1 Status and scope of meat, fish and poultry industry in India

D C Saxena and Kulsum Jan

epgp books




Meat  is  a  skeletal  muscle  of  animal  which  undergoes  physical, chemical & biochemical changes & used as food.


The present production of meat is estimated at 6.27 million tons in 2010 (FAO, 2012) which is 2.21% of the world’s meat production.


The contribution of meat

  •  Buffalo is about 23.33%,
  • while cattle contributes about 17.34%,
  • Sheep 4.61%,
  • Goat 9.36%,
  • Pig 5.31%,
  • Poultry 36.68% and
  • Other species 3.37%
  • Exported Buffalo meat from India have increased from 726287.27 MT in 2010-11to 1106965.20 MT in 2012-13.
  • India’s exports of poultry products has also increased from 516753.83MT in 2010-11 to 577812.60MT in 2012-13.
  • India’s exports of processed meat increased from 1305.96 MT in 2010-11 to 1330.86 MT in 2012-13
  • The top five destinations for export of Indian sheep/goat meat during 2012-13 were United Arab Emirates (47.87%), Saudi Arabia (29.53%), Qatar (10.25%), Kuwait (6.53%) and Oman (2.21%)
  • Contribution of livestock to GDP decreased from 4.02% in 2004-05 to 3.64% in 2010-11 at current prices (about 22.51% of agriculture and allied GDP
  • ComparisonAsthecountry’slivestockoftheindustrybasicischanging,nutritionalIndiaattempts to become a key player in the global meat market.
  • The poultry has gaining the widely acceptance by consumers and growing 10-15% annually.
  • India is the fourth world’s largest egg producing country.
  • In India, there are about 4,000 registered slaughter houses with the local bodies and more than 25,000 unregistered premises.
  • The National Committee on Human Nutrition in India has recommended per capita of 180 eggs (about one egg every two days ) and 10.8 kg meat
  • The growth of the industry with steady production of 1,800 million kg of poultry meat, 40 billion egg per year and employment generation of about 3 million people indicates the future prospects for the industry.
  • Indian poultry are exported mainly to the Middle East and the Maldives and more recently Japan
  • Increased emphasis on quality and changing consumer tastes require greater investments in modern slaughter facilities and development of cold chains.
  • The MPEDA and Indian Government are currently focussed on enhancing production and boosting exports to make India the top global seafood exporter.
  • Frozen shrimp continued to be the single largest item of export in terms of value accounting for about 44% in the total export earnings. In terms of quantity, fish accounted for the major share at 40% (shrimp 21%).
  • Andhra Pradesh counts for maximum egg production. Within Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad is the city with maximum poultry and hatcheries.


Factors affecting growth of the  Meat and Poultry Sector

  • More awareness and changing needs, lifestyles and global food consumption patterns of consumers.
  • Availability of wider range of products.
  • Openness to experimenting with processed and convenience meat and meat based products.
  • Increased phenomenon of organized retailing.
  • Increasing export opportunities.
  • Increase in favorable regulatory environment and government support.
  •   Augmented investment inflows.


National Fisheries Development Board

  • GLOBAL POSITION OF INDIA 3rd in Fisheries 2nd in Aquaculture
  • Contribution of Fisheries to GDP (1.07 %)
  • Per capita fish availability (9 Kg)
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 Suggested readings

•   Iwuoha C. I and Onyekwere S. Eke. (1996). Nigerian indigenous fermented foods:their traditional process operation, inherent problems, improvements and current status. Food Research International~ Vol. 29, Nos 5-6, pp. 527-540, 1996


•   Kobayashi I. Takeno T. Sugawara M. (2004). Data transmission code towards international EDI for seafood supply chain. Int. J. Production Economics 87 : 281–29

  • Sathiadhas R. Socio Economic Scenario of Marine. Fisheries in Kerala – Status and Scope for Improvement.
  • CMFRI, 2005, Marine Fisheries Census, 2005, Part I, Kerala