12 Unified EIA Notification 2006 inclusive of Amendments
Sunil Mittal
1. Notification
2. Requirements of prior Environmental Clearance (EC)
3. State Level Environment Impact Assessment Authority
4. Categorization of projects and activities
5. Screening, Scoping and Appraisal Committees
6. Application for Prior Environmental Clearance (EC)
7. Stages in the Prior Environmental Clearance (EC) Process for New Projects
8. Grant or Rejection of Prior Environmental Clearance (EC)
9. Validity of Environmental Clearance (EC)
10. Post Environmental Clearance Monitoring
11. Transferability of Environmental Clearance (EC)
12. Operation of EIA Notification, 1994, till disposal of pending cases
13. Preparation and presentation of Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) report and Environment Management Plan (EMP)
14. Integration of environmental condition in building bye-laws
15. Schedule
The EIA notification has come a long way with nearly 23 amendment till 2017 but a Unified Notification with amendments is not available. Keeping in view of the large number of amendments, attempt has been made to update the EIA notification 2006 with all amendments till December 18, 2017. The amendments in EIA Notification 2006 have been made only for the purpose of education of the students and not for any legal purpose. For the sake of convenience, the Unified Notification and Schedule are only included in this module and appendix are not included.
1. Notification
S.O. 1533 Whereas, a draft notification under sub-rule (3) of Rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986 for imposing certain restrictions and prohibitions on new projects or activities, or on the expansion or modernization of existing projects or activities based on their potential environmental impacts as indicated in the Schedule to the notification, being undertaken in any part of India1, unless prior environmental clearance has been accorded in accordance with the objectives of National Environment Policy as approved by the Union Cabinet on 18th May, 2006 and the procedure specified in the notification, by the Central Government or the State or Union territory Level Environment Impact Assessment Authority (SEIAA), to be constituted by the Central Government in consultation with the State Government or the Union territory Administration concerned under sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 for the purpose of this notification, was published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part II, section 3, sub-section (ii) vide number S.O. 1324 (E) dated the 15th September, 2005 inviting objections and suggestions from all persons likely to be affected thereby within a period of sixty days from the date on which copies of Gazette containing the said notification were made available to the public;
And whereas, copies of the said notification were made available to the public on 15th September, 2005;
And whereas, all objections and suggestions received in response to the above mentioned draft notification have been duly considered by the Central Government;
Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) and clause (v) of sub-section (2) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, read with clause (d) of sub-rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986 and in supersession of the notification number S.O. 60 (E) dated the 27th January, 1994, except in respect of things done or omitted to be done before such supersession, the Central Government hereby directs that on and from the date of its publication the required construction of new projects or activities or the expansion or modernization of existing projects or activities listed in the Schedule to this notification entailing capacity addition with change in process and or technology shall be undertaken in any part of India only after the prior environmental clearance from the Central Government or as the case may be, by the State Level Environment Impact Assessment Authority, duly constituted by the Central Government under sub-section (3) of section 3 of the said Act, in accordance with the procedure specified hereinafter in this notification.
2. Requirements of prior Environmental Clearance (EC):– The following projects or activities shall require prior environmental clearance from the concerned regulatory authority, which shall hereinafter referred to be as the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment and Forests for matters falling under Category ‘A’ in the Schedule and at State level the State Environment Impact Assessment Authority (SEIAA) for matters falling under Category ‘B’ in the said Schedule and at District level, the District Environment Impact Assessment Authority (DEIAA) for matters falling under Category ‘B2’ for mining of minor minerals in the said Schedule, before any construction work, or preparation of land by the project management except for securing the land, is started on the project or activity:
(i) All new projects or activities listed in the Schedule to this notification;
(ii) Expansion and modernization of existing projects or activities listed in the Schedule to this notification with addition of capacity beyond the limits specified for the concerned sector, that is, projects or activities which cross the threshold limits given in the Schedule, after expansion or modernization
(iii) Any change in product – mix in an existing manufacturing unit included in Schedule beyond the specified range.
3. State Level Environment Impact Assessment Authority:-
(1) A State Level Environment Impact Assessment Authority hereinafter referred to as the SEIAA shall be constituted by the Central Government under sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 comprising of three Members including a Chairman and a Member – Secretary to be nominated by the State Government or the Union territory Administration concerned.
(2) The Member-Secretary shall be a serving officer of the concerned State Government or Union territory administration familiar with environmental laws.
(3) The Chairman shall be an expert in terms of eligibility criteria given in APPENDIX VI in one of the specified fields, with sufficient experience in environmental policy or management.
(4) The other member shall be an expert fulfilling the eligibility criteria given in APPENDIX VI in one of the specified fields.
(5) The State Government or Union territory Administration shall forward the names of the Members and the Chairman referred in sub- paragraph 3 to 4 above to the Central Government and the Central Government shall constitute the SEIAA as an authority for the purposes of this notification within thirty days of the date of receipt of the names.
(6) The non-official Member and the Chairman shall have a fixed term of three years (from the date of the publication of the notification by the Central Government constituting the authority).
(7) All decisions of the SEIAA shall be taken in a meeting and shall ordinarily be unanimous; Provided that, in case a decision is taken by majority, the details of views, for and against it, shall be clearly recorded in the minutes and a copy thereof sent to MoEF.
3 A. District Level Environment Impact Assessment Authority:-
(1) A District Level Environment Impact Assessment Authority hereinafter referred to as the DEIAA shall be constituted by the Central Government under sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 comprising of four members including a Chairperson and a Member-Secretary.
(2) The District Magistrate or District Collector shall be the Chairperson of the DEIAA.
(3) The Sub-Divisional Magistrate or Sub-Divisional Officer of the district head quarter of the concerned district of the State shall be the Member-Secretary of the DEIAA.
(4) The other two members of the DEIAA shall be the senior most Divisional Forest Officer and one expert. The expert shall be nominated by the Divisional Commissioner of the Division or Chief Conservator of Forest, as the case may be. The term and qualifications of the expert fulfilling the eligibility criteria are given in Appendix VII to this notification.
(5) The members of the DEIAA who are serving officers of the concerned State Government or the Union territory Administration shall be ex-officio members except the expert member.
(6) The District Level Expert Appraisal Committee hereinafter referred to as the DEAC shall comprise of eleven members, including a Chairman and a Member-Secretary.
(7) The senior most Executive Engineer, Irrigation Department in the district of respective State Governments or Union territory Administration shall be the Chairperson of the DEAC.
(8) The Assistant Director or Deputy Director of the Department of Mines and Geology or District Mines Officer or Geologist of the district shall be the Member-Secretary of the DEAC in that order.
(9) A representative of the State Pollution Control Board or Committee, senior most Sub-Divisional Officer (Forest) in the district, representative of Remote Sensing Department or Geology Department or State Ground Water Department, one occupational health expert or Medical Officer to be nominated by the District Magistrate or District Collector, Engineer from Zila Parishad, and three expert members to be nominated by the Divisional Commissioner or Chief Conservator of Forest, as the case may be, shall be the other members of the DEAC. The term and qualifications of the experts fulfilling the eligibility criteria are given in Appendix VII to this notification.
(10) The members of the DEAC who are serving officers of the concerned State Government or the Union territory Administration shall be ex-officio members except the expert members.
(11) The District Magistrate or District Collector shall notify an agency to act as Secretariat for the DEIAA and the DEAC and shall provide all financial and logistic support for their statutory functions.
(12) The DEIAA and DEAC shall exercise the powers and follow the procedure as specified in the said notification, as amended from time to time.
(13) The DEAC shall function on the principle of collective responsibility and the Chairman shall endeavor to reach a consensus in each case and if consensus cannot be reached, the view of the majority shall prevail.
4. Categorization of projects and activities:-
(i) All projects and activities are broadly categorized in to two categories – Category A and Category B, based on the spatial extent of potential impacts and potential impacts on human health and natural and man-made resources.
(ii) All projects or activities included as Category ‘A’ in the Schedule, including expansion and modernization of existing projects or activities and change in product mix, shall require prior environmental clearance from the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) on the recommendations of an Expert Appraisal Committee (EAC) to be constituted by the Central Government for the purposes of this notification;
(iii) All projects or activities included as Category ‘B’ in the Schedule, including expansion and modernization of existing projects or activities as specified in sub paragraph (ii) of paragraph 2, or change in product mix as specified in sub paragraph (iii) of paragraph 2, but excluding those which fulfill the General Conditions (GC) stipulated in the Schedule, will require prior environmental clearance from the State/Union territory Environment Impact Assessment Authority (SEIAA). The SEIAA shall base its decision on the recommendations of a State or Union territory level Expert Appraisal Committee (SEAC) as to be constituted for in this notification. In the absence of a duly constituted SEIAA or SEAC, a Category ‘B’ project shall be considered at the Central Level as a Category ‘B’ project.
(iv) The ‘B2’ Category projects pertaining to mining of minor mineral of lease area less than or equal to five hectare shall require prior environmental clearance from DEIAA. The DEIAA shall base its decision on the recommendations of DEAC, as constituted for this notification.
5. Screening, Scoping and Appraisal Committees:-
The same Expert Appraisal Committees (EACs) at the Central Government, SEACs at the State or Union territory level and DEAC at the district level shall screen, scope and appraise projects or activity in category ‘A’, ‘B1 and B2’ and ‘B2’ projects for mining of minor minerals of lease area less than and equal to five hectare respectively. EAC, SEACs and DEACs shall meet at least once every month.
(a) The composition of the EAC shall be as given in Appendix VI. The SEAC at the State or the Union territory level shall be constituted by the Central Government in consultation with the concerned State Government or the Union territory Administration with identical composition. DEAC at the district level shall be constituted by the Central Government as per the composition given in paragraph 3 A.
(b) The Central Government may with the prior concurrence of the concerned State Governments or the Union territory Administration constitute one SEAC for more than one State or Union territory for reasons of administrative convenience and cost.
(c) The EAC and SEAC shall be reconstituted after every three years.
(d) The authorised members of the EAC, SEACs and DEACs concerned, may inspect any site connected with the project or activity in respect of which the prior environmental clearance is sought for the purpose of screening or scoping or appraisal with prior notice of at least seven days to the project proponent who shall provide necessary facilities for the inspection.
(e) The EAC, SEACs and DEACs shall function on the principle of collective responsibility. The Chairperson shall endeavor to reach a consensus in each case and if consensus cannot be reached the view of the majority shall prevail.
6. Application for Prior Environmental Clearance (EC):-
An application seeking prior environmental clearance in all cases shall be made by the project proponent in the prescribed Form 1 annexed herewith and Supplementary Form 1A, if applicable, as given in Appendix II after the identification of prospective site (s) for the project and/or activities to which the application relates; and in Form 1M for mining of minor minerals up to five hectare under Category ‘B2’ projects, as given in Appendix VIII, before commencing any construction activity, or preparation of land, or mining at the site by the project proponent. The project proponent shall furnish along with the application, a copy of the pre-feasibility project report, in addition to Form 1, Form 1A, and Form 1M; and in case of construction projects or activities (item 8 of the Schedule), a copy of the conceptual plan shall be provided instead of pre-feasibility report.
7. Stages in the Prior Environmental Clearance (EC) Process for New Projects:-
7(i) The environmental clearance process for new projects will comprise of a maximum of four stages, all of which may not apply to particular cases as set forth below in this notification. These four stages in sequential order are:
Stage (1) Screening (Only for Category ‘B’ projects and activities)
Stage (2) Scoping
Stage (3) Public Consultation
Stage (4) Appraisal
I. Stage (1) – Screening:
(A) In case of Category ‘B’ projects or activities, this stage will entail the scrutiny of an application seeking prior environmental clearance made in Form 1 by the concerned State level Expert Appraisal Committee (SEAC) for determining whether or not the project or activity requires further environmental studies for preparation of an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for its appraisal prior to the grant of environmental clearance depending up on the nature and location specificity of the project . The projects requiring an Environmental Impact Assessment report shall be termed Category ‘B1’ and remaining projects shall be termed Category ‘B2’ and will not require an Environment Impact Assessment report. For categorization of projects into B1 or B2 except item 8 (b), the Ministry of Environment and Forests shall issue appropriate guidelines from time to time.
(B) The cases as specified in Appendix IX shall be exempted from prior environmental clearance.
II. Stage (2) – Scoping:
(i) “Scoping” refers to the process to determine detailed and comprehensive Terms of Reference (TOR) addressing all relevant environmental concerns for the preparation of an Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) Report in respect of the project or activity for which prior environmental clearance is sought. Standard TOR developed by the Ministry in consultation with the sector specific Expert Appraisal Committees shall be the deemed approved TOR for the projects or activities. The standard Terms of Reference are displayed on the website of the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change:
Provided that the Expert Appraisal Committee (EAC) or State Expert Appraisal Committee (SEAC) may finalise amendment, if found necessary for a project within thirty days of the acceptance of application in specified application Form I or Form IA. These standard TOR shall enable the Project Proponent to commence preparation of an Environment Impact Assessment Report after successful online submission and registration of the application:
Provided further that, the Expert Appraisal Committee (EAC) or State Expert Appraisal Committee (SEAC) may stipulate additional Terms of Reference, if found necessary, within thirty days of the acceptance of the application in the specified application Form I or Form IA and the Project Proponent shall carry out the EIA study based on the standard TORs as well as the additional TOR, if any, stipulated by EAC/SEAC: Provided also that the following shall not require Scoping−
(i) all projects and activities listed under Category ‘B’, against Item 8(a) of the Schedule;
(ii) all Highway projects in border States covered under entry (i) of column (3) and entry (i) of column (4) against item 7(f) of the Schedule;
(iii) all Highway expansion projects covered under entry (ii) of column (3) and entry (ii) of column (4) against item 7(f) of the Schedule; Provided also that –
(A) the project and activities referred to in clause (i) shall be appraised on the basis of Form I or Form IA and the conceptual plan;
(B) the projects referred to in clause (ii) shall prepare EIA and EMP report on the basis of standard TOR specified by the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change;
(ii) Applications for prior environmental clearance may be rejected by the regulatory authority concerned on the recommendation of the EAC or SEAC concerned at this stage itself. In case of such rejection, the decision together with reasons for the same shall be communicated to the applicant in writing within sixty days of the receipt of the application.
III. Stage (3) – Public Consultation:
(i) “Public Consultation” refers to the process by which the concerns of local affected persons and others who have plausible stake in the environmental impacts of the project or activity are ascertained with a view to taking into account all the material concerns in the project or activity design as appropriate. All Category ‘A’ and Category B1 projects or activities shall undertake Public Consultation, except the following:-
(a) modernization of irrigation projects (item 1(c) (ii) of the Schedule).
(b) all projects or activities located within industrial estates or parks (item 7(c) of the Schedule) approved by the concerned authorities, and which are not disallowed in such approvals.
(c) expansion of Roads and Highways (item 7 (f) of the Schedule) which do not involve any further acquisition of land.
(d) maintenance dredging provided the dredged material shall be disposed within port limits.
(e) All Building or Construction projects or Area Development projects (which do not contain any category ‘A’ projects and activities) and Townships (item 8 (a) and 8(b) in the Schedule to the notification).
(f) all Category ‘B2’ projects and activities.
(g) all projects or activities concerning national defence and security or involving other strategic considerations as determined by the Central Government.
(h) all linear projects such as Highways, pipelines, etc., in border States.
(i) all standalone pelletization plants, which were in existence and in operation on or before the 27th day of May, 2014 and have valid consent to establish and consent to operate from the concerned State Pollution Control Board or the Union Territory Pollution Control Committee.
(j) The Public Consultation shall ordinarily have two components comprising of:-
(k) a public hearing at the site or in its close proximity- district wise, to be carried out in the manner prescribed in Appendix IV, for ascertaining concerns of local affected persons;
(l) obtain responses in writing from other concerned persons having a plausible stake in the environmental aspects of the project or activity.
(iii) the public hearing at, or in close proximity to, the site(s) in all cases shall be conducted by the State Pollution Control Board (SPCB) or the Union territory Pollution Control Committee (UTPCC) concerned in the specified manner and forward the proceedings to the regulatory authority concerned within 45(forty five ) of a request to the effect from the applicant.
(iv) In case the State Pollution Control Board or the Union territory Pollution Control Committee concerned does not undertake and complete the public hearing within the specified period, and/or does not convey the proceedings of the public hearing within the prescribed period directly to the regulatory authority concerned as above, the regulatory authority shall engage another public agency or authority which is not subordinate to the regulatory authority, to complete the process within a further period of forty five days,.
(v) If the public agency or authority nominated under the sub paragraph (iii) above reports to the regulatory authority concerned that owing to the local situation, it is not possible to conduct the public hearing in a manner which will enable the views of the concerned local persons to be freely expressed, it shall report the facts in detail to the concerned regulatory authority, which may, after due consideration of the report and other reliable information that it may have, decide that the public consultation in the case need not include the public hearing.
(vi) For obtaining responses in writing from other concerned persons having a plausible stake in the environmental aspects of the project or activity, the concerned regulatory authority and the State Pollution Control Board (SPCB) or the Union territory Pollution Control Committee (UTPCC) shall invite responses from such concerned persons by placing on their website the Summary EIA report prepared in the format given in Appendix IIIA by the applicant along with a copy of the application in the prescribed form , within seven days of the receipt of a written request for arranging the public hearing . Confidential information including non-disclosable or legally privileged information involving Intellectual Property Right, source specified in the application shall not be placed on the web site. The regulatory authority concerned may also use other appropriate media for ensuring wide publicity about the project or activity. The regulatory authority shall, however, make available on a written request from any concerned person the Draft EIA report for inspection at a notified place during normal office hours till the date of the public hearing. All the responses received as part of this public consultation process shall be forwarded to the applicant through the quickest available means.
(vii) After completion of the public consultation, the applicant shall address all the material environmental concerns expressed during this process, and make appropriate changes in the draft EIA and EMP. The final EIA report, so prepared, shall be submitted by the applicant to the concerned regulatory authority for appraisal. The applicant may alternatively submit a supplementary report to draft EIA and EMP addressing all the concerns expressed during the public consultation.
IV. Stage (4) – Appraisal:
(i) Appraisal means the detailed scrutiny by the Expert Appraisal Committee or State Level Expert Appraisal Committee of the application and other documents like the Final EIA report, outcome of the public consultations including public hearing proceedings, submitted by the applicant to the regulatory authority concerned for grant of environmental clearance. This appraisal shall be made by Expert Appraisal Committee or State Level Expert Appraisal Committee concerned in a transparent manner in a proceeding to which the applicant shall be invited for furnishing necessary clarifications in person or through an authorized representative. On conclusion of this proceeding, the Expert Appraisal Committee or State Level Expert Appraisal Committee concerned shall make categorical recommendations to the regulatory authority concerned either for grant of prior environmental clearance on stipulated terms and conditions, or rejection of the application for prior environmental clearance, together with reasons for the same.
(ii) The appraisal of all projects or activities which are not required to undergo public consultation, or submit an Environment Impact Assessment report, shall be carried out on the basis of the prescribed application Form 1 and Form 1A as applicable, any other relevant validated information available and the site visit wherever the same is considered as necessary by the Expert Appraisal Committee or State Level Expert Appraisal Committee concerned.
(iii)The appraisal of an application be shall be completed by the Expert Appraisal Committee or State Level Expert Appraisal Committee concerned within sixty days of the receipt of the final Environment Impact Assessment report and other documents or the receipt of Form 1 and Form 1 A, where public consultation is not necessary and the recommendations of the Expert Appraisal Committee or State Level Expert Appraisal Committee shall be placed before the competent authority for a final decision within the next fifteen days .The prescribed procedure for appraisal is given in Appendix V ;
7(ii). Prior Environmental Clearance (EC) process for Expansion or Modernization or
Change of product mix in existing projects:
(a) All applications seeking prior environmental clearance for expansion with increase in the production capacity beyond the capacity for which prior environmental clearance has been granted under this notification or with increase in either lease area or production capacity in the case of mining projects or for the modernisation of an existing unit with increase in the total production capacity beyond the threshold limit prescribed in the Schedule to this notification through change in process and or technology or involving a change in the product –mix shall be made in Form I and they shall be considered by the concerned Expert Appraisal Committee or State Level Expert Appraisal Committee within sixty days, who will decide on the due diligence necessary including preparation of Environment Impact Assessment and public consultations and the application shall be appraised accordingly for grant of environmental clearance.
(b) Any change in configuration of the plant from the environmental clearance conditions during execution of the project after detailed engineering shall be exempt from the requirement of environmental clearance, if there is no change in production and pollution load. The project proponent shall inform the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change / State Level Environment Impact Assessment Authority and the concerned State Pollution Control Board.
(c) Any change in product-mix, change in quantities within products or number of products in the same category for which environmental clearance has been granted shall be exempt from the requirement of prior environmental clearance provided that there is no change in the total capacity sanctioned in prior environmental clearance granted earlier under this notification and there is no increase in pollution load. The project proponent shall follow the procedure for obtaining No Increase in Pollution Load certificate from the concerned State Pollution Control Board as per the provisions given in Appendix –XIV.
7 (ii)(a) Application seeking change in prior environmental clearance about change in production process, equipments, estimated pollution load and planned mitigation measures, after detailed design engineering, shall be made in Form 1 along with requisite information: Provided that the proposed change shall not result in any adverse impact on environment: Provided further that the environmental clearance may be made, without going through the entire
environment clearance process, based on appraisal by the concerned Expert Appraisal Committee (EAC) or State Expert Appraisal Committee (SEAC), the proposed change shall not result in any additional significant impact on environment.
7(ii)(b) Application seeking environmental clearance for modernisation with or without change in product mix within the existing premises having prior environmental clearance under this notification may be made in Form 1 along with the requisite information to prove that there is no increase in pollution load in terms of both quality and quantity:
Provided that the application shall be appraised by the concerned Expert Appraisal Committee (EAC) or State Level Expert Appraisal Committee (SEAC) to recommend a separate environmental clearance or amendment of the earlier environmental clearance.
7 (iii) Preparation of District Survey Report for Sand Mining or River Bed Mining and Mining of other Minor Minerals:
(a) The prescribed procedure for preparation of District Survey Report for sand mining or river bed mining and mining of other minor minerals is given in Appendix X.
(b) The prescribed procedure for environmental clearance for mining of minor minerals including cluster situation is given in Appendix XI.
8. Grant or Rejection of Prior Environmental Clearance (EC):
(i) The regulatory authority shall consider the recommendations of the EAC or SEAC or DEAC concerned and convey its decision to the applicant within forty five days of the receipt of the recommendations of the Expert Appraisal Committee or State Level Expert Appraisal Committee or District Level Expert Appraisal Committee concerned or in other words within one hundred and five days of the receipt of the final Environment Impact Assessment Report, and where Environment Impact Assessment is not required, within one hundred and five days of the receipt of the complete application with requisite documents, except as provided below.
(ii) The regulatory authority shall normally accept the recommendations of the Expert Appraisal Committee or State Level Expert Appraisal Committee or District Level Expert Appraisal Committee concerned. In cases where it disagrees with the recommendations of the Expert Appraisal Committee or State Level Expert Appraisal Committee or District Level Expert Appraisal Committee concerned, the regulatory authority shall request reconsideration by the Expert Appraisal Committee or State Level Expert Appraisal Committee or District Level Expert Appraisal Committee concerned within forty-five days of the receipt of the recommendations of the Expert Appraisal Committee or State Level Expert Appraisal Committee or District Level Expert Appraisal Committee concerned while stating the reasons for the disagreement. An intimation of this decision shall be simultaneously conveyed to the applicant. The Expert Appraisal Committee or State Level Expert Appraisal Committee or District Level Expert Appraisal Committee concerned, in turn, shall consider the observations of the regulatory authority and furnish its views on the same within a further period of sixty days. The decision of the regulatory authority after considering the views of the Expert Appraisal Committee or State Level Expert Appraisal Committee or District Level Expert Appraisal Committee concerned shall be final and conveyed to the applicant by the regulatory authority concerned within the next thirty days.
(iii) In the event that the decision of the regulatory authority is not communicated to the applicant within the period specified in sub-paragraphs (i) or (ii) above, as applicable, the applicant may proceed as if the environment clearance sought for has been granted or denied by the regulatory authority in terms of the final recommendations of the Expert Appraisal Committee or State Level Expert Appraisal Committee or District Level Expert Appraisal Committee concerned.
(iv) On expiry of the period specified for decision by the regulatory authority under paragraph (i) and (ii) above, as applicable, the decision of the regulatory authority, and the final recommendations of the Expert Appraisal Committee or State Level Expert Appraisal Committee or District Level Expert Appraisal Committee concerned shall be public documents.
(v) Clearances from other regulatory bodies or authorities shall not be required prior to receipt of applications for prior environmental clearance of projects or activities, or screening, or scoping, or appraisal, or decision by the regulatory authority concerned, unless any of these is sequentially dependent on such clearance either due to a requirement of law, or for necessary technical reasons.
(vi) Deliberate concealment and/or submission of false or misleading information or data which is material to screening or scoping or appraisal or decision on the application shall make the application liable for rejection, and cancellation of prior environmental clearance granted on that basis. Rejection of an application or cancellation of a prior environmental clearance already granted, on such ground, shall be decided by the regulatory authority, after giving a personal hearing to the applicant, and following the principles of natural justice.
- Validity of Environmental Clearance (EC):
(i) The “Validity of Environmental Clearance” is meant the period from which a prior environmental clearance is granted by the regulatory authority, or may be presumed by the applicant to have been granted under sub-paragraph (iii) of paragraph 8, to the start of production operations by the project or activity, or completion of all construction operations in case of construction projects (item 8 of the Schedule), to which the application for prior environmental clearance refers. The prior environmental clearance granted for a project or activity shall be valid for a period of ten years in the case of River Valley projects [item 1(c) of the Schedule], project life as estimated by the Expert Appraisal Committee or State Level Expert Appraisal Committee or District Level Expert Appraisal Committee subject to a maximum of thirty years for mining projects and seven years in the case of all other projects and activities.
(ii) In the case of Area Development projects and Townships [item 8(b)], the validity period of seven years shall be limited only to such activities as may be the responsibility of the applicant as a developer: Provided that this period of validity with respect to sub-paragraphs (i) and (ii) above may be extended by the regulatory authority concerned by a maximum period of three years if an application is made to the regulatory authority by the applicant within the validity period, together with an updated Form I, and Supplementary Form IA, for Construction projects or activities (item 8 of the Schedule):
Provided further that the regulatory authority may also consult the Expert Appraisal Committee or State Level Expert Appraisal Committee or District Level Expert Appraisal Committee, as the case may be, for grant of such extension.
(iii) Where the application for extension under sub-paragraphs (i) and (ii) above has been filed-
(a) within thirty days after the validity period of Environmental Clearance, such cases shall be referred to concerned Expert Appraisal Committee or State Level Expert Appraisal Committee or District Level Expert Appraisal Committee and based on their recommendations, the delay shall be condoned at the level of the Joint Secretary in the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change or Member Secretary, State Level Expert Appraisal Committee or Member Secretary, District Level Expert Appraisal Committee, as the case may be;
(b) more than thirty days after the validity period of Environmental Clearance but less than ninety days after such validity period, then, based on the recommendations of the Expert Appraisal Committee or State Level Expert Appraisal Committee or District Level Expert Appraisal Committee, the delay shall be condoned with the approval of the Minister in charge of Environment, Forest and Climate Change or Chairman, as the case may be :
Provided that no condonation for delay shall be granted for any application for extension filed beyond ninety days after the validity period of Environmental Clearance.
10. Post Environmental Clearance Monitoring:
(i) (a) In respect of Category ‘A’ projects, it shall be mandatory for the project proponent to make public the environmental clearance granted for their project along with the environmental conditions and safeguards at their cost by prominently advertising it at least in two local newspapers of the district or State where the project is located and in addition, this shall also be displayed in the project proponent’s website permanently. (b) In respect of Category ‘B’ projects, irrespective of its clearance by MoEF / SEIAA, the project proponent shall prominently advertise in the newspapers indicating that the project has been accorded environment clearance and the details of MoEF website where it is displayed. (c) The Ministry of Environment and Forests and the State / Union Territory Level Environmental Impact Assessment Authorities (SEIAAs), as the case may be, shall also place the environmental clearance in the public domain on Government portal. (d) The copies of the environmental clearance shall be submitted by the project proponents to the Heads of local bodies, Panchayats and Municipal Bodies in addition to the relevant offices of the Government who in turn has to display the same for 30 days from the date of receipt.
(ii) It shall be mandatory for the project management to submit half-yearly compliance reports in respect of the stipulated prior environmental clearance terms and conditions in hard and soft copies to the regulatory authority concerned, on 1st June and 1st December of each calendar year.
(iii) All such compliance reports submitted by the project management shall be public documents. Copies of the same shall be given to any person on application to the concerned regulatory authority. The latest such compliance report shall also be displayed on the web site of the concerned regulatory authority.
(iv) The prescribed procedure for sand mining or river bed mining and monitoring is given in Appendix XII.
11. Transferability of Environmental Clearance (EC):
A prior environmental clearance granted for a specific project or activity to an applicant may be transferred during its validity to another legal person entitled to undertake the project or activity on application by the transferor, or by the transferee with a written “no objection” by the transferor, to, and by the regulatory authority concerned, on the same terms and conditions under which the prior environmental clearance was initially granted, and for the same validity period. No reference to the Expert Appraisal Committee or State Level Expert Appraisal Committee or District Level Expert Appraisal Committee concerned is necessary in such cases.
12. Operation of EIA Notification, 1994, till disposal of pending cases:
From the date of final publication of this notification the Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) notification number S.O.60 (E) dated 27th January, 1994 is hereby superseded, except in suppression of the things done or omitted to be done before such suppression to the extent that in case of all or some types of applications made for prior environmental clearance and pending on the date of final publication of this notification, the Central Government may relax any one or all provisions of this notification except the list of the projects or activities requiring prior environmental clearance in Schedule I , or continue operation of some or all provisions of the said notification, for a period not exceeding twenty four months from the date of issue of this notification.
13. Preparation and presentation of Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) report and Environment Management Plan (EMP):-
The Environmental consultant organisations which are accredited for a particular sector and the category of project for that sector with the Quality Council of India (QCI) or National Accreditation Board for Education and Training (NABET) or any other agency as may be notified by the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change from time to time shall be allowed to prepare the Environmental Impact Assessment report and Environmental Management Plan of a project in that sector and category and to appear before the concerned Expert Appraisal Committee (EAC) or the State Expert Appraisal Committee (SEAC). The Ministry will also prepare a panel of national level reputed educational and research institutions to work as Environmental Consultant Organisations”.
14 . Integration of environmental condition in building bye-laws:
(1) The integrated environmental conditions with the building permission being granted by the local authorities and the construction of buildings as per the size shall adhere to the objectives and monitorable environmental conditions as given at Appendix-XIV.
(2) The States adopting the objectives and monitorable environmental conditions referred to in sub- paragraph (1), in the building bye-laws and relevant State laws and incorporating these conditions in the approvals given for building construction making it legally enforceable shall not require a separate environmental clearance from the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change for individual buildings.
(3) The States may forward the proposed changes in their bye-laws and rules to the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, who in turn will examine the said draft bye-laws and rules and convey the concurrence to the State Governments.
(4) When the State Governments notifies the bye-laws and rules concurred by the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, the Central Government may issue an order stating that no separate environmental clearance is required for buildings to be constructed in the States or local authority areas.
(5) The local authorities like Development Authorities, Municipal Corporations, may certify the compliance of the environmental conditions prior to issuance of Completion Certificate, as applicable as per the requirements stipulated for such buildings based on the recommendation of the Environmental Cell constituted in the local authority.
(6) The State Governments where bye-laws or rules are not framed may continue to follow the existing procedure of appraisal for individual projects and grant of Environmental Clearance for buildings and constructions as per the provisions laid down in this notification.
(7) For the purpose of certification regarding incorporation of environmental conditions in buildings, the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change may empanel through competent agencies, the Qualified Building Environment Auditors (QBEAs) to assess and certify the building projects, as per the requirements of this notification and the procedure for accreditation of Qualified Building Auditors and their role as given at Appendix-XV.
(8) In order to implement the integration of environmental condition in building bye-laws, the State Governments or Local Authorities may constitute the Environment Cell (herein after called as Cell), for compliance and monitoring and to ensure environmental planning within their jurisdiction.
(9) The Cell shall monitor the implementation of the bye-laws and rules framed for Integration of environmental conditions for construction of building and the Cell may also allow the third part auditing process for oversight, if any.
(10) The Cell shall function under the administrative control of the Local Authorities.
(11) The composition and functions of the Cell are given at Appendix-XVI.
(12) The Local Authorities while integrating the environmental concerns in the building bye-laws, as per their size of the project, shall follow the procedure, as given below:
BUILDINGS CATEGORY ‘1’ (5,000 to < 20,000 Square meters)
A Self declaration Form to comply with the environmental conditions (Appendix XIV) along with Form 1A and certification by the Qualified Building Environment Auditor to be submitted online by the project proponent besides application for building permission to the local authority along with the specified fee in separate accounts. Thereafter, the local authority may issue the building permission incorporating the environmental conditions in it and allow the project to start based on the self declaration and certification along with the application. After completion of the construction of the building, the project proponent may update Form 1A online based on audit done by the Qualified Building Environment Auditor and shall furnish the revised compliance undertaking to the local authority. Any non-compliance issues in buildings less than 20,000 square meters shall be dealt at the level of local body and the State through existing mechanism.
OTHER BUILDINGS CATEGORIES (≥ 20,000 Square meters)
The project proponent may submit online application in Form 1 A alongwith specified fee for environmental appraisal and additional fee for building permission. The fee for environmental appraisal will be deposited in a separate account. The Environment Cell will process the application and present it in the meeting of the Committee headed by the authority competent to give building permission in that local authority. The Committee will appraise the project and stipulate the environmental conditions to be integrated in the building permission. After recommendations of the Committee, the building permission and environmental clearance will be issued in an integrated format by the local authority.
The project proponent shall submit Performance Data and Certificate of Continued Compliance of the project for the environmental conditions parameters applicable after completion of construction from Qualified Building Environment Auditors every five years to the Environment Cell with special focus on the following parameters:-
(a) Energy Use (including all energy sources).
(b) Energy generated on site from onsite Renewable energy sources
(c) Water use and waste water generated, treated and reused on site.
(d) Waste Segregated and Treated on site.
(e) Tree plantation and maintenance.
After completion of the project, the Cell shall randomly check the projects compliance status including the five years audit report. The State Governments may enact the suitable law for imposing penalties for non-compliances of the environmental conditions and parameters. The Cell shall recommend financial penalty, as applicable under relevant State laws for non-compliance of conditions or parameters to the local authority. On the basis of the recommendation of the Cell, the local authority may impose the penalty under relevant State laws. The cases of false declaration or certification shall be reported to the accreditation body and to the local body for blacklisting of Qualified Building Environment Auditors and financial penalty on the owner and Qualified Building Environment Auditors. No Consent to Establish and Operate under the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 and the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 will be required from the State Pollution Control Boards for residential buildings up to 1,50,000 square meters.
[No. J-11013/—/2015-IA-II (I)] JOINT
Note: The principal rules were published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part II, Section 3, Sub-section(ii) vide notification number S.O. 1533(E), dated the 14th September, 2006 and amended vide S.O.1737(E) dated the 11th October, 2007, S.O. 3067(E) dated the 1st December, 2009, S.O.695(E) dated the 4th April, 2011, S.O.2896(E) dated the 13th December, 2012 , S.O.674(E) dated the 13th March, 2013, S.O.2204(E) dated the 19th July, 2013, S.O.2555(E) dated the 21st August, 2013, S.O.2559(E) dated the 22nd August, 2013, S.O. 2731(E) dated the 9th September, 2013, S.O. 562(E) dated the 26th February, 2014 , S.O.637(E) dated the 28th February, 2014, S.O.1599(E) dated the 25th June, 2014, S.O. 2601 (E) dated 7th October, 2014, S.O. 2600 (E) dated 9 th October, 2014, S.O. 3252(E) dated 22nd December, 2014, S.O. 382 (E) dated 3 rd February, 2015, S.O. 811(E) dated 23rd March, 2015, S.O. 996 (E) dated 10th April, 2015, S.O. 1142 (E) dated 17th April, 2015, S.O. 1141 (E) dated 29th April, 2015 and S.O.1834 (E) dated the 6th July, 2015, S.O. 147(E) dated January 15, 2016, S.O. 246(E) dated January 25, 2016, S.O 648 (E) dated 3 March 2016, S.O. 2269(E) dated July 07, 2016, S.O. 2944(E) dated September 14, 2016, S.O.-3518(E) dated 23 November 2016, S.O. 3999(E) dated December 09,2016 and S.O. 3933(E) dated December 18, 2017
(See paragraph 2 and 7)

General Condition (GC):
Any project or activity specified in Category ‘B’ will be appraised at the Central Level as Category ‘A’, if located in whole or in part within 5 km from the boundary of: (i) Protected Areas notified under the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972 (53 of 1972); (ii) Critically Polluted areas as notified by the Central Pollution Control Board constituted under the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 (6 of 1974) from time to time; (iii) Eco-sensitive areas as notified under sub-section (2) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, and (iv) inter-State boundaries and international boundaries; provided that for River Valley Projects specified in item 1(c), Thermal Power Plants specified in item 1(d), Industrial Estates/ parks/complexes/areas, Export Processing Zones (EPZ), Special Economic Zones (SEZs), biotech parks, leather complexes specified in item 7 (c) and common hazardous waste treatment, storage and disposal facilities (TSDFs) specified in item 7 (d), the appraisal shall be made at Central level even if located within 10 km.
Provided further that the requirement regarding distance of 5 km or 10 km, as the case may be, of the inter-State boundaries can be reduced or completely done away with by an agreement between the respective States or the Union Territories sharing the common boundary in case the activity does not fall within 5 km or 10 km, as the case may be of the areas mentioned at item (i), (ii), and (iii) above.
Specific Condition (SC):
If any Industrial Estate/Complex / Export processing Zones /Special Economic Zones/Biotech Parks / Leather Complex with homogeneous type of industries such as Items 4(d), 4(f), 5(e), 5(f), or those Industrial estates with pre –defined set of activities (not necessarily homogeneous, obtains prior environmental clearance, individual industries including proposed industrial housing within such estates /complexes will not be required to take prior environmental clearance, so long as the Terms and Conditions for the industrial estate/complex are complied with (Such estates/complexes must have a clearly identified management with the legal responsibility of ensuring adherence to the Terms and Conditions of prior environmental clearance, who may be held responsible for violation of the same throughout the life of the complex/estate)
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