35 Best practices of Solid wastes -Case Studies, National Council’s and policy Solid waste management and Planning
Rajeev Pratap Singh
1. What is solid waste management?
2. Learn about different waste to energy conversion processes.
3. Understand the importance of solid waste management through different case studies.
4. Know about policy framework in India
1.0 Introduction
Solid waste generation is a usual phenomenon of human consumption. Elimination of that waste is related with improved quality of life. Earlier, solid waste management practices intend simply to eradicate waste from surrounding area so as to maintain good public hygiene. But, after recognizing the risks of uncontrolled disposal on human health, steps were taken and implemented mainly through sanitary landfills. Recently, many techniques and waste-to-energy technologies have been included in managing waste. Globally, efforts are made in order to reorient solid waste management techniques towards sustainability. Asian countries including India are actively involved in orienting themselves towards integrated solid waste management techniques. Though, the amount of attention paid towards solid waste management techniques varies from country to country and is directly related with their economic status. Therefore, it is necessary to inspect the condition and nature of solid waste generation and then adopt a plan accordingly in order to properly manage burgeoning amount of solid waste. It is therefore, necessary to formulate a proper strategy depending on nature and amount of solid waste generated.
2.0 Solid Waste Management
Asia is distinguished for its diversified culture, climate, economy, food habits and topography. This is reflected in their waste generation. Best practices for solid waste management is gaining due importance these days because of increasing population, legal intervention worldwide, evolving of new technologies as well as rising public awareness regarding health and hygiene. MSW composition of some Asian countries is as follows:
3.0 Opportunities for Energy Conversion
Rapid urbanization, globalization, and economic expansion are creating pressure on every sector, be it food, fuel, or energy which in turn increases the cost of energy and the impending shortage of fuel becomes a more alarming issue. Due to the existing pressure on biomass reserves and the rising fossil fuel prices, generation of energy from solid waste is gaining importance as an alternative source of energy. Therefore, in current years, there is an increased interest in treating waste as a valuable resource rather than as a refuse, as fertilizers plus energy can be obtained from it. Research and development around new energy sources from solid waste is attaining great importance these days. Transformation of organic waste into fuel gas through biochemical and thermo-chemical treatments is also being explored.
These technologies are in preliminary stages of development and further technological evolution is needed for converting waste to energy. Currently, biological and thermal processes are frequently used to convert MSW into energy. Depending on the type, quantity, and physico-chemical characteristics of waste, different techniques, like direct combustion, gasification, biomethanation, refuse-derived fuel (RDF), is adopted to produce energy from waste. In India, various projects are underway to alter waste to energy.
4.0 Thermal Conversions
4.1 Incineration
Incineration is most basic waste handling methods that have been used in different parts of the world due to its ability to reduce waste mass by 70% and waste volume by 90% (Singh et al. 2011; Kalyani and Pandey 2014). Incinerators release air pollutants such as SO2, NOX, COX, heavy metals, dioxins and toxic fly ash, which are proven health hazards (Quina et. al. 2010). These air pollutants have the capability to penetrate the atmosphere and may make the environment toxic (Cordioli et. al. 2014). To control air pollution, incinerators have to be well equipped with air pollution control devices. The incineration process is conducted at a temperature dimension of 750−1000°C, together with steam and electricity generation. At the end, an ash known as Incinerator Bottom Ash (IBA) is produced that should be reused appropriately as it is generally contaminated with heavy metals, such as Cu, Pb, Mn, Zn (Alhassan and Tanko 2012).
Case Study 1: In India, the first incineration plant was installed in 1987 at Timarpur, New Delhi. The unit operated at an initial capital cost of 20 crores (US$ 4.4 million), was proposed to incinerate a maximum of about 300 tonnes of MSW/day to produce 3.75 MW of electricity. The plant could not run beyond its 21-day trial period and failed because of bad condition of waste supplied. A net calorific value of at least 1400 kcal/kg was required to run the plant while the incoming waste which was supplied was in the range of 600−700 kcal/kg.
4.2 Pyrolysis
Pyrolysis is the thermo-chemical disintegration of the organic waste in oxygen-free environment. Pyrolysis works extremely well with organic waste of high heat value (Rhyner, et al. 1995). During the pyrolysis process, the hydrocarbon present in waste reacts at a temperature around 450°C−500°C in an oxygen-free environment and the end products generated are pyrolysis gas, pyrolysis coke, char (fixed carbon + ashes), and tar (condensable gas). The accepted equation for pyrolysis is (Tillman 1991).
Biomass + Heat H2O + CO2 + H2 + CO + CH4 + C2H6 + CH2 + Tar + Char
Flue gas produced during pyrolysis consists mainly of CO and H2 (Blanco et al. 2012), which are suitable either for electricity generation or for heat production. The flue gas has a calorific value in the range of 22 MJ/m3−30 MJ/m3 this is also dependent on the kind of waste material that is being processed. Depending on their working parameters, pyrolysis is of three main kinds, namely conventional pyrolysis, fast pyrolysis, and flash pyrolysis. Conventional pyrolysis is a time-consuming procedure that operates under a slow heating temperature (550°C−900°C) creating solid, liquid, and gaseous end products (Katyal 2007). It is employed primarily for producing charcoal. Fast pyrolysis is related with tar generation and drives at a temperature around 850°C−1250°C, while flash pyrolysis works at a temperature around 1050°C−1300°C. Fast / flash pyrolysis technology, which requires a high temperature range and has a short residence time, is widely accepted nowadays (Demirbas 2008).
Case study 2: Lately, Tamil Nadu set up a pyrolysis plant of 10-TPD capacity that is operating successfully in Coimbatore. Likewise, other 10-TPD plants have achieved success in Masaipet (Andhra Pradesh) and Navapur (Maharashtra), Madhya Pradesh, Mathura (Uttar Pradesh), Patna (Bihar). 5-TPD plants have been installed in Bichhiwada (Rajasthan), Durg (Chhattisgarh), and Nagpur (Maharashtra).
4.3 Gasification
In gasification, carbonaceous materials including waste and biomass get partially combusted into useful convenient gaseous fuel or chemical feedstock (Bhavanam and Sastry 2011). The process of gasification utilizes very little to no oxygen as contradicted to combustion or burning associated with incineration. During gasification process, the product gases like CO2 and H2O are reduced to CO along with H2. The process may also generate some amount of CH4 and hydrocarbons and various other toxins like tar, small char particles, and ash (Appel et al. 1971; Kalyani and Pandey 2014). The gasification agent utilized in the method allows the feedstock to get effortlessly altered into gas by the assistance of diverse heterogeneous reactions (DiBlasi 2000). Gasification-based systems make it promising to achieve high power generation efficiency, which causes CO2 to get generated in intense form, plus it is easier and cheaper to capture and sequester it, thereby preventing it from reaching the atmosphere (Guan et al. 2010).
Case Study 3: There are numerous gasification plants of various power capacities operating in India, such as a 150 kW capacity plant installed by ENERGREEN at BERI, Tumkur, in Karnataka, and the West Bengal Renewable Energy Development Agency (WBREDA) installed by SYNERGY. A 415 kW power capacity plant was installed in Jammu at Hindustan Pencils by BETEL. A 500 kW plant was installed at Bethmangla, Karnataka by ENERGREEN as well. At Arashi and Gomathi in Tamil Nadu, a 1 MW power capacity plant is running successfully.
4.4 Refuse-derived fuel / Pelletization
Refuse-derived fuel is an effective method of altering waste into energy. Alteration of MSW to RDF entails different steps such as drying, separation of combustibles, size reduction, and pelletization (Chu et al. 2015) (Figure 15.6). After compilation, MSW is heated to eliminate around 30%–60% moisture content so that the pellets have a reasonable heating value. The waste is dried by spreading in an open yard and allowing it to sun-dry. Sun-drying continues for 1−2 days depending on the moisture available in the waste along with the climate of the region. To do away with large quantity of debris, tree cuttings, and other undesirable material unfit for the process, manual separation is employed during the sun-drying period. After drying, the waste is passed via screen for removing sand and grit. Thereafter, it is passed through separators in which the light combustibles and dense fractions are separated over an air barrier. Magnetic separators are employed to remove all ferrous particles which are then grounded to a 20−25 mm particle size. This feed, which may be made of celluloses, calcium hydroxide, cement kiln dust, free lime, flyash, etc., is sent to pelletizer for densification with around 5−10% binder so as to enhance calorific value of the waste (Sudhir 2000). RDF pelletization moreover enhances the effective bulk density of the waste (Marsh et al. 2007). Fuel pellets obtained after the process are homogenized. The pellets can be piled up easily and transported, and can serve as a substitute for combustion, pyrolysis, or gasification.
Case study 4: In Chandigarh, India an RDF plant has been setup to treat MSW into fuel. Operators estimated that 350 TPD of MSW were accessible for dispensation by the plant (Ravindra et. al. 2015) and it is expected to treat waste up to 500 TPD in the coming years. However, presently the plant is not in a working condition (Annepu 2012). Finding suitable uses for RDF continues to be a challenge.
5.0 Biochemical Conversion
5.1 Anaerobic Digestion
It is a biochemical process which is accomplished in an oxygen-free environment where microorganisms act on the organic feedstock liberating biogas, and lessening the quantity of waste in the process. The biogas, thus, produced can be employed as combined heat and power (CHP) or may be used as fuel. During the decomposition process, the temperature initially rises as high as 65°C and then begins to fall gradually over a couple of months (Singh et al. 2011). At the end of the process, CH4 gas is produced, which possess high heat value and can furthermore be converted to methanol. During this process, valuable commodities like biogas and digestate, that can be employed as organic amendment (soil conditioner), can be generated and is feasible devoid of any oxygen supply (Chanakya 2007; Guermoud, et al. 2009).
Case Study 5: In India, Gujarat is the only state which is successfully running waste-to-electricity plants through anaerobic digestion. M/S Kanoria Chemicals Ltd., in Ankleshwar generates 2 MW of power using this treatment, while 4800 nm3 of biogas is generated by M/S Anil Starch Products Ltd. (Kalyani 2003). Similarly, Maharashtra is also taking the initiative to utilize waste and convert it into energy by installing many pilot projects at Mumbai, Pune, Nasik, among other places (Ramchandra 2006). The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) has given subsidies to 3 demonstration projects at Hyderabad (6.6 MW), Vijaywada (6 MW), and Lucknow (5MW). However, these projects were not successful in turning waste to energy (Annepu 2012).
5.2 Vermicomposting / Composting
Composting is the organic breakdown of biodegradable organic waste by bacteria, microorganisms or earthworms under aerobic conditions, to a situation which is sufficiently constant for odour- and pathogen-free storage and safe for use as biofertilizers in agriculture (United Nations 1993; Owamah et al. 2014). It has been evaluated and proven that compost / vermicompost from waste is very effective in soil remediation and increases the nutrient availability in the soil, aids in plant growth, and, ultimately, increases the plant yield (Tejada et al. 2008; Walker and Bernal 2008)
Case study 6: In India, under the National Scheme of Solid Waste Disposal (1975−1980), cities with a population of more than 300,000 were installed with 10 operational composting plants which had composting capacities to treat 150−300 tonnes of MSW/day (Government of India 1995; Hoornweg et. al. 2000). Currently, low waste quality, incorrect selection of apparatus, poor safeguarding, soaring production costs, financial failures, and poor marketing efforts are some of the key challenges that the composting procedure has to overcome so it could be able to successfully implemented on a large scale (Selvam 1996).
6.0 Policy and Legislative framework
In India, the primary responsibility of management and disposal of solid waste is of municipal authorities. In the year 1969-74, fourth 5-year plan was declared by Government of India, commenced attempts to set better facilities for disposal of solid waste by giving loans and grants for setting up of vermicomposting/composting facilities. GoI assigned a committee to assess the crisis of solid waste management in India. Seventy six suggestions were made by this committee that covered eight areas of waste management. Local acts and state legislations that administer municipal authorities are provisions to collect, transport and dispose solid waste. This responsibility is assigned to chief executive of municipal authority.
In most of the state, the legislation does not cover important organizational or technical details of proper solid waste management. Laws covers the sweeping of street, putting community bins, transporting waste to disposal sites and finally the treatment of waste but they do not give the details that how this has to done. Moreover, laws do not specify which responsibility should be assigned to citizen and which to municipal authorities. Additionally, they do not specify collection systems, appropriate waste storage depots and do not mention waste treatment facility. Therefore, most of the state legislation except Kerala, does not fulfill the efficient solid waste management facilities.
In the year 1990, Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change constituted NWMC (National Waste Management Council) with management of municipal solid waste as one of its objectives (UNEP, 2001). It recommended twenty two municipalities to estimate the quantity of solid waste and its transportation and disposal. In1993, National Plastic Waste Management Task Force was constituted by NWMC to reduce health impact and undesirable environmental problems arising out of plastic. Based on the suggestion, in the year 1998 MoEFCC drafted Recycled Plastic Usage Rules, which puts a ban on carrying, storing and packing of food articles in plastic bags and specified standards for making plastic bags.
According to MSW Rules 2000, local municipal bodies are accountable for implementing these rules and provisions for collecting, storing, segregating and disposing of solid waste. These rules direct that appropriate technologies (composting / vermicomposting, anaerobic digestion, pelletisation, etc.) must be adopted for organic faction of waste. While for inorganic fraction of waste, incineration or land filling must be adopted. In the year 2000, a manual by CPHEEO (Central Public Health Environmental Engineering Organisation) was published on managing municipal solid waste for guiding urban local bodies (ULBs) under Ministry of Urban Development. Several other acts and rules have been formulated to deal with solid waste management. Under these rules it was made mandatory that all cities to develop waste processing and treatment technologies by 2003 (Asnani, 2006).
As per the manual, waste management plan should cover short term 5 year plan and 20-25 years long term plan. The short term plan should be split into various action plan that must cover different aspect related to waste management like initiatives for waste minimization, community participation, institutional strengthening, waste collection, transportation, treatment and other policy changes if required. Presently, MoEF&CC is revising the MSW Management and Handling Rules 2000. The revised rules was socialized in 2013 and then again in 2015 and is concluded as Solid Waste Management Rules 2015. It places the obligatory functions that have to be executed at any cost by different stakeholders. Notably, the new rules do not emphasize the source separation and their treatment of different kind of waste but exclusively includes Construction and Demolition (C&D) waste separation and their treatment as another chapter. Likewise, new E-waste rules, plastic waste rules, Fly-Ash and Bio-medical waste Management Rules were under revision and was promulgated in 2015 (Mani and Singh 2016).
SWACHH Bharat Mission (SBM): The most important declaration for development of India by NDA government is that, by the year 2019 India will be Open Defecation Free. Ministry of Urban Development (MoUD), Government of India took this foremost initiative. It was initiated on 2nd October, 2014, the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. It is a national campaign that covers 4041 towns to clean streets, roads and rail network of the country. SWM is the major constituents this mission. GoI has allotted Rs. 14,623 crore for Swachh Bharat Mission for Urban area. Out of which, Rs.7, 366 crore is allotted for 5 years i.e. 2014-2019. When addressing the solid waste management issue, state governments, urban local bodies, and citizens are supposed to concentrate on few social responsibilities and results that delineates the complexity and scope of Swachh Bharat Mission.
7.0 Summary
To summarize, in this module we have familiarized about
- Best practices involved in solid waste management Energy recovery from solid waste
- Biological conversion of solid waste
- National policies of solid waste management
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- Alhassan, H. M. and A. M. Tanko. 2012. Characterization of Solid Waste Incinerator Bottom Ash and the Potential for its Use. International Journal of Engineering and Research Application 2(4): 516−522
- Annepu, R. K. 2012. Sustainable Solid Waste Management in India. New York: Department of Earth and Environmental Engineering, Columbia University, Department of Earth and Environmental Engineering
- Appel, H. R., Y. C. Fu, S. Friedman, P. M. Yavorsky, and I. Wender. 1971. Converting organic wastes to oil. US Bureau of Mines Report of Investigation No. 7560
- Asnani, P.U., 2006. Urban infrastructure: India Infrastructure Report 2006, 3iNetwork. Oxford University Press, New Delhi.
- Bhavanam, A. and R. C. Sastry. 2011. Biomass gasification processes in downdraft fixed bed reactors:a review. International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Applications 2(6): 425
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- Cordioli, M., S. Vincenzi, and G. A. De Leo. 2014. Effects of heat recovery for district heating on waste incineration health impact: A simulation study in Northern Italy. Science of Total Environment 444: 369−380
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- Demirbas, A. 2008. Producing bio-oil from olive cake by fast pyrolysis. Energy Sources Part A 30:38−44
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- Kalyani, A. K. and K. K. Pandey. 2014. Waste to energy status in India: A short review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 31:113–120
- Katyal, S. 2007. Effect of carbonization temperature on combustion reactivity of bagasse char. Energy Sources Part A. 29: 1477−85
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- Marsh, R., A. J. Griffiths, K. P. Williams, and S. J. Wilcox. 2007. Physical and thermal properties of extruded refuse derived fuel. Fuel Process Technology 88: 701–706
- Owamah, H. I., S. O. Dahunsi, U. S. Oranusi, and M. I. Alfa. 2014. Fertilizer and sanitary quality of digestate biofertilizer from the co-digestion of food waste and human excreta. Journal of Waste Management 34: 747−752
- Quina, M. J., J. C. M. Bordado, and R. M. Q. Ferreira. 2010. Chemical stabilization of air pollution control residues from municipal solid waste incineration. Journal of Hazardous Matter 179: 382−392
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