28 Basic Concepts in Language Testing
Dr. Beena Agarwal
- Learning Outcomes
- Introduction
- Language and Human Sensibility
- Language Skills and Formation of Test
- Need and Function of Test in English Language
- Types of Test
- Qualities of an Effective and Appropriate Test
- Formation of Test and Efficiency of Teacher
- Tests for Formative Assessment
- Tests for Summative Assessment
- Formal and Informal Test
- Devices of Evolution
- Essay Type Tests
- Objective Type Tests
- Different Methods of Objective Type Tests
- English Language Teaching and Oral Tests
- Testing through Text
Students will go through the content “Basic Conception of Language Testing”. The general introduction will help the students to know the significance of testing tools and methods in teaching learning process. As they proceed they will get information about the essential qualities of appropriate test. The detail analysis of the various types of test for the assessment of different skills will help the students to know the relationship of teaching methodology and testing. Exercise in the form of objective questions and long questions will help them in doing an assessment of their own knowledge. Bibliography for further reading will motivate students to investigate the links required to enhance their knowledge about the tools of testing.
It is a fact well acknowledged that the pace of learning a native language is different that of a foreign language. To internalize the process of acquisition of language skills, rigorous efforts are needed. The objectives of language teaching on the one hand synchronized with the need of individual and on the other it must be synchronized with the teaching strategies and testing tools. The purpose of language teaching is not a process of the piling of knowledge but a process of acquiring of the basic skills of language. Hence the organized patterns of testing is essential to bring out the best of teaching process and to determine the direction of future action.
The present module is going to focus on some pedagogical approaches in the formation of test, administration of test and evaluation of test. In this module the emphasis is on the concept of test construction, variety of tests, the psychological ability of students, various types of tests, use of text and testing to bring out the best results of teaching learning process. It works as a tool to make a measurement of the desirable changes in the behaviour of the learner.
Language and Human Sensibility
Language in the wider context is a potent role to promote the skills of communication. It helps in promoting the communications of meanings and sharing of experience in a group. It is a system of arbitrary systems commonly shared by a group or a community. Since it makes the expressions meaningful and comprehensive, it extends the horizon of human thought. It also enhances the frontiers of the network of personal relationship. It contains the power of modification in human behaviour. Besides of innate acquisition of languages skills, to induce the higher spectrum of human behaviour, language is taught as a well defined system introduced to bring out definite change in their behaviour. It helps in communication, promotes social relations, expands human experiences, enhances knowledge, restores great ideas, expedite the process of human development. Hence it can easily be established that progress of human civilization consistently depends on the ability to acquire to use the language symbols. It often determines the nature of power structures. A.H. Gardiner defines, Language in the widest sense means the sum total of such signs of our thoughts and feelings as are capable of external perception and as could be produced and repeated at will.
In this definition, it has been accepted that language is a tool of thoughts and feelings. Moreover, language is a social construct including arbitrary vocal symbols. Hence it is neither mechanical nor static phenomenon. However, it retains innate capacity of native speakers to understand and to form grammatical sentences. According to Webster, A language is audible human speech as produced by the action of the tongue and adjacent vocal organs. The body of words and method of combining words used and understood by considerable community, especially when fixed and elaborated by long usage, a tongue.
Learning Sills and Formation of Test
The formation of test in English language leading are essentially different than that of social sciences. The designing of the test depends on the awareness of language skills. These language skills are beyond the domain of the transfer of knowledge only. These skills can broadly be classified in two groups and that can subsequently be divided in two streams.

(a) In the case of oral comprehension, the emphasis must be on the recognition of oral sounds, sound units, to identify the difference between different sounds, comprehension of the distinction of English sound system and the sound systems maintained in native tongue. For this purpose at different levels students can be given passages or stories to discern definite meanings out of them.
(b) Written comprehension is an essential part of language acquisition. To make assessment of oral comprehension, the test must be arranged keeping in mind the level of the students. It is to examine the understanding level of students. The short stories, paragraphs, essays can be given to students to analyze structures, words and phrases being used in specific contexts. These can be chain of questions for the interpretation of language items, questions meant for indepth analysis, questions to trace out the relationship in the different characters or events. Students might be asked to frame the idea based on the description of elements in the given passage. More than grammatical structure, in the proposed test, the emphasis must be given to the ability to interpret the meaning and the significance of the integrated message.
(c) The third place in the formation of language text is given to oral expression or the art of speaking. In the formation of language test, it is to be noted that student must be able to express themselves in fluent and correct English. For the assessment of speaking ability, in the process of administrating a test, the emphasis must be on correct speech sounds, appropriate management of stress and intonation and the use of appropriate words and structures. The student must express the ability to communicate ideas in an organized manner. For the assessment of spoken skills, the students can be given the tests, like recitation, rapid reading, group discussion, speech writing, debate, drama reading, extempore etc.
(d) Written expression is an essential skill in the process of language acquisition. In Foreign language, students finds it difficult to communicate properly because writing skills require greater balance of the diverse elements. In the process of written expression, it is essential to have an active command over content, length of composition, use of vocabulary, structures, application of words and phrase and dexterous command on the rules of grammar. Written composition provides maximum space for the testing of language related items. Hence the tests designed for the assessment written composition requires greatest care in the arrangement and assessment of tests. Each test must be specific related to the ability of students. In the construction of such tests, the emphasis should be on construction of corrective and effective structure, subject verb agreement, use of correct words and correct speelings, understanding and application of Idioms and phrase, appropriate application of punctuation marks, capital letters, balance of the pattern of sentences, transformation of sentences and the logical organization of sentences. Besides these indepth details, the composition must be structured as a whole to communicate complete message. For these type of test, there can be the exercise like paragraph writing, story writing, essay writing, writing long answers, analytical answers, descriptive type of answers, report writing, letter writing, writing composition etc.
Need and Formation of Test in English Language
Formation and administration of tests to study the achievement level of leaner is an integral part of English Language Teaching. The teaching strategies and content are designed with a view to bring out desirable changes. To study the level and efficiency of these behavioural changes, the administration of tests as tools is essential, tests are essential to study the efficiency of educational objectives, effectiveness of strategies, appropriateness of teaching material and the conduciveness of material aids. Tests work as a part of feedback to improve the total conditions of teaching learning process including teaching, methods, content and material aids. Tests are helpful to examine the achievement level of the learners. Tolligerston and Adam admits:
To evaluate is to ascertain the value of some process of thing, thus education evaluation is the passing of judgement on the degree of worthwhileness of some teaching process of experience.
According to the expectations of NCERT tests meant for evaluation aims at “determining the extent to which an object is being attained, the effectiveness of the learning experience provided in the classroom and how the goals of education have been accomplished.” In this respect texts in the process of English Language Learning is essential:
- To derive conclusions regarding the usefulness of the teaching material and content.
- To estimate the ability and acquisition of level of students.
- To find out the level of the pace of the progress of learner.
- To find out the details of qualitative and quantitative and quantitative outcomes of teaching and learning process.
- To introduce reforms in Educational system. With the outcomes of tests, the policy makers and teachers can evaluate the effectiveness of system.
- To seek information about all behavioural changes.
- To achieve the aims of flexibility and effectiveness for the use of multi- dimensional means and technique.
- To seek feedback for the entire English language teaching programme.
- To motivate the students for a more effective participation in teaching learning process.
In English Language teaching, there are diversity of tests depending on the desired educational objects. Hence in the construction of type of test, it is essential for the teacher to be very definite of the aim of language item as well as the aim of the test. It has been well accepted that there can be four types of tests:
- Achievement Test or Progress Test
- Proficiency Test
- Diagnostic Test
- Aptitude Test
Achievement Test or Progress Test : Such tests help to find out the level of acquisition of the skills of students being communicated through teaching. Such tests are essentially related to the assessment of formal courses. To administer these tests, the teacher must make them a sort of common scheme of work. The achievement tests are fruitful to make predictions regarding failure in learning and handling of material. Achievement tests are useful only for the promotion of the students for the next level.
Proficiency Test : Such tests are impersonal in nature. It helps to expose the present status of the learner. In proficiency test, no attention is paid to formal structure. These tests are designed only to evaluate entry level proficiency and are not the tools for the judgement of ability or achievement. These test can be conducted on the vast scale and have a little possibilities of the past abilities of the student. In entrance tests such proficiency tests are conducted to know the ability. In English Language Teaching courses, objective type and multiple choice questions related to Grammar and Vocabulary can be designed for such type of Assessment.
Diagnostic Tests are also very significant in English language courses. It is not a test of ability. The test seeks to classify and to identify shortcomings in learner’s abilities. It set the ground to modify the teaching skills to improve the level of acquisition in the learner. It works as a feedback essential for the formation of remedial teaching. In diagnostic tests, one can take into consideration both past and present with a view for better performance in future.
The Aptitude Tests are not of past and present. They are concerned with the future possibilities of tastees and has nothing to do with the learned earlier. It helps to judge the natural ability of looking the signs.
Qualities of an Effective and Appropriate Test
In English language, teaching with a view to test, language ability, it is essential that the teacher must be aware about the essential requisites of a good test. Tests whether small scale given to a small group or the tests administered on a large scale in public, are all the extensions of teaching learning process. Hence the appropriateness of tests depends on the close harmony between the test items and teaching contents. If this link becomes weak, it spoils the purpose of test. Teacher must be very specific about the aim of test being on the targeted group of the students.
Steps of Effective Test
A good test must contain validity, reliability, objectivity and the ability to discriminate. Teacher must aware of the inter-dependence of test provided and the expected outcomes. Both the setter and taker of the test stay on the target. If Grammatical skills are to be tested, the focus should not be on pronunciation of vocabulary. Test must be free from ambiguity and these unambiguous tests can safely be evaluated by machines or by any indifferent authority. They are authentic to discriminate the aptitude of students. A good ‘objective’ test is a valuable tool for the grammar items and vocabulary range in English Language Teaching. The objective tests are required to have “Well constructed test items” beyond the range of prejudice of paper setter. The evaluation of good objective test can ensure better possibilities for the assessment of individuals.
Formation of Test and Efficiency of Teacher
The mechanism of ‘test’ conducting depends on the management of the teaching process organized by a teacher or a tutor. The construction and administration of Test depends on teacher’s awareness of teaching skills. It improves teaching and sets the direction of tests. V.K. Pasi comments, “Teaching skills are a set of related teaching acts or behaviour performed with the intention to facilitate pupil’s language.” He recommends thirteen skills that improve the conditions of teaching, learning and testing. These skills are:
- Writing Instructional Objectives
- Introducing lesson
- Fluency of questioning
- Probing questions
- Explanatory skills
- Activity of Illustration
- Silence and Non-verbal clues
- Reinforcement
- Increasing students participation
- Use of black board
- Achieving closure
- Stimulus variation
- Attending behaviour
The harmonious blending of these skills set the appropriate direction for testing and evaluation in future cause of action. It is to mention that Testing relates the diverse factors which concern both the quality of the teaching given and learning achieved. The confusions in teaching strategies spoil the pattern and concept of teaching. Testing is not something that is different from the programmes of teaching and learning. A teacher must skillfully manage the inter-dependence of test and course. it is beneficial for the students, for the teachers and for policymakers. J.B. Heaton comments, “It is unfortunate that so many examinations in the past have led to a separation of testing from teaching. Both testing and teaching are so closer inter-related that it is virtually impossible to work in field without being constantly concerned with the other.”
Tests for Formative Assessment
In English language teaching, the nature and structure and objectives of test are different that are meant for formative assessment. Formative assessment is essential to determine the direction of teaching learning process. Such tests are informal and related to study the effectiveness of teaching strategy to bring out desirable changes in behaviour. It opens the windows of modifications been for the teacher and student. The objective of this evolution is to take construction or development work of the students in right direction. In English Language teaching formative assessment can be done through the testing activities like – short exercise work, check list, questionnaire, assignments and even the participation of students in informal activities. Formative Assessment is an effective mechanism of testing language skills. It has following characteristics:
- It involves a short duration of time, and, therefore, can be administered without much formal participation.
- It work as an instant device to note the immediate changes in the behaviour of students.
- It provides better possibilities of the active participation of students in teaching learning process. In English Language Teaching Courses, skill-based tests can be conducted in formative assessment.
- It works as immediate feedback both for the students and teachers. The learner can estimate his own short-comings and teacher can take immediate step to modify teaching strategy to improve the achievement level of students.
- It helps to organize diagnostic tests and remedial teaching.
Tests for Summative Assessment
Summative evaluation requires different type of testing tools based on the requirement of test. This type of test is required to be conducted after the completion of a specific course. It is comprehensive in nature and is helpful to make evaluation of all the four skills. It involves a series of test or exercise for the wider changes in the behaviour of the learner. In summative evaluation, there are spaces both for formal and informal technique. It is neither a micro testing nor an isolated activity. It forms of a collective unit or a series of events related to comprehensive course work recommended for the students. In formative assessment for language teaching, a tutor can organize the activities like tests, interviews, question based interactive sessions, rating scale, project work, assignments. In the category of non-formal examines, the tests can be conducted in the form of group discussion, observations, random questions etc. The summative test are helpful for the following reactors:
- Summative tests are comprehensive in nature and, therefore, they help to study the overall performance of the learner.
- Summative tests are essential to determine the direction of promotion for the next level.
- It is unified in nature.
- It determines the variation and quality of the achievement level of student.
- It is helpful for the comparative merit criterion of student.
- It is needed for the selection and promotion of student.
- They work as integrated tests taking into account the various items of language prescribed in the course.
- Summative evaluation aims at the assessment of all the four language skills.
- These tests are well scheduled, well organized and can be administered on a large group at the same times.
Formal and Informal Test
In English Language teaching to evaluate the adequate status of acquisition of language skills, both formal and informal tests are essential. Formal tests are the tests that are administered after a specific period of time and after providing a definite set of information. Such tests are comprehensive and mechanical in nature. In these tests there is no space for the alternative and variations. Such tests are often rejected as burdensome, monotonous and mechanical. It creates stress and, therefore, they are psychologically undesirable. These are sometimes not suitable to judge the real capacity of the learner because there is little space for the individual’s interests and specific abilities. In College and University education, the course-oriented annual examinations are of such nature. Moreover from the point of view of various language skills, reading, writing, speaking, listening these tests are of limited values. However they are easier to administer on a wide community of learners. However, formal tests are free from personal prejudices.
In the present changing scenario, the emphasis is given to informal tests. The informal tests provide sufficient possibilities for continuous assessment of the student by the well experienced tutors. In English Language Teaching, reading, listening and speaking abilities can safely be evaluated in informed discussions. The activities like rapid reading, extempore, group discussions, identification of different language items can be placed in this category. Quiz and Question answer sessions are also the part of Information evaluation. The informal tests have serious psychological value in teaching learning process. It has the following qualities that are often missing in formal assessment.
- It helps to establish better raport and bonding between learner and teacher.
- There is a greater flexibility in formal test that can accomodate the individual differences of learners.
- It is free from the burden of stress and monotony.
- It promotes active participation of learner and it is essential to inspire the natural abilities of the leaners.
- Form a state of passive learning, it passes in the domain of active learning.
- Its canvas is comprehensive.
- It can be applied without any formal preparation.
- It helps the learner to make a self assessment of his own achievements.
- It promotes the personality of learner in totality including interest, aptitude, ability to express, sharing the views of others etc.
However for the successful presentation of formative tests on the part of tutor it is essential to have a perfect insight and control on learning objective, teaching strategies, learning material. More than that examiner must be free from prejudices. He must be absolutely impartial.
However for the successful presentation of formative tests on the part of tutor it is essential to have a perfect insight and control on learning objective, teaching strategies, learning material. More than that examiner must be free from prejudices. He must be absolutely impartial.
Devices of Evaluation
To evaluate the performance, proficiency or aptitude of the students various types of tests are organized. On the basis of the structure of test, the teacher must clarify the objects of targeted test. On the basis of structure, test can be classified in two categories:
- Objective test
- Subjective Essay type test
Both of these type of tests have their own limitations and merits and it is difficult to determine the qualities of each of them. The general procedure adopted since 1975 have tried to establish a balance between subjective and objective approaches to testing. In Summative tests, there are balance of both category of questions to evaluate the true level of performance of students. There are papers classified in the forms of Reading Comprehension, Compositions, use of English, Listening, Comprehension or Interviews. In the selection of items, the paper setter seeks spaces both for subjective assessed activities and objective assessed activities. Examination syndicate tried to temporonize between the two styles. In the process of five or six hours of testing spread upon seven days can certainly surprise that his or her English has been examined in terms of listening, speaking, reading and writing. In this respect in English Language teaching, testing becomes a serious activity beyond the domains of teaching and learning.
Essay Type Tests
In English Language Teaching, it is a very common practice to evaluate the performance of students on the basis of essay type tests. It is a traditional technique but very popular for subjective type evaluation. In this method, students are expected to write essay type answer on specific topic in a specific time. Essay type tests in English Language Teaching is effective to test the power of expression, organization of thought and writing skills. It used for the assessment of the objectives of cognitive effect. It has been a subject of criticism for its subjective nature. Still its significance in English language Teaching cannot be denied. The significance of Essay Type test is for the following reasons:
- It takes into consideration an extensive curriculum. It is helpful to make assessment of knowledge as well as the level of the acquisition of writing skills.
- In Essay type test, there are open spaces for the freedom of expression and, therefore, we can have estimation of students ability of thinking, logical organization and originality of thought.
- In Essay type testing, there are possibilities of memorizing of recognition of the mental abilities. Even the ability of application in English language courses can be tested in the essay type examination.
- Students ability of writing can be tested in essay type answers. It aims at the qualities of organization, order, fluency, correctness, application and lucidity.
- Essay types testing is useful for the saving of time, energy and money. It can be administered simultaneously for a larger group irrespective of their individual differences.
- It is suitable for collective testing.
- It encourages the student to put the best of their ability in these tests.
- It contributes in promoting the qualities of original and creative writings.
Essay type of testing, inspite of its immense value is being discovered in the changing conditions. It is deemed to be traditional, obscure and monotonous. Its demerits are :
- In Essay type tests, there is an emphasis on craming. No doubt it covers a wide curriculum, but student prefer to crame only a particular section that is essentially required to pass the examination.
- In essay type tests, there is no space for the active participation of students. It is extremely un-psychological and hinders the process of growth.
- In essay type answer, there is no specification of educational objectives. Hence it no longer helps in the construction of strategy, material or curriculum. Hence Essay type tests are vague and uncertain.
- In essay type tests, the whole emphasis remains on the passing of examination and obtaining marks instead of focusing on learning of the ability. It fails to accomplish the task of all round development of personality.
- The greatest limitation of essay type examination is that there is no valid and authentic system of evaluation of these tests. Evaluators personality likely to effect the assessment. There is no proper rating scale for evaluation effectively. It is often affected by the prejudice of examiner.
- The evaluation done on the basis of essay type answer there is absence of logic and authenticity. Examiner gets fascinated by writing skill and handwriting and often becomes indifferent to the content. It is, therefore, sometimes students get good marks on the basis of writing while as good student fail to acquire desired results.
- In these examinations, presentation get a significant position in the totality of things.
- In presentation of answers, sometimes there is an absence of harmony of educational objectives and achieved aims.
- In these tests, the focus shifts from the state of acquiring skill to obtaining of marks.
Inspite of certain limitations, Essay type answers are helpful for the comprehensive assessment of student’s ability. In the course related to prose reading, appreciation of poetry, analysis of text, these answers are very significant.
Objective Type Tests
In English Language Teaching gradually objective type tests are getting prominence. These tests are supposed to be modern, flexible and interesting. It is free from the blemishes of prejudice and personal judgement. The realibility and validity in these tests is greater as compare to Essay type questions. Proficiency tests are best conducted through objective type tests. The level of difficulty of language item help to discriminate the position and level of students.
The popularity of these objective type tests is for the following reasons:
- Objectivity is the chief characteristic of objective type of tests. It is free from personal prejudices. It follows a unified pattern of evaluation and even an examiner beyond specific subject can make evaluation with standard key.
- Objective type tests are reliable also. The position of examiner, time or place no longer affect the position of marks obtained.
- The objective type tests have a greater validity and purposefulness. Cronbark comments, “The validity of a test is that extent upto which it measures for which it has been constructed.”
- In objective type tests there are better possibilities of classification of items required for the various levels of students.
- Objective Test are extensive because they depend on the whole syllabus.
- Students are supposed to be more alert, precise and been in their efforts within its canvass, it easier to cover the whole curriculum.
- It is time saving in the matter of evaluation. Even OMR sheets can be used for the evaluation of objective type tests.
- In English Language Teaching courses, the objective type tests can be conducted to evaluate the vocabulary and the usage of grammar easily.
- It provides better spaces for the wide range of questions.
- Variety in objective type tests help to break the monotony of examination system.
Inspite of immense popularity of objective type tests, there are certain limitations of these tests:
- Objective type tests are confined only to information and there is little space for the testing of application and analysis.
- Since objective type tests are informative, student in original thinking and the indepth analysis of the subject matter.
- Chance factors reduces the possibilities of authentic evaluation. Students can fetch good marks even on the basis of presumptions.
- It is very difficult to construct a valid and reliable test.
- Higher Intellectual faculties can’t be tested through evaluation.
- It is expensive in terms of printing, typing and evaluation.
- In English language teaching the ability related to language skills and expressions can’t be measured through objective type test.
- Objective tests can’t encourage originality in the students.
- In objective type tests, students do not get an opportunity to organize, analyze and compare their thoughts.
- Objective type tests in English Language Teaching are not suitable for reading and writing skills.
Different Methods of Objective Type Tests
Variety and flexibility are the key features of objective type test. It follows various patterns to determine the efficiency, achievement and proficiency level of students. Its variety can be exhibited through following diagram:

(A) Recall Type
In these type of tests, students are required to complete the statements on the basis of their memory. In this effort, memory plays a significant role.
Simple Recall Type : In this pattern, students are asked to answer in one word only. In English Language Teaching the items like one word substitution or antonyms, synonyms can safely be measured here. For example :
Direction : Give one word for the following statements in bracket –
1. A child who has lost his parents. (Orphan)
2. Place where experiments are conducted. (Laboratory)
Fill in the Blanks Type : This pattern of objective questions are very popular in ELT courses, usage, comprehension and application can safely be tested with this type of tests. Students are required to complete the statement as per the directions given in the beginning of question.
(a) Supply correct article in the following:
(b) Supply the correct word to complete the statement.
(B) Recognition Type Tests
In this category of objective type tests, the given question is supplied with multiple answers. On the basis of his proficiency in language, student is expected to make the right choice. There can be various options in them:
Alternative Response Pattern : In this type of test, two options in the form of ‘true’ and ‘false’ are given. The student is expected to recognize the proper answer. Example –
Direction : Mark the True or False on the basis of the content of sentence.
Multiple Choice Type : In objective type tests, multiple choice tests are getting a great popularity. In ELT course these are helpful for testing the usage and comprehension. In the reading sections, the multiple choice questions can be set to evaluate the power of comprehension of the learner. Example –
Direction : Each of the following questions have four answers. Mark the correct alternative.
1. A verb qualifies a :
2. A sentence must end with a :
Matching Type Objective Type Question : In this category there are two set of items in two columns, students are directed to match the columns as the columns as per direction. Example –
Direction : Match the information of one Column to the right option given in second column. Match the ‘antonyms’.
Material Irregular
Active Spiritual
Accept Cowardice
Brave Reject
Regular Passive
Classification Type : In this type of test, students are given similar type of words in which one specific word is different on the basis of its quality or information. Students are asked to find out “odd item out.” Example –
Direction : Identify the odd item in the group.
- Boy, Table, River, Truth, Beautiful
- Doing, Thinking, Dancing, Working, Interestingly
- Senior, Junior, Prefer, Lower, Chief
Analogy Type : In these type of tests two similar type of circumstances are presented. The first unit is complete and the other remains incomplete. Students are expected to complete the second one after the identification of hidden pattern of first unit. these type of tests provide opportunity to test the ability of transference of knowledge. Student has to exercise his mental power to trace out the hidden relationship.
- Beauty – noun; should
- From – Preposition; But
- Bright – Adjective; Sun
- Have – Verb; Our
The objective type tests can adopt even more vanities to make the evaluation process comprehensive, interesting and flexible.
English Language Teaching and Oral/ Verbal Tests
In the process of acquiring language skills, speaking and reading are essential language skills and it plays significant role in realizing the complete destination of educational objectives. Written tests both objective and subjective are not of much significance to make evaluation of speaking abilities of the students. The tests should be given in such a manner that the learner must be provided sufficient spaces for speaking. For this purpose the following activities can be organized both in formative and summative assessments:
(a) Rapid Reading
(b) Recitation
(c) Group Discussions
(d) Speech Presentation
(e) Drama Reading
During these tests students get opportunity to speak out in classroom. However, in activities, a tutor must be efficient to make observations on the application aspect of language. The attention must paid to pronunciations, intonations, accents, pans, stress, and effective facial expression. The synthesis of these elements break the mechanical repetition and make reading a live experience. The evaluator can make a rating scale to make assessment of different elements in speaking. These performance are very effective for the self expression, active participation of student, talent to use second language without hesitation, to increase student’s capacity to use language for social interactions.
Testing Through Text
Besides of formal text, the random text can play a significant role in the process of testing in English Language Teaching. The specific type of texts can contribute in testing various skills simultaneously.
Prose texts can be helpful in testing following abilities:
- Reading practice
- Pronunciation
- Identification of Grammatical Items
- Sentence Structure
- Verb patterns
- Comprehension
- Vocabulary
- Culture variations and language
- Psychological elements related to language
Poetry Texts
The poetic compositions are of immense importance to promote language skills among the learners. Its study can contribute to promote the following elements related to language:
- Recitation
- Pronunciation
- Intonation and stress
- Identification of figures
- Appreciation of Connotations
- Writing of appreciation
- Analysis of phrases
- Analysis of the device of Rhetoric
- Comparisons
- Original Thinking
Dramatic Texts
Dramatic texts provide a wide spectrum for the assessment of the ability of the students. The following skills of the students can be tested through dramatic text:
- Modulation in speaking
- Role performance
- Language in content of environment
- Pronunciation
- Vocabulary
- Comprehension
- Speaking ability
- Active participation
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- Abercrombie David (1956). Practices and Principles in Language Study, London : New York, Longman.
- Albrow, Kenneth H. (1968) The Rhythm and Intonation of Spoken English, London : London and New York, Longman.
- Allen, H. and Campbell R. (1972). Teaching English as Second Language : A Book of Reading, New York Mc. Graw Hill.
- Bloofield Leonard (1933). Language, New York : Holt Rinehart & Winston, London, George Allen and Unwin, 1934.
- Clark, C.H. and Clark, E.V. (1972) Psychology and Language : An Introduction to Psycholinguistics, New York : Hercourt Brace Jovanrich.
- Foder, J.A. (1957). Teaching English : Notes and Contents on Teaching English Overseas, London and New York : Longman.
- Hinde, R.A. (ed.) (1932) Non Verbal Communications, Cambridge and New York : Cambridge University Press.
- Hudson, R.R. (1980). Socio Linguistics, Cambridge and New York : Cambridge University Press.
- Jackobson Roman (1973). Main Trends in the Science of Language, London : George Allen & Unwin.
- Leech Geoffery and Savartvik Jan (1975). A Communicative Grammar of English, London and New York : Longman.
- Mackey William Francis (1965). Language Teaching Analysis, Bloomington Indiana University Press, London and New York.
- Oinas, F.J. (1971). Language Teaching Today, Bloomington Indiana : Indian University Press.
- Quick Randolph (1962). The Use of English, London and New York : Longman.
- Stevick Earl (1982) Teaching and Learning Languages, Cambridge and New York, Cambridge University Press.