V. Yasodha
All the buildings are made of different kinds of materials and finishes. The materials which are used for construction purposes are called as building materials whereas Finishes are the materials and items given to the building surface to protect the structural members from atmospheric effects such as rain water, heat, frost, etc. as well as to enhance the interior or exterior look of the buildings.
Traditionally, all materials which originate from natural sources such as clay, rock, sand, and wood, have been used to construct buildings. Apart from the natural materials, many man-made products and synthetic materials are also in use.
Nowadays many new innovative materials and finishes are being invented and manufactured. These new advanced materials offer advantages to change the way in which we construct and renovate buildings. They are also used on buildings for their improved performance and functionality. Hence, it is very essential for a builder, may be an Architect, or Civil Engineer, Or Interior Designer, to know about the recent advances in building materials and finishes.
In this lesson, we are going to discuss about the various types and uses of advanced building materials and finishes.
This module has been prepared with the objectives
1. To provide an overview of the most advanced materials and their uses in building construction.
2. To know about the recently available building finishes.
Timber or Wood, is a natural and versatile product, and still it retains many advantages over more industrial building materials like concrete or steel. It possesses many favourable and unique qualities such as grain pattern, greater strength, hardness, durability, weather resistance and easy workability.
Bamboo is a trendy material and also locally available. It is such a promising material for modern buildings because of its combination of tensile strength, light weight, and fast-growing renewable nature. It is used for framing buildings and shelters. Bamboo can replace expensive and heavy imported materials and provide an alternative to concrete especially in difficult-to reach areas and rebuilding the houses after disasters.
In addition to wood and bamboo, many wood based materials are nowadays manufactured in a factory to meet the current needs of the building industry. They are
Plywood is prepared by glueing together thin boards or thin sheets of wood(veneer) into panels. The advantages of plywood are uniform strength, slightly flexible, and greater resistance to cracking and splitting with change in moisture content.
Fibre boards are rigid boards, which are prepared after processing pieces of wood, cane and then pressing them together. These are available in standard sizes and thickness. It is used for wall paneling, suspended ceiling and partition.
Block board has a core made up of strips of wood glued or joined to form a slab, which is further glued between two or more outer veneer in such a way that direction of the grain of the core blocks running at right angles to the adjacent veneers. It is used for partition and paneling.
Laminated wood obtained by joining the ends of short boards by strong adhesives. It is a versatile timber product which is bent during the glueing process into curves for bow string trusses, cantilever arches and other structural requirements.
Cross-Laminated Timber is the most advanced building material, also known as mass timber.
Compare with steel and concrete. It is cheaper, easier to assemble, and more fire resistant.
Straw bales used to create walls of a home inside of a framed structure replacing other building materials such as concrete, wood, gypsum, plaster, fiberglass, or stone. Straw bales naturally provide very high levels of insulation for a hot or cold climate.
Stone such as rubble, granite, marble, sand stone, slate, etc., are highly preferred for foundation work and other finishing work. Good stone offers the advantages of high strength, high durability, sufficient hardness, good fire resistance, low water absorption, facility for carving, and better appearance.
Clay products such as bricks, hollow bricks, ceramic tiles, terracotta, earthenware, stoneware, and roof tiles are largely used in building industry for different purposes. The clay products used in modern buildings are
Perforated bricks are light in weight and contain perforations, may be circular, square, elliptical, rectangular or any other shape in cross section, throughout their thickness. These bricks are used for the construction of brick panels for light weight structures, decorative partition walls, etc.
Tiles are divided into two classes.
Common tiles are used for roofing, flooring, paving, drains, walls, etc.
Encaustic tiles are used for decorative purposes in floors, walls, etc.
Terracotta is a kind of earthernware, made from superior clay by burning. Hollow terracotta blocks are used as a substitute for stone in ornamental parts of building such as facing work, cornices, wall copings, casing for columns, base of pillars etc.
Concrete Hollow blocks were originally prepared from stone and gravel aggregates. These blocks are lighter in weight and easier in handling. Being hollow from inside, it creates air cavities in masonry and insulates the rooms better.
Fly ash bricks are manufactured by mixing fly ash, sand and lime in desired proportion. The manufacture of Fly ash bricks will reduce the environmental waste through the consumption of fly-ash. It saves fuel and electricity consumption and can meet the requirement of construction industry.
Fly ash-Lime-Gypsum bricks. Fly ash is mixed with lime and gypsum.This has better bonding with mortar and brick and also provides good resistance to weathering.
Cement and allied products
The recently developed cement and their substitutes are explained below.
Self repairing cement is a newly developed material which has been designed to replace concrete and has the ability to repair its own crack. This cement is mixed with microcapsules that release a glue-like epoxy resin that will automatically repair any cracks that form in the walkways.
Fly-ash is obtained as a waste material from modern thermal stations where a mixture of air and powdered coal is burnt. This ash resembles in colour and fineness to Portland cement and used in mass concrete work, ready-mixed concrete plants and in brick construction.
Liquid Granite is made of recycled materials which completely replaces cement in concrete. The material is light in weight and has the same load bearing capacity of cement. Liquid granite does not affect the environment. It is made up of between 30 and 70 percent recycled material. Liquid granite is fire resistant and can withstand high temperatures of up to 1100 degrees Celsius for longer periods.
The types of concrete which have been recently developed are
Ferro cement is a type of concrete, cheaper and is made of fine chicken mesh has only a thickness of 21/2 cm.
Translucent Concrete is a concrete based building material mixed with glass fiber optical strands, which create a solid but sheer block. It can be used in flooring and pavement. The optical fibers make up only 4 percent of the mixture. It means that blocks made from this material still have the ability to support load-bearing walls. The light transmitting property gives a fresh, open and spacious look to the interiors.
Insulated concrete panels (ICP) are the most durable, strong and energy efficient new home building materials on the market. These panels are constructed with 4 to 6 inches of polystyrene or polyurethane insulation and concrete on both sides. The panels that are 14 inches thick, with a hefty 6 inches of insulation, and 2 inches of concrete on the interior are also manufactured.
Hempcrete is a concrete like material created from the woody inner fibers of the hemp plant. The hemp fibers are bound with lime to create concrete-like shapes that are strong and light. Hempcrete blocks are lightweight materials which can also reduce the energy used to transport the blocks.
Richlite is a dense material made from paper and phenolic resin. The main constituent of the material is recycled paper which makes up to 70%. It has a very high strength and highly resistant to temperature up to 350 F. It was first used in the aerospace, boating, and sports industries but now is available for architectural purposes as well.
Transparent Aluminum is a crystalline material with excellent optical transparency. It is hard, highly strong and durable and to be used in the construction of windows, domes, plates, rods and tubes in a wide range of sizes and thicknesses.
Glass. Numerous varieties of glass have been developed in recent time for various purposes such as walls and ceiling of hollow glass blocks, windows, furniture, bathroom fittings, glazing, etc. It is possible to make glass lighter than cork or softer than cotton or stronger than steel.
Plastic is prepared from resin(natural or synthetic) with or without fillers, plasticizer, solvents or pigments. Plastics are two types depending upon their behavior when heated and cooled during manufacture such as thermoplastics and thermosetting plastics.
Gypsum is a white crystalline substance, made of hydrated sulphate of calcium. It is mainly used in the manufacture of cement to increase its setting time, and paper industries and for preparing gypsum boards and plaster of paris.
- Finishes are applied over the surface of the structures to
- Give a protective coating to the surfaces which protects the building from natural elements such as rain, frost, heat.etc.
- Provide decorative effects which add to the appearance of the surfaces and building as a whole.
- In this lesson, we are going to discuss the advanced building finishes used to decorate interiors.
Though many wall finishes are available for current use, only a few finishes will be described.
There are several varieties of paints, which are readily available in the market. The properties and uses of some new paints are described here.
Vinyl silk emulsion paint gives a high glossy finish and is the most durable of all the emulsion paints. These paints are ideal for kitchen and bathroom as these areas are subject to a lot of moisture.
Artilin vinymat ultra is a functional paint that can eliminate insects, flies and dust mites. Also, it avoids the development of fungus and bacteria promoting cleanliness. These paints have an odourless, in-built, safe and non-toxic mechanism to humans and pets, but fatal to insects and fungus.
Plastic paints are also known as plastic emulsion paints, essentially consists of a variety of plastics as the base which forms the main constituent for the paint. This paint is available in wide range of shades and has the qualities of quick drying, high covering power and decorative appearance. These paints are widely used for painting show-rooms, offices, cinema halls, etc.
Asbestos paints consist of fibrous asbestos as the main ingredient of the paint. It possess the qualities of retarding the action of fire and of resisting the effects of water, steam and acidic gases. It is largely used for painting gutters, metal furnishings, etc. in order to prevent them from rusting.
Synthetic rubber paint (or rubber base paints) consists of synthetic resins dissolved in suitable solvents and then mixed with other pigments. It has a high covering power with excellent uniformity in color on drying. It offers sufficient resistance against acid, alkali and weather elements such as rain, sunrays and snowfall.
Wall papers
There are many types of wallpapers on the market today.
Vinyl Wallpaper is made of pure vinyl, which is laminated to a paper backing. It is suitable for all rooms and it is easily washable and clean. These durable and hard wearing papers are the most widely used papers on the market.
Natural Bamboo Wallpaper
Natural Bamboo Wallpaper will give a distinctive look for any interiors. These wallpapers are made from natural products. This wallpaper is made by applying bamboo reeds, or vines onto a paper backing with glue. This paper has different varieties of color and texture. They will create a paneling look on the walls when installed.
Wall panels
Wall panels are made of thin sheets of material, installed over walls to add aesthetic and functional characteristics. Many panels made with wood, plywood, laminate, stainless steel and plastics are available in the market today. The newer varieties are
Tileboard panels are made from melamine or resin. They are textured and colored to look like a ceramic tile and easier to install and available at affordable cost. There is no chance for dirt accumulation as these panels do not have grout lines, which makes the cleaning easier.
Acoustical Panels are used to control noise levels in a space. They are made from foam or wood which help panels to absorb sound and are commonly used in schools, auditoriums and hotels. These panels are available in a wide variety of colors and textures to match the room’s decor.
Laminated glass is made of various flat products sandwiched between two sheets of glass.
It is made with many colours and enhances the beauty wherever it is applied.
Etched glass is obtained by treating the glass with hydrofluoric acid, to produce a surface finish that has a “frosted” appearance. The etching on glass is used to diffuse light, reduce glare and obtain a translucent appearance.
Silvered glass. The surface of glass is treated with the substrate to produce a reflective or mirrored quality. The degree of reflectance will depend upon the type, pattern or color of glass. This silvered glass is available in variety of colours and thicknesses. It can be cut to any desired size and shape and used in interiors in the form of mirrors, mirrored walls and mirror doors..
Plaster of Paris is a type of material based on calcium sulphate. This is a smooth finish, generally applied on internal walls for ornamental work and it produces hard and strong surface.
Floors are the horizontal elements of the building structure and provide support for the occupants. Various types of materials are employed for floor finishes. Floor finishes can be classified as
- Hard floor finishes
- Resilient floor finishes and
- Soft floor coverings
Mud, stone, brick, timber, concrete, terracotta, terrazzo and ceramic tile were the floor surfaces which have been used for several years. However, there are several new materials which have come recently and are being laid on floors to improve their appearance and functionality.
Glazed ceramic tiles. As the name implies, these floor finishes are made of earthernware covered by a glaze thoroughly and fired at high temperatures to get a glossy appearance. These tiles are manufactured in wide range of size, shapes, thicknesses, colours, textures, and patterns. They possess the qualities like imperviousness, stain resistance, elegant in appearance, durable, and easy to maintain surface.
Terrazzo is a special type of flooring in which marble chips are embedded in a matrix or concrete. Any desired colour can be obtained by using marble chips of different shades and sizes and also by using different colours of cement. These terrazzo flooring is becoming very popular these days for providing floor finishes in banks, shopping malls, hotels, etc.
Glass flooring can be used for special purpose where it is desired to transmit light from an upper floor to a lower floor such as from a ground floor to a basement. The structural glass used for the construction of floors is available in different forms of varying thickness, usually from 10 to 30mm.
These finishes are soft and resil dirt, attractive, easily maintained and is fire retardant. Foam backing increases its resiliency and warmth. Vinyl asbestos mixed tiles and vinyl marble blend tiles are also available.
Linoleum is available in unlimited colours and designs. It is laid on concrete or wood. Varnishing and waxing improve durability and make cleaning easy.
Rubber tile is made with very beautiful soft colors. Because of its block formation it can be easily repaired by the replacement of a few blocks in worn places. It is pleasant to walk on rubber tile. It can be put over wood because it is pliable and will not crack.
Plastic or PVC flooring a recent development in the floor construction and has been successfully used as a covering over the concrete floor base in all type of buildings such as residential buildings, hospitals, churches, hotels, schools offices, shops etc.
Asphalt tile will probably take harder wear than almost any other floor covering except ceramic tile. It is amazingly easy to care for and is especially good for use in basements or garages where there is some dampness or moisture.
The use of soft floor coverings such as rugs and carpets, mostly woven by using natural or synthetic fibres, has increased in past few years.
A rug is made or cut to standard sizes and are not usually fastened to floors.
Carpet is a type of rug cut and pieced to cover entire floor and is generally fastened to the floor.
The style and performance of carpet have seen many advances in recent years. With the use of technology and development of new fibres, today’s carpet manufacturers are able to combine texture, color and pattern to create beautiful carpets.
Nylon carpet is the first choice of consumers today because of its
- Durability
- High resiliency
- Soil and stain resistance
- Softness
- Resistance to fading
- Mildew resistant
Nylon carpet is a good choice for high traffic areas, or room where children or pets play.
Plaster finish has evolved over the centuries. Now, various techniques are employed to make this oldest form of finish to more interesting.
Sand face plastering has a sandy look and feel, made with a cement mortar with a 1:4 cement and coarse sand ratio.
Rough Cast Plaster is a mix of sand and gravel splattered on wet cement plaster. It gives a
rustic feel.
Pebbled Dash Plaster is the same as rough cast plaster but 6mm pebbles are used in a mix.
Drywall is a method of construction using gypsum boards. These panels are usually fastened directly to the ceiling joists and these joints are made invisible by taping. There are different types of drywall materials available such as fire-resistant boards, acoustical board, mould-resistant boards, and foil-backed drywall. The drywall ceilings are often textured to reduce sound and to cover any imperfections in construction. Some of the textures now being used extensively in modern structures are Skim coating, Mud Swirl, Popcorn ceiling texture and Plaster Stenciling.
False ceiling also known as drop ceiling or suspended ceiling is a ceiling that hangs lower from the roof leaving space between actual roof and ceiling. It improves the aesthetic appearance of to interior and helps in acoustical treatment. It hides all non-pleasing elements from the view. False ceilings can be made with variety of materials and each one of them exhibits their own characteristics in the interiors.
Gypsum false ceiling is a soft light weight ceiling consists of gypsum boards that are being supported by iron frameworks.
Metal false ceilings are highly decorative, durable, shiny surface and they are enjoying a new popularity today.
Wooden false ceiling is used very commonly these days and have a very pleasant impact to the viewers eyes. Wooden panels or wooden boards can be used to make a wooden false ceiling.
Fiber false ceiling is made from natural or synthetic minerals. They are very good heat insulators as well as sound proofing material.
Glass false ceiling is made of fiber glass which is an insulator and also a fire retardant material. Glass false ceiling looks great on the ceiling and aesthetically they appear awesome.
As we have discussed in this lesson, there are many new building materials and finishes are being developed and introduced in the market today. Most of the newer materials have possessed such qualities as attractive, recyclable, energy efficient, cost effective, and make our environment pollution free. In the current scenario, it is essential to replace the traditional materials with new emerging building materials. So, more advanced, innovative building materials should be developed and utilized to construct the buildings with more strength, yet simple and attractive.