17 Controlling as a Function of Management
1.0 Objectives
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Steps in Controlling
1.3 Importance of Controlling
1.4 Directing
1.5 Element of Direction
1.6 Need and Importance of Direction
1.7 Summary
1.0 Objectives
At the end of the session learners will be able to
- Explain the steps of controlling
- Explain the importance of controlling
- Establish relationship between controlling and directing
- Explain the need and importance of directing.
1.1 Introduction
In earlier discussion, we mention that the different controls are designed to meet the standards. The controlling plays important role in the functioning of an organization.
Read the following scenario and discuss the questions given below
In a school the teachers observed that students are not making use of library resources for their learning. They analyze the records of library for issuing books and also check the register of reading section. It is observed that hardly any student comes and reads news papers or books etc. It is also observed that the students are not using the reference material for their assignments & projects. The school management pays a lot of amount on purchasing of library resources. After analyzing the records they thought of interacting with students to know the reasons for not using the library. The major reasons observed are availability of internet at home, no space for library in time table so it is not possible to come & read in the library, the issuing process is very complicated etc. After collecting the data the management has decided to motivate students to use library & inculcate reading habits among them. The main aim of the school was that at least the ninth and tenth standard student should make use of library resources. The management conducted meeting with teachers, librarian and other staff members. The different task involved are identified as follows
i. to motivate students to come to library,
ii. design mechanism for issuing books,
iii. preparing timetable for issuing books class wise
iv. fine structure for late return etc
v. duties of teachers and
vi. duties of class representatives
After few days, the teams come up with their ideas for each operations.
In order to motivate students the teachers decided to ask students to keep a record of books read with its summary in note book or maintain a reflective journal. They also thought of having presentation by student on their favorite book once in a three month and have prizes for best presentation. The marks can be another incentive for them. The rules and regulations are set to issue books. The class wise time table for issuing the books is prepared. The duties of teachers are allocated. The class representatives are given duties and help teachers in order to maintain discipline in the library. The management also conveys teachers to design assignments which demand the extensive use of library resources.
The plan was implemented for ninth and tenth standard students. Firstly the students are oriented about the different resources available for them and how these can be used. The records are maintained properly. It is observed that there is a gradual increase in the number of readers and the books issued.
- What is the major concern of the management?
- How do they come to know about the utility of the library?
- What operations are analyzed by the team members?
- What strategies are used to motivate students for reading?
- Why do you think the rules and regulations are designed?
- What the different controls are used in the school?
- How do they find out the discrepancy in expected and actual outcome?
Controlling is consider as one of the functions of management and therefore is a very systematic process with following steps.
1.2 Steps in Controlling:
Establishment of controlled standards: While performing a task we decide standards. We apply some parameters in order to accept the work done. These performance standards in case of products of manufacturing unit may be same but when we are dealing with human beings then may depend on the qualities of learner. For example if a child has a problem in speech then i will not expect from him to speak four to five sentences that I expect from his counterpart.
When the teacher gives assignment to students and set standards for assigning marks it means she is thinking of deciding the acceptable performance of student for the assignment. For example the essay on creative writing is given to students of standard ninth so one of the criteria can be the description of characters using different adjectives. If student make use of unusual adjectives then he or she is more creative. Likewise, the different criteria will be set keeping in mind the creative writing skills and students’ creative writings will be assessed on the basis of these criteria. In institution, decide the set standards like increasing admission
Measurement of performance: The performance in measured on the basis of the criteria created. In the previous example, the teacher will assess the essays on the basis of whatever criteria set as a standard for accepting the work.
Comparison between performance and set standards: When we compare the expected work and actual performance then there is a possibility that we may get actual performance better than expected or actual performance is less than expected or expected and actual outcome are nearly same. The discrepancy in the expected and actual directs the further actions of manager. If performance is better, then the higher goals are to be set but if the actual performance is not matching with the expected standards, then the manager needs to check the operations & processes, and work on the areas of improvement. For example, the management wants teachers to use ICT in teaching learning that is conveyed to them and later the teachers’ lessons were observed. It is found that teachers are using only power point presentations rather than integrating ICT. It was noted down that the use of technology is limited. Further Principal talk to teachers to understand their perceptions about integrating ICT in teaching learning. Once the deviation is observed and found that teachers are uncomfortable and therefore not confident then the next step of correction starts .she arranged orientation, gives links and communication
Correction of deviations from standards Corrective plan: The corrective action plan help to bridge the gap between expected and actual performance. In case of the earlier example of integrating ICT the management can organize ICT training for teachers, provide various links in order to enrich their knowledge and skills. For the workshop, the separate plan will have to be prepared to bridge gap between expected and actual performance.
Communicating the discrepancy: The discrepancy observed in expected and actual performance must be conveyed to people working on the task. In any institution communication plays very important role in motivating people. How one communicates influence people’s behavior. The discrepancies should be conveyed to people in such a way that the person is convinced and realizes his or her mistake. It should never be for humiliating people or finding out faults with them. If manager involves people in the communication, process thereby designing the communication channels it help people to understand their role in more specific manner.
Implementation of corrective plans: The corrective plans are implemented as per the plan and further the performance is measured. For example, after the workshop on ICT the lessons of the teachers will be observed in order to see the bridge in the expected and actual performance.
1.3 Importance of controlling:
Adjustments in operations: The operations can be adjusted as per the task completed and the task needs to be completed. The tasks when interlinked and linear then you need to think of time availability and the sequence of activities. There are some operations which can be done parallel. For example few teachers are interested in attending workshop which is very useful for them so the principal redesign the time table for two days and give more time to students for presentations or other work which they are expected to do by themselves.
Policy verification: It helps to analyze the time required by each activity in comparison with the time allotted in planning. The comparison with set standards will help in verifying the completion of actions in the context of time and strategies. Policies are great success in one state in one state and failure in other. For example while studying the impact of Mid day meal scheme in India it is observed that the enrollment of students is increased to a large extend in Tamilnadu state while the enrollment in Maharashtra is not increased to the expected level. In the evaluation study the efforts are made to find out the reasons for success and failure. The gap in the expected outcome and actual outcome helps in verification of policy. The policy in itself is good but the way it is implemented and other factors make it successful. In other words it checks the process at different levels and find out the loopholes.
Co-ordination in action: The different activities performed by different departments can be coordinated which can save time, money and energy. Parallel operations are carried out which requires same type of resources. Proper coordination is required among the different tasks. The resources in terms of human efforts can be utilized optimally. There are some activities which are mechanical so can be given to a person who may not know the reading or writing. For example, the invitation cards of annual day are to be sent to people so peon can do the writing of address and posting so that the clerk can be engaged in some other activity.
Monitors environmental changes: The functions of management are taken place and influence by the environment. For example when the technology first introduced in various field that time people were not ready to learn it as there was a fear that the technology will replace the human being and education field is no exception. When the teachers understood that the ICT is helpful in making teaching learning effective then technology was accepted. They also realized that if they learn new skills especially technological skills then the teaching learning could be more effective. In many schools the teachers are sent for ICT training. The training was made mandatory to teachers. The controlling help in monitoring the changes in the system.
Increases organizational efficiency and effectiveness: Controlling enhances effectiveness and efficiency of the institution. Proper controlling help in analyzing the actions and taking corrective measures that help in completing goal without compromising on quality. Completion of task in minimum resources is efficiency. For example, organization set objective to achieve 100 % result of standard tenth and got it then one can say that it is done efficiently. On the other hand the management not only have the goal of 100 % result but targeted to have minimum 80% students to be in distinction and if achieve this then it can be said that the work is done with efficiency and effectively. In second case, the school need to put in more efforts or additional efforts than the first case. The controlling help to identify the gaps in the expected outcome and actual work done in general but the actions in various processes which may influence efficiency and effectiveness negatively. Therefore one can take corrective action at the particular step so that the entire process proceeds in a smooth way.
As we mentioned earlier, controlling is not the process of stopping people from doing work but it is directing people so that the correct strategies can be followed. Controlling and directing go hand in hand. The efficient and effective organization will direct people to complete the task by motivating them. For example a school has decided to achieve 100% result of grade Xth. While taking action for this or implementing various activities in order to improve the result it is found that the students could not score good marks in mathematics. So the teachers decided to give more and more practice sums to students by solving old question papers. In this case rather than scolding teachers if principal help in analyzing the students potential in performing geometry and algebra chapter wise and decide strategies of teaching by ability grouping then it will be consider as directing. Here the principal is going to give different strategy to score good marks but at the same time he had control the teachers’ behavior of repeatedly asking students to solve question papers.
1.4 Directing
A function that is very closely associated with the controlling is directing. It is the process of motivating, guiding and instructing people to complete task. There is no single way of doing things. Different people can perform a same task in different ways. The manager need to analyze the potentiality of people and guide them so that not only the task will be completed but also the get motivation as their strengths are also considered.
1.5 Element of Direction
Direction is the process that has positive approach so the manager try to understand people and help them achieving goals. The different elements that plays important role are discussed further.
Communication: The communication process involves the sender, the message, receiver and media through which the message is sent. One has to answer the questions who said what through which channel and to whom. These answers will help to create communication channels. The channels may be horizontal, vertical only or it can be a combination of both. The channels depend on the type of task undertaken. When the task is linear then the channel can be only vertical. Usually the sequential task need the vertical channels. For example in admission process the student has to appear for common entrance test then select college then in college complete the formalities one by one and finally pay the fees. Different people involved in admission committee are assigned specific tasks like checking of application form, checking of caste validity, subject distribution, Allotment of subjects etc. Here you can see the hierarchy. The clerk will just check documents that do not require any decisions. Teachers do the caste verification and they have to see the document minutely in order to check its authenticity. The subject allotment requires few complex skills like seats distribution in general and in specific in the context of legal and social reservation policy of the government. The student will have to follow the procedure and everyone knows the sequence of communication. So if there is some problem in caste certificate that is reported to authority and accordingly the decision of admission are taken.
Not all tasks are linear but when the tasks are complicated, one should think of vertical and horizontal channels of communication. When the task has lot of interdependency then the communication channels are planned carefully otherwise miscommunication may lead to incompletion of task. The horizontal channels are set up among different departments so that each department will achieve its goal as well as institutions goals. For example, the school is organizing a picnic for high school students then the principal will have to see all the activities conducted by different departments for student to decide the date of picnic. (Like history day celebration by history section or science exhibition, annual day etc). It will also give an idea of availability of teachers. Therefore, setting communication channel gives very clear picture to people, what they have to do and to whom they should report otherwise everybody’s work is nobody’s work.
Leadership and supervision: Supervision is very necessary in the institutions, as there are lot of activities going on at the same time. Some activities are independent but many are interdependent. In order to achieve shared goal supervision is necessary as it ensures the completion of tasks. The leader is expected to lead a group that is to help people in completing the task and supervision help in understanding the extent of completion of task. The leader need to explain what is to be done, how it is to be done and provide feedback to team members during and after the task completion.
Motivation: In an institution, people with unique characteristics come together and work. Some people are intrinsically motivated to work so the manager may not have to work on their motivation but some people may not have intrinsic motivation so one need to think of extrinsic motivation. The manager must appreciate the efforts of intrinsically motivated people and can have a reward system in order to provide extrinsic motivation to people.
1.6 Need and importance of direction:
The direction plays very important role in developing a conducive work culture in the institution.
Leader initiates the communication: Through the process of directing leader leads the team and establish communication channels. The communication plays very important role in directing. For example, When Principal say I want you to increase the admission this year it means she or he considers people are unimportant and they need to work for him or her. However, if it is said that we have to increase our admissions then teachers will feel that it is everybody’s work. In first case, the manager is heading the institution but not leading the institution. The leader also gives freedom to teachers and ready to accept that people may not accept his or her suggestions. The communication plays very important role in motivating people. Many times people need recognition for their work and it is not in the form of material kind or goods. The appreciation in the form of words help to gain sense of belongingness and can better connect with institution
Boosting of Morale: People are enthusiastic to work. The leader can give them challenges and keep their enthusiasm alive. The way of direction through proper communication help in building confidence among people. The good communication help in developing bonds among people and teams can create wonders.
As an education manager think of directing people so that automatically you can control the actions which you want to avoid.
1.7 Summary
Controlling is a very systematic process that helps in achieving the goals of an institution. It follows the following steps.
Steps in controlling
- Establishment of controlled standards
- Measurement of performance
- Comparison between performance and set standards
- Correction of deviations from standards Corrective plan
- Communicating the discrepancies
- Implementation of corrective plans
The diagrammatic representation of controlling is as follows
Importance of controlling
- Adjustments in operations
- Policy verification
- Co-ordination in action
- Monitors environmental changes
- Increases Organizational efficiency and effectiveness
A function that is very closely associated with the controlling is directing. It is the process of motivating, guiding and instructing people to complete task.
Elements of directing
- Communication
- Leadership and supervision
- Motivation
Need and Importance of directing
- Leader initiate communication
- Motivates people
- Develop teams
- Boost morals
Controlling is a function of management that help manager to bring quality in the system. It is closely associated with the planning. The planning process starts with setting objectives and in controlling the manager make sure that the set objectives are achieved. However, the objective is same but the strategies or ways to achieve the objectives can be different. Controlling help to supervise the processes and operations involved while moving toward the completion of task. Directing goes parallel with controlling. One has to instruct people in order to motivate them to do their job. In order to direct people manager has to start communication and it should motivate people to perform. People are ready to take feedback but the manager should give a feedback with the intention of improving the quality of work. The feedback should focus on work and not a person. It is important to note that the manager need to be problem focused and not person focused so that the system can function efficiently and effectively.
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- Drucker P (2006) Management : Tasks, Responsibilities ,Practices. New Delhi ; Allied publication
- Mahajan J.P.(2016) Principles and Practice of Management ; New Delhi, Ane books pvt ltd.
- Sukhapura M.& Limaya U(2010) Organizational Behaviour. New Delhi, Himalaya publishing house