18 Language Learning Strategies
Dr. Omana Antony
Learning Outcome:
One who learns this content on English Language Learning Strategies will be able to develop the ability
- To communicate effectively in formal as well as informal contexts
- To update with the advancements in technology for language acquisition
- To understand and apply the different strategies to acquire English language communication
- To understand and explore the self learning strategies in language acquisition
- To research on further innovative strategies for language acquisition.
- To acknowledge and make use of the skills of a language teacher in language acquisition.
Introduction:-Language, the means of communication is an essential component of a person’s success in his social, professional and personal domain. Effective communication skills add grandeur to the overall performance of the individual. Language proficiency determines the success of the person to a great extend because it decides the power of expression of an individual. In the global scenario where English language has achieved the status as international language, it has become essential for the aspiring professionals to develop a good command over English Language for being a successful professional. Though many other languages are coming up attaining popularity in the job market, the status of English continues to be luring in the global world.
When it comes to English language proficiency, the most startling aspect is the difficulty of our professionals to communicate in English though they excel in their academic and technical fields. In the present scenario, where India gives lot of importance to Education, the different States of the country are competing to achieve the best educational status for their citizens. Having been a colonial country under the British, Indians are much aware of the significance of the English Language Competency in the personal, social and professional domains of an individual. This awareness has given more preference for English Education or education in English medium in India. As per the Indian Education system a student gets a minimum of 14years and a maximum of 15 years exposure to English language by the time he/ she completes higher secondary education. Apart from this, a good number of parents provide English medium education to their children where the child learns all the subjects, except mother tongue in English. With all these advantages, the most startling aspect about Indian professional is their poor communication skill in English. Indian technical skills are most admired and wanted in the super power and well developed countries, but the Indians lose this great opportunity because of their weakness in English communication.
Why do the Indians face linguistic difficulty in English? It is again a startling question which every expert, scholar and researcher related to English Language teaching is much concerned about. The research and studies show that the basic problem is the way an individual is trained to acquire this language.
English Language Acquisition
Language is not to be taught but to be caught. As per this statement, the acquisition of language depends mainly on the learner. The type of mind set, exposure, training and the learning habits of the learner decides the quality and proficiency of his / her communication in this foreign language. Even after with 10 to 14 years exposure to English language, an Indian student finds it difficult to communicate fluently in English. If a child or student without a single day‟s exposure to English language is placed in an environment of exclusively English speaking people, the child picks up the language within a few days. Within months, he becomes amazingly fluent in that language. Why does it happen so? The answer is Language is not to be taught but to be caught. Need or necessity is the basic requirement for language acquisition. When the child had no other way to communicate other than pick up the only means available, it acquires the language exposed to. Moreover, it got an environment created for this language acquisition.
Conventional Strategies of English Language Teaching & Learning
The pressure to acquire English Language proficiency is very intense and stressful as the student approaches his career selection stage. Everybody corners the student with the question “Why you cannot speak in English?” Neither the students nor the society knows what has gone wrong for this bad luck. A systematic study of the curriculum of English shows the basic error in the introduction of English to our students as second language or foreign language. The impact of the traditional methodology of teaching English is so deeply rooted among the students as well as teachers that, it seems to be a strenuous job to inculcate the new methodologies and approaches effectively in the English language acquiring programme. The deeply rooted approaches in language teaching and learning are as follow:-
1. A purely text book oriented teaching and learning: Here the teacher‟s knowledge is confined to the text book prescribed for that particular class, and the teacher makes the students also to be confined to the same frame work. Again a screening is done by the teacher by selecting specific topics or areas to train the students to score the maximum marks. This particular approach makes the students to look at English as a subject to score maximum marks in the exam by mugging up at their best.
2. Bilingual approach: This is the most comfortable and effective approach used by both an average and a below average teacher in order to make the class successful. The teacher uses the mother tongue to explain each and everything in the prescribed English book. Here the student response and the class room interaction will be highly remarkable because the stude3nts overcome the language barrier to a great extend and give expressions to their ideas in mother tongue. Teacher is content at the fact that the students are giving desired responses at least in their mother tongue clearly indicating that they have understood the fact. Language proficiency is acquired when a student starts thinking and then expressing in that particular language. In bilingual approach, the student is trained to think everything in mother tongue and then those thoughts are translated to the foreign tongue as per the rules and norms of mother tongue. This results many semantic and syntactic errors.
3. Exam oriented teaching and learning: A new language can be acquired only if it is used for the purpose of communication. Since the curriculum insists on the completion of the syllabus within the stipulated time and the conduct of the exam, the teachers also rush through that path. Hence the major focus is on a one-way approach. The teacher explains and dictates and the student is to cram up what ever is given in the class. Hardly any teacher gives the opportunity for the student for creative expression. The latest curriculum very much insists on the creative expression by students, but how far the teacher succeeds in evaluating such innovative attempts is a very serious point to be pondered upon. If an individual has to acquire a new language, that person should be provided with the platform to use that language without any inhibition.
4. Defective evaluation system: It is an impossible feat for a teacher to evaluate the language development of a student in the most appropriate way. Language development is possible only when the student is given a platform for free expression either in spoken or written form. But in a class-room teaching and learning process, the teacher shows his/ her knowledge of the language through meticulous correction of the students expression. The student is eager to see whether his writings are decorated with red lines by the expert teacher. Actually the teacher never thinks of the mental block or the fatal impact this sort of evaluation inflicts on the creativity of the students. If it is the assessment of spoken English, the teacher cannot have the required patience to listen or analyse the effort of each student. Besides the teachers tend to be selective in giving chance to the students. The ultimate result is again back to square one. Instead of acquiring a new language with all its skills, they learn it from the examination point of view.
5. In addition to the above issues there are a few common issues the students come across in a language class. They are as follow:-
• Text book based study
• Teachers‟ boring lectures
• Classroom confined teaching and learning
• Knowledge-based learning
• Rigid supervision of the teacher
• Boring assignments which are equivalent to rewriting
• Poor accent and incorrect pronunciation
• Stereotype letter writing, paragraph writing etc.
Student Expectation in a language class
In fact what do the students expect in a language class? Technology has been a common tool in education. When we talk about technology, our focus is on how this technology can be utilized for teaching and learning English language. For this both the teacher and the educationists should be aware of what the students expect from a teacher of Language. Any student in a language class expect the following:-
• Freedom to learn by their own
• Teacher as a friend or a helper
• Guidance through friendly approach
• Innovative teaching –learning methodology
• Variety and useful topics
• Activity based learning
• Useful oral activities
• Proficiency in using the language
Though English language teacher is considered to be of prime importance by students and parents for Language acquisition, the truth is that the learner is the most important person in language acquisition. The EL Teacher is to create a suitable environment, facilitate and to ensure the acquisition of language by the learner. With the support of a committed and creative Language teacher, a student will get a favourable atmosphere for language acquisition. Despite this there are many ways how a student can acquire proficiency in English Language communication. The following part of the text deals with the different strategies for English Language Acquisition:-
A: Teacher Assisted Language Acquisition:-
As discussed earlier, students can develop command over English language with the assistance of language teacher. Here the teacher will be a guide, facilitator or mentor to the student in enhancing the language proficiency. Following are the basic strategies a teacher can apply for the development of language skills in the students:-
i. Goal oriented Language Teacher:-The primary aim of an English teacher is to develop language proficiency among the students. Language proficiency is commonly defined as a person‟s ability to speak or perform in an acquired language. The English Language teacher should be very clear about his /her goal as the language teacher – it is to help the learner acquire proficiency in the language. Everything that is required for this purpose should be provided or created by the teacher to generate language by the students. The language teacher should get totally out from the exam oriented teaching of language.
ii. Well designed curriculum for language acquisition:- An experienced and efficient teacher can design a very constructive curriculum for English language acquisition which will be consistently encouraging students to develop the language skills. A well supervised conduct of the curriculum will instill interest to the students to involve actively in the language developing activities. The various modules of the syllabus will be directly and indirectly language generating sources.
iii. Teacher’s communication competency:- A teacher who uses English language with good command will be always a source of inspiration for the students. Imitation is the basic instinct of any human being, hence there is a good possibility for the students to imitate their teacher‟s attractive way of communication.
iv. Teacher as an encyclopedia:- A teacher with a good source of knowledge on variety of topics will be always a respected by students. The teacher‟s efficiency in displaying knowledge on current topics and life related issues will encourage students to read and to be knowledgeable. This desire will ultimately strengthen the reading habit and conversational skill which in turn will lead to good reading and speaking skills.
v. Teacher as a good communicator:- Teacher‟s love to communicate or converse or to indulge in discussion with the students elicit contexts for effective language generation. The teacher should such open ended discussions that provide plenty of opportunities for students for free and natural expression of their views and ideas. Such a natural setting can be created only by a teacher who loves indulging in discourses with students.
vi. Teacher as a facilitator:- No more a teacher is the monopoly of knowledge. The advancements in science and technology have made the learners the master of the magic box called computer with internet. An effective and successful teacher must ensure to get updated with the current developments in the society and in the world. As a facilitator or a guide, he / she should lead the students towards the window that opens to the world of knowledge. The teacher should guide the students how to access knowledge through that window and how to use that knowledge for himself and the society. The exposure to this great ocean of information will encourage the students to read and listen a lot. This will enrich them with lot of ideas which will find an outlet in the form of conversation or discussion or any other form of speech.
vii. Interactive classrooms:- It is high time for us to get rid of the conventional lecturing method or chalk and board teaching. A teacher must encourage interaction in the class. Only a creative teacher can keep class lively. It is always welcome to open discussions on topics from real life situations. On a rainy day, a student falls sick. While giving attention to the student, the teacher can open discussion on the diseases during rainy season, reasons for the diseases, precautions etc. This is a very familiar area for the students, and they will be eager to share their experience and information. Teacher can assist them for finding apt words for expression. A lot many words can be added to their vocabulary which they will definitely apply in the similar situations. This approach can be applied in almost all the situations like accident, feelings at the time of failure, celebrations, festivals, tour, food, family functions etc.
The appreciable criteria for a teacher of English language are:
• Proficiency in communication
• Effective reading skill
• Good accent
• Good subject knowledge
• Should be able to develop the communication skills of the students
• Proficiency in using technology for developing communication skills
English, the colonial language is introduced to the Indian students either as a second language or as a foreign language. What ever the status is, the eagerness or keenness to acquire this language is mainly determined by the attitude and approach of the teachers in the class room. It is a fact that students never look at English as a language they have to acquire to speak and write. The sole responsibility of developing this attitude among students is that of the teachers who handle English in the class room. As India stepped to the thresholds of globalization, the significance of English also has become an indispensable element of the success of an individual. Teacher assisted language acquisition is a very comfortable language learning process for the beginners and the school children. It needs a lot of courage and preparation from the teacher to handle daringly any topic that comes for discussion. The teacher has to be highly spontaneous and should be with a very strong positive attitude. The teacher must know something about everything and everything about something to cope up with the requirements of the present generation students.
Technology Assisted Language Learning:-
It is a world of technology we are living in, and the tools of technology are irresistible to the students irrespective of age and course. While the society blames the technology for distraction of their students and youngsters from their responsibilities, it is high time the educationists should start exploiting this computer mania of the students for their own betterment. The greatest contribution of technology called the computer with an internet connection has made the students all the more powerful with this treasure house of knowledge. The entrance of technology to the educational field itself has resulted a revolutionary change in the learning and teaching process. The advantage it causes in the development of English language skills among students is miraculous. Teaching and learning English in association with technology has opened many innovative methodology in acquiring this language. Many institutions install language lab for effective communication. It is good. A creative teacher should use the computer and internet for the above mentioned class room activities. Since the students are so fond of working with the computer and internet browsing, a creative and knowledgeable teacher can exploit this mania of students for their benefit. A proper use of internet facility is a marvelous source for language acquisition. Following strategies can be used for exploiting technology for language acquisition:-
i: Computer :- Apart from playing games, it can be used for preparing and recording assignments, notes etc related to the subject. A creative teacher can give practice in diary writing, maintaining record of home work, plan of work and so on in a computer. The assessment record, feed back and other remedial suggestion stored in the computer will be always an encouraging source for the betterment of the students.
ii: Internet:-The four language skill acquisition can be marvelously achieved with the purpose oriented use of computer with internet facility. A teacher can randomly announce to students to prepare
the topics in the class itself using the system. Write ups on literary people, literary works, current issues, book reviews, social or historical events, latest developments etc can be the topics to work upon. In between they may jump into face book or such other portals, but without getting angry, the teacher must bring them back to the work highlighting the time schedule. Each slot should be divided to introduction of the activity, gathering and organizing data and presentation. Each of these sessions should be strictly followed to the time slot. It would be good to have consecutive 2 periods for English on a day. One group of 25 students is the ideal number for Lab class. The individual guidance, attention and the nature of work done by the students give them lot of confidence. The presentation of the prepared work in front of the students enables the students to strengthen their presentation skills. The repetition of this sort of activities generate interest, refine their referencing and research skills, groom their interaction skills and develop them into more knowledgeable and confident people with excellent communication skills. Since they have the freedom to opt topics, resources for reference and facilities for displaying their ideas, Language generation can be given a better performance in the theory class. The demo of Group Discussions, debating, Presentations etc. give perfection, confidence and better output by the students with remarkable communication competency.
iii: Video conferencing: A wise and talented teacher can provide platform for the students to interact with the great literary personalities and other VIPs through vedio conferencing. It will be a great experience for them. There are many students with very matured and clear views about the social, political and educational happenings around us. Video conferencing with either students from different institutions or the prominent people from the concerned areas can bring out a lot of constructive ideas. Similarly an interaction with the victims of various social and political issues will enable the students to realise the truth in life or to experience life with all its dark and bright aspects. It helps them get real life experiences. Communication with peers in the other continent or country is one of the most fascinating activities students love to do through video conferencing.
iv: Lap top: A teacher can guide the students to prepare PPTs on various subject topics and give presentations. It has been observed that the students are very interested in giving presentations. A language teacher can utilise this platform to study, analyse and present the views of the youth on the various current issues. It will enhance the sharing of knowledge, new ideas and innovative perspectives on various issues around us. Thus the teacher can be a tool to invoke social awareness among students.
v: E-mailing: Teacher can train the students with email etiquette and can encourage them to send the assignments and other home works through email for checking. Besides, the teacher can conduct on line tests on the subjects which will more welcoming among the students. It is indeed time saving and more authentic.
vi: Multi-media: It is a very interesting teaching tool. Since it enables the student to see, hear, read write and speak, the objective of language acquirement can be easily achieved. The visual and hearing impact make the classes more and more interesting and lively. The learning through this methodology gets imprinted in the mind so well that the student hardly forgets anything that he has learned. Meaningful visual images will definitely enable the students to develop their language skills.
vii: Language Lab: This is the most important means used for developing English language skills in the advanced institutions that look for the effective methodology for Language development. Students really love these language lab activities since it provides them with a platform for self-study, interesting activities with variety and novelty. As per the quality and effectiveness of language lab software, self-evaluation and personal attention are also possible. Through continuous evaluation process a student can achieve tremendous improvement in his communication competency.
viii: Wiki space: Teacher must be aware of the various webs available for interaction and contribution and expressing views on the internet information. This is a great source of information for students. Their creativity finds excellent arena here. Since it is an open platform and the responses being from the peers or the people of same interest, the fear of demotivating corrections by the teachers disappear. This encourages more creative expressions which is the first step to language development.
ix: Mind tool: They are computer based programmes that engage the students in creative thinking and innovative activities. Pictures for picture compositions, one after another pictures can be flashed for variety and novelty. Special software for pronunciation and communication skills with dialogues enable the students to develop genuine interest in learning English. Games and puzzles and similar other programmes with a lot of conversational activities indeed inspires the students to enhance their language proficiency. The software with evaluation modules like assessment boards with indicator or mark board gives self-satisfaction to the students. This encourages them for better performance. Teacher assisted computer activities can certainly result miraculous output.
x: Cell phones: We look at cell phones as a time consuming instrument for chatting. But while learning English, students can confidently browse the dictionary for meaning and pronunciation. They can access internet, use calculator, refresh listening to music or even record study materials and revise later. It is absolutely foolishness to scold children while they enjoy these benefits of technology. At the same time it is mandatory that the teachers should have perfect control over students through mutual respect. They must be able to check that they never misuse the mobile phones. Once the students start using this instrument for higher ideas, the mean ways of misusing the mobile phones for vulgar activities will find less room in the student mind.
xi: Blogging: It has become a fascination among students. A creative teacher can utilize the blogs for teaching purpose. The major use is to encourage the creative talents of the students like ;poetry writing, story writing, essay writing etc. The students can display their creative works in their blogs and can give access to others. So that they can get feed back and encouragement for further growth.
Technology assisted language learning is specially preferred by students of higher classes. Their attitude, exploring nature and curiosity creates a very good liking towards technology assisted language acquisition. Teacher‟s role in technology assisted language learning is indeed noteworthy.
C: Self Learning strategy in Language acquisition:-
There are many ways how students or individuals acquire English language through self effort. Of course, all the above mentioned strategies require the self effort from the learner to achieve the goal. In addition to these, the student finds his own ways of language learning as follow:-
i: Personal liking: There are students who have a personal liking towards English language. Such students read and listen a lot in English without any outside compulsion. They do it because they like it. Such people will prefer to watch English movies and programmes in English language. This will automatically strengthen their exposure to this foreign language and they perform better in this language than others. Such people pick up this language automatically with ease. They might not be knowing the grammar rules but they will use the language with grammatical correctness.
ii Self Motivation: Proficiency in English language communication is the need of the hour since we are part of globalization. In this globalized world, the influential role of English language in the area of personality development, employability and international acknowledgement must be the basic reasons for the rush of students for English language communication skills. This awareness itself becomes the biggest motivation for students to acquire this language at any cost. It is highly ironical that a student who has studied this language for 14 years is not capable of communication well in English; but the same person when gets an opportunity abroad, picks up this language by attending very costly one month ot two months‟ English speaking programmes. How is it possible? The simple answer is the need drive. As the old saying „necessity is the mother of invention‟. The advantages a person can enjoy by having this language become the motivation to acquire this language.
iii Status demand: Some students consider the command over English as a status symbol. In such cases they put in self effort to acquire this language. They might have been impressed the way some people conversing in English language, they might have noticed the respect society gives to people who speak well in English or they might have noticed the distinguished identity the English speaking people get in the present scenario. A passionate desire develops in such students to possess English language proficiency. This status value of English language make them get associated with English speaking people, which in turn help them develop good command over the language with great comfort.
iv: Exposure to Social networks: Social networks play a significant role in a youngster‟s life now- a-days. Getting into groups of academic people or professionals or student group instills a drive to be like others in the group. The slow entry into the discussions on academic or professional or social matters will encourage the smooth generation of language. Imitation is the basic instinct of man. The tendency to imitate the blogs, web pages, face book comments etc. indirectly encourage the individual to gather ideas and to use language for expressing those ideas.
v: Reading habit: A good reading habit encourages the reader to browse through various portals of information. The exposure to the new realms of knowledge stimulates them to gather more information with true joy. This in turn will make them more confident powerful in communication.
vi. Movies, Cartoons and Games: A student eagerly spends time on watching or enjoying his favourite games, cartoon or movie. The teachers or elders must be able to guide the students to make use of the games and movies and the cartoons for their language development The fact remains that English language has its influential position in the job market and social arena. Proficiency in English is the need of the hour for any aspiring professional. The role of the English teacher is very significant in the present English Language Learning scenario. As the teacher of a Language he/she should be able to develop the communication skills in the students. The proficiency in the language makes an individual confident. The students must know the innate capacity to possess this language. They must know the vast resources available at their finger tips to achieve proficiency in this language. Nobody can teach you a language unless and otherwise you have that drive to acquire it.
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