24 Ginger: Bleaching
24.1. Bleaching of ginger:
To get bleached Ginger, peeled rhizomes are soaked in 2% lime water for 6 hours, fumigated with sulphur for 12 hours. Bleached ginger is produced by steeping in a solution of milk of lime and then drying. Ginger was one of the first of the oriental species to be introduced into Europe and later to the Americas. The first year crop is one of the best qualities. Regrowth of inferior and is known as rhatoon ginger. There are several forms of ginger. Dried ginger is prepared by drying the peeled roots in the sun. Black ginger is made by boiling the roots in line water prior to peeling white ginger is made by bleaching the roots. It is a widely grown crop of our country. A genus of rhizomatous herbs distributed in the tropics of the old world, chiefly in India, East Asia and Malaysia. Fourteen, species are reported to occur in India Z-officinale, which is the main source of ginger, is cultivated on a large scale in India. The ginger of commerce is prepared from the underground stem or rhizome of Zingiber officinale Rescue. It is also used for medicinal purposes.
Major ginger-producing areas of the world are India, Malaya, China, West Africa, and the West Indies. Two types of edible gingers are grown, the large type known locally as Chinese ginger and the small type known as Japanese Ginger. Only the former type is grown to any great extent. Most of the planting area are in small areas. There are two types of Indian ginger cochin ginger, and Calicut ginger, which comes from Kerala, is the peeled type, light brown to yellowish grey externally and other Calicut ginger, frozen Malabar is orange or reddish. Indian ginger is more starchy and is almost as pungent on Jamaican ginger but is less agreeable in odour. Indian ginger has a faint lemon like odour due to the presence of a small quality of citral. Indian species logo and Brand promotion market invention and special subsides are expected to boost-ginger production. Hence ginger cultivation yields good result for new investor and finds the trade is lucrative. The export market is also quote favourable for all these products.
24.2. Production process, capacity and Technology
Fresh ginger is cleaned thoroughly to remove soil and dirt. The outer skin is peeled with the help of a stainless steel knife. The ginger is then washed and soaked in limewater for 12 hours after which it is dried. This process is repeated two or three times to get dried moisture level of 10-12 %. The product is then packed in polythene lined gunny bags. The envisaged plant has a minimum capacity of 200kg per day. The output can later on be increased but the only issue is the sustainabilityof the supply of the ginger. To get bleached Ginger, peeled rhizomes are soaked in 2% lime water for hours, fumigated with sulphur for 12 hours.
To get bleached Ginger, bare-assed rhizomes area unit soaked in a pair of lime water for six hours, fumigated with sulphur for twelve hours. Bleached ginger is made by steeping in an exceedingly resolution of milk of limethen drying. Ginger is one in all the primary of the oriental species to be introduced into Europe and later to the Americas
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