32 Lessons of Management from Ramayana
1. Learning Outcomes
2. Introduction
3. Management lessons from Ramayana
4. Summary
1. Learning Outcomes
- To obtain knowledge of Epic Ramayana
- To understand the basic management values
- To apply these management principles in the real life situations.
2. Introduction
Teaching of management can be made very effective by the deep understanding of the epic of Hindu Mythology-The Ramayana. Students of management will certainly have conceptual clarity by analyzing this epic. Good leadership styles, Governance, proper management, co-operation, and good organization etc .may be comprehended from Ramayana. Various management principles have been actually emerged from our epics and old history. In the present day, successfully running corporates are following these principles and practices to govern their organizations. Lord Rama and Hanumana have set good examples of effective management before us. Lord Rama is known for his Ram Rajya.
3 .Management Lessons from Ramayana- The various teachings and lessons drawn from this great epic have been explained as follows:-
3.1 Recognition and Support to the Subordinates–During the search of Sita, it was found that she is in Lanka as Ravana had kidnapped her. Jamvant guided Hanumana. He motivated him to go to Lanka to find Sita. Jamvant was able to explore the potential of Hanumana. He knew that it is only Hanumana who could do this difficult task. Hanumana had courage to go to the enemy’s field. This way Jamvant as a good leaderand manager was successful. He valued his subordinates. They were able to discover Sita. Good leaders must know the potential of their employees and accordingly, task may be assigned to the workers for the effective Implementation of plans.
3.1 Knowledge of the Rivals– To win one should know about the strengths and weaknesses of the rivals and competitors. Accordingly, we may do self-analysis and plan our strategies. When Hanumana went to Lanka to search Sita JI, he acquired the knowledge of Ravana’s empire. He discussed all his contents about Lanka after returning back. Accordingly, Rama’s force was prepared to fight with Ravana. Hanumana was able to analyze the good and the week points of Ravana. This knowledge benefited a lot later on. Similarly, corporates must acquire the requisite knowledge of their competitors, do their SWOT analysis and plan their course of action accordingly.
3.2 Brand Value- Today, customer is the king of the market. Most of the customers go by the brand names due to the brand value. To capture a great portion of market share, companies must create their brand image. Brand’s sale is always successful. In Ramayana, when Rama’s force was trying to cross the sea to reach Lanka, they found it very difficult to reach. Hanumana and his companions made a stone bridge over it. Heavy stones did not sink due to name of Lord Rama on the stones. While, stones without Lord’s name sunk into the water. This way they were able to make a bridge and reached to Lanka.
3.3 Managers behavior with Subordinates- No single person can attain the desired goals. It is a team work of every management. Officials must believe in the strength of their team. They must have faith in their group. They must respect their subordinates. They must listen to them and give them the opportunity to take part in decision-making;. Opinions of the employees must be respected by the managers to enhance their creativity. These way employees may get strengthened. Managers must treat all their employees equally. All these lessons can be learnt from Ramayana. Lord Rama used to have full faith in his force. When Rama was not satisfied with the decision of Hanumana to set fire on Lanka, Hanumana stopped taking any further decision. But, in order to regain his decision-making power he along with Laxmana went Patal Lok. It was only Hanumana, who could bring them back. The same happened with the super powers of Hanumana, after that, Hanumana regained his confidence to be participative.
Lord Rama was able to capture new leader, Hanumana. In business houses too, Business men must create leaders by giving them more opportunities and work experience.
3.4 Ram Rajya- Everybody talks about Lord Rama;s Ram Rajya. That was an empire of Shri Ram Ji, in which justice was done with every individual; each and every member of the society was happy and fortunate to live in Ram Rajya. He was impractical and loyal to his community. Sita had to leave Ajodhya when an ordinary citizen blamed her due to her stay in Lanka. Lord Rama at that time believed in justice and equity, thus he considered his wife like a normal citizen. All the chief executive of big companies must behave impartially and try to do justice with each person working in the organization.
3.5 Ethical Values- Lord Rama is a symbol of good moral and ethical values. He set an example of an ideal son of his parents. He always respected his elders, valued his younger’s and paid due considerations to his countrymen. Thus, he proved to be an ideal king, good son and brother. By setting high moral standards he was always obeying his dharma. While talking about big and successful houses today like Tata’s, they are successful only due to high ethical conduct of their business. They are paying obligations towards society. Their corporate social responsibility is also very good.
3.6 Mutual Co-operation and Alliances- For a good team work, proper co-ordination and co-operation is required. There was a high level of co-operation between Rama and Sita ji. Sita was the daughter of king Janak. After their marriage when Rama had to go to the forests for 14 years she decided to accompany him without a single thought. Moreover, there was an example of co-operation between Rama and Sughreev, among Rama’s brothers etc. In the present scenario, big mergers and alliances take place only to combine two forces to work effectively in a co-ordinate manner.
3.7 Planning about future Succession- Succession of every organization is must. King Dasaratha planned to make Rama, his Yuvraj. As Rama was liked by all, it was the right decision for Ajodhya. Lord Rama proved to be a great king. Succession plans of a business must be at right time. Top level leaders and managers should guide few of their subordinates to succeed. Without proper succession planning, business are failed to run.
3.8 Sacrifices and Hard work- Rama, Sita and Laxmana lived a very hard life in the forests for a period of fourteen years. They considered themselves as the normal citizens. They understood the ground realities of the life. They made many sacrifices for each other. Chief Executives of the companies and top officials should leave the comfort zones. They should conduct market surveys and research to know the expectations of the potential customers. Accordingly, they should formulate their plans and policies. Thus, they may be successful in capturing the major market share.
3.9 Effective Execution of Plans– Hanumana is a good source of inspiration to learn proper execution of plans and policies. He was assigned the task to search Sita ji. He did his job excellently. He assured her to take her back to Rama. He conveyed their messages to each other properly. He was a good medium between them. Similarly, for effective execution of each plan, policy and strategy, efforts must be done. Only to make plans and conduct meetings is noting. Main part of the management is to perform and execute. Believe in “Karma” to get good results.
3.10 Due Importance to Environment– From the era of Ramayana, Environment has been given a good importance for the well-being of creatures. When Lord Rama wanted to cross the sea with his soldiers, he called sea God for this purpose. But, Sea God discussed about his concern to the eco-system due to which no bridge could be formed. Then, he decided to make a Causeway in a shallow area only. Rama accepted this and the process started. In modern world too, Government started various projects by giving high value to the environmental factors. Environment Protection Act has been formulated to follow its rules and companies may be penalized due to disobeyance of the environmental norms. This is compulsory to save our economy.
3.11 Ready to take Good Advice:- Ravana is well known for his knowledge and power. But, the reason of his down fall was not to get advice of his near and dears. He never took advice from his wife Mandodari, his brother Vibhishana and his grandfather Malyavaan instead of this Ravana. They all advised him to return Sita to Lord Rama. But, instead\ of this, he considered the advice of his courtiers full of arrogance. It is beautifully explained in Ramcharitmansa that we should never seek advice from paid advisors who give advice to get some consideration. A good leader must take advice from such persons, who provide guidance without any personal interest.
3.12 Don’t have Bad Company- Kakaiyee, the step mother of Shri Ram ji was under the influence of her maid-servant Manthra. Manthra always gave bad ideas to her. She only guided Kakaiyee to declare her son Bharat as Yuvraj of Ajodhya instead of Rama. She forced the king Dasaratha for the same. She asked the king to keep two promises i.e. fourteen years exile for Rama and declaration of her own son Bharat as the successor of Ajodhya. Consequently, king Dasaratha died due to his separation from Rama. Thus, good company can make you and bad company will destroy you.
3.13 Be Humble- During the end of Ravana, Lord Rama told Laxmana to learn the principles of good governance from Ravana. Laxmana approached him but failed due to his hasty nature. But, Rama advised him to approach Ravana again with due humility. Now, the second time Laxmana was successful. Ravana shared his knowledge about state craft and diplomacy, as he was a highly learned person. Good managers must behave with all their stakeholders in a very humble and gentle way.
3.14 Ability to face Risk and Challenges- There is direct relationship between risk and profitability. Higher the risk more is the profitability. A good business man has the potential to take more risk in order to generate more profits. Like, Hanumana was assigned the duty of searching Sita ji. He had to cross a big sea on his way, he faced multiple obstacles. Like, he had to enter in the mouth of Surasa, a Rakshasi. Again he was examined by another rakshasi Simhika. But, Hanumana had a very sharp mind, decision making ability and great power to overcome all these hindrances. Hanumana brought Sanjivani-a life saving herb from Himalayas for Laxmana after putting several efforts. Therefore, taking all these risks he was quite successful.
3.15 Clarity of Goals to the Followers- Each employee of the organization must be aware of the vision, mission and organizational goals. This is required for the effective attainment of the objectives. Each employee should have clarity of his individual goals also. Otherwise, there may be a chaos in the company. Like Rama motivated his force by delegating them responsibility to bring Sita back home. His followers were clear about their task. There was proper division of work also.
3.16 Not to over Commit- Dasaratha, father of Rama, did commitment with his wife to fulfill her desire. His wife Kakaiyee demanded two such things, which were like impossible to fulfill by Dasaratha. Rama’s exile for fourteen years and Bharat’s declaration as Yuvraj of Ajodhya. Consequently, he had to keep his promise and also lost his life in the memories of his son. Thus, good management should not commit such promises with its stakeholders which are not feasible and profitable.
3.17 Rama Rajya as a Model of Good Governance- Corporate Governance has become essential part of successful management. Organizations have to fulfill best corporate Governance practices as per legal norms. A lot of knowledge could be gathered from the epic Ramayana in which Lord Rama is an immense example as a model of good governance. As per him, good governance is more about governance and less about government. The focus of a good leader is to do administration effectively and rather to occupy important positions. Only managers and leaders must learn from the Ram-Rajya which based only on this concept.
3.18 Good Social and Human Values- Effective leadership means to lead with good personality traits like Rama. He was called “Maryada Purshotam” which means to be in limits and follow the path of righteousness. He was possessing good human qualities. He was truthful, honest and loyal. He was full of contentment, humility mildness and integrity. He was indeed an ideal leader. Modern managers should follow all the leadership traits and styles of Lord Rama as a great king.
3.19 Strategic Management- Strategic Management could be best understood from this great Indian mythology. One cause of destruction of Ravana was the wrong advices of his ministers who were mere yes Man. Only those subordinates must be selected by the management who are not yes man, rather they can give useful and honest advice to their officials. Rama provided the teaching of effective strategic management to his brother Bharat when he was leading Ajodhya on his behalf. Rama also guided him, how to handle various people while management.
3.20 Human resources Management- Rama’s brother Shatrughan was going to fight with a Demon Lavnasur, who was very powerful. At that time, Rama educated his brother, How to treat with his human force. Rama told him to properly look after his force with love and respect. Treat them equally and pay them reasonably. These are the leadership traits which can bring loyalty , commitment and motivation among the employees. Moreover, Rama selected very courageous and strong willed men in his force who were very knowledgeable and possessing high emotional quotient. A good manager must place only such type of workers who can handle every difficult situation very easily in the organization.
3.21 Acceptance of Committed Employees- A boss should always appreciate and value his hardworking and dedicated employees. He should ignore few mistakes committed by them during duty. Lord Rama went to his devotee “Shabari”, who was too old and walked with a stick. She waited for a long time for the “Darshana of Rama”. She always collected berry fruit in her basket for her God. She first tasted the fruits herself to check whether it was sweet or bitter. She rejected the bitter one and kept the sweet one for Lord. One day, Rama came to her place due to her love and devotion. Rama ate the fruits offered by Shabari. He did not mind even about earlier these were tested by Shabari. It was her “Bhakati” and “Commitment” for God only.
3.22 Always be Responsible- During their exile period the sister of Ravana, Surpanakha met Lord Rama and was attracted from the outlooks of god. But Rama did not reciprocate her due to his loyalty and faith towards his wife Sita. After this rejection, she was fascinated towards Laxmana. But, again she was failed. Due to this frustration she attacked Sita. Laxmana at that moment protected Mata Sita in the absence of Rama and he cut off Surpanakha’s nose. He was very responsible for his bhabhi Sita.
- Summary-
The epic “Ramayana” has been written in many versions. But, its two very popular versions are by Sage Valmiki ji and Goswami Tutsi Das. In these versions, whole of the incidence have been explained very beautifully and meticulously. The best knowledge of the leadership and management can be attained by deeply understanding the teachings behind them. “Rama” is the model of good governance, full of spirituality, moral and ethical values. Hanumana is the symbol of love, devotion, courage, commitment and knowledge. Sita ji symbolizes love, commitment and sacrifice. Ravana was an adharmi, ego centric, full of lust, greed, envy, pride and negative emotions. But, he was a learned person, who educated Laxmana regarding administration and management traits. Today, when administration of Indian corporate and Indian Political system is the matter of discussion, it is highly recommended to follow such principles of management in real sense. There is a need to convert “Kalyuga” to again into “Satyuga” of Lord Rama. This is a little effort to be put by Indian administration system. It is only governance and leadership which is to be made effective and pure in order to produce good human beings, good citizens, good leaders, good workers consequently a peaceful economy.
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Suggestive Readings-
- Modern Mgt Lessons from Ramayana, Lee, N.H (1989), To kill a Mocking bird, Chicago; Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
- Thoreau; H.D (1964), Civil Disc bedience, Raleigh: Hayes Barton.
- Modern Mgt Lessons from Ramayana by Pramod Pathak , Saumya Singh Ankita Anshal(www.inflibnet.ac.in)
- Keshavadas Sadguru Sant(1988) Ramayana at a Glance, Motilal Banarsidar Publishers.
- Willam Buck, BA,Van Nooten(2000), Ramayana, University of California Press Dodiya Jaydipsinh (2001), critical perspectives on the Ramayana, Sarup and sons.