23 Technology of traditional Indian meat products

Insha Rafiq Syed

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Indian Meat dishes

  • Popular all over the world.
  • Meat cooking is influence by Mughal cuisine, even though Indian food and its taste have changed dramatically.
  • Among the Indian meat dishes Tandoori chicken, chicken curry and kebabs are famous all over the globe.
  • Indian dishes seem difficult to cook but once you know the spices and the method of cooking they are very easy to prepare.


Traditional Meat Products

  • The rich heritage of India contributes to wide range of traditional foods.
  • Some of the variety meats are used in traditional manner.
  • Buffalo meat is well suitable for making pickles of high palatability.
  • Use of Cucumis trigonus roxb, Ginger officinale and papain in the preparation of roasted buffalo meat chunks contribute a significant improvement in flavour, juiciness, tenderness and overall acceptability


 Meat kofta

  • Meat is grinded with whole spices while ground spices along with besan are added afterwards.
  • Small balls are made from the mixture.
  • Then fried in deep fryer .
  • For curry onion, garlic and ginger are fried till golden brown color and mixed with other curry ingredients by adding enough water to make gravy.
  • Then  boiled and mixed with koftas


Rogan josh

  • It is one of main dishes of kashmiri wazwan.
  • It consists of braised boneless lamb chunks cooked with a gravy based on browned onions or shallots, yoghurt, garlic, ginger and aromatic spices (cloves, bay leaves, cardamom, cinnamon).
  • While the traditional preparation uses whole dried chillies that are de-seeded, soaked in water, and ground to a paste.
  • A modified version of the dish is yogurt based but referred to by a slightly different name “Hindi Rogan Josh”.


Ingredients of Rogan josh


Ingredients Quantity
Mutton curry cut 800g
Rattanjog(bark of a tree from Kashmir)extract 20ml
Saffron a pinch
Cumin a pinch
Kashmiri chilly paste 25g
Ginger garlic paste 25g
Nutmeg a pinch
Mace 10g
Garam masala
Onions(chopped) 100g
Oil or ghee 30g
Tomatoes(chopped) 120g
Mutton stock 500ml
Coriander leaves ½ bunch




  • Make a curry paste using cumin, chilli paste and ginger- garlic paste.
  • Heat fat & fry the onions till golden brown and add the prepared curry paste.
  • Add the meat and half of the saffron, stir well so that the masala gets uniformly coated on the meat.
  • Add stock, nutmeg, mace and rattan jog extract and simmer the meat till well done.
  • Add the rest of the saffron soaked in little milk.
  • Serve hot garnished with chopped coriander leaves



  • It is a traditional meat product prepared by direct heating.
  • Lean meat is taken and cutted into cubes followed by curing
  • After curing cubes are attached to the seekh by introducing the seekh into the cubes.
  • Then the seekh along with the cubes is placed on fire generally.
  • After this the cubes are taken out from the seekh and are eaten with chutney.


Shami kabab

  • Minced meat is boiled
  • After that meat is grinded into fine paste. Then spices and gram dal are grinded into a fine paste.
  • Simultaneously eggs are beaten well and uniform dough is prepared.
  • Finely chopped green chillies and onion are added to dough and mixed well.
  • Then ghee is heated and kababs are deep fried


Sheek kebab


Ingredients Quantity
Mutton (minced) 700g
Garam masala 2g
Chilly powder 4g
Dried mango powder 2g
Cumin powder 4g
Black pepper powder 4g
Nutmeg powder 2g
Garlic paste 5g
Ginger paste 5g
Chat masala 4g
Rock salt to taste
Cashew nut paste 10g
Onions (chopped) 100g
Coriander leaves(chopped) 50g
Lemon wedges 4nos



  • Mutton is minced and blended with spices except chat masala.
  • Then cashew paste, chopped onions and coriander leaves are added and blended well.
  • Then equal size balls are made and these balls are spreaded using wet hand along the length of a skewer or seekh.
  • Then the kebab are cooked with the skewer.
  • Then chat masala is sprinkled on the kebabs.

Hyderabadi Biryani




¨   Take washed mutton in a vessel.


¨   Grind green chillies, ginger, garlic, spices, fried onion, and mix them all, then add this mixture to the meat.


¨   Then add curd to it, mix the stuff thoroughly. Leave the material for half an hour.


¨   Take 2 litres of water in a vessel and put it on the stove.


¨   When water boils well put the rice in the vessel.


¨   Take out the semi-cooked rice and spread it on the meat and spices mixture as a layer.

    ¨   Take some more rice and spread as second layer. Finally, spread the fully cooked rice.


¨   Prepare a mixture of one cup of boiled water and 1/4 kg ghee and spill it on the rice.


¨   Now put a plate on the vessel and seal the edges with dough.


¨   Put the vessel on the stove, cook for 15 minutes on medium flame.


¨   Then turn off the stove. Leave the stuff for 15 minutes.


¨   Hyderabadi mutton biryani is ready to serve.


Kashmiri cuisine wazwan


¨   Traditional Kashmiri form of cooking is known as ‘Wazwan’


¨   This royal cuisine of Kashmir has been influenced by Iranian, Afghan and Central Asian styles of cooking.



  • Lean meat
  • minced
  • mixing with egg and again grinded.
  • Addition of spices with further grinding.
  • Making of small balls from the grinded meat (rolling with wet hand).
  • Preparation of gravy (water, salt and spices garlic, ginger, nutmeg, mace, rattan jog extract, garam masala, and crushed fried onions/shallot
  • Dipping of balls in gravy
  • cooking
  • Addition of oil
  • swelled balls with spongy texture


Seekh kabab

  • Coarsly minced lean meat
  • Addition of spices
  • Addition of egg
  • Mixing
  • Attachment  to skewers
  • Grilling
  • Removing from skewer
  • Tube shaped kabab  Frying in oil


Tabak maz

  • Rib meat
  • Cutting
  • Boiling in water with spices  Dried
  • Deep fried in fat



  • Mutton pieces
  • Boiling in water
  • Curd as base
  • Boiling of curd with continuous stirring
  • Addition of Boiled meat to curd
  • Cooking
  • Addition of fried onions  Mint garnishing



  • Minced meat
  • Addition  of egg
  • Again minced
  • Ball making
  • Gravy making from curd
  • Addition of balls to gravy  Cooking


you can view video on Technology of traditional Indian meat products

Suggested Readings

  • Fayaz, Farooq. (2001). Folklore and History of Kashmir. Srinagar, Nunaposh Publications.
  • Masoodi SR, Wani AA, Wani AI, Bashir MI, Laway BA, Zargar AH (2010). Prevalence of overweight and obesity in young adults aged 20-40 years in North India (Kashmir Valley). Diabetes Res Clin Pract;87:e4-6.
  • Masoodi, M.M. (1989).Persian Influences on Kashmiri Culture with Special Reference to Language. In Kashmir and Central Asia. (ed.).Srinagar, Centre of Central Asian Studies, Kashmir University.
  • Mohi-ud-din, Akhter. (1989). Identifying some Uzbek Words in the Kashmiri Language-An Attempt. In Kashmir and Central Asia. (ed.).Srinagar, Centre of Central Asian Studies, Kashmir University.
  • National Kidney Foundation: Kidney disease outcomes quality
  • initiative clinical practice guidelines for nutrition in chronic renal failure. 2000;35:1.
  • Nutritive value of Indian Foods, NIN-ICMR, Hyderabad 500 007 India (47-58).
  • Sheikh, Aejaz M. and Shabina. (2009). Language Change and Cultural Change: A Case Study of Kashmiri Lexicon. Srinagar, J & K Academy of Art, Culture and Languages, Sheeraza (English). Vol. V, No. 1.
  • Sheikh, Aejaz M. (1997). Kashri Zabani Peth Arbi Farsi Asrat (PersoArabic Influence on Kashmiri). Srinagar, Sheeraza, Vol.31, No.6.
  • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kashmiri_cuisine