22 Technology of chicken-based convenience meat products

Insha Rafiq Syed

epgp books


Processing of Some Convenience Poultry Products

  • Tandoori Chicken
  • Chicken Barbecue
  • Chicken Seekh and Shami Kababs
  • Chicken Kofta
  • Poultry Pickle
  • Chicken Samosa
  • Chicken Sausage
  • Chicken Patties
  • Chicken Tikka


Tandoori chicken


For tandoori chicken broilers at 6 weeks of age are preferred because of their tender meat and ability to sustain roasting.


Procedure for preparation of tandoori chicken:

  • Chicken are rubbed with 4% salt along with spices and seasoning and kept for 5 minutes.
  • Drained and thoroughly marinated with sauce on the surface and in the interior.
  • The marinated chickens are roasted in a tandoori oven, under smokeless, moderate and uniform heat for 20-30 minutes.


Chicken Barbecue

  • Broilers with about 750 g dressed weight are preferred for barbecuing.
  • The dressed chickens are longitudinally halved.
  • The chicken halves are marinated with sauce containing spices.
  • The sides are then placed on the oven for barbecuing.
  • The cooking should proceed slowly at moderate temperature so that tender, golden brown and slightly smoked flavoured barbecue is obtained


Chicken Seekh and Shami Kababs

  • Culled or spent chicken meat is used for preparing seekh kababs
  • Lean meat is minced and wheat flour (3 %) and whole egg liquid (5 %) are incorporated
  • The mince is pasted around specially made iron bars (seekh) and cooked over moderate and uniform heat
  • Then the bars are turned and basted with vegetable oil.


For the preparation of shami kababs;

  • meat chunks and water soaked black gram dal are simmered in water for nearly 5 minutes before grinding.
  • Then  seasoned with salt, dry spices and condiment paste.
  • After this made into round cakes which are shallow fried with edible oil on a girdle till both the sides are brown.


Chicken Kofta


Meat from spent or culled chicken can be utilized for preparing kofta (meat balls).



  • Lean meat is coarse ground. 10-15% vegetable oil is added to it.
  • Wheat flour in combination with whole egg liquid are incorporated, seasonings, salt and spices are mixed.
  • The dough is rolled into 15g balls with hand and deep fat fried for 5 minutes.
  • Cooked balls, packed in polyethylene pouches have keeping quality of 8 to 10 days at 40°C.


Poultry Pickle



  • For pickling, excess fat is trimmed off from dressed chicken and then deboned.
  • Dicing of meat, applied with 2 % salt and pressure cooked for 8 to 10 minutes.
  • Cooked meat is taken out and fried.
  • Green curry stuff is fried to get golden brown colour.
  • Addition of dry spices, remaining 2 % salt and fried meat.
  • Cooling and then thoroughly mixed with vinegar.
  • Then the product is packed.


Chicken Samosa



  •  Lean chicken is minced.
  • Condiments are fried in vegetable oil and dry spices along with salt are added towards the end.
  • Minced lean meat and cooked mashed potatoes are mixed with the fried spices and heated.
  • The fried stuff is ready for filling.
  • A dough triangular pouch is made and the fried stuff (20-25g) is filled into it.
  • The pouch is closed and samosa is deep fried in vegetable oil to obtain a crispy product.


Chicken Sausage

  • Tough meat from spent hens can be utilized for the preparation of chicken sausages.



  • Deboned chicken meat is minced
  • Emulsion is prepared (Lean meat, ice flakes, salt and sodium nitrite are run along with fat).
  • Spices, condiments are added to the emulsion Meat emulsion is filled into casings.
  • Cooking of sausages .
  • Smoking.


Chicken Patties



  • Raw deboned chicken meat and fat are minced.
  • Other ingredients like wheat flour or texturized soy protein (binding agent), salt, condiments, spices are also mixed to the ground meat.
  • The blended mass is divided into small portions and moulded into patties.
  • Broiled in a hot air oven set at 200°C for 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Hot patties may be used to prepare burgers.


Chicken Tikka



  • Deboned chicken is minced in a meat grinder, 40 % of the mince is pressure cooked for 2 min.
  • Besides, peeled and shredded potatoes are partially cooked in boiling water separately.
  • Now, mince meat (60 raw: 40 cooked), shredded potatoes, rice powder, bread crumbs, salt, spices and condiments are thoroughly mixed in an electrically operated meat mixer.
  • The blended mass is divided into 70 g portions and moulded into tikkas.
  • These are shallow fat fried in a girdle.
  • The product is consumed as hot snack.
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