for their rights, as well as respect for oneself.
Some people shy away from good manners because it means that they have to learn the rules of etiquette which are held to be the correct behaviour by those who follow them. Take soup, for example, It is good manners to consume soup in a way that is hot. Unsightedly for others, In Japan this means it is correct etiquette to drink it straight from the bowl. In Europe, it is correct to take soup up with a spoon. A little effort in the inquiry and practice of etiquette brings not only enterprise but also a great confidence. Countries and etiquette enable the users to deal with any situation and person with confidence and pleasantness.
A response which denotes an appreciation shows the hospitality by the staff. Employees who are extroverts will enjoy meeting guests and make them feel happy and comfortable.
Employees must possess a positive attitude even towards a constructive criticism and must always prosper and progress with the feeling that customer is always right and we as staff are at work to serve them with patience at all times. Guests must be allowed to express the needs and act in accordance to the facility available at the property keeping in mind every guest is a Very Important Person to the premise. Instead of reacting to a situation that requires time for the guest to think, allow time to the guest to absorb the information and then offer solutions.
Courtesy is everything; it is the mark of civilization. It is the use misuse or disuse of courtesy that indicate whether a person respects himself and others as human beings or not the values of respect, trust, dignity, honesty, compassion, sensitivity, openers and sincerity are all reflected in the countries we extend to people whether they be customers, colleagues, seniors and juniors, members of our team or family. In fact the foundation of good manners is laid at home when a child says “thank you”, please to the members at home.
Being courteous is expected very much at all places and especially from the service industries such as the hotels where different walks of guest stay for different purpose.
The staff must have a quick and a firm decision making skill for the customers. The front office staff must tactfully handle the guest and act on behalf of the guest. Every day is a new experience and the guest will meet varied type of guests with different need. Staff should know to solve the guest needs by themselves if possible and offer an immediate solution and also consult with the superior in case if the decision making is complex and needs a guidance.
Uniforms must be clean and neatly ironed. Hair should be short and well combed. It is preferable to tie hair up. Nails should be trimmed and manicured. Soft jewellery is restricted to one ring only and a necklace for ladies. “The front office staff must be seen at their best at all times”
This is necessary as front office personnel meet guests of different countries, status and culture. They should be made comfortable and feel at ease in dealing with these people.
Communication is a much important etiquette for all the staff at the hotel and especially at the front of the house operations where the guest meets staff directly for all their needs at all phases of the guest cycle from pre arrival, arrival, stay and departure. It is preferable for all staff to know more than one language usually, English and the regional language. If the hotel has overseas guests, it is better that the staff must be able to converse in one or two foreign languages.
Diplomacy is the greatest attitude. Very often there are situations when a guest is angry and specific about something, a diplomatic dealing by the staff helps in diffusing the explosive moment. It is quite common for a busy hotel to have the staff with diplomatic approach as this is the only way by which the guest can be pacified.
It is to take the busy demands of the front office operations, being the nerve centre of the hotel; the front office is constantly in touch with guests and therefore invariably comes under tremendous pressure. The guest always expects a personalised, priority treatment and there is always pressure at the staff. For this the staff should always strike a balance in handling situations to the guests.
An ability to remember names and their face is an important attribute and is a skill needed for the front office staff. Every individual guest feel very much personalized and have a sense of belongingness when they are addressed with their Sur name. Simple aspects such as the preferences of the guest for newspapers in the room, special foods if any needed, can be known from the hotel diary and may be communicated to the guests to make the guest feel safe and secured and throw a positive feel of home away from home.
2.11 SMILE
A smile creates a new, good and a positive environment. This at the front office expresses and boosts up the environment. The front office staff should have a smile at all times of work and should be fresh as in the start of the duty. The guest feels comfortable to converse with a happy and smiling staff rather than with a nervous and sturdy staff at the desk. And as the saying goes, smiles shorten the distance between the souls and this is true at the hotels and in specific at the service industries.
Good health and keeping the body fit for the staff is an essential etiquette for the front office staff. It is the duty of the front office staff to stand erect and keep working at the desk with files, guest and records. To the reality, there is no chair or seat at the front desk especially at the reception. There may be a short break taken by staff and resume back to work refreshed. The staff is active and alert at desk to help he guest for the various needs.
Personal hygiene is imperative to front office as they are constantly exposed to the hotel guests; a clean appearance helps to project a good image not only of themselves but of the hotel as well.
3. Managing Hospitality at the Front Desk
The concept of hospitality, the generous and cordial provision of services to the guest is at the heart of our industry. Hospitality is a very important consideration for both the guest and the hotel. Providing hospitality to meet guest needs involves an array of services and makes the stay comfortable. If the hotel has many business clients and corporate guests, the guest may arrive late and leave early. The hotel should also offer services such as wake up services, advanced telephone systems, fax and photocopying facilities and computers, good and healthy food whenever required, club facilities lounges and other services. For all these services to the guest, most of the time the help from the front desk may be sought and hence front desk should be ready for hospitality round the clock.
The front office staff has multiple roles to play at the front desk with the key roles as sales person, problem solvers, reference point, coordinator, an image builder to the organisation.
The front desk staff motivates the guests with an alternative to select a service or facility that is highly priced and spend more for the facility if the guest can afford for it. Also offer and provide information on various services that the guest may use such as a spa, gym, pool, café and so on.
Staff must be able to handle the problems and complaints in a diplomatic way and offer solutions to pacify the guest and make them feel satisfied. As the successful service industries always follow two golden rules. The first rule being every customer is right and the customer should be happy and the second rule is that following the first rule strictly.
As the front desk is the most visible front of the house operations, guest always approach the front desk for any information and the staff should guide effectively with correct and appropriate information. This would be possible only if the front office staff is knowledgeable about all the products and services.
The front office department also co ordinates with other departments to meet the requests by the guests and offer a personalized service. They may co ordinate with food and beverage department for food and beverages, housekeeping for room related services, laundry, and engineering and maintenance department for repairs and servicing and so on.
The everlasting impressions taken by the guests is dependent on front office staff and their effective multi tasking at the desk. It is good that front office staff helps to maintain and boost the repute of the property among the guest by offering the best possible services to all the guests.
The telephone offers its guests the opportunity to sell not only sells goods services and ideas but also prestige and reputation yes it is used with great carelessness rather than with skill and etiquette.
The front office staff spends most of their time over the telephone and deal with communications for the guests; this relies on voice to convey subtle as well as apparent messages. This takes off with the advantage at dropping of facial expressions, gestures and eye contact. This verbal communication is an art that can be learnt with interest and practice. Some of the points to be kept in mind while on a telephone are
5.1 Be Ready: Greet the guest with a welcome note and a good day. Keep a notepad and pencil ready to note down important information and always record and document as it may be kept for reference in case of any clarifications with important points. Just giving the name of the hotel without a greeting does not enhance the image of the hotel ‘Good morning and hotel name” How may I help you”? are about right, if the tone is positive and demonstrate that the caller is welcomed. The use of ‘Hello’ by itself in a flat short tone sounds could be unimpressive and indifferent at this form of formal communication
5.2 Answer Promptly: Attend the telephone, as soon as possible latest by the third ring without allowing the guest to wait long. Use reflective phrases such as you said, you mentioned. Repeat with all important information such as name, numbers and spell back to check the accuracy. Do not allow the guest to wait for long. If immediate answer cannot be offered, request the caller for a time and get back to the guest in the shortest possible time
5.3 Good knowledge: The staff must be packed with all information about products and services fully and accurately. All aspects comprising the job both technical and non technical. The location and functions of all departments and important personnel therein, the history, facilities and services offered should be known by the staff.
5.4 Responsibility: Take every job to its logical conclusion and complete all task and help every caller and the call satisfied that you have done. For Example, do not end with Mr. X, the front office manager, is out and is not in his seat. But instead, be responsible and complete the conversation by being helpful and offer to take a message or number and pass on the information when the manager has resumed after the break.
5.5 Speak Clearly: As the voice is the only communication over telephone, do not be distracted with any other activity such as counting the cash, documenting other information.
5.6 Be Sincere: It is easy to identify an artificial talk as in person, so communicate to the guests in a natural way and clearly.
5.7 Listen Carefully: The important etiquette of the telephone operator, listen instead of talking. Be a perfect listener. Listen to the guest completely and allow the guest with his time and then serve with the required information.
5.8 Avoid communication pitfalls: Do not use company jargon terms and abbreviations with outsiders as it does not impress anyone and waste of time leads to confusion and miscommunication and annoys among the guest. Therefore it is better to use common and known terms to the guests.
5.9 End the call courteously: After the information is conveyed to the guest, discuss if the guest need any other information. Clarify all details and then end the call wishing for a pleasant day.
FIT – Free Independent Traveller GIT – Group Inclusive Tour
Types of rooms
Ø Single room – Room with one normal sized single bed. The room can accommodate one guest.
Ø Double rooms – Room with one double bed and can accommodate two guests
Ø Twin room – Two separate single cots and can accommodate two guests
Ø Triplet room – Twin + extra bed and can accommodate three guests
Ø Studio room – One single bed + one sofa cum bed
Ø Single Suite – Single room +one living room
Ø Double Suite – Double room +one living room
Types of plan
A plan is a package proposal of rooms and meals. The common plans in hotels are
- EP – European Plan – Room Only
- CP – Continental Plan – Room and Breakfast
- MAP – Modified American Plan – Room + Breakfast + lunch or dinner
- AP – American Plan – Room + Breakfast + lunch + dinner
Room Rates
§ Crib rate – Applicable to children below five years
§ Extra bed – Generally one fourth of the room rate
§ Airline rate – Contract Rate with fixed discount for a long period
§ Group Rate – Special rate discounted to groups with 15 guests and more
- Free sale – Rooms are available for sale
- Minus position – When guests expected exceeds room available
- Plus position – When rooms available exceeds guest arrivals
- Sold out – Rooms not available
- House count – Number of guests staying in the hote
- Walk in – Guest who registers himself without a prior reservation.
- Wake call – A call given by the front office staff to wake a guest on the specified time given by the guest
These terms will help the front office staff while dealing with guests and staff should be aware of all the terminologies related so that the guest services are done at the best possible manner.
Service is a cheerful giving of attention. The front desk services are mostly intangible and perishable but leave a memorable experience to the guest. Every day is a new day with new guests, new services offering a learning arena to the staff from the guests. Front office staff sets the stage for a pleasant or an unpleasant visit. It is the best practice to offer the best possible services and offer a pleasant visit and enact a good communication link with the guests.
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Web references
- www.setupmyhotel.com/…hotel-staff/…in-hotels/front-office.
- smallbusiness.chron.com › Human Resources › Officers www.herald.co.zw/etiquette-for-front-office-personnel www.eisforetiquette.blogspot.com/2009/06/your-front-desk-agent-at-hotel.html
- www.hotelmanagement234.blogspot.com/p/telephone-technique-etiquettes.html
- www.behindthechair.com › Business ›
- Articles www.traveltips.usatoday.com › … › Hotels & Lodging › Hotel Tip
Book References
- Aggarwal, R. Hotel Front office – Systems and Procedure, Sublime Publications, Jaipur, 2002.
- Bhatnagar, S.K. Front Office Management, Frank Bros, New Delhi, 2004.
- Andrew, S. Text book of Front Office Management and Operation, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd, New Delhi, 2008.
- Ismail, S.A. Front Office Operation and Management, Thomson Asia Pvt Ltd, 2004.