29 Conflict Management
1. Objectives
2. Introduction
3. Conflict Management
4. Conflict Management Strategies
5. Resolving Conflict
6. How to manage Inter-personal conflicts in the organization ?
7. Conclusion
1. Objectives
At the end of the session learners will be able to
- Explain meaning of conflict management.
- Suggest ways for Conflict Management.
- Suggest Conflict Management Strategies.
- Suggestways of Resolving Conflict.
- Suggestways to manage Inter-personal conflicts in the organization.
2. Introduction
Conflict is part of life and is as normal as breathing. As human beings we are so unique from each other with different needs which leads to disagreement.All of us experience conflict at places like home, workplace, society. Conflict is a normal part of life and there are many issues that could cause conflicts to arise within community organizations. Conflict can occur between employees, committee members, volunteers, clients or the community. If not resolved conflict can be highly destructive. However management can take steps to minimize potential situations of conflict before they arise or to resolve conflict constructively.
3. Conflict Management
Conflict management is the process of limiting the negative aspects of conflict while increasing the positive aspects of conflict. Conflict management is the practice of being able to identify and handle conflicts sensibly, fairly, and efficiently.
Conflict Management is understanding how to handle conflict and deciding how to deal with stress and manage conflict situations.
Conflict management involves acquiring skills related to conflict resolution, self – awareness about conflict modes, conflict communication skills, and establishing a structure for management of conflict in your environment.
The aim of conflict management is to enhance learning and group outcomes, including effectiveness or performance in organizational setting (Rahim, 2002, p. 208).
Scenario 1
Shirley and Abdul both work for a Project of the School. The Principal has hired Abdul. Shirley, a vice principal, also interviewed Abdul, but strongly opposed hiring him because she thought he was not competent to do the job. Seven months after Abdul was hired, the Principal left the school to start her own school. Now Shirley becomes the principal and abdul becomes the vice Principal of the school.Shirley didn’t like Abdul as a vice Principal but management of the school decides to make Abdul as vice Principal.
Within a month Shirley was angry because Abdul was representing himself to others as the principal of the school and giving the impression that Shirley was working for him. Now Shirley and Abdul are meeting with you to see if you can resolve the conflict between them.
Shirley says: “Right after the joint leadership arrangement was reached with the Principal, Abdul called a meeting of the project team without even consulting me about the time or content. He just told me when it was being held and said I should be there. At the meeting, Abdul reviewed everyone’s duties line by line, including mine, treating me as just another team member working for him. He sends out letters and signs himself as project director, which obviously implies to others that I am working for him.”
Abdul says: “Shirley is all hung up with feelings of power and titles. Just because I sign myself as project director doesn’t mean she is working for me. I don’t see anything to get excited about. What difference does it make? She is too sensitive about everything. I call a meeting and right away she thinks I’m trying to run everything. Shirley has other things to do?so she doesn’t pay too much attention to this one. She mostly lets things slide. But when I take the initiative to set up a meeting, she starts jumping up and down about how I am trying to make her work for me.”
- Abdul and Shirley seem to have several conflicts occurring simultaneously. Identify as many of these individual conflicts as possible.
- What are the possible ways to deal with the conflict between Abdul and Shirley?
- Given all the benefits of retrospection, what could or should have been done to avoid this conflict in the first place?
The answer to this is conflict management. Conflict management is a behavior that an individual in conflict adopts to address dissonance with others in the organization. Negotiation is one of the conflict management strategy. Many people think negotiation as competition where one side wins and other loses, in reality negotiation involves a more complex mixture of wining and losing. The outcome of almost all two party negotiations can be categorized as win-lose (one party benefits to the deteriment of other), lose-lose (both the parties are worse of after negotiation) or win-win(both the parties get benefited). If the negotiation fails, no agreement has been reached and the parties are forced to seek alternative solution.
There are several ways of conflict management some of which require changing structure, some require changing process and some require changing both. Sometimes the change require for both the parties. In this kind of situations there are four types of possibilities for managing conflict.
(Source -https://www.slideshare.net/balbir3000/conflict-management-42087896)
Win – Win
In win-win situation both the parties end up with their target range. A solution which allows both parties involved in the situation to come away feeling satisfied with the outcome. It is a situation in which fair middle ground is reached that benefits both the parties. Win-win outcome occurs when each side of the dispute feels they have win. Since bothe the parties benefit fro such a scenario, any resolution to conflict are likely to be accepted voluntarily. Win-win results are the most stable outcome of negotiation. Since both the parties are happy with the result, they have little reason to back out at a later time. Both the parties have an incentive to negotiate with each other again, laying the foundation for a mutually benefitial working relationship. The process of integrative bargaining aims to achieve, through cooperation, win win outcome.
Win – Lose
In win-lose scenario, both parties attempts to win, without much regard for the outcome of ther party. A solution which allows one party to be satisfied with the outcome and other party to be dissatisfied with the outcome. In win-lose scenario one party falls within the target range or even exceeds target range and other party falls below their target range. Win – lose situation results when only one side perceives the outcome as positive. This can happen when the losing side doesn’t know what their best alternative will be in the negotiation, or where they keep negotiating aginst their own interest. Many other factors like coercion and asymmentric information can also lead to win-lose outcomes. Thus win-lose outcomes are less likely to be accepted voluntarily. Distributive bargaining process based on principle of competition between parties is followed.
Lose – Win
In Lose-winscenario, both parties attempts to win, without much regard for the outcome of ther party. A solution which allows one party to be dissatisfied with the outcome and other party to be satisfied with the outcome. InLose- win scenario one party falls below the target range and other party falls above or even exceeds target range. Win – lose situation results when only one side perceives the outcome as positive. This can happen when the losing side doesn’t know what their best alternative will be in the negotiation, or where they keep negotiating aginst their own interest. Many other factors like coercion and asymmentric information can also lead to Lose-win outcomes. Thus Lose-win outcomes are less likely to be accepted voluntarily. Distributive bargaining process based on principle of competition between parties is followed.
This is the situation in which the negotiators fails to reach an agreement, both parties may end up in worse positions than when they started the negotiation. A solution which allows both parties involved in the situation to come away feeling dissatisfied with the outcome. Lose –lose means that both the parties end up being worse off. If one or both parties can’t walk away fronegotiation, but are unwilling to make concessions, both will be forced to deal with the poor consequences of not reaching an agreement. Alternatively, both parties could be too quick to make concessions, reaching a compromise that is fair, but detrimental to both sides. Likewise, if both parties are mistaken about the benefits of what the other side is offering, they may reach an agreement they later come to regret.In some lose-lose situations, all parties understand that losses are unavoidable and that they will be evenly distributed. In such situations, lose-lose outcomes can be preferable to win-lose outcomes because the distribution is at least considered to be fair.
4. Conflict Management Strategies
Conflict management style is a behavior that an individual or leader in conflict adopts to address dissonance with others in the organization. The degree to which one party attempts to satisfy other party’s concern is known as Cooperativeness.
Thomas (1976) presents five styles of handling conflict: Competing, Collaborating, Compromising, Avoiding and Accommodating. These styles are designed to measure a person’s behavior in conflict situations. “Conflict situations” are those in which the concerns of two people appear to be incompatible. In such situations, an individual’s behavior can be described along two dimensions: (1) assertiveness, the extent to which the person attempts to satisfy his own concerns, and (2) cooperativeness, the extent to which the person attempts to satisfy the other person’s concerns. These two basic dimensions of behavior define five different modes for responding to conflict situations.
Conflict Management Strategies
(Source -https://www.decision-wise.com/webinar-on-demand/conflict- management –styles-and-strategies /5-conflict-management-strategies-205)
Competing (win-lose)- In this style an individual pursues his own concerns at other person’s expense. This is a power-oriented mode in which individual use whatever power seems appropriate to win his own position. Competing means “standing up for ones rights,” defending a position which one believe is correct, or simply trying to win.A person puts his/her interests before anyone else’s interests. One stands up for his right and uses all the power to win his position. It is assertive and uncooperative dimension of conflict handling.
This style can be used only when one’s leadership is established. There is low relationship orientation in this style.
Accommodating (lose-win)- It is complete opposite of competing. When accommodating, the individual neglects his own concerns to satisfy the concerns of the other person; there is an element of self-sacrifice in this mode. Accommodating might take the form of selfless generosity or charity, obeying another person’s order when you would prefer not to, or yielding to another’s point of view. To solve the conflict, if someone puts his interests last so as to satisfy concerns of others by giving in, sacrificing, accepting or yielding other’s view point it is called accommodation. It is unassertive and cooperative dimension of conflict handling.
However, being too accommodating too often can weaken ones position to the point where his voice is never heard. This style is used when the new approach is to be used in the very near future. There is high relationship orientation in this style.
Avoiding(lose-lose) – In this the person neither pursues his own concerns nor those of the other individual. Thus he does not deal with the conflict. Avoiding might take the form of diplomatically sidestepping an issue, postponing an issue until a better time or simply withdrawing from a threatening situation. It is unassertive and uncooperative dimension of conflict handling.
This strategy is used when the effort to resolve is not worth the salt, but this approach over the time worsens the situation.
Collaborating (win-win)- It is complete opposite of avoiding. Collaborating involves an attempt to work with others to find some solution that fully satisfies their concerns. It means digging into an issue to pinpoint the underlying needs and wants of the two individuals. Collaborating between two persons might take the form of exploring a disagreement to learn from each other’s insights or trying to find a creative solution to an interpersonal problem. It is both assertive and cooperative dimension of conflict handling.
This style focuses on satisfying the underlying concerns of both the parties, meeting many current needs by working together. Through this style, employees develop ownership and commitment.
Compromising (win-lose)- The most efficient negotiation style, in terms of meeting everyone’s underlying interests and needs is Accomodatingstyle.In this the objective is to find some expedient, mutually acceptable solution that partially satisfies both parties. It falls intermediate between competing and accommodating. Compromising gives up more than competing but less than accommodating. Likewise, it addresses an issue more directly than avoiding, but does not explore it in as much depth as collaborating. In some situations, compromising might mean splitting the difference between the two positions, exchanging concessions, or seeking a quick middle-ground solution. It is moderate in both assertiveness and cooperativeness in conflict handling. The conflict handling intention of mid ranging both assertiveness and cooperativeness is known as compromising.
Compromise is on the path toward collaboration , somewhere between competition and accommodation.It is mutual give-and-take to satisfy both the parties, or both may say’something is better than nothing’.There would be negotiated relationship orientation.
When working through conflict with someone , it’s important to understand the characteristic behaviors they might exhibit if they are more prone to a particular conflict management approach. It is also important to understand when it is more appropriate to use certain approaches.
5. Resolving Conflict
Ceona and Anne the students in a Grade 3 class are painting. Ceona is using a large paintbrush, but wants a smaller one to finish her work. Anne is also using a large paintbrush, but has a smaller one in front of her that she is not using. When Ceonaasks Anne for the smaller brush, she tells her she has to wait until she is finished. When she turns around, she accidentally touches Ceona’s skirt with her paintbrush and leaves a paint stain. She gets upset and pours water on Anne’s picture.
- How are the different people in this case study feeling?
- How can the situation be resolved ?
Conflict reduction methods reduce the antagonism aroused by conflict. These methods manage the level of conflict by ‘cooling things down’ but do not deal with the issues that gave rise to the original conflict. Following are some of conflict resolution strategies. These are some of the actions that manager can take to deal directly with the conflicting parties.
Conflict resolution through higher authorities
Many a times it happens that unless and until the higher authorities intervenes, conflict doesn’t get resolve. So in conflict situation higher authorities need to intervene in handling conflict. If there is conflict between teaching and non teaching staff then at that time principal should look into the matter to resolve conflict.
Keeping discussion away from conflict
As far as possible try to avoid conflicting situstion. Many a times particular views, opinion and attitudes of the person give rise to conflict situation. One needs to be careful that ones’s feelings, values, attitude and behavior is not hurting other’s feelings. If it happens so one should avoid such kind of situation.
Give and take approach for both the parties
It may not happen that at all the time the two parties will be at win win situation so at that time one party should step back and do some kind of sacrifice for other party. Ther should be give and take approach in conflicting situation. All the time it should not happen that only one part is benefiting and other party is at loss.
Expression of feelings
Provide an opportunity to staff members to express their feelings. There should be open discussions and meetings wherin members of the organization gets the chance to express their feelings by putting forth their views, opinions. There should be provision of suggestion boxes in the organization wherein any one can put their opinions, views and suggestions in those suggestion boxes.
Encourage feedback
As and when possible provide frequent feedback about person’s good as well as bad behavior. If the manager provides correct, timely feedback for wrong behavior of any person frequently, then in course of time the bad behavior will be stopped and thus the conflicting situation can be avoided. Constructive feedback avoids conflicting situations.
Altering behavior of conflict raising person
Many atimes aggressive nature of the person creates conflict. So such kind of behavior nees to change. This can be done by telling, providing feedback and even counselling a person if reqires.
Avoid blame
Blame game is the major source of conflict. Don’t blame the person for his mistakes rather provide open feedback for the mistake and issues. Rather than blaming the person focus on the problem and find the solution of the problem which may avoid conflicting situation.
Separating two parties and giving different tasks
If you find that there is conflict between parties, separate those parties and give them different tasks.
Use of role clarification procedures such as job expectation technique, role analysis technique
Role ambiguity and role conflict give birth to conflict. So in order to avoid role ambiguity and role conflict one must make use of job expectation technique and role analysis technique. In job expectation technique the person is made aware of his job, what he is expected to do. In job analysis the time needed to job is analyzed, what all resources nedded and availability of those resources are thought of in advance so that future consequences of conflict situation can be avoided.
Intervention of neutral third party
If one finds that there is conflict between two parties in the organization, try to find neutral person and request that person to intervene and stop the conflict. As the person is neutral he will not take any parties side so the judgement given by him will be considersd objective and both the parties may agree with the solution given by him. A third party is brought in to resolve dispute between two parties in an organizational conflict. The party is abide by the decision made by third party, This is known as Arbitration.
Empathize than sympathize
In conflict situation one needs to think how I would have behave or how I would have feel. So the person will realize how others might be feeling. So emphathise rather than symphathise is more important in conflicting situation. Sympathy is always outwardly.
Listen actively
Try to listen and understand what other person wants to say. Be an active listener and patient lisner in conflicting situation. Because active and patient listening provides thorough understanding of the problem.
Equal treatment
Provide equal treatment to all the members in the organization. Don’t be biased, be fair in trating all, don’t show favouratism towards any member of the organization because it may hurt others feelings.
Focus on issue rather than personality
Don’t blame the person but focus on the issue. Because when the person focusses on the issue then only person can arrive at the solution of the problem.
6. How to manage interpersonal conflicts in the organization?
No manager should avoid a conflict, hoping it will go away. Manager needs to take specific actions to handle conflict arise in the organization. It would be better to to ask to participants to describe specific actions they want the other party to take. It would be beneficial to have a third party involved. It is advisable not to meet separately with people in conflict.
A manager should take following actions to minimize conflicts:
Regular Revieww of Job Descriptions
With the pace of change the job description must also change. But this will be possible only when the job descriptions are regularly reviewed.
Establish rapport and build relationship with all of your subordinates
Meet the subordinates at regular intervals. Ask them about their achievements, problems and challenges.If any subordinate has any problem try to solve his problem.
Regular Reports
A manager must get progress report about his subordinates regularly, indicating achievements, current needs and future scenario.
Every manager needs to provide training in interpersonal communication, conflict management and delegation of authority. Subordinates also needs to provide training for new skills and competencies required to perform his current job. This will increase his confidence and morale which will reduce the chances of conflict which may arise due to stress and tension for performing the task.
Mutual Development of Procedures
Procedure should be developed for routine tasks, keeping in mind the inputs received from employees. If possible encourage them to write. Such written procedures should be distributed to all concerened. If the need be, concerned employees be trained in those procedures.
Holding regular meetings
The managers need to hold regular management meetings to inform subordinates about new initiatives to be taken and the progress of current programmes.
Anonymous Suggestion box
Ther should provision of suggestion box in the organization wherein employys can put their suggestions and complaints with anonymity. These suggestion boxes should be regularly opened up and employees suggestions and complaints should be considered and certain actions should be taken in order to avoid future conflicts.
7. Conclusion
Conflict can be healthy if it is managed effectively. Conflict management requires a combination of analytical and human skills. Good conflict managers work at the source of conflict. To resolve it permanently, one must address the cause of the conflict and not just the symptoms of it. Size up possible clashes before ‘contact’ is actually made and then prepare action plan to handle potential trouble. Concentrate on building an atmosphere designed to reduce destructive conflict and deal with routine frictions and minor differences before they become unmanageable. The key to resolving conflict with positive outcome includes looking for a win-win situation, cutting losses when necessary, formulating proactive conflict management strategies, using effective negotiation and communication, and appreciating cultural differences among members of the organization.
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- Deshmukh, A ( 2010) Educational management, First Edition, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai.
- Luthans, F (2005) Organizational Behaviour, Sixth Edition, New McGrew Hills,New York
- Pandya, S.R ( 2004) Administration and Management of Education, Second Edition, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai.
- Rahim, M.A. (2001). Managing conflict in organizations (3rd ed.). Westport, CT:Quorum Books.
- Stoner, J ( 1987) Management, Third Edition, Prentice Hall of India Pvt Ltd. New Delhi.
- Thomas, K.W. (1976) Conflict and conflict management., Handbook of industrial and organizational psychology(pp. 889-935). New york:wiley & sons.