25 Teaching Materials and Teaching Aids – II
Dr Anshul Chandra
- Learning outcomes
- Introduction
- Teaching materials and teaching aids
- Types of teaching aids
- Teacher as a teaching aid
- Importance of teaching aids
- The effects of using authentic teaching materials
- Strategy of using teaching aids
- Developing effective teaching aids
- Essential components in teaching aids
- Instructions for Designing Effective Teaching aids
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the module, student should be able to understand
- Teaching Materials & Teaching Aids.
- Types of teaching aids.
- Importance of Teaching aids
- The effect of using Teaching aids in language teaching.
- How to select effective Teaching aids
Teaching is to communicate an idea. There are three important parts of a communication
- a) sender of information b) message/information c) receiver.
In teaching process it is important to generate student’s interest. If interest is build properly, the learning process can take place effectively. For this purpose use of teaching material is important as they have the potentials to arouse interest in teaching-learning process. Richard (1981), in his study found that a normal human being remembers 10% of what they read, 50% of what they saw and heard, above 70% of what they heard, seen and done. An old Chinese proverb also explains the same view:
I hear and forget.
I see and remember
I do and I understand.
It seems important that for better teaching process, a teacher should arrange different aids with the help of which he should make learning easy, enjoyable and stable. As Goethe said “knowing is not enough we must apply, willing is not enough we must do.”
Teaching materials & Teaching Aids
Teaching aids are tool and equipment used in teaching as a supplement in class room instruction to enhance the interest of students. Teaching materials are important catalysts of effective instructions. Besides the traditional teaching methods, there are wide varieties of teaching aids available to the teacher. They help students to improve reading and other skill.
In the present age of sciences and technology, the process of teaching and learning also depends on the latest technology. Teaching becomes interesting when a teacher uses different teaching materials because it directly involves student in the teaching- learning process. It makes lessons enjoyable and memorable. Teaching materials are key factor in creating effective teaching and learning environments. These aids directly address to the five senses so the chances of forgetting become less and process of learning becomes more effective.
The use of teaching materials in English Language class is important because English has gained much more attention around the world. As a result, effective materials become need of the time. To teach a language using text book is regarded artificial because it can not connect the students to the second language. To teach a new language, different teaching materials should be used in order to enhance learners’ learning process so that the learner may be able to communicate the learned language in real life. Linguistics now encourages the use of teaching materials in teaching because of their positive effects on students.
Need of Teaching Aids In teaching language, teaching aids/ materials are important because every individual has tendency to forget but proper use of these aids, help to remember lessons permanently. All teachings aids can be effectively used in class to motivate the students to learn better.
One other important factor about teaching materials is that the materials should meet students’ needs as every person has its own level of understanding. As Cunningsworth says, “Students particularly more sophisticated adults and teenagers need to feel that the materials from which they are learning have to be connected with the real world and at the same time they must be related positively to the aspects of their inner make up such as age, level of education, social attitudes, the intellectual ability and level of emotional maturity.”
Teaching aids are especially important to learn a new language because they develop the proper images in their mind and create an interesting atmosphere for the students to make learning easy and clear. It helps to increase the vocabulary and simplify the course because teacher can deliver lectures easily and explain the concepts of chapters. Teaching aids enable all students of the class to participate actively and they can relate the topic to real life situations.
Type of Teaching Aids
There are many different types of teaching aids that can be used in class.
Visual: Visual aids use sense of vision. It includes actual objects, charts, maps, flash cards, pictures, flannel board, white board, flip charts, models etc.
Audio: Audio aids are common teaching tool which include classroom stereo system, individual head sets, radio etc. In languages class, teachers use recordings to demonstrate how the language is spoken. It is used as a recreational activity. It involves the sense of hearing.
Audio Visual: These aids can have a great impact on teaching. It involves the sense of vision as well as hearing. Audio Video aids are multi sensory materials. They can be produced, distributed and used as planned components of education program. Teachers can use instructional or documentary video to enhance specific subject or topic. It usually require television, digital video player, projection, film strips etc.
Some other teaching aids are
Mobile Technology: Mobile technology is everywhere. Mobile learning is relatively less expensive opportunity. It is convenient as it is accessible from anywhere. In the classroom it can replace traditional mode of teaching which create boredom. A mobile device provides information inside or outside the class so there is all time connection between friends and teacher. It gives new opportunities to both teacher and student.
Language games: It develops the basic skills i.e. listening, speaking, reading and writing. It also develops self confidence and communication skill of the students.
Language Lab: It is modern teaching method used as audio or audio visual aids. Variety of listening and speaking skills are exposed to the students. It is provided with computer, video, electronic testing, word games, quizzes, debates etc.
News Paper: It develops students reading skill. Selection of newspaper material is also very important because it strengthen creative writing, knowledge of structure and grammar. A teacher can make it interesting by giving different task to the students.
Improvisation: Improvisation in useful in teaching at the higher level. Gur – Ze’ve (2005) says: “Improvisation, when true to itself, transcends any limited context, border, dogma, regulations, drives, habits and fears dwelling in the moment of the ecstasies of the here and now. He further stressed that improvisation is not rhetorical, rational and ethnical in the traditional western concept of knowledge and inter-subjectivity”..
Improvisation is an interaction which can improve students’ communicative ability. It directly enhances languages skills, real life communication in a student. They enjoy learning in play way method through imitation, dramatizing, singing, dancing etc. It is natural aid without any cost.
Technologies used in the class room.(1) White board – mini lessons.
(2) Digital book
(3) Videos
(4) Internet
(5) Power point
(6) Online games
Teacher as a teachingaid
We cannot ignore the importance of teacher in the classroom. A teacher can be an effective teaching aid. It is one of the wonderful teaching tool which is very convenient in every respect. In a classroom, a teacher can involve students in the process of learning by doing some simple things like use of proper body language, eye contact with students, good facial expression, giving students time to talk, calling them by their names etc. All these activities create friendly learning atmosphere in the class and bridges the gap between teacher and students. A teacher can be model, narrator, singer, presenter, dancer, friend and role player. By playing these roles in the classroom a teacher can encourage the students to participate actively in the class. It will also keep them alert and learn efficiently.
Importance of teaching aids
Teaching is a social activity and it is not possible to teach students without taking part in this process. A teacher and a student both should involve in this activity to perform better. Teaching aids are very important instruments in teaching process which can involve both of them.
- Teaching aids make lessons more enjoyable, clear and comprehensible for students. They can be used at all levels of learning process to enrich vocabulary and knowledge.
- Teaching aids for second language motivates the students so that they can learn a language easily without having any difficulty.
- Teaching aids are effective to increase student’s memory. What they learn with the help of these aids imprints in their mind. It also makes their learning permanent. Supportive teaching materials provide advantages to remember the second language better.
- Teaching aids can facilitate the better understanding of the subject which discourages the act of confusion. It makes the subject and every aspect of lesson very clear and makes them successful in learning second language process.
- Activities used during the teaching of language make their learning process like a game and students enjoy the learning process. The more use of supportive materials increase the learning activities and chances of success.
- Use of teaching aid is absolutely effective because it make the whole process simple, productive and enrich the learning activities.
- These aids also increase student’s interest and motivate them to learn a second language better.
- These aids also provide a natural learning atmosphere and help them to actively involve in the learning, teaching and experiencing process.
- Use of teaching aids in the class, can heighten students desire of learning. All the students participate in the learning process vividly. It enables the students to express their concepts effectively.
- Teaching aids make the class room live and active and avoid dullness because of involvement of every student. It provides direct experience to the students.
- Use of proper teaching aids, saves lots of time and money also. It saves time from long and boring explanatory class and helps the students to understand the complex subjects easily.
The effect of using authentic teaching materials
According to Guariento & Morely (2001), “authentic materials help to motivate learners learn the language by making them feel they are learning the ‘real’ language”. In addition, Hyland (2003, p. 94) states that “one of the most important advantages of using authentic materials, is that it increases learners‘motivation and reflects positively on their learning process.”
Nunan (1997) mentioned in Widdowson (1990), believes that “exposing learners to authentic materials is indispensable, because of the rich language input they provide. Exposing students to such language forms will enable them to cope with genuine interaction, whether it is inside or outside the classroom.”
Therefore to develop reading and writing skills of the student, teacher should use authentic materials. These are a useful means to lessen the gap between classroom and the real word. The use of proper materials in language class is very significant because it prepares the students to face the real world.
When a teacher uses improper teaching materials in the class, students face lots of difficulties in learning second language so the teaching material should raise the learner’s interest otherwise the student will gain nothing. Use of proper teaching material supports language teaching, it raises the student motivation towards learning. Students self satisfaction also improves after teaching proper texts in the classroom because they feel connected with the second language. It is difficult to know how the student will execute in the real life situations without using authentic teaching materials in the class.
Tirth (n.d.) Peacock (1997) cited in Richards (2001), mentions several reasons for using authentic materials in the classroom. These are: (1) they prepare learners for real life, (2) they meet learners’ needs, (3) they affect learners‘motivation positively, (4) they encourage teachers to adopt effective teaching methods and (5) they present authentic information about culture.
Advantage of Authentic material
No doubt, that teaching materials have a positive effect on student’s whole progress. A study shows the listening of audio text not only develops the students listening comprehension skill but also introduces new vocabulary and sound expressions.
Hyland (2003, p. 94) states that one of the most important advantages of using authentic materials is that it increases learners’ motivation and reflects positively on the learning process.
Proper teaching materials also give a reason to the students to learn better because it increases their interest. A student can learn better if he gets sufficient support from his teachers so the role of teacher is also very important.
Some researches claim that authentic materials have no value as they contain lots of difficult task which have to explain in the class with lots of efforts. In a mixed ability class there are so many weak learners who are not affected with these teaching materials. For them authentic and traditional materials are the same. It makes them frustrated and de-motivated as Guariento and Morley (2001, p. 347) assert “At lower levels… the use of authentic texts may not only prevent learners from responding in meaningful ways, but can also lead them to feel frustrated, confused and… de-motivated.”
It is also a difficult issue for teachers to select the suitable authentic materials for the students. It is a time consuming process.
In spite of disadvantages, the positive view of using teaching material outweighs. Researches prove that in order to enhance students learning skills, authentic materials should be used in teaching second language. It must be supported because of its effective role in teaching learning process.
Strategies of using Teaching aids
For the proper use of teaching aids strategies should be prepare as it is the most effective way of doing something better. Simple rules should be followed by the teacher and student in the class for the development of students learning skills.
- The students should know to handle the teaching aids themselves.
- Variety of teaching matters should be available in the class.
- Student should feel at ease in the classroom which helps them to learn more in shorter time.
- Teaching aids should be according to ability, back ground and class room situations.
- Two or more teaching method should be integrated to bring variety, attractive presentation and appealing content.
- Students self confidence should be elevate to learn faster.
- Relevant and useful aids should be introduced in the classroom.
- Help students to make efficient use of the teaching aids which help them to self discover.
- Help them to draw attention on linguistic features so that they become aware of a gap between first and second language.
- Students should given opportunities to communicate in second language which develop their knowledge.
- Help students to rehearse information, repetition, retrieve the subject from short term memory. It helps them to learn eventually as a result of using them.
- Different learning styles such as audio, video, traditional, experiential should be used at a same time.
- Students’ belief, motives and emotions should be discussed in the class room as it affects the learning rates.
Students should ask to note the important points and related teaching aids with the concerning subject. They should always be able to identify relevant teaching aids.
Feedback must be taken from the students.
Developing Effective Teaching Aids
Teaching aids are an important part of teaching programme. Effective teaching depends on meaningful, relevant and motivating aids and these conditions are met when aids are developed according to students’ needs, interest and expectations. We can also say that teachers should effort to develop the most effective and appropriate teaching aids for their students. Materials designer suggest the combination of both reasoning and artistic processes. In this respect, Low (cited in Johnson, 1989) states that “designing appropriate materials is not a science: it is a strange mixture of imagination, insight, and analytical reasoning”
Advantage of teacher designed aids
A teaching aids designer should be reflective, resourceful and receptive. Teachers who adopt their own teaching aids are willing to take risks and make decisions related to their particular learning environment.
Some commercial aids are very costly, so it forces teachers to develop them own teaching aids which can be the best option as they are less costly.
Aids developed by teachers are usually suit the students need. Modern teaching methodology emphasizes the importance of individuals need in teaching. In language class there are mix ability students so a teacher designed aids give the opportunity to select right text for particular learner to ensure the levels of success. This can be change during the course if necessary. They can choose different topics, situations skills or combination of materials according to developing needs of individual.
Teacher designed aids can also add a personal touch in teaching which increases motivation and involvement in learning. These are readily available and reduce dependence or other materials.
There are some downsides in teacher designed aids. Generally course books are well organized according to the steps of teaching. It can be boring but it gives a kind of security while teacher designed materials may lack clear direction.
They may also lack quality. Due to lack of experience or understanding they may contain errors.
Essential components in teaching aids
There are some factors that teachers need to take notice while developing teaching aids.
The first and most important factor is assessment of the learner. It helps them to make more meaningful, dynamic challenging and effective teaching aids. Any consideration must begin with a need analysis which will help to develop material that enhance all English language skill i.e. listening, speaking, reading, writing, vocabulary and grammar.
Another significant aspect of teacher designed aids is the setting of goals and objectives for the learners. It gives a sense of direction of the course and helps to achieve teaching and learning proficiency.
During developing a teaching aids teacher should access to all resources such as computer, video player, C.D. player, language lab, digital camera, white board etc, it will impact on decisions in material development.
Proper selection of activities will be useful in attaining the purpose of teaching aids. A teacher should leave out those activities that do not need the student’s needs.
Instructions for Designing Effective Teaching aids
Teaching aids should be contextualized to the topics, theme, and realities of the language. Teaching aids should provide the situation to create students’ interest with each other even outside the class room. This can be the medium of progress.
Teaching aids should provide opportunities for self evaluation which will develop their own learning style and strategies.
Teaching aids should link teacher and students to develop a communication skills, understanding and also give opportunities for better learning.
The aid must be impressive. Selecting teaching materials is not a haphazard decision but making effective decisions for the benefit of the students. As Graves (1997) says that “any text by itself is not the course, but rather a tool that can be divided or cut up into components and then rearranged so as to suit the needs, abilities, interest, and expectations of the students comprising a course. Therefore, textbooks can be modified to incorporate activities that encourage students and move them beyond the constraints of the textbook.”
Apart from the above mentioned aspects, teacher designed aids betters their skills and creativity. Teaching aids are the most important tools of teaching process which provide students a natural learning environment and help them to take part in teaching learning process.
Facts of Teaching Materials
Teaching materials are not a complete way of teaching but an aid to learning. It is not necessary to require it in all lessons and subjects. A teacher can use it according to topics and need of students.
Use of too many materials in one lesson may distract attention form the main topic and cause negative effect. It should be relevant to the subject. If student can see the real things, then teaching matter should be avoided.
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- Cunningsworth, A. (1984), “Evaluating and selecting EFL teaching materials”, New York: Teachers College Pres, P.: 71.
- Graves, K. (1997). Teachers as course developers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Gur-ze’ev I 2005. Critical theory and critical pedagogy and diaspora. In: Ilan Gur- Ze’ev (Ed.): Critical Theory and Critical Pedagogy Today. Haifa: University of Haifa, P. 26.
- Howard, J. & J. Major. (2004). Guidelines for designing effective English language teaching materials. Available from http://www.paaljapan.org/resources/proceedings/PAAL9/pdf/Howard.pdf
- Littlejohn, A. (1992). Why are English language teaching materials the way they are? (Unpublished PhD thesis). Lancaster University, UK. Retrieved from www.AndrewLittlejohn.net
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- Nunan, D. (1999). Second Language Teaching and Learning. Boston: Heinle and Heinle Publishers.
- Pineda, C. (2001). Developing an English as a foreign language curriculum: The need for an articulated framework. Colombian Applied Linguistics, 3(1), 6-20.
- Tomlinson, B. (1998). Materials development in language teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Tomlinson, B. (2010). Principles of effective materials development. In N. Harwood (ed.), English language teaching materials (pp. 81-108). NY: CUP.
- Widdowson, H. (1990). Aspects of Language Teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press.