13 Organisation IV
1. Introduction
2. Importance of organizing
3. Advantages of organizing
4. Limitation of organizing
5. Summary
After going through the content, the learner will be able to
Ø Explain the aspects of organizational chart
Ø Explain the advantages of organizational chart
Ø Explain the limitations of organizational chart
1. Organisation Chart
In the organisation function of management manager correlates and groups the activities carried out in an institution. The organisation chart is the tool in which the activities carried out in an institution are represented in a graphical way. It shows the structure of organisation.
In the above chart different departments or activities carried out in the school are given. The teachers are grouped subject wise. The responsibility of admission is given to Hindi and social studies teachers. Education manager needs to adjust the timetable of these teachers so that they can do admission related work. Same is the case for examination work. Students’ report and curriculum development is the responsibility of all the teachers. Certain activities such as organising social events, admissions etc are the extra activities apart from regular duties which teachers have to perform. This chart helps educational manager to restructure or if he or she wishes to introduce new activity then he or she gets the information about which teachers can be involved. Therefore organisation chart is considered as an important tool and displayed in the organisation.
2. Importance of organizing
Organising is one of the important function of the management as it helps manager to achieve the goal.
Ø Facilitating management:
It facilitates the functions of management. If the things are organised properly it not only helps in planning process but also in delegation and control process.
Ø Encouraging growth:
It encourages the growth of the institution. Every organisation sets up the yearly, six monthly as well as monthly goals. It helps to understand what all activities are carried out in institution and what new activities can be planned.
Ø Optimum use of technological improvement:
The organisation process is influenced by technological development. Organisations adopt the technologies hence it is possible to conduct activities by using technology. Eg: Earlier teachers used to enter marks manually in the mark-lists. But now they can enter them in a software, share with other teachers and process the result very fast. Another example can be doing correspondence by using e-mail. This can save time and expedite the work. The technology can be used effectively for completing different types of activities
Ø Encouraging human being:
Organising cannot be rigid. Every organisation is influenced by the environment. External environment as well as human nature helps in deciding the goals. All educational institutions have common goal of development of students. But within that each institution may have their different goals. Therefore organising is a process which encourages human being because a plan of activities, grouping of activities can be changed due to changes in the environment and influencing the system. The organising process or grouping of activities also can be changed.
Ø Stimulating creativity:
It is said that if person does things and find out something new then on that basis system can be changed. While grouping the activities if one can think innovatively then it can lead to doing the activities differently. This may also help in saving the resources. The coordination among and between activities help in establishing relationship and so the activities from different sections are perceived by people differently which can help in solving problems creatively.
3. Advantages of organizing
There are many advantages of organisation.
Ø Management tool:
This function works as a management tool. It presents broad picture of positions of people as well as the responsibility given to them. It provides clarity in interpersonal pattern of the organization. The organisational chart helps the newly recruited person to understand from whom he or she is accountable.
Ø Avoiding overlapping and duplication:
The organizational charts give clear picture about who is doing what and whom it is reported. This helps manager to avoid unnecessary duplication of work and help in optimum utilization of resources. When organisational structure is prepared it is ensured that all the activities are accounted and there is no duplication. While preparing the structure manager can also visualise if there is any flaw in the organisation process.
Ø Solving organizational conflict:
In every institution there is hierarchy. If people do not have clarity about their roles and responsibilities then nobody will be accountable for work. This will create chaos in the organisation. In organisation process authority is given to individuals. In doing so people get freedom along with the responsibility. It gives person the clarity about his or her responsibility and to whom they are going to report. This clarity helps to avoid the conflict
Ø Training guides:
The organisational chart depicts organization set up. These charts can be used for training. Eg: If in a school there is human resource department responsible for professional development of teachers. Organisational chart provides proper guide line and pin point the training need. If teachers are due for supervisory post then there is a need to organise training as per the requirement of the position.
Ø Reference for outsiders:
Organisational chart serve as a reference for stakeholders. It helps them to decide how to deal with the organisation. They come to know whom to approach for a particular work. The stakeholder can see who is doing what work so they can approach concerned person in order to solve /discuss/initiate their query. This saves time of stakeholder as well as organisation.
4. Limitation of organizing:
Although organisation is very important function of management it still has few limitations.
Ø Rigidity:
Organizational hierarchy is depicted in the form of organization chart. This chart specifies the position of each person in the organisation. This position in the hierarchy decides the roles and responsibilities of the person. Sometimes it bring rigidity as it specifies who will do what and people tend to stick to it stating that it’s not my work. eg: The senior teacher in the absence of supervisor may not be ready to take any decision related to secondary section even if the situation is critical.
Ø Partial picture:
It is possible that the organizational chart is not in a position to portrait the work delegation of everybody and partial picture may lead to problems. It shows only authorised relationships in the organisation. In an organisation there can be informal relationships between the members. Actual behaviour of the person is determined by formal and informal relations. Eg: Although office superintendent is lower in hierarchy, due to the informal relationship he or she may willingly do the work of assistant registrar. This relationship does not get reflected in organisational structure.
Ø Inappropriate description of authority:
The organisation chart only shows the relative positions of each member as well as information about who will be reporting to whom. The accurate description about the degree of authority and amount of responsibility is not visible. In very big organizations the heads of the sections are mentioned but they may not be the final decision making authority. Eg: In the hierarchy two officers may be reporting to same authority but may not be having same salary scale or powers.
Ø Psychological problems:
Organizational structure tells individual about his or her relative position in the organisation and authority one gets due to position. Because of this there is possibility of people developing superiority complex. It may have adverse effect on the relationships. Another problem is that due to key position in the structure people are always under pressure as they keep on seeing that they have to complete these many tasks in stipulated time period.
5. Summary
Ø Organisation Chart:
It the tool in which the activities carried out in an institution are represented in a graphical way. It shows the structure of organisation. This chart helps manager to restructure or if he or she wishes to introduce new activity then he or she gets the information about which persons can be involved. Therefore, organisation chart is considered as an important tool and displayed in the organisation.
Ø Importance of organizing:
Organising is one of the important function of the management as it helps manager to achieve the goal.
- Facilitating management
- Encouraging growth
- Optimum use of technological improvement
- Encouraging human being
- Stimulating creativity
Ø Advantages of organizing:
There are many advantages of organisation.
- Management tool
- Avoiding overlapping and duplication
- Solving organizational conflict
- Training guides
- Easy dealing with outsiders
Ø Limitation of organizing:
Although organisation is very important function of management it still has few limitations.
- Rigidity
- Partial picture
- Inappropriate authority
- Psychological problems
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- Child J. (2005) Organization: Contemporary Principles and Practice. USA: Blackwell publishing
- Dessler, G. (2005) Human Resource Management, 10th ed, New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall.
- Gupta, C. (2006) Human Resource Management, New Delhi: Sultan Chand and Sons
- Koontz H. Weihrich H.(2015) Essentials of Management. New Delhi: Mc Graw hills
- Tripathy P. & Reddy P (2012) Principles of Management, New Delhi: Mc Graw hills.
- Stephen Robbins, Timothy A. Judge, Vohra N (2015) Organizational Behavior. New Delhi; Pearsons