4 Language Teaching Methods II
Dr. Neeru Tandon
- Learning Outcomes
- Introduction
- Role of Teacher
- Inculcating the reading Habit
- Writing Therapy
- Use of Technology
- Observation
- Communicative Approach to Soft Skills
- Mixed Ability Classes
- Self Directed Learning
- Using multiple intelligences
- Critical Thinking
- Emotional Intelligence
- Unconscious Competency
- Conclusion
Learning Outcomes:
The students will go through the contents on ‘Language Teaching Methods’ A general introduction will help them in knowing about the Innovative practices in teaching and learning Language methods. As they go through the contents, they will come to know about the different pedagogical approaches of language teaching methods which will definitely help in broaden the perspective. Exercises in the form of objective questions and long questions will help them in assessing their knowledge. Bibliography for further reading will motivate them to know more about learning method of Language. Overall this module will make the subject more interesting and result oriented.
It has rightly been observed that if we want to make our students more efficient, the matter and Method for teaching Language to Indian students should be completely reoriented. The quality of Language education should be synchronised with the industry expectations. The teaching of Language should not focus only at adding up to the knowledge rather it should aim at generating the creativity in the mind. Creation of environment is the chief quality of teaching Language. In the process the role of a teacher becomes very vital.
The module is going to focus on some pedagogical approaches in teaching language in order to make it more innovative. Habit of reading is one of the most important pedagogical approach through which seeds of creativity can be sown. Then Module will throw light on some other pedagogical approaches like writing therapy, Use of technology, emotional intelligence, observation, communicative approach to soft skills, mixed ability classes, Self-directed learning, using multiple Intelligences, critical thinking, unconscious competency and the like.
Therefore this Module is an attempt to understand the different pedagogical approaches to explore innovations for quality Language education.
The Role of a Teacher:
The role of a teacher in shaping up the future of students is vital. Dr. S. Radhakrishnan aptly said “the teacher is the pivot of civilization.” As there is one primarily need to have a guide, mentor or coach in any profession so there could be different roles of teacher with different names. The teacher should follow some pedagogical approaches in order to shape up the personality of each student. The teacher should provide the theoretical knowledge with practical examples along with the moral support to make student emotionally intelligent to implement the classroom teachings into real world scenario. While teaching language students teachers should build a confidence in individual. Any Student can be successful if he knows harmonious coordination and smooth administration which can be possible only through the perfect articulation of the language. This module will throw light in some of the pedagogical approach through which the quality of language education can be innovatively improved.
Inculcating the Habit of Reading
“The habit of reading is the only enjoyment in which there is no alloy; it lasts when all other pleasures fade.” Apart from providing pleasure reading makes a person conversant. Due to globalisation the competitive corporate sector demands high level of proficiency from the candidate. Reading gives an edge over others in both professional and social sphere. It is advisable for the all streams students to develop the reading habit because when the knowledge gained through reading, coupled with the logical skills it make an excellent combination. To face the examination students should have the skill to retain the learned matter and reproduce the matter in structured manner.
The other perspective of reading is to learn the sentence construction by the writer which enhances the skill of articulation in the mind of readers. The reading habit gives the different dimensions to express the raw thoughts. Instead of forcing the direct grammar approach the best alternative to learn language is to learn language by literature. It leaves the long lasting traces in the mind of readers. It brings the language in flow with the right choice of words at the right time.
Reading generates the logical development of thoughts and cohesion which are the indirect contributions of the reading habits. Thus reading contributes in academic success as well. Reading makes a person mature to deal with the mundane problems more effectively.
All language students who are on the road of success must read books. One of the most important characteristics of leadership is that the golden words of different good authors should be imprinted in the minds of the aspirant. This will not only make him a successful person but also a complete individual.
“Adolescents entering the adult world in the 21st century will read and write more than any other time in human history…They will need literacy to feed their imaginations so they can create the world of future.”
Objectives of developing reading skill
- To amplify the mental prospects
- To shape conduct
- To keep trajectory of new development
- To cultivate skill
- To be benefitted from other’s experiences
- To refine our sensitivity
- To develop the creativity
- To critically assess situations
Gray stated “complete reading involves recognition, understanding and integration.” There is a pedagogical reason to inculcate reading habit as the veracious reader becomes good writer.
Writing Therapy
The foremost important quality of an efficient professional is the precise expression of the situation with an excellent articulation. The spontaneous flow of writing needs practice. All the great writers in the world recommend the writing therapy. In this process the beginners should write minimum three pages a day. It should be practiced in terms of freedom of expression without any deliberate efforts just follow the thought process as it occurs and pen down all thoughts spontaneously. Studies shows that on an average a person get around sixty thousands ideas in a day, writing therapy can give the way to those thousands of thoughts the platform of expression or else those thoughts could have been died in the mind itself. There is a possibility that at initial level the quality of thought and expression may not be impressive but this should be overlooked and students should follow the therapy religiously. Gradually writing therapy brings out the best out of the mind of the individual who religiously follow the practice. At academic level it should be encouraged in the colleges. This is one of the innovative methodology to be implemented encouraged and monitored in order to bring the best out of the students.
Use of technology
Technology is an integrated part of the language Studies. To make language study more innovative the power point presentations can be used for all grammar classes in order to save the time as well as to make the correct notes handier. It also ruled out the option of wrong writing from the boards. However the retention of visuals is better than oral communication. Subject experts should collect some videos related to the subject and play those videos along with the theory. In this correlation the real purpose of language education will be fulfilled. There must be a mike in the classrooms so that students can give presentations to the classmates and recording should be done however later that recording should be critically examined by the presenter himself to check the language, body language and voice intonations. Such exercises will build a confidence in the student and the required corrective action will be taken at the right stage. Improvement is possible through listening, producing, correcting and practicing with technology. To make the best use of technology Quiz can be conducted in the classrooms in power point in order to make classroom studies more interactive and lively. That will pull the participation in the classes. Language labs are also useful in order to bring the more clarity on pronunciations and accent. However the investment of huge amount may be the point of concern. However results are very impressive in learning process. Language studies can be innovative only by integrating pedagogy and technology.
Observation is a multi-faceted instrument for Language erudition. Observation includes preparation, selection of a focus, purpose along with the actual spend time in data collection. Observation skill can be improved by practice. The language students should be trained in observing skill by giving the practice of prioritisation among variety of co-occurring experiences. One can learn the language by reading, can express spontaneously by writing but the most important part of language learning process is communication which can be learnt by observation. Communication is a combination of Language spoken as well as language delivered. How you convey the thoughts in different context and scenario is also a countable aspect. Through active observation this can be learnt. How to project your ideas in society and corporate offices this is a matter of observation. Students should be given the exposed to such situations where they can learn more communicative language.
This is the most important aspect of Language which can be funnelled, practiced, cultured and upgraded.
Communicative Approach to Soft Skills
Many researchers found that for professionals need for maintaining public relation skill is greater than the need for technology systems and resource management skills. The soft skills refer to all those personal qualities and attitudes that makes person a compatible and resourceful employee. Because recognition, promotion and opportunities can be expected not solely by technical skills rather it comes with the combination of both technical and soft skills.

The above mentioned diagram comprises three functions which should be in sink- if the head will think good thoughts along with the good heart which cares for values the hands will execute the work in excellent manner. This basic combination should be taught to the young generation who tries to run after the success and wants everything in life instantly. They should be taught the law of nature that what we sow we reap.
Language is the key to success
Kabir Das Said very well
“Aisi bani Boliye, Man ka aapa khoye
Auran ko sheetal kare, aapahun sheetal
Mixed Ability Classes
The most challenging job for any language teacher is to deal with the class of mixed ability students. Some of them are self-learner some of them will be ignorant. They may be ignorant of the secrets to learning strategies. Here we need to quote Brown who aptly said “The burden on the learner is to invoke the appropriate style for the context…the burden on the teacher is to understand the preferred styles of each learner and to sow the seeds of flexibility in the learner.] ”
It becomes difficult when learners are ignorant about the different learning strategies and on a similar note most of the teachers also are not aware of that learners do not know the secrets of learning strategies. Dansereau’s said aptly “By not stressing learning strategies educators in essence discourage students from developing and exploring new strategies, and in so doing, limit students’ awareness of their cognitive capabilities.”
It is possible that all students in the class achieve the same sort of success in life but at the same time it is duty of the teacher to help them in making them learn how to learn theoretical lessons as well as the life’s practical lessons. Tyacke and Mendelsohn said aptly “Each individual will have a unique way of dealing with reality and processing information.”
Self-Directed Learning
Learning to learn is a crucial skill. A self-learner is the person who can judge the requirement of expectations of the subject and of individual himself. The quality innovative education system should be develop in such a way to make student ready for making his own plans to study effectively. It is required to follow the natural process of psychological development. The new education system should make students responsible to deal with new initiatives. The includes the analyses of problem an insight to judge what needs to be learnt and person should know where to access for what problem and how to handle the problem Merriam emphasised the fact that the self-directed learning in higher education is both a goal of education and the process that leads to successful learning. Language learning totally depends on self-motivational factor. In learning language the sky is the limit and it all depends on an individual at what level he wants to take his communication skills. Learning language is a life-long process
Using Multiple Intelligences:
The age has gone where classrooms only utilised logical and linguistic approaches to education. In such tensed atmosphere intelligence of individual dies. Howard Gardner proposed in his book Frames of Mind(1983) that human intelligence is composed of seven distinct capacities
- Linguistic Intelligence
- Logical- Mathematical Intelligence
- Spatial Intelligence
- Bodily kinaesthetic Intelligence
- Musical intelligence
- Interpersonal intelligence
- Intrapersonal intelligence
Thus the innovation lies in making overall personality grooming through education. All sorts of intelligence required different language skills. So instead of focusing only at one dimension emphasis can be shifted to different other perspectives as well. The education system should help each student to assess stronger and weaker intelligence areas so that the corrective course of action can be taken at the right time. By the proper assessment as well as proper mentoring the students can be
- Word Smart
- Number Smart
- Picture Smart
- Body Smart
- Music Smart
- People Smart
- Self-Smart
However all sorts of smart development need competent language for the same. At least if the education system helps the students to find out their competent area students can be the language expert in their own competency area. This will enhance the confidence and can make the students more skilled person.
Critical Thinking
Critical thinking is a substantial aspect contributing to innovative quality education. Graham Sumner “Critical thinking is a product of education and training it is a mental habit and power.” Critical thinking includes evaluative, meditative, instinctive and innovative thinking. Some of the techniques to polish critical thinking like role playing, impromptu, Socratic Method of questioning should be used to infuse critical thinking in innovative quality education system. The teacher should also prepare the lesson plan in more structured format that which module needs what technique to bring out the critical analyses of the topic covered. The plan should include the end to end required preparations, execution dates and also reward and recognition for any significant achievement of any student.
Critical thinking is cultural thinking so to have overall grooming of personalities families involvement is equally important. Parents should know the higher education culture by visiting to colleges occasionally. As now a days due to professional higher level education students are away from native places. They may adopt the new environment but parents sitting away cannot understand the emotional disturbance of the child. In innovative quality education we need to ensure the change should happen in society through each student.
Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence is the most critical humanistic skills and competency. EQ development help individuals in understanding their own competency as well as others interests, habits, preferences. This understanding of self and others facilitate collaborative learning of language. Alfred Lord Tennyson in Ancient Sage said aptly, “The shell must break before the bird can fly” which mean the education system should help student to be open minded. Individual emotional intelligence should allow him to restructure and modify the old stuff by removing the personal blinders. The student should be ready for extension of learning language. Bacon Very Aptly Said “ Through indignities men rise to dignity”. In the process of learning language students should be emotionally strong. They should not be disturbed by the initial obstacles. Also they should not make fun of the beginners Competencies like collaborative spirit, self-control will make the person emotionally intelligent.
Unconscious Competency
Language education should be innovative so that it can be infused with the students’ creative mind. There are four stages of learning language:
The first stage where a student is unaware of the importance of language skills, he enjoys the ignorance. The second stage he becomes aware of the importance of language skills and finds himself incompetent. Third stage where he puts efforts to become competent may be demotivated due to multi-dimensional pressures. Our quality education should focus on developing the language skills unconsciously which should come freely and spontaneously. Innovative quality education system should prepare them mentally and intellectually a strong and confident person by adopting the methods which unconsciously make them learn language, the method which is more practical oriented and helping them in becoming more competent and skilled person.
Thus pedagogical approaches in teaching language can make studies more innovative. Habit of reading sow the seeds of creativity writing therapy brings the power of expression, Use of technology make the student efficient, Observation and communicative approach to soft skills make head, heart and hand work in synchronisation. mixed ability classes encourage Self- directed learning and help students to polish multiple Intelligences. Critical thinking makes the student emotionally intelligent. Innovative quality education system should focus on unconscious competency to prepare them mentally and intellectually great persons.
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