33 Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction in Developmental Planning
Dr. Rajnish Ranjan
Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction is a cross cutting issue which requires involvement of multi sectoral actors and approaches. In order to promote paradigm shift in culture from relief centric to mitigation & preparedness centric, there is a need to adopt DRR approach in every sector of developmental planning so that , the development initiatives in India may move forward keeping pace with disaster risk reduction approach .
The present modules deal with the various components of mainstreaming drr in developmental planning and discuss in details on the approaches of various sectors in mainstreaming.
When any disaster strikes the community or society, it disrupts the progress and wipe out the long achieved developmental efforts, often taking nations backward for a long term in their mission for progress .When disaster strikes , it creates severe impact on the development process and people are deprived of the outcomes of development .They lose their lives and livelihood. Poor and under privileged class of people are severely affected and their conditions are turned into extreme poverty in a matter of hours. The overall aim of the developmental planning gets shattered and meaningless for those whom development was planned.
Over the years , it has been observed that natural and manmade disasters have been creating adverse impacts on all kinds of developmental planning as the overall strategies of planning right from the conceptualization to the implementation stage doesn’t automatically address the concerns of disaster risk reduction .Generally it happens that communities are left under the extreme vulnerabilities of disasters because humanitarian or developmental interventions have rather added more vulnerabilities in the existing one. It is therefore essential that developmental interventions should be designed in such a way that it can create new opportunities of disaster risk reduction.
Disaster Risk Reduction has been defined by United Nations as the “conceptual framework of elements considered with the possibilities to minimize vulnerabilities and disaster risks throughout a society, to prevent or to mitigate the adverse impacts of hazards, within the broad contexts of sustainable development.
Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction
Disaster risk reduction is a set of measures used to reduce the direct, indirect and intangible losses occurred due to disasters. This may be technical, economic or social. Mainstreaming DRR refers to the process that incorporates the concerns of disaster preparedness, prevention and mitigation into developmental planning as well as in the policies of post disaster recovery and practices. This aims towards complete institutionalization of DRR within the developmental planning agenda.
Objectives of Mainstreaming DRR
The following are the main objectives of mainstreaming DRR into developmental planning –
Ø All the ongoing schemes of the Government of India as well as State Governments and other subsidiary agencies must be selectively audited by designated government agencies in order to ensure that they have properly addressed the concerns of disaster risk reduction in their developmental planning.
Ø All the developmental schemes, well at the level of conceptualization or funding stage shall consider incorporating issues of potential hazards associated with their developmental planning strategies, and accordingly shall incorporate measures to mitigate the same .
Ø There should be pragmatic approach to all the developmental schemes by incorporating the local risks and vulnerabilities of disasters , ensuring that the concern schemes have appropriately addressed the concerns and specific and pragmatic mitigation approach of potential disasters be incorporated.
Ø All the relief and recovery programmes undertaken by states and districts disaster management authorities must take into consideration the compliance of DRR components.
Components of Mainstreaming
While adopting mainstreaming DRR in any of the developmental planning the following components /categories must be taken into consideration –
- Integration of DRR in developmental policy
- Mainstreaming DRR in developmental strategy
- Strengthening of DRR through training and capacity building interventions
- HVRC Analysis at the micro level
- Mainstreaming DRR in project cycle management
- Mutual collaboration with other stakeholders
1. Integration of DRR in developmental policy
While ensuring mainstreaming DRR in developmental planning, there needs to have a clear cut integration of policy on DRR approach that could protect developmental initiative from any possible threats of disasters. For example in the petroleum/NG storage of any establishment, there could be a possible threat of lightning that may catch fire in the entire establishment, thus there is a need of policy level integration of installing lightning detection sensors/lightning conductors so that the possible threats of lightning could be minimised and potential disasters could be averted .In a similar manner, Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) having adequate technical knowledge on shelter can provide support to the government in integrating the policy on same in developmental planning approach.
2. Mainstreaming DRR in developmental strategy
Many of the stakeholders translate their organizational goals and policies into detailed strategies for action. During this stage , departments/NGOs and other stakeholders may ensure mainstreaming DRR in their policy strategies. As for example a project on ‘covering all the BPL beneficiaries under the policy of education for all’ there may be integration of school safety and Water & Sanitation (WaSH) initiatives for the targeted beneficiaries.
3. Strengthening of DRR through training and capacity building interventions
Training and Capacity Building play greater role in mainstreaming DRR. When it comes to developmental planning , training and capacity building interventions may strengthen the effort of mainstreaming at every level by integrating vital knowledge and skills on disaster risk reduction . There are various methods through which knowledge management and capacity building can be adopted-
a. Curriculum development and capacity building in educational institutions
b. Dissemination of knowledge and skills on disaster risk reduction
c. Translation of conceptual/academic research findings into easy to understand information
d. Dissemination of information by way of media campaigns, workshops, seminars, symposiums etc.
e. Development of e-learning for dissemination of information /education
f. Dissemination of knowledge through local languages/dialects
4. Hazard Vulnerability and Risk Analysis at the micro level
The geographical and geological conditions of the concerned area determine the Hazard, Vulnerability and Risk condition. Locational aspects of developmental projects decided on the basis of hazard, risk and vulnerability analysis of a given area would be part of the risk reduction strategy .These factors determine where to place developmental projects
The concerned departments/agencies should conduct /facilitate hazard, risk and vulnerability analysis of a given area and take into considerations the outcome of the analysis into developmental planning. Based on these inputs, relocation of the developmental projects may also be considered. In addition, the HVR analysis may also give adequate information of the potential vulnerability and the concerned stakeholder can sensitize vulnerable communities about their potential hazards and likelihood of disasters. e.g. In water deficit areas, instead of drilling more bore wells, it is much advisable to apply the knowledge of water budgeting or restrict settlements in flood prone areas.
5. Mainstreaming DRR in project cycle management
During the management of any project, it is essential to integrate the knowledge of DRR in various phases of project cycle, so that DRR can become a part of successful project management. The project management unit must also ensure that their DRR approach should not further increase vulnerability rather must be instrumental in reducing vulnerability. e.g in a housing project , considering DRR approach may reduce the vulnerability of multiple disasters .
6. Mutual collaboration with other stakeholders
In order to promote mainstreaming DRR into developmental planning, there is a need to have collaborations between government, non government and other stakeholders. The improved coordination may strengthen mainstreaming DRR successfully into developmental planning. The improved coordination may be relevant in all the phases of disasters like prevention, preparedness and mitigation.
Sector wise Mainstreaming DRR
Disaster risk reduction plans must be integrated with social welfare schemes launched by the central and state government. The statutory provisions in different plans provide opportunities to prepare holistic plans on disaster management covering the cycle of disaster management integrating macro and micro level policy of implementation.
There are various sectors wherein DRR may be integrated to have a better culture of resilience at all level –
- Mainstreaming DRR in Shelter and Infrastructure Management
- Mainstreaming DRR into Livelihood
- Mainstreaming DRR into Food Security and Nutrition
- Mainstreaming DRR into Health Services
- Mainstreaming DRR in Water –Sanitation and Hygiene
- Mainstreaming DRR in Education sector
- Integrating DRR in the Environment Planning
1. Shelter and Infrastructure Management
In any disaster situation, huge losses occur due to destruction of shelter and associated infrastructure, which creates challenge among responders and disaster managers to deal with the situations. In order to reduce the impact of disasters, there is need to focus more emphasis on adopting disaster risk reduction strategies in shelter development plan. There should be quality standards and guidelines for infrastructure development with emphasis on hazard resistant construction and shelter designing. Appropriate legislation must be in place to fix the accountability of agencies in ensuring DRR adoption. In addition appropriate land use planning strategies must also be in place in the vulnerable areas.
The advocacy and awareness also play important role in shelter and infrastructure. We must ensure that the implementing agencies and people are aware of new disaster resilient construction techniques. In addition, institutional arrangements should also be in place to promote the use of calamity resistant techniques including retrofitting and affected people including the most vulnerable are aware of their land and housing rights. For having a good shelter, there also needs to have a better coordination and capacity building plans. Necessary technical trainings must be imparted to stakeholders including project staffs, inspectors, NGOs and other stakeholders.
2. Mainstreaming DRR into Livelihood
It’s a challenging for the integration of DRR into livelihoods in order to sustain the socio – economic development achieved in the development process. Land use planning and micro insurance should be used for livelihood planning at the grass root level. Many of the research institutions are engaged in the preparation of development plans that may include
DRR concerns based on hazard vulnerability and risk analysis for improved livelihood. In addition, risk proofing & monitoring and engagement of local bodies and communities are important component for ensuring livelihood.
3. Food Security and Nutrition
Food security and nutrition adversely affects poor households as well as their vulnerability further gets increased in post disaster situations. The acute crisis of food and nutritional supplements severely affects women, children, old aged and disabled people. There is a need to have a sound policy at the time of disaster to provide food security and safety net for the under privileged class.In addition there is a need to the introduction of insurance scheme for the poor community covering post disaster losses . The following must be in the priority for providing food security and nutrition.
i. Public Information campaign on the existence of government agricultural livestock scheme Awareness generation on flood risk.
ii. Awareness generation on climate variability
iii. Training of farmers in alternate farming methods crop types and varieties
iv. Increased cultivation of drought resistant crops
v. Diversification of crops grown in different seasons of the year
4. Mainstreaming DRR into Health Services
It generally happens in India that health sectors are badly affected due to disasters despite having much importance. In order to mainstream DRR interventions into health services , the first and the foremost action must be to adopt adequate policies specific to health sector. There is a need to adopt standard quality parameters for infrastructure having focus on hazard resistant construction of hospitals and health facilities. In addition land use planning must be taken into consideration for selecting locations for structurally safe hospitals /health centres. It is essential for health workers to know about the various provisions of NDMA guidelines as well as tool kits for hospital disaster management, Community health workers manuals etc. Community must also be able to aware about the arising health issues due to potential hazards of their area. For effective mainstreaming , Aanganwari workers, ASHAs and health volunteers must be trained on various aspects of health and hygiene during emergencies. It is also needed to ensure proper trainings of health workers in disaster preparedness efforts. The primary health centres and community health centres must also be equipped to continue functioning during disasters. The community dwellers must also be trained in providing psyco-social support to deal with post disaster trauma.
5. Mainstreaming DRR in Water –Sanitation and Hygiene
In this segment of mainstreaming also the component of policy & legislation, advocacy and awareness and coordination & capacity building play greater role. WASH policy may include provisions on upgrading facilities in terms of hazard resistance and accessibility. Continuous awareness programme must also be carried out for awareness generation at various levels. There should also be adequate and ‘comfortable’ provision of providing dignity kits for women during after disasters. In addition a well structured coordination mechanism must also be there to ensure disaster safe water and sanitation facilities. Risk proofing is another area where emphasis must be given. Risk assessment is done for site location of water establishments, drainage system, sanitation facilities etc.
6. DRR in Education sector
Mainstreaming DRR in education sector is fast emerging as the important segment of disaster risk reduction in India. Keeping in view the importance of this stream, National Disaster Management Authority has issued a guidelines on school safety wherein all the vital components of disaster risk reduction and safety aspects pertaining to schools are detailed. In order to make new school buildings safe from disasters, a provision of disaster safe school must be promoted wherein land use planning and structural audit must be taken into consideration for new school building constructions. The following must be considered while mainstreaming DRR in educational sector –
Ø Hazard resistant construction of schools
Ø Retrofitting for old /existing building structures of schools
Ø Promotion of DRR lessons in school curriculum
Ø Training and capacity building for school teachers and instructors
Ø Conduct of mock drills for teachers and students on a regular basis
Ø Disaster insurance for teachers, students and staffs
7. DRR integration in Environmental Planning
Disaster risk reduction is closely related to environment and climate change. The compliance of environmental regulations and policy guidelines can ensure better disaster risk reduction at all levels. The following must be considered for effective integration of DRR in environmental planning-
Ø Environmental regulations are properly complied and periodical review is done
Ø Environmental planning for reservoir safety and ecology maintenance in reservoir area
Ø Public awareness on environment protection and quality control must spread
Ø Environmental Impact Assessment must incorporate components of potential disaster impact assessment
Ø Restoration of ecosystem for disaster risk reduction
Ø Social Audits for all the potential risks
Disaster creates severe impact on the development process and people are deprived of the outcomes of development. In order to promote DRR enabled developmental planning , there is a need to adopt the approach of mainstreaming of disaster risk reduction into every aspect of developmental planning.
The main objectives of mainstreaming is the selective audit of all the ongoing schemes by governments ; adoption of mitigation centric developmental approach; pragmatic approach developmental planning incorporating all the aspects of DRR and effective compliance of DRR components. There are various sectors wherein DRR may be integrated to have a better culture of resilience at all level . They are Shelter and Infrastructure Management; Livelihood; Food Security and Nutrition ; Health Services ; Water –Sanitation and Hygiene ;Education sector and integrating DRR in the Environment Planning
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