1 Functions of Front Office department
The front office is part of a larger division called accommodation or room division headed by a director accommodation division and has many other services that support guest stay. These include services such as bell desk, concierge, telecommunications, cashiering, housekeeping, engineering, information technology, laundry and business centre. Small hotels may call the front office as simply “Hotel Reception” that reports directly to the general manager and manages all functions of front office as small team.
The front office as the name suggests is the first and last point of a contact for a guest and its unique roles are to:
1)sell hotel rooms through systematic methods of reservations as revenues from the sale of rooms contribute to fifty percent or more to a hotel’s profit.
2)register guest and assign rooms to them.
3)create the image of the property as it is the first and as well the last point of guest contacts with the hotel
The essential functions of the front office department are to
1. Sell rooms
2. Reserve rooms for guests prior to their arrival
3. Register guests into the hotel.
4. Assign rooms
5. Co-ordinate with other services of the hotel
6. Control guest room keys
7. Provide in-house and external information to guests
8. Maintain guest accounts and settle their bills accurately
To fulfill these responsibilities the front office is divided into different sections each with distinct roles. These sections are :
- Reservation
- Reception
- Telecommunication
- Mail and Information service
- Guest Relation desk
- Uniformed Services – Lobby desk, concierge, bell desk
- Transport Section
- Foreign currency exchange
- Safe deposit lockers
- Security Services
- Accounting
Most hotel bookings are made through reservations because travelers come from outstation. Very few would be “walk in” guests without prior reservations. Large chain may have its own centralised reservations system which is a single point where all reservations of the chain are made while independent hotels may subscribe to an international reservations system that is open to any hotel who subscribes to it.
- Book room in advance
- Maximise the sale of rooms
- Process properly document store and retrieve reservations information’s from various sources to ensure a guest gets the room at the time of arrival.
- Up sell rooms to the extra cost and earn high revenue
- Work closely with sales of marketing division to ensure that room sales are maximized.
The receptionist registers guest and assign rooms. The main tasks of reception are to
1.welcome guests on behalf of the hotel.
2.Complete registration formalities especially the billing information for the cashier to process during a guest stay and upon him or her leaving the hotel.
3.Reception must issue keys and receive them back after a guest stay.
4.Be the constant source of guest information mail and messaging.
5.Multi task in small hotels.
Telecommunication section is usually near the reception section and is normally involved in operating incoming and outgoing calls of the hotel. It is of a paramount importance as the operator attends the call promptly and link with appropriate departments for the requested service by the guest.
1)Make local and international calls directly onto on-line guest office rooms.
2)Post call charges automatically directly into guest folio accounts
3)Play an important role in the case of fire and keep the hotel connected within and outside the hotel in case of emergency.
4).Have message indicators or telephone instructions.
– Voice mail services
– caller ID
– Do Not Disturb
– Room to room connections
– Call waiting options
– Wake- up call and alarm systems.
Handling mails, messages and information on behalf of a guest and the hotel is an important responsibility of the staff. All incoming mails are divided into three categories
1. Hotel mail , which is normally distributed to the departments concerned
2.Staff mail, which is generally put on a mail board through the personnel office
3.Guest mail, which consist of resident guest mail, past guest mail and future guest mail
2.4.1 Mail for the resident guests
Letters should be placed in the key racks. If there are parcels that is bigger in size, these have to be kept in appropriate places and a note has to be put on the key rack and delivered to the guest when he comes to the room.
2.4.2 Mail for the past guests
Guests prior to departing are required to complete a mail forwarding card which contains the address. This helps to redirect the mails to the given address in the card
2.4.3Mail for the future guests
Details of the guest arrival data are obtained from the reservation file and this date is written on the cover of the guest. A note is also recorded in the guest registration file. The mail is then stored in a secured cup board and then given to the guest on arrival.
The guest relations executive is the representative of the management that ensure the comfort and convenience of all guests and is normally well groomed and is personable.
- The principal task of the Guest Relations Executive (GRE) is to 1.Attend to the comfort of VIP’s and other important guests
- Provide internal PR to enhance the perception of the hotel in the guest eyes.
- Maintain guest history cards either manually or electronically and respond to the guest needs and behavior to a height of personalisation.
- Co-ordinate well with the concierge in procuring city services like ticket reservations, table reservations and so on.
The lobby manager is the representative of the General Manager at all times during the day and night. These main tasks are to
1.Co-ordinate all guests services from a central point.
2.Handle all guest complaints and disputes
3.Interpret and safeguard house polices with guests.
4.Evict undesirable guest from the premises
5.Ensure proper baggage handling services to guest.
6.Ensure efficient transportation service to guest.
7.Maintain order in the lobby and
8.Be the sole representative of management at night.
The concierge was a castle door keeper who was responsible to ensure that guest were properly roomed for the night. The concierge accompanied the travelling royalty and provided them with security lodging arrangements and entertainments sites . His main tasks are to
1. Provide information to guest about the city.
2. Facilitate guest acquire box office tickets.
3. Offer mail and messaging services.
Its main tasks are to:
1. co-ordinate the movement of guest baggage this is a real challenges as the volume of baggage during a single day is very large for busy hotel.
2. carry out errands for the guest and management within the hotel prescripts.
3. sell postage stamps.
It is common nowadays to see hotel’s transport waiting at airports for guests with reservation at the property. This is a service for VIP’s and other important guests.These transports may be owned by the hotel or leased or contracted out to transport companies. As the drivers then become the first physical point of contact with the guests and hence the drivers have to be knowledgeable about the hotel property.
Many hotels have a high proportion of overseas guests and have foreign currency exchange service. Hotel exchanges the foreign currency for the local currency. Hotel updates the currency exchange rates from reliable sources usually banks and transact accordingly. Exchange rates of foreign currencies are to be displayed on a board with the authorization number given to the hotel by Reserve Bank of India. It is important for the staff in this section know the common currencies and procedure in handling foreign currency.
While handling foreign currency, the cashier should
1. Check the current exchange rate
2.Issue a report to the guest and a copy at the desk quoting each transaction, guest name, room nuber, passport number and the exchange rate
3.Arrange for the foreign currency to be banked on the following day on a separate pay in slip as the exchange rates may vary for each currency everyday.
A hotel is liable for the loss of guests property while they stay and hence the facilty of the safe deposit lockers are available. This is kept under the control of the assistant front office manager in a safe place usually near to his cabin. The guest may keep under lock and key the valuables such as passport, jewellery, currency and so on.
Security is the protection of all assets including hotel property and guest’s property. Hotels have different types of security alerts which the front office staff should know and give importance. The guest’s belongings in the hotel is important and hence a safe key control systems must be adopted. These include the conventional key system and the electronic key system.
When a guest checks in, they are usually given a key card, key envelope by the receptionists along with the room key. A hotel will often issue a room key to a room even if there are more number of guests in a room. Duplicate keys must be kept separately and the front desk staff should have a record of keys and that all keys are accounted and none is missing. If the key is lost, it must be informed at the front desk immediately.
Most of the hotels now use the electronic key system. The keys are generated with the master control at the front desk during check in. These keys are randomly coded and the unique code is transmitted to the room lock. This key card is similar to a credit card and also serves dual purpose as key and also power tag. The electrical based operations in the room is activated only when the tag is inserted in the point. Thus saves electricity and undesired use of the equipments in the room such as televisions, air conditioners and so on. The key is active till the check out and is reprogrammed with another code for the next check inn if the same room. Thus has a good control on the security aspects to guest belongings in the room.
The objective of a hotel is to provide facilities and services for guests in return for money, ultimately to make a profit, and to ensure that guest’s all bills are properly settled, hotels need to have an accurate and constantly updated record of all guest financial transactions.
Every staff in front office should learn the
1. main functions of accounts
2. different types of guest accounts
3. basic accounting cycle
4. procedure in maintaining accounts
5. posting of charges
6. credits to guest accounts
7. verification of posting
Each and every day hotel engages in a large number of transactions with guests in addition to using rooms, food and beverage services during their stay, such as laundry, room service, business centre, telephone etc. on most occasions guests do not have to pay for the services immediately after its use. Instead they may be provided with services on credit and pay for it at the end of their stay during check out.
1. maintain an accurate and current record of all guest transactions.
2. provide an effective internal control by monitoring credit given to guests and prevent fraudulent staff practices and
3. provide management information on department revenue.
1. prepare and compile guest accounts.
2. administer the safe deposits system
3. offer foreign currency exchange facility
Most of the accounts held by the front-office cahier are the resident guest accounts which show the financial transactions with guests who have registered and currently staying in the hotel. Some of the resident guest may have their accommodation charges settled by their company or by travel agent and guest settle incidental expenses themselves. In these situations the resident guest has to have two folios namely master folio and incidental folio. Master folio is settled by the company or travel agent and an incidental folio is settled by the guest. CITY ACCOUNTS
City accounts are records of financial transactions between the hotel and non-resident guests. Local business people who are not resident in the hotel but who use the hotel facilities and services for entertainment or business meetings. MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTS
Management accounts are expense accounts or allowances given by some hotels to the executives and managers of the hotel. These accounts are used to entertain guests or potential clients. FRONT OFFICE ACCOUNTING CYCLE
The first important function of the front office accounting systems is to maintain an accurate and up-to-date record of all the financial transactions between hotel and a guest so that all outstanding accounts are settled without delay. From this, it can be seen that the front office accounting process can be divided into three main phases
1. Creation of accounts
2. Maintenance of accounts
3. Settlement of accounts
A guest account or folio is usually created immediately after the guest checks in. Part of check-in-procedure is to enter the guest details into the computer which automatically opens an account or to open a guest account manually. Credit limits or house limits are often set which means the guests may not go beyond a pre-set amount to their accounts.
Once the guest account has been opened, all financial transactions between the hotel and the guest will be recorded on the account. The act of recording the transactions onto the guest account is called posting.
The accounts are settled by cash and credit settlements. Cash settlements include settlement by local currency, foreign currency, traveller’s cheques, personal cheques and bank cards. Credit settlements include corporate or travel agent settlements.
The importance of delivering quality service in hotels is very much important and is a much more important task of the front office department. Therefore the front office department has to function round the clock with effective service for the guests. The commitment of the staffs will directly benefit to the success of the hotel and gain a good repute among the people. The review of the resources available in the hotel must be considered to meet the objective of making profits by the hospitality to the guests.
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Web references
- www. ihmbbs.org/upload/Front%20Office%20Operation(1).pdf
- www.ihmbbs.org/upload/Front%20Office%20Management.pdf
- https://books.google.co.in/books?isbn=8131717488 https://www.hotelmule.com/html/75/n-4675.html
- www. shamikagroupd.blogspot.com/2009/08/front-office-notes.html
- www.ukessays.com › Essays › Tourism
Book References
- Aggarwal, R. Hotel Front office – Systems and Procedure, Sublime Publications, Jaipur, 2002.
- Bhatnagar, S.K. Front Office Management, Frank Bros, New Delhi, 2004.
- Andrew, S. Text book of Front Office Management and Operation, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd, New Delhi, 2008.
- Ismail, S.A. Front Office Operation and Management, Thomson Asia Pvt Ltd, 2004.