11 Organisation II
1. Introduc tion
2. Steps in Organising
3. Summary
After going through the content, the learner will be able to
- Steps in organizing
- Explain the way of identification of division of work
- Explain departmentalisation of work
1. Introduction
One of t he effective functions of management is organizing. Eac h inst itute organises various activit ies to achieve its goals . To achieve the goal the spec ific framework is followed given by the instit ution. This framework is provided by organisat ion as per the availability of resources. Thus , t he organizat ion is an ongoing process.
Read the following case carefully and answer the questions given below it.
Pravara education trust runs a secondary school in a rural area. Mr.Ahire is appointed as a princ ipal recent ly. He observed t hat the sc hool’s infrastructure is in very bad shape and thought of improve t he sit uat ion. He approached the management and put forth the condit ion of school building and requested t he m if funds can be provided for immediate repa irs so that t he basic fac ilit ies like drinking water and sanitat ion can be provided. The manage ment agreed to provide funds for basic minimu m repairs but refuse any funds for classroo m paint ing. Mr. Ahire thought that if classroo ms are decorated t hen the p leasant environment could be created which is beneficial for students.
After refusal fro m management for painting princ ipal started t hinking of the ways for decorat ing t he c lassrooms. After t he complet ion of the repairing work, he targeted the decorat ion of classrooms. He called meet ing of teachers and discuss t he matter. Some teachers put fort h the idea of collecting funds fro m parents or approach industries for funds.
The first alt ernat ive was not feasible as t he parents f rom rural area may not be able to raise the amount and all of t hem felt t hat it is not fair also. Few teachers approached t he indust ries around but did not get any posit ive response. Later the princ ipal thought of an idea to organize a competit ion of classroom decorat ion, which he disc ussed wit h teachers. He personally announced the prizes for first three classes. T hey all decided to have this competit ion every mont h. The compet ition was announced and t he students were asked to clean and decorate t he classes by thems elves and wit h whatever resources available to them. Initially st udent decorated c lassroom wit h t he charts and other mat erial. As month passes , they start thinking of new ways of doing things . Later nint h grade st udents used lime and put it on walls. Then ot hers also started thinking to decorate classrooms in different ways. After six mont h students of standard nint h and tent h approached principal and requested to permit t hem t o paint walls in proper way with paints and for that they were ready t o use t he money they have collected throughout the year. The principal and teachers sat wit h them and est imat ed budget and all teac hers cont ributed in order to make t he required amount. T hey also prepared t he time table of the work allocation and accordingly st udents perform t he dut ies along with the school activit ies. They have given a slot of one hour eac h day and five hours on Sunday. Finally, few c lasses were painted and in anot her one year all the classrooms were painted.
- What is the major goal of the Principal?
- What alternatives are thought of?
- Why few alternatives didn’t work?
- How are the resources mobilized?
- Explain the way activities are organized to achieve the goal?
The organizing is a complex process and undergoes through different steps
2. Steps in Organising
Following are the steps in organisat ion.
a. Identification and division of work
b. Depart ment alisat ion
c. Assignment of duties
d. Establishing reporting relations
These steps can be considered as building bloc ks of the organisat ion. They can be observed in any organisat ion such as restaurant:
Ø There are different tasks such as proc uring raw mat erial, preparing dishes, taking orders and serving to custo mers, collecting soiled plates, cleaning them etc.
Ø The persons responsible for preparing dishes are part of one depart ment and those responsible for serving will be in different department.
Ø There is hierarchy in the depart ment. In the kitchen t here will be chief chef and other will be reporting to him.
Ø There is manager of the rest aurant who is responsible for integrat ing activities of different depart ments in the restaurant.
Let us consider each step in detail:
a. Identification and division of work: Managers need to ident ify work and various activit ies whic h are conducted within the work in a part icular organisat ion or enterprise . These activit ies help in achieving final goal of the organisat ion. Thus , for educational institut ion, work is related to teaching, evaluating, administration etc . As each work has bigger scope it is further divided into relevant activit ies. The evaluat ion work may be further divided into examinat ion scheduling, paper setting, conducting examinat ion, assessment, processing of marks and declarat ion of result. T he manager ident ifies activit ies and the work by using deductive method.
Deductive met hod helps to group similar type of activities. Similar type of activities means activities which needs similar type of resources . If it is the time then some activities are carried out parallel to each other or some can be carried out in sequential manner. It is very import ant as managers have to perform number of activities. If activities are not clubbed or grouped them to get her then it is difficult to achieve objectives . Hence, deductive met hod is usually followed by t he managers to identify similar activities. This met hod saves time and energy of t he manager. Eg If school wishes to develop personality of students then school has to organise not only curricular but also co-curricular and extra-curricular activities as well as competitions. To achieve t his there are many ways. Personality development is a complex task. One has to think of different activities. T he activities will differ from school to school. These activities will be directed by the goals of t he school or institution. If as a part of personality development, the school wishes to develop scientific attitude among students and give opportunity to students for experimentation on their own, then in such a situation school will make sure to have open access for st udents to laboratory. So that student can learn fro m first hand experiences. In addit ion to this school needs to organise expert lectures, visit to Nehru Science Cent re etc. These different activities can be organised in sequential manner or parallelly.
While classifying activities manager has to take into considerat ion following points:
- All the necessary activities to be performed: The activities which are extremely important that means without which objectives cannot be achieved should be given top priority.
- There is no unnecessary duplicat ion in performing various activit ies: It is necessary to avoid unnecessary duplication of activit ies. For conducting activit ies resources are ut ilized. T hese resources are in t he form of energy, time, finance etc. If one task is given to one person t hen sa me task should not be given to other person because it will lead to unnecessary wastage of energy, time and efforts of other person.
- The various activities are performed in synchronise d way.
b. Departmentalisation:
It involves grouping of similar activities. It helps in saving time and energy. It leads t o creation of departments, divisions and sect ions. Every depart ment, division or sect ion performs specific role or function. eg: Paper-setting, conducting examination, assessment, processing of marks and declaration of result s are the activities which are closely related. Clubbing all the activities related to evaluation together will constitute examination section. Similarly in an educational institution various subjects are taught. On the basis of subjects taught there can be various teaching departments as well eg. Language, social science, science etc. If the organisation is large enough then there can be separate Biology, physics and chemistry departments.
Another important point in the organisation process is that activities of different departments plus the activities of same department need to be considered. Each department is performing various tasks. For completing t he tasks departments so me time need to work in collaboration whereas some times in isolation. Eg: each language teaching department works independently for teaching task but for Vidyarthini Sahitya Sammelant hey will work in collaboration. T here has to be synchronisation between and wit hint he activities of the department. Another example is that of Human Resource department which is responsible for recruiting teachers as well as professional development of t he teachers. Teaching department is responsible for planning and implementation of the day-to-day teaching as well as planning of co-curricular activities. The evaluation department is responsible for internal and external assessment of students and declaration of results. For grouping activities manager needs to consider when academic session start s. Because before beginning of academic session teachers need to be recruited and induction training is to be given. Induction t raining help teachers to teach effectively. After completion of port ion teaching department s need to report evaluation
Human Resource department has specific functions which has relation with teaching departments activities. Therefore, Human Resource department has to carry out the activities before academic session starts. Therefore for grouping activities manager will not consider each department in isolation but look at activities of each department as they are connected to each other. Eg: Each teacher independently gives homework daily to students. After reaching home they are confused about which home work is to be given priority and as a result become stressed. To avoid this homework as an activity can be organised properly. All the teachers can sit together and do the proper planning of the homework which will lessen the burden on the students and make learning as an enjoyable activity. In short, it can be said that while grouping the activities care should be taken to synchronise the activities within and between the departments.
3. Summary:
Organisation is an ongoing process. The decisions about organisation are taken by following four fundamental steps.
Following are the steps in organisat ion:
a. Identification and division of work
b. Department alisation
c . Assignment of duties
d. Establishing reporting relations
activities and the work by using deductive met hod. Deductive method helps to group similar type of activities. This met hod saves time and energy of t he manager.
While classifying activities manager has to take into consideration following points:
- All the necessary activities to be performed
- There is no unnecessary duplication in performing various activities
- The various activities are performed in synchronised way
b. Department alisation:
It involves grouping of similar activities. It helps in saving time and energy. It leads t o creation of department s, divisions and sect ions. Every department, division or section performs specific role or function. eg: In an
educational institut ion various subjects are taught. On the basis of subjects taught there can be various teaching departments as well eg. Language, social science, science etc . If t he organisation is large enough t hen there can be separate Biology, physics and chemistry departments.
- The activities of the departments , divisions or sections should be listed
- Its relatedness to be established
- There has to be synchronizat ion of the activities of different departments
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- Child J.(2005) Organization: Contemporary Principles and Practice. USA :Blackwell publishing
- Dessler, G. (2005) Human Resource Management, 10th ed, New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall.
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- Stephen Robbins, Timothy A. Judge, Vohra N (2015) Organizational Behavior. New Delhi; Pearsons
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