30 Role of Panchayati Raj institutions in management of educational Institutions
Dr. Gurmanjit Kaur
- Introduction
2. Learning Outcomes
3. Education and Management
4. Panchayati Raj Institutions in India
5. Educational Administration unde r Panchayati Raj Institutions
6. Gram Panchayat Institution and Education Management
6.1 Role of Gram Panchayat in Educational Administration where Panchayat Comprises Single Village
6.2 Structure and composition of Gram Panchayat for Manage ment of Education
6.3 Powe rs of Gram Panchayat (where Panchayat Comprises Single Village) in Educational Management
6.4 Role and Functions of Gram Panchayat in Educational Management
7. Role of Gram Panchayat in Educational Administratio n Where Village
7.1 Powe rs of Gram Panchayat in Educational Administration
7.2 Role and Functions of Gram Panchayat in Educational Administration
8. Role of Panchayat Samiti (Intermediate Level) in Educational Administration
8.1 Role of Panchayat Samiti (Intermediate Level) in Educational Administration
8.2 Powe rs of Panchayat Samiti in Educational Management
8.3 Role and Functions of Panchayat Samiti in Education Management
9. Role of Zila Paris had (District Level) in Educational Administration
9.1 Structure and Composition
9.2 Powe rs of Zila Parishad in Educational Management
9.3 Role and Functions of Zila Parishad in Educational Administration
Education Management involves the processes of planning, organising, directing, controlling and evaluation to achieve predetermined objectives of an organisation through synchronised use of human and material resources. The national development goals require the professional management of education to bring about the effective and efficient functioning of educational institutions. Mahatma Gandhi advocated panchayati raj as the foundation of India’s political system, it would have been a decentralised form of government where each village would be responsible for its own affairs. The term for such a vision was Gram Swaraj (village self-governance). By the recommendations of different Samities and obligations of constitution these institutions now have sufficient powers, responsibilities and finances to prepare plans and implementation of schemes for economic development and social justice. States are expected to act in consonance with the spirit of the different acts for establishing a strong and viable system of local self-government.
After studying this module, you should be able to
- Explain the meaning/concept of Educational Management
- Describe the Significance of Educational Management
- Enumerate the Structure of Panchayati Raj Institutions in India
- Explain the Constitutional Obligations regarding Panchayati Raj Institutions
- Explain the Constitutional amendments regarding the role of Panchayati Raj
- Discuss the role of different Samities constituted for Panchayati Raj Institutions
- Illustrate the structure/ role and functions of Gram Panchayat in Educational Management
- Explain the structure/ role and functions of Panchayat Samiti in Educational Management
- Describe the structure/ role and functions of Zila Parishad in Educational Management
Education can be characterised as the sequence of learning experiences to the students in order to impart knowledge, ethics, attitudes and skills with the aim of making them responsible citizens of the society. While, Educational Management is the process of planning, organising, directing and controlling the activities of an organisation by utilising human and material resources so as to effectively and efficiently accomplish functions of teaching, extension work and research. Educational Management focuses on educational planning at macro levels, its goals, principles, approaches and processes. In addition, at the micro level it deals with institutional planning and educational administration.

3.1 Significance of Educational Management
Educational management is important as it deals with various administrative problems of educational organisation. The following are some of the important features of educational management –
- It includes the study of various theories of management science, which define and describe the roles and responsibilities of the educational manager and develop managerial skills.
- Helps in decision-making, problem–solving, communication, managing information and building effective teams.
- Helps in planning of co-curricular activities, academics and preparation of timetable.
- Helps in the maintenance of school records, evaluating students’ achievements
- Financing and budgeting of the institution.
4. Panchayati Raj Institutions in India

Structure of Panchayati Raj Institutions in India
The 73rd and 74th Amendments to the Constitution of India constitute a new chapter in the process of democratic decentralisation in India. In terms of these Amendments the responsibility for taking decisions regarding activities at the grass-root level which affect people’s lives directly would rest upon the elected members of the people themselves. By making regular elections to Panchayati Raj/Municipal bodies mandatory, these institutions have been given their due place in the democratic set-up of the country.
The development of Panchayats is seen as a boon for the villagers; as they can now discuss about their issues with confidence, and even seek solutions through the Panchayat in their region. The Panchayat system has made a common person even in the rural areas, more cognisant of their rights. The one most positive aspect about Panchayats is their high-degree of accountability before the people. When it comes to administrative benefits, the Panchayati Raj has “bridged the gulf between the central government and the people in the rural areas.”
5. Educational Administration unde r Panchayati Raj Institutions
The Panchayati Raj/Municipal bodies have an important role to play in reconstruction of the education system. It is being realised that there is an alienation between the community in general and educational system and thus efforts towards ensuring larger enrollment, raising retention rate and improving teaching-learning process, have not succeeded substantially.
The establishment of Institutions of loca l self-government may be seen as a significant step in the direction of making the system more effective as well as responsive. The Panchayati Raj/Municipal bodies should be made responsible for planning, execution and monitoring of various educational programmes at different levels. It may not be out of place to mention here that the National Policy on Education and the Programme of Action (1992) emphasise the importance of decentralisation of planning and management of education at all levels to ensure greater community participation. Keeping in view the recommendations of the POA, the Minister of Human Resource Development, in his capacity as the Chairman of the CABE, set up a CABE Committee, under the Chairmanship of Shri M. Veerappa Moily, the Chief Minister of Karnataka, to formulate guidelines on decentralised management of education in the context of 73rd and 74th Constitutional Amendment Acts. The Committee under its terms of reference was to formulate guidelines for the management of education at district, sub-district and village levels keeping in view the 73rd and 74th Amendments to the Constitution of India.
The Department of Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development set up a Core Group at NIEPA, comprising Shri P.K. Uma Shankar, Shri Baldev Mahajan and Dr. S.C. Nuna, for assisting the CABE Committee in its deliberations. The Core Group assisted the Committee in its deliberations by preparing a number of documents, background papers and materials for the use of the Committee. These are the major recommendations of Committee regarding educational administration in India.
6. Gram Panchayat Institution and Education Management
The Programme of Action approved by the CABE attaches considerable importance to Village Education Committees (VECs). The village normally represents a cohesive community and is ideally suited for promoting programmes, involving support of the community, such as, Early Childhood Care and Education, Primary Education, Non-formal Education and Adult Education. VEC may be considered the ideal organisation to mobilise and involve people in the educational efforts.
6.1 Role of Gram Panchayat in Educational Administration where Panchayat Comprises Single Village
The Constitutional (Seventy-Third Amendment) Act, 1992 was enacted to reform the Panchayat System in India. The Legislature of Indian States was given powers to determine the powers and composition of Gram Sabha and Gram Panchayats. Hence, the powers, functions and composition of Gram Panchayats are determined by the State Governments in accordance with the local needs. Gram Panchayat is the organisation of elected panchas by the members of Gram Sabha of the village. It is a self-government organisation. The number of members in a Gram Panchayat depends upon the population of the village.
The functions of Gram Panchayat include, implementation of welfare plans, social justice and development, upliftment of women, economic development, etc. Gram Panchayat also plays a significant role in educational management at grass root level. CABE committee (1993) report also emphasises the decentralisation of powers for the successful educational management. The Committee observed that in order to secure effective participation of the people, there was a need for broad-based participative structures for education as distinct from the general Panchayati Raj structures.
6.2 Structure and composition of Gram Panchayat for Management of Education
To look after the administration at village level there should be a Panchayat Standing Committee on Education (PCE) comprising not less than 15 members, this will include –
● Chairman of Panchayat;
● One member of SC, ST, BC, and Minorities;
● A representative of PTA (Parent);
● An Anganwari worker;
● A person interested in education;
● Member Secretary- Head Master of Primary/Upper Primary Schools.
6.3 Powers of Gram Panchayat (where Panchayat Comprises Single Village) in Educational Management
These are the main powers of Gram Panchayat suggested by the committee-
- To visit educational institutions
- To check attendance and other registers to enquire and to report the concerned authorities on educational deficiencies and requirements in the village
- To recommend annual budget of school to concerned authority
- To undertake construction and repair works entrusted to them
- To report on regularity of students, teacher’s attendance and school functioning
- To frame the school calendar under the guidance of the Zila Parishad
6.4 Role and Functions of Gram Panchayat in Educational Management
- Supervision over adult education, early childhood care and education, non-formal and primary education
- Supervision over composite upper-primary school under delegation of authority from Panchayat Samiti
- Promote enrollment drives in primary schools and persuade parents of non-attending children to send their wards to schools
- Reduce dropouts in primary school by initiating measures and services for retention
- Assist in smooth functioning of primary schools
- Seek support of teachers, youth and women and others for educational and other linked health and welfare programmes
- Mobilise resources and help schools to have water supply, urinals, playgrounds and other facilities
- Prepare plans and proposals within their resources for development of education in the village to attain total adult literacy and universal primary education
- Present reports and proposals to Panchayat Samities and make periodical self assessment of progress of committee’s efforts;
- Coordination with other social service departments and committees for mutual support.
7. Role of Gram Panchayat in Educational Administration where Village Panchayat comprises a group of Villages
Structure and Composition
Village education Committee is constituted by Village Panchayat. Its Sub-Committee constituted with not less than 7 and not more than 15 members. This will include –
● Chairman of Panchayat or a member of Panchayat from the village concerned;
● One member of SC, ST, RC and Minorities;
● A Representative of PTA (Parent);
● An Anganwari worker;
● A person interested in education from the village;
● Member Secretary- Head-master of Primary/Upper Primary School.
7.1 Powers of Gram Panchayat in Educational Administration
- These will be the main powers of Gram Panchayat in Educational Management-
- To visit educational institutions;
- To check attendance and other registers to enquire and report to concerned authorities on educational deficiencies and requirements in the village;
- To recommend annual budget of school to concerned authority;
- To undertake construction and repair works entrusted to them;
- To report on regularity of students, teacher attendance and school functioning;
- To frame the school calendar under the guidance of the Zila Parishad.
7.2 Role and Functions of Gram Panchayat in Educational Administration
- Supervision over adult education, early childhood care and education, non-formal and primary education;
- Supervision over composite upper-primary school under delegation of authority from Panchayat Samiti;
- Promote enrollment drives in primary schools and persuade parents of non-attending children to send their wards to schools;
- Reduce dropouts in primary school by initiating measures and services for retention;
- Assist in smooth functioning of primary schools;
- Seek support of teachers, youth and women and others for educational and other health and welfare programmes;
- Mobilise resources and help schools to have water supply urinals, playgrounds and other facilities;
- Prepare plans and proposals within their resources for development of education in the village to attain total adult literacy and universal primary education;
- Present reports and proposals to Panchayat Samities and make periodical self-assessment of progress of committee’s efforts;
- Coordination with other social service departments and committees for mutual support.
8. Role of Panchayat Samiti (Intermediate Level) in Educational Administration
Panchayat Samiti is an intermediary level, elected statutory body endowed with comprehensive functions, bestowed with requisite authority and resources. It should be free from governmental interference and control. The state government shall have to give guidance. The area of Panchayat Samiti shall not be too large and unmanageable, and not too small negating the principles of economy and efficiency. It should be financially viable and within the reach of the common people in its activities.
8.1 Structure and Composition
Panchayat Samiti Standing Committee on Education (PSCE) comprised not less than 11 and not more than 17 members. This will include-
● Chairman of Panchayat Samiti;
● One member each of SC, ST, BC and Minorities;
● One Representative of PTA/NGO;
● One or two representatives of VEC/PEC by rotation;
● A principal of Degree/Pre-Degree College;
● A Headmaster of School Complex/Secondary School;
● A representative of teachers;
● Member Secretary- Block Education Officers or its equivalent;
8.2 Powers of Panchayat Samiti in Educational Management
These will be the main powers of Panchayat Samiti in Educational Management-
- To recruit staff for adult Education, Non-formal Education and Early Childhood Care and Education Programmes;
- To appoint staff in schools from approved panels;
- To transfer teachers within their jurisdiction subject to guidelines;
- To perform academic supervision of all institutions up to upper-primary level;
- To delegate the power of supervision over composite upper-primary schools in the PEC/VEC for the purpose of continuity;
- To prepare budget and to sanction plans and expenditures from the Panchayat Samiti Education Budget;
- To channelise funds to aided instructions under supervision of Zila Parishad;
- To Levy development fees and other fees to raise resources;
- To raise public contributions and donations;
- To propose measures to Panchayat Samiti to raise resources;
8.3 Role and Functions of Panchayat Samiti in Education Management The major functions of Panchayat Samiti in Education Management are-
- Management of Adult Education, Non-formal Education, Early Childhood Care and Education and Govt, Primary and Upper Primary Schools under
- the supervision of Zila Parishad;
- Supervision and Channelisation of grant to aided primary and upper primary schools in their jurisdiction under the guidance of Zila Parishad;
- Academic supervision of all primary and upper primary schools including private schools;
- Preparation of plans for development of education up to primary level in their jurisdiction;
- Coordination with other social service departments and committees for mutual support.
9. Role of Zila Parishad (District Level) in Educational Administration
Raj system. Zila Parishad is an elected body. Chairpersons or Block Pramukh of Block Samities are also represented in Zila Parishad. The members of the State Legislature and the members of the Parliament of India are members of the Zila Parishad. Zila Parishad also plays a significant role in educational administration.
9.1 Structure and Composition
According to CABE committee recommendations, these are the structures of Zila Parishad for educational administration-
● Zila Parishad Standing Committee on Education (ZPSCE) comprising not less than 15 and not more than 21 members includes-
- The Chairman, Zila Parishad;
- A representative each of SC, ST, BC and Minorities;
- A representative of PTA/ NGO;
- Two or more representatives of Panchayat Samiti and Panchayat/ Village Education Committees;
- Principal of a College;
- Professor of Education from University/ College;
- Principal of DIET;
- A Head of school complex/secondary school;
- A representative of teachers;
- Member Secretary- Chief Education Officer or equivalent
9.2 Powers of Zila Parishad in Educational Management
These will be the main powers of Zila Parishad in Educational Management-
- To establish and maintain school up to secondary level including recruitment, appointment and transfer of staff, payment of salaries and exercise control over the staff subject to Govt. guidelines;
- To exercise control and academic supervision of all schools including aided and private schools up to secondary level subject to Govt. guidelines;
- To lay down academic and administrative norms for better functioning of educational institutions;
- To disburse grants to aided schools as per the government guidelines;
- To supervise the work of Panchayat Samiti Education Committees and Panchayat Education Committees;
- To prepare and sanction education budget;
- To administer district education fund;
- To prepare perspective plan for district;
- To propose measures including levy of cess, surcharge and taxes for mobilising additional resources for education to the Zila Parishad.
9.3 Role and Functions of Zila Parishad in Educational Administration The major functions of Zila Parishad in Educational Management are:
- Overall supervision of all educational programmes in the district up to secondary level;
- Preparation, implementation and review of plans for development of education upto secondary level in the district;
- Formulation and operationalisation of programmes to achieve total literacy and universal elementary education;
- Establish and manage schools up to secondary level;
- Academic supervision of all institutions (Govt. , aided, private) up to secondary level in the district including schools in Municipalities;
- Preparation and coordination of plans for development of education up to secondary level including those of Municipalities;
- To review progress and guide Panchayat Samiti and Panchayat Education Committees in their tasks
- Implementation of programmes for improvement of quality of education;
- Coordination with other social service departments and communities for mutual support.
Overall Panchayati Raj Institutions play a significant role in Educational Administration. The new Panchayat Act has conferred many powers and responsibilities to the Village Panchayat in different fields. In performing its various duties and responsibilities, the Panchayat can give necessary instructions to different individuals, institutions or the owners of those institutions. The Panchayat system also works towards the development of their regions according to the needs of the people. A Panchayat works at various levels, from creation of necessary establishments such as primary schools, to hygiene -related issues, to water requirements, to seek the central government’s help towards generating jobs at the village level as well.
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- Dash, (2004). Education in India- Problems and Perspective. Delhi: Atlantic Publishers & Distributors Pvt. Ltd.
- Thakur, D. & Thakur, D. N. (1996). Educational Planning and Administration. New Delhi: Deep & Deep Publications.
Web links
- www.eledu.net/…/Education-%20Panchayat%20and%20Decentralisation
- www.pria.org/…/Primary_Education_and_Panchayati_Raj_Institutions.p.
- www.teindia.nic.in/mhrd/50yrsedu/g/52/4K/524K0701.htm https://books.google.co.in/books?isbn=8176253928
- nuepa.org/libdoc/e- library/articles/2002rstyagi.pdf
- www.inflibnet.ac.in/ojs/index.php/MI/article/viewFile/914/824 www.ssrn.com/abstract=2233460
- www.academia.edu/…/BSW_Study_Notes_For_Panchayat_Raj_Institution.
- www.iipa.org.in/upload/Theme%20Paper%202011.pdf http://www.educationforallinindia.com/management-of-elementary-education-in- india.pdf